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  1. So, this is my first thread here on the B&C and for it I'll be documenting progress on my latest army, the Alpha Legion (30k) So here goes nothing: First up my Praetor Now the autocannons: Thanks for taking the time to look, C&C welcome Apologies for poor quality, only camera I have is my phone
  2. After a few false starts, and a real hobby funk, who'd have thought that all it took to drag me back to the Heresy was a new edition? I've been stopping and starting for a while, unsure what to do. In the end, I decided to just go with the flow and not put pressure on myself. I've got a stack of stuff I need to work on, so I'm just doing bits and bobs as I go along, and hopefully there'll be some semblance of an army come the end of it! To that end, I'm making a start with one of my favourite minis from Forge World, Qin XA. I'm just gonna use him as a bog standard Praetor with Paragon Blade I imagine. Happy with him so far!
  3. Well, it's been an awfully long time since I've posted anything of my own, but I'm starting to get a bit more time available for the hobby now. This log is most likely going to be updated sporadically and the background of the force is only vaguely sketched out in my mind, so fluff may be a while in coming. Nevertheless, welcome to my new project log for that most brutal and unrelenting of legions - the Iron Tenth. I leave with you with the first eight members of a Seeker squad, though they are awaiting a fresh shipment of combi-plas with which to destroy the traitor foe:
  4. These two short stories from the Black Library form an Iron Hands narrative revolving around the Chapter's servitors, seen through the eyes of Veteran-Sergeant Dolmech: The Blessing of Iron, by Anthony Reynolds The Memory of Flesh, by Matthew Farrer Published in 2012, they both make for short but sweet reads, and are both wonderfully bonkers in the 40k way. Warmly recommended. Farrer's penmanship is especially suited for the weird story playing out. Have you read them? What did you think?
  5. Hi everyone, I'm putting together my first list and I'm looking for any advice or feedback. The general idea is the immortals and praetor run around contesting objectives while the tac squad sits on an objective in the backfield. The contemptor and moritat with destroyers run around making a nuisance of themselves. X: Iron Hands Rite of War: Company Of Bitter Iron (IH) + HQ: + Centurion [177Pts] . Moritat: Artificer Armour, Bitter Duty (Company of Bitter Iron), Graviton Pistol, Graviton Pistol, Thunder Hammer, Volkite Charger, Warhawk Jump Pack . Moritat Praetor [487Pts]: From Hel’s Heart (Loyalist only), Warlord . Iron-Father: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Thunder Hammer, Volkite Charger . . Bitter Duty (Company of Bitter Iron) . . Iron-Father . Morlock Terminator Squad . . 1) Augmentor: Power Fist, Volkite Culverin . . 2) Morlock: Legion Standard, Power Fist . . 2) Morlock: Graviton Shredder, Power Fist . . 2) Morlock: Power Fist, Volkite Charger + Elites: + Contemptor Dreadnought Talon [180Pts] . Contemptor Dreadnought: Combi-Bolter, Gravis Melta Cannon, Gravis Power Fist with in-built ranged weapon Destroyer Assault Squad [200Pts] . Destroyer Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Phosphex Bomb, Thunder Hammer, Two Bolt Pistols . Destroyer w/ Options: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword . . Missile Launcher (With suspensor web and rad missiles only) . 3x Destroyer w/2x Bolt Pistols, Chainsword: 3x Chainsword, 3x Two Bolt Pistols + Troops: + Medusan Immortal Squad [291Pts] . Immortal Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Thunder Hammer, Volkite Charger . Immortal w/Heavy Weapon (1 in 5): Graviton Shredder . Immortal w/Heavy Weapon (1 in 5): Graviton Shredder . 7x Immortal w/Volkite Charger: 7x Volkite Charger Tactical Squad [165Pts] . Legion Tactical Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter . . Power Weapon: Power Axe . 9x Legionaries (collective): 9x Bolt Pistol, 9x Bolter, 9x Chainsword ++ Total: [1,500Pts] ++
  6. Greetings, welcome to my thread where I'll dump the things I'm slowly working on. Currently I'm muddling around with a HH NL force just as a break from my 40K & AT, maybe I'll be able to play it one day. These are the first models I've used an airbrush and oils on so C&C is welcome! Praetor Night Raptors Half a Terror Squad I've got one and a half terror squads, a chaplain, an apothecary, a contemptor and five more night raptors WIP
  7. - The Path of Thorns - Hello everyone, Although I've been around for quite awhile I feel that this thread needs a bit of an introduction. At one point in time it was my intention to craft a sweeping narrative, with new models being completed and added to the mix on a regular basis, all part of a cohesive theme. This was inspired by some of the older threads I loved like A Lesser Son of Greater Fathers and Among the Red Stones of Pallas. These are a couple of the many creative people here at B&C who have impressed me over the years because they have combined narrative and painting so well. However, I eventually came to the realization that I would not be able to accomplish a task of that scope, so I've simply decided to use this space for posting whatever Heresy-era creations that I am working on at the moment, regardless of the legion or theme involved. A few of these will include small pieces of narritive, but I don't envision there being any type of large, ongoing story at this point. Onward, into the breach! -Morngrym
  8. Hello Fraters! So, this is a bit of a one off, a build of my Player Character for @Black Cohort's ‘A Time of Reaving’ PBP Deathwatch rpg game. The game is set in the Horus Heresy in the aftermath of the Istvaan Massacre. My character is an Iron Hands Breacher (built from the Assault Marine archetype, for anyone who is interested!) called Elvrit Sharr. Elvrit wears MkIII armour and is supposed to be big and brutal, so I wanted to have a go at true-scaling him. Like many others I decided to use Cataphractii TDA legs as a starting point, because they have the segmented rear sections, but I also wanted to try to get closer to the classic frontal armour too. Here's how it’s gone: It was actually simpler than I thought! I started by filing down all of the detail on the front of the Cataphractii legs. Then I used a spare pair of knee pads cut out from the Intercessor greaves bit (though a cheaper method would be a blob of GS!) and stuck them on. The body is just a MkIII body front chopped apart and combined with an Intercessor rear torso for width. (The gap between the armour plates is a bit non-standard for MkIII, but I think the exposed tubes look like the Medusan Immortals torso, so it works for me!) Then I used 0.5mm plastic rod to create the trims and define the shape of the armour panels. Tip: cut the right length of rod, and use a paint brush to create a u-shaped bend in the middle. Then plastic glue them on at the center above/below the knee pad, then once it has set, bend the rod the rest of the way around the sides of the leg and glue it in place. It takes a bit of holding while it sets, but otherwise no problem! Finally, I took the same 0.5mm rod and cut off very thin circular cross sections, these were glued in place to make the rivets. And voila, plastic truescale MkIII with all the trims! (Shoulder pad details are just plasticard cut to shape, and the shield is a 3d print bought on Ebay) C+C very welcome as always, or if you have questions, feel free! Cheers for looking! Lysimachus
  9. Greetings! Last year when I rejoined the ranks of the brotherhood on B&C I had some big plans with my armies and hobby-life. I throw some question here and there on the forum, but the end of the old year and the beginning of the new one crushed all my plans in an instant. My civil life took some serious beatings and I needed to restart my carreer elsewhere. This was a very difficult time, when I needed to rethink many-many things. After months of struggle I think I have again a solid ground under my feet. I looked again for the hobby I like, and I will try to breath new life into it. It is a challenge and an experiment too: do I have the tenacity and passion to take up the flag again? Will be there enough motivation to come back and start anew? I always loved the plogs of others here on B&C, and I thougth that I will start my own. Not only to share some of my hobby-related things with You, but also to try out something that maybe helps me to keep motivated. I had some ups and downs in my long hobby life too, and knew, that sometimes it's really hard to keep up with the work. I never did similar things before - althoug I have long thought about it. I hope that I can make something that You might find interesting, and that I will find a way to keep me on track. Any comments will be welcomed by me, and any help will be much appreciated! I have (currently ) two forces. The only real army is my Iron Hands force, which consists some 70 models. They are mostly Infantry, but I will try to add some vehicles this year. They needed to be painted (and most of the painted ones need to be rebased), but I think I'm on the right way with them. I wanted an infantry-heavy army with lots of bodies on the ground, massive units of Tacticals and a centerpiece unit of Breachers. They will be accompanied with some tanks and support squads. Hopefully I will be able to show some of them to you soon... But the main focus of this particular topic will be my Sons of Horus army. I started them as a side project, and I struggled with them, even lost them nearly completely as some tides swept over me. I wanted to have a traitor force opposing my Iron Tenth, but wasn't sure which Legion to choose. I loved the Sons in the novels, but there where the Emperor's Childrens too, which seemed as an obvious choice - maybe too obvious. But as FW showed the stunning Horus from the Charaster Series I was sure that I have to do an SoH army. I would like to do this project step by step, not rushing, as I didn't want a big pile of shame lying around the house. Better to make it slow... My initial plan is to paint one unit/vehicle or character every month. Hopefully I will be able to get a playable force together until December I didn't consider myself a great painter (sometimes not even a good one), and painting seems sometimes like a chore to me, but I didn't like to play with unpainted models anymore. And that's the second reason I would like to start this plog: because if I will have a fully painted army, I might got back to gaming also (because I didn't had a game in the last one year)...
  10. Hey everyone I'm in the hobby for quite a while now (I started 2009) and really liked the moddeling aspect of it so i wanted to show you a WIP of my latest project i know the pictures a littel bit to big, but it's my first time uploading so, please excuse me. About the Project: I want to do 5 Tzeentch-Termis, they are all WIP right now. i wanted them to interact with the environment (Base) so i chopped them up and reposed them. I wanted to use SM-Termis because the Scourged are rednegades and not part of a Traitor-Legion. With the first Terminator i also wanted to show, that tzeentch-marines can kick ass too, so i wanted him to look really mean http://www.post-per-email.de/T1-P1.jpg http://www.post-per-email.de/T1-P2.jpg http://www.post-per-email.de/T1-P3.jpghttp://www.post-per-email.de/T1-P4.jpg http://www.post-per-email.de/T1-P5.jpg http://www.post-per-email.de/T2-P1.jpg http://www.post-per-email.de/T5-P1.jpg http://www.post-per-email.de/T5-P2.jpg yea, that's it for today, let me know what you think.
  11. Part 3 of the ongoing Saga of the Lord Emperor League campaign, a 1K Point League at my FLGS. Previous games I've played in the series, and other information about the Campaign, can be found here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341428-angry-goats-iron-hands-battle-reports-1k-league/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To describe the weather as dreary would have been a grave understatement. Though the mists had appeared quite suddenly, the density of the fog had more in common with a plasteel bulkhead than the water vapor it was supposed to be made of. As the Dreadnoughts of Task Force Valdosta cautiously advanced through the soup, even their advanced sensors were hard pressed to get through the worst of it. Chaplain Dreadnought Valdosta was spending a disproportionate amount of his processing power just trying to keep the gaps in their patrol line from expanding. Communications were in even worse shape, as the fog reduced their effective range considerably. Scout Squad Kiko, normally sent far forward to recon ahead of the Dreadnought Lines, was forced to stay much closer than they would have preferred just to maintain radio contact. Chaplain Valdosta couldn’t help but think that this was an altogether terrible situation for any fighting force to be in. As if on cue Squad Kiko felt, as much as heard, an incredible rumble approaching. With the opaque weather stifling even their gene-enhanced senses, the Scouts were hard pressed to locate the approaching force. It wasn’t until a massive Walker rushed past and nearly knocked over the tower they had been observing from that they were able to attempt to identify the threat. As the Knight, with the barely observable designation of “Crime”, and an escort of hulking bikes flew past their position, Squad Kiko attempted to issue a warning to the rest of Task Force Valdosta. The warning would not come in time. The first inkling of trouble that the bulk of Task Force Valdosta received was the unmistakable sound of incoming fire. Venerable Ancient Repartida barely had time to register the assault before the impacts began to rock his chassis. The massive shells from the Avenger Gatling Cannon demolished the ruins around him just in time for the Stormspear Rockets and Battle Cannon Shells to land. The Dreadnoughts of the Angry Goats are well known for their resiliency, but even they can’t ignore direct impacts from 120mm rounds. Though the Ancient war machine was not fully destroyed, his systems were damaged enough to force a full system shutdown to avoid a core explosion and he would not be battle worthy again without some extensive repairs. Dealings with Knights that the Angry Goats chapter had come across previously had been far from amicable. These consistently violent meetings had soured the entire Chapter’s opinions of what they now considered “rogue elements”. And as this encounter once again began with an unprovoked attack from what should have been an ally, it only proved their distain well founded. With a rage born of centuries of battle, Valdosta ordered his forces to advance. Unfortunately, the Dreadnoughts had become separated in the fog. And either by luck or by design, it seemed like Crime and his Biker escorts had wedged themselves right into that gap. And with Repartida already disabled, what should have been an ideal cross-fire scenario instead turned into a desperate sprint for Task Force Valdosta to reconnect their forces. But these ancient warrior were far from defenseless even when isolated, and their return fire was swift. In a cold and calculated volley of vengeance, Venerable Ancient Orobica fired his Lascannons and Autocannons at the towering Knight. Though several hits connected and caused damage, it was far from enough to slow Crime down. The two Contemptor Dreadnoughts, Saanen and Pyrenean, as well as Chaplain Valdosta all advanced towards the Knight from opposite sides with their respective Assault Cannons and Bolters spraying the Bikers around the Knight’s feet. But between the dense fog and tightly packed ruins, the shots had no noticeable effect. Seeing the potential for his forces to be surrounded, Rune Priest Gudrun ordered a fighting withdrawal to keep his forces away from the running Dreadnoughts. As he gave the order, his eyes blazed and small series of bright blue energy blasts flew from his Rune Staff at the fast approaching Contemptor Dreadnought Pyrenean, scorching the Ancient’s armor. This was just the reveal that Squad Kiko had been waiting for in the dense fog. Upon seeing the glow, the Scouts let rip with a volley from their Sniper Rifles. But as the rounds flew down towards the Bikers, the Fog seemed to swallow them and the impacts went unnoticed by the Rune Priest. What didn’t go unnoticed, however, was the Scouts fire base. Their failed volley was revealing enough that the keen senses of a pack of Grey Hunters that had been lying in wait were able to zero in on their position. And under a hail of Bolter Fire and roar of Chainswords, these Space Wolves sprung from their cover and charged into the Scouts. What happened in that melee was best left to the fog. Angered at the damage his mighty war machine had suffered, Crime unleashed his full volley of shots at the Venerable Dreadnought Orobica. This time, however, the blasted out ruins surrounding the ancient Dreadnought held strong and only some of the impressive rain of rounds found their mark. Thinking the Knight momentarily distracted, Pyrenean saw his opening and dashed towards the massive walker. But with a speed that defied his massive frame, Crime swung his guns around at the onrushing Dreadnought. Though his shots largely went wide, enough connected that the Pyrenean was severely hampered as he drew close. But his still functioning Fist immediately slammed into the walker ripping massive chunks of armor and machinery from the Knight. Seeing their fellow Ancient running into battle, the rest of the Dreadnoughts opened fire in support. But for fear of hitting their comrade, only a small amount of shots found their mark. But the combined damage was starting to add up, and the giant Knight was starting to slow. With the allied Knight starting to take significant damage, Gudrun again pulled his forces farther from the Dreadnoughts. And with another warp-fueled attack he tried to end the assault of the nearest, nearly crippled, Contemptor. But luckily for Pyrenean, his ancient frame withstood the blast and he continued on. The Ancients Saanen and Orobica were less fortunate as the Knight split his fire between them. Though they were both still functional, they each suffered serious damage and were slowed in their assault. But no son of Ferrus Manus would let something as simple as being nearly destroyed deter them. Both Saanen and Pyrenean charged into the screening Wolf Guard Bikers, with Techmarine Surati sprinting behind desperately trying to repair what damage he could. Though their movements were sluggish, their sheer strength proved formidable and 3 of the bikers fell to their onslaught. Seeing his brothers fall enraged the Rune Priest, and he struck out at Saanen with his force-charged staff causing some serious damage before he once again pulled his forces away from the Angry Goats. Seeing the immense damage that the remaining Dreadnoughts had suffered, Crime once again split his fire between Pyrenean and Orobica. This time, the already stricken frames of both walkers proved unable to withstand the barrage. They both collapsed from the sustained damage and shut down before their cores could overload. Centuries of pent-up hate for Knights in general, and more than enough built up hate from the current battle, drove Chaplain Valdosta and the severely injured Contemptor Saanen towards the Knight again. But while Valdosta was still too far away from the retreating Knight to get to grips with him, he combined his firepower with Saanen’s to cause some additional damage to the near-crippled Knight. And though his Ion Shields had collapsed by this point, the smoking Knight was still far from defenseless. He was quickly able to prove this as Saanen recklessly charged straight towards the Knight. Even with his targeting sensors severely damaged, it’s no chore to send death raining onto a 15 foot tall war machine running in a straight line directly towards you. And Crime did exactly that. The blast that disabled Saanen, combined with every drop of small arms fire that the remaining Wolves could muster, was enough to send even the well armored Techmarine Surati to the ground. With all of his other Battle Brothers fallen and disabled, Valdosta roared in righteous defiance. He unleashed withering barrage of Assault Cannon fire at the limping Knight as he charged directly towards the remaining Wolves. Crime, it seems, would be punished this day as the Knight finally fell to the Angry Goats assault. In his frustrated fury, Valdosta crushed another of the remaining Wolf Guard in his massive fist. Seeing the carnage before him on the battlefield, Gudrun knew he would have quite a glorious tale to tell. And to make sure he would be around to tell it, he signaled his remaining forces to withdraw. But before he could get to speed, Valdosta sprinted forward and was able to take one final swing at the Rune Priest. Though Gudrun’s armor absorbed the worst of the impact, a sizable chunk of his flesh was now slowly sliding from the claws of the Chaplain Dreadnought’s massive power fist. The Rune Priest would have his glorious tale of victory, but also quite a massive scar to remind him of how close a thing it had been. As the Rune Priest and his forces departed with songs of victory carrying on the wind, the massive wall of fog seemed to follow them away. With his sensors suddenly unhindered, Chaplain Valdosta ran over to check on his fallen Techmarine. Surati, wounded or not, was still the best hope that Task Force Valdosta had to survive until relief could arrive. And though the Wolves had withdrawn, Valdosta knew this was not a victory. He had failed to bring the massive Knight to battle, and his forces had been decimated as a result. His entire Chapter loathed weakness in any form, and the Chapter Master would not look favorably on this failure. The road to redemption for Task Force Valdosta would be an arduous one. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. Part 1 of the ongoing Saga of the Lord Emperor Campaign, a 1K Point League at my FLGS. My Army List and other games I've played in the campaign can be found here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341428-angry-goats-iron-hands-battle-reports-1k-league/?p=4933654 My opponent's list was roughly the following: 1x Longstrike w/Railgun and Smart Missile Systems 1x Hammerhead w/Railgun and Smart Missile Systems 2x Devilfish w/Burst Cannons 1x Cadre Fireblade w/Markerlight and Pulse Rifle 1x Ethereal 4x Strike Teams - Each 5-6 members w/Pulse Rifles ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scout Squad Kiko had been on a routine patrol when they discovered signs of an enemy force. After spending a restless night tracking them down, an encampment had been discovered in the ruins of an Imperial town. These foul Xenos, now able to be identified as a mechanized force of the T’au Empire, had been discovered as they stopped to refuel. Though these T’au had been able to cover ground quickly, they had sacrificed any semblance of stealth to do so. With the Xenos temporarily vulnerable, Squad Kiko called in for reinforcements. Chaplain Valdosta had recently been interred in a Dreadnought Sarcophagus following his heroic sacrifice during the campaign known as Karn’s Winter. He and his task force had spent the last few weeks securing the Eastern flank of the main body’s advance. Though he and his fellow Ancients had held the line through multiple skirmishes, he felt that he had not contributed enough to the war efforts this far from the front. As a result, an emotion sub-routine resembling “boredom” had creeped into his system. So, when the call for reinforcements came from Squad Kiko, nothing short of a direct order from the Chapter Master would have stopped him form responding in all haste. Though Dreadnoughts are tireless and unrelenting in their advance, speed is not their greatest asset. So, by the time Task Force Valdosta arrived, the T’au had finished their refueling and were preparing to depart. Wasting no time, Valdosta sent out a burst of machine code. The four other Ancient Dreadnoughts with him, each a veteran of centuries of battle, fell into a flying wedge formation with instinctual ease as they charged ahead. The T’au sensors had little difficulty in detecting their hasty approach, however. And as the Dreadnoughts crested the ridge, the foul Xenos opened fire. Ancient Saanen, an honored brother of countless campaigns, was the sole target of the initial volley. Though the defenses built into his Contemptor-pattern body was able to deflect the worst of the damage, the Railgun rounds were enough to slow his advance. Seeing his charge stagger, the Techmarine Surati ran forward and began to repair the damage while Squad Kiko provided limited supporting fire. With the initial volley proving less effective than they had hoped, the T’au forces began to spread out in preparation of a drawn-out engagement. Their scouting Piranha moved along Northern ridge in an attempt to outflank the Dreadnoughts, while the Devilfish transports flew forward to provide physical cover as their occupants disembarked. Ancient Pyrenean, also housed in a Contemptor-pattern body, wasted no time and ran towards the Xenos lines as fast as his body would take him with Chaplain Valdosta close behind. As he passed by the Piranha, he raked it with fire from his Kheres Assault Cannon which caused more than a few smoking holes to form. Seeing the primary threat to be the Hammerhead Gunships lining up for another shot, Ancient Repartida sent a volley of Lascannon and Autocannon shots into the lead tank. The shots from his Venerable Castraferrum-pattern body caused the gunship to real backwards. This provided all the opening that his counterpart, Ancient Orobica needed. Armed in the same fashion, the Venerable Dreadnought sent his own Lascannon and Autocannon shots into the stricken Hammerhead and put the foul Xenos machine out of commission. With a hiss of static, Techmarine Surati watched in frustration as the remaining Hammerhead sent more fire into Ancient Saanen. With Surati’s earlier repairs being all that stood between the Ancient and catastrophic damage, the Techmarine set to work fixing this new affront to the machine spirit. Under the cover of these shots, the Devilfish moved to the flanks of the approaching Dreadnoughts and poured fire into them. Unlike the Railguns, however, this fire proved ineffective. The recently disembarked Fire Warriors, seeing Ancient Pyrenean barreling towards them, quickly formed firing lines and sent every shot they could into him. Despite their best efforts, his armor held strong and the damage suffered was of no consequence. He was in amongst them, crushing their relatively frail bodies with his massive power fist, before they could do anything else to react. The T’au forces recognized the main source of the continued Dreadnought threat was Techmarine Surati. And while the remaining Hammerhead attempted to penetrate Ancient Saanen’s quickly recovering defenses, the two Devilfish converged on the Angry Goat lines and concentrated their fire into Surati. But the Techmarine’s armor, nearly as old and venerated as the Dreadnoughts around him, held under the onslaught. Saanen and Valdosta, enraged by the attack on their brother, charged into the two Devilfish and rent massive holes in their hulls with their power fists. Combined with the supporting fire of Orobica, both of the Devilfish exploded under the onslaught. Meanwhile, Ancient Repartida saw the approaching Piranha finally finish its flanking run. With a calm precision born of centuries of experience, he sent fire at both the Piranha and the Hammerhead, destroying them both. With every other threat eliminated, all five Dreadnoughts combined their firepower and sent an inescapable volley steaming into the remaining Fire Warriors, killing them to the last. With the Xenos forces righteously purged, any traces of the boredom sub-routine had been replaced by righteous joy. Chaplain Valdosta, his oration skills not dimmed in the slightest by his interment into the Venerable Dreadnought sarcophagus, led his brothers in celebration of their victory. A simple, but powerful chant boomed from his ancient speakers: My Armor is Contempt! My Shield is Disgust! My Sword is Hatred! In the Emperor’s Name, LET NONE SURVIVE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. When the forces of the Angry Goats Space Marine Chapter first arrived in the system of Del CT-Y, it was a war zone of rare complexity. A myriad of forces is arrayed against each other in a near endless war with countless battles constantly raging. Those loyal to the Imperium face off against both the foul Xenos as well as those who have fallen from the Emperor’s light. At any given moment, there is no way to know what enemy one will come across next. To survive in this hellish war, one must be ever vigilant. Never willing to sit idly by, the Angry Goats have arrayed themselves for a new offensive to purge this system of the enemies of the Imperium. They have dubbed this the Lord Emperor Campaign. The following shall serve as a log of their endeavors. Major Players of the Angry Goat's forces in Task Force Valdosta: Valdosta - Venerable Chaplain Dreadnought - Assault Cannon, Storm Bolter, Power Fist, Armor Indomitus. Pyrenean - Contemptor Dreadnought - Kheres Assault Cannon, Combi-Bolter, Power Fist. Saanen - Contemptor Dreadnought - Kheres Assault Cannon, Combi-Bolter, Power Fist. Repartida - Venerable Dreadnought - Twin Lascannon, Twin Autocannon. Orobica - Venerable Dreadnought - Twin Lascannon, Twin Autocannon. Surati - Techmarine - Chainsword, Bolter, Servo-Arm. Kiko - Scout Squad - Sniper Rifles. Game 1 - T'au Empire http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341429-1k-pts-lel-g1-angry-goats-iron-hands-vs-tau/ Game 2 - Alpha Legion http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341535-1k-pts-lel-g2-angry-goats-iron-hands-vs-alpha-legion/ Game 3 - Knight/Space Wolves http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341999-1k-pts-lel-g3-angry-goats-iron-hands-vs-knight-wolves/
  14. Part 2 of the ongoing Saga of the Lord Emperor League campaign, a 1K Point League at my FLGS. Previous games I've played in the series, and other information about the Campaign, can be found here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341428-angry-goats-iron-hands-battle-reports-1k-league/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Secure communication station in sector 14S UA.” That single sentence was the entirety of the orders the task force had received, but it was all that was needed. With a thought, Chaplain Valdosta accessed multiple data banks and cross-referenced a plethora of images and intelligence reports on the area. It seems that enemy forces had been using the equipment there to both disrupt Imperial communications and to also spread heretical propaganda. Some reports even hinted that members of the Alpha Legion had been seen in the area. The thought of bringing the Emperor’s Justice to these heretics stirred the blood in Valdosta’s broken body. Within the cold confines of the Venerable Dreadnought, his righteous fury began to build. Scout Squad Kiko ranged far ahead of the rest of Task Force Valdosta in a recon patrol. When they reached the site of the communications facility, there was little to indicate an active enemy presence of any kind. At first. But through the broken ruins and field of dead bodies, one thing did stand out: a massive Maulerfiend with the tendrils on his back lashing about at random. Seeming to be the only thing in the area unconcerned with concealment, the massive beast stamped around the base of the communications tower like an unruly guard dog. With the threat identified, Squad Kiko took an elevated firing position and called in the rest of Task Force Valdosta. The ancient war machines of the Angry Goats chapter marched forward towards their objective. Well aware of the Alpha Legion’s reputation for treachery, the 5 venerated Dreadnoughts maintained a defensive posture as they approached. And while stealth wasn’t their strong suit, their targeting sensors certainly were. As they neared the communication tower, firing solutions began to light up on their respective displays. A hulking Helbrute, a handful of Alpha Legionaries, and the Maulerfiend were identified and assigned firing priorities. This handful of opponents would hardly be a match for Task Force Valdosta. But as the Dreadnoughts neared their optimum engagement range, something proved to be drastically wrong. What had originally registered as a field of the dead, was now moving. Venerable Dreadnought Repartida was the first to notice that something was off. From the field of the dead, 40 Cultists broke from cover and surged towards the Dreadnoughts. But such ancient warriors were not to be intimidated by such a motley horde. Repartida’s well-practiced targeting systems were quick to analyze the situation and reprioritize targets. With a blurt of machine code, he passed his new targeting algorithms to the rest of the Task Force. Contemptor Saanen adjusted his formation to form a firing line with Chaplain Valdosta and Contemptor Pyrenean. In a veritable wall of death, the 3 Dreadnoughts opened up with their Assault Cannons and Bolters. The first two ranks of the Cultists were cut down almost simultaneously, joining the field of the dead once more. Seeing their fellows mutilated so quickly proved too much for the majority of the remaining cultists and they nearly all retreated with curses flowing freely. Only the Cultist Champion and his 3 greatest sycophants seemed dedicated (or crazy) enough to continue the charge. The second volley proved their spurt of courage to be unfounded. Not to be outdone, Venerable Orobica and Venerable Repartida charged up their Lascannons and Autocannons. The combined firepower of their first volley struck the raging Maulerfiend with deadly accuracy. The massive beast barely had time to let out an infuriated roar before his power core overloaded and sent his body parts out in rain of plasma, shrapnel, and blood. Three of the Alpha Legion Havocs, who were already lifting their Heavy Bolters to return fire, were consumed in the blast. But before Task Force Valdosta could press their advantage, the scent of warp-tainted ozone saturated the air. Amidst the sound of disembodied screaming, a Chaos Sorcerer and a trio of thrice-damned Obliterators appeared among their compatriots. The Alpha Legion reinforcements had come. Immediately upon arrival, the Sorcerer began to chant in a language so foul that only the blasphemous Obliterators seemed to be emboldened by it. But emboldened they were, and immediately unleashed a hellish volley at the Dreadnoughts. The first shots flew towards Chaplain Valdosta with a nightmarish fury. But the Dreadnought’s armor was some of the most ancient and venerated in the Angry Goats Chapter and would not be easily marred. Most of the shots, that should have torn gaping holes in his torso, instead seemed to glance off the relic armor and left only superficial damage behind. Still guided by the Sorcerer’s chanting, the second volley flew into Ancient Saanen with equal ferocity. Though the damage he received did prove to be more severe, the automatic shield deflected the worst of the shots, and he remained quite functional. With an unnatural speed the Helbrute burst from the ruins and charged forward, all the while screaming praises to Papa Nurgle. His wildly firing Multi-melta scorched the walls near Valdosta, but did nothing to impede the Chaplain. And though he was goaded on by the Sorcerer, the Helbrute was not destined to sake his bloodlust. Seeing the Helbrute dart forward triggered a subroutine in the Venerable Dreadnoughts, and they both immediately turned to fire. Before the massive fiend could get to grips with his prey, he was intercepted by a hail of Autocannon and Lascannon fire. Though the Helbrute’s meaty legs continued to stride forward for a few more steps, it was of little use as its entire upper half was missing. The torturous existence of this affront to the Machine God had been ended. With their front-line units expended, the Chaos Lord and Sorcerer began to fall back under the cover of the Havocs and Obliterators unyielding fire. Seeing this retreat, all elements of Task Force Valdosta began to press forward. But in the heat of battle, mistakes can be costly. Scout Squad Kiko and Contemptor Pyrenean broke from cover a fraction of a second early and they paid for it dearly. Several members of Squad Kiko were given the opportunity to pass on their gene-seed to the next generation by the Havoc’s Heavy Bolter fire. Meanwhile, Ancient Pyrenean suffered the ire of the Obliterators, and was severely damaged and knocked out of the fight. But despite their losses, the advance pressed on. In a hail of fire, Venerable Repartida and Orobica destroyed two of the Obliterators and injured the third while the combined fire of Valdosta and Saanen punched through the ruins and saw one of the havocs dead. Techmarine Surati, amidst a mixture of curses, machine code, and complains about “repair queues” lifted his bolter. With a righteous hatred for the Obliterators, that had so badly damaged Ancient Pyrenean, guiding his aim he placed a bolter round directly through the eye of the last Obliterator. Its blasphemous existence was ended. With the way clear, Saanen and Valdosta charged forward into the remnants of the Alpha Legion force. Contemptor Saanen caught up with the Sorcerer first and their exchange was short but vicious. The Sorcerer proved to be no slouch in close range combat, and unleashed a torrent of ethereal energies at the Dreadnought. Though Saanen’s shielding proved to be ineffective against the blasts, his momentum was not slowed. After several dodged swings of his massive fist, he finally managed to catch the Sorcerer. With the sound of straining servos, the ancient corrupted Terminator Armor around the Sorcerer buckled and crushed him inside. Chaplain Valdosta reached the Chaos Lord and the remaining Havoc Marine at the same time. With an almost casual sweep of the Dreadnought’s fist, the Havoc was pulverized against his firing port. The Chaos Lord, however, proved a far deadlier foe. His shimmering, oversized Chainsword seemed to be in 3 places at once and Valdosta was forced back with every swing. Great rends were being carved into the Dreadnought’s normally resilient armor. But instead of pressing the attack against the now-smoking Chaplain Dreadnought, the uninjured Lord stepped back and simply stated “Enjoy your … ‘Victory’ … while you can …” Then, before Valdosta could move to react, the Lord vanished. With the Alpha Legion forces all destroyed or in retreat, the communications tower was secure. As Chaplain Valdosta moved to establish a perimeter, he checked the incoming damage reports. Though Contemptor Pyrenean had been the most badly hit, his damage was all fully repairable. Techmarine Surati estimated that they would all be back to full combat capabilities before night fall. But despite this good news, and even through the thrill of victory, Valdosta was still bothered by the Lord’s departing words. He couldn’t shake the feeling that he and his forces had been lured into this area, and that this ‘victory’ was only the beginning of something far larger.
  15. I've done up my first 30k Iron hands list and thought I'd throw it up here for some adivce (I play an infantry based AL army mainly so this is quite a change) any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. HQ: Praetor: Jetbike, cyber familiar, thunder hammer, Iron halo (210) Command squad: Jetbikes, combat shields, 2 power fists, 2 power swords (340) Elites: 2 Contemptors: Multimeltas, chainfists (370) Gorgon terminators: Cyber familiar, land raider phobos: armoured ceramite (455) Rapier battery: 3 laser destroyers (165) Troops: Tactical squad: Rhino (160) Tactical squad: Rhino (160) Support squad: Graviton guns, rhino (190) Support squad: Graviton guns, rhino (190) Heavy support: Vindicator: Armoured ceramite, extra armour (145) Whirlwind scorpius (115)
  16. FERRUM AETERNUM Iron Hands Clan Raukaan Primaris Battle Detachment Xi-Sigma-Rho "The Flesh is Weak" Vale Brothers and Sisters! This blog marks my return to the hobby after a few years absence due to life, funds and time constraints. You know how it is. I've previosly been a member of this illustrious forum as Power Hungry Monkey, but my old account seems to be lost to the sands of time and also all my pics were on Photobucket... New start. New account. New (old) army. I've been a massive Iron Hands nerd for a very long time now. Ever since the Index Astartes article came out I've just loved the imagery and fluff behind the army. This current project marks my 4th forray into the Iron Hands with previous armies being stolen, sold or falling prey to hobby ADD respectively. With a release of the Primaris marines too there was no way I wasn't going to eventually return to my bio-mechanical children at some point. This is going to be a slow-burn army. Short bursts of activity probably followed by long absences, so bear with me. I've been curating a bitz box over the last few months in preparation for this army so I can pretty much fully build what I want when I get the base models for it and not have to wait on bitz and pieces. With that said, enough talk, here are the first pics: Being Iron Hands, they had to have extensive bionics; which the Primaris kits are sorely lacking. Enter the FW Mechanicum Thallax Cohort: A success I feel. Really happy with the scale. This was just the first step to my first character, which happens to be a librarian simply because I had most of the bitz and base model for it. Here's where he is so far: There's still a long way to go on him and a lot of details to fix, remove, add to him but I'm really happy with the direction he's headed. I hope you all enjoy and that there's was enough pic to offset the text C&C welcome and appreciated. There will be more to follow when time allows. PHM
  17. The Iron Taurans were an idea I've had for quite a while now and something I haven't really actioned outside of a small killteam. The colour scheme isn't original and the concept definitely isn't. General idea: The Iron Taurans are Siege/Trench warfare specialists and have a high level of techmarines/tech adepts. You can probably guess what their progenitors are: Iron Hands and Iron Warriors, what happens when you combine these two? Stubborn, paranoid siege specialists. Not 100% on their background but due to their paranoia they are first to volunteer to throw themselves at the difficult deployments to prove themselves to "more worthy" chapters. After learning of their mixed loyalist and traitor geneseed, the chapter master (yet to be named) constantly tries to prove himself to Guilliman and the Ultras by essentially taking the chapter on a "penance crusade". As they're trench warfare/siege specialists they've modified their armour to have the older mark 3 armour on their left shoulder so they can advance down corridors with extra armour protecting the majority of their chest and face. They use older Mark 3 bolters as A) Rule of cool running a penance crusade means resources are tight, older marks can come in handy. Until I have more lore ready to go I'll be updating this with hobby updates. C&C is very welcome. Intercessor Sergeant IMG_20181025_181101 IMG_20181025_181112 IMG_20181025_181119 Anniversary Lieutenant IMG_20181020_172001 IMG_20181020_172013 Captain, still very WIP IMG_20190508_175147
  18. WELCOME to my forge this is where i will compile whatever randomocity happens to be inhabiting my desk. Once upon a time many moons ago i finally decided to make that brave step from lurker to Frater, seems like it was only days ago but now i look back in the short time ive been on this site ive accomplished more in my hobby life than in the entire decade ive been working on these wonderful little pastic space men. And this is where i attempt to keep track of it all perhaps eventually i will learn how to do the fancy things some frater do where they put links in this cover page to all of there glorious projects but until then ill just have to try to remember to update this page on a semi regular basis ( note "try" and "remember") Anywho for the next seven months ill be working on my army for the Tale of Twenty Hobbiests. A project im extremely excited about as this will be my first fully painted army!!!! Now i just have to re-learn how to play once its all finished . But im also excited because im exploring a different side of my favorite legion The Salamanders without becoming just another Red Marked Im going to write, build, convert, and paint them to show the legions darker sons those who strayed from the promethean creed for one reason or another. WARNING i never got a grade above a C in English class i make no clames at being a profesional writer in fact i know it needs a lot of work and is now the soul reason i regret not paying more attention in those afformentioned English classes keep that in mind when reading my fluff that its written around a 3rd grade level But if you dont mind my inability to propperly punctuate and my struggles with spelling then carry on as usual or just skip to the pics whatever floats your boat. Hello my fellow plastic and resin crack addicts. I've been trolling the pages here for quite some time. In fact it's where I've gotten a lot of my best ideas, inspiration, and techniques. What with the ETL V going on I've decided it's high time I enter the fray and start contributing to the community that's already given me so much. So on to the good part. This Year for the ETL I'm hoping to bring glory to my beloved SALAMANDERS. For my first vow I wanted to stay on the small side and not bite off more than I can chew. Since having to be an adult five days a week really gets in the way of my modeling. I'm starting with my first veteran tactical squad the only one from my BAC box that will be modeled as such. They will be known as the Helkytes a squad consisting of Istvaan survivors. They're led by a young Veteran Seargeant by the name of Daario Naharis (yes I'm a game of thrones fan as well) who is equipped with a MC power axe and a combi flamer as well as artificer armor wrought by his own hands and a volkite serpenta. Since the squad has been able to re-equip and re-supply the squad is equipped with vexilla, nuncio-vox, and two meltas, and melta bombs and supposing my math is accurate that comes out to 365 pts. Once they are completed they will be joined by the rest of my Istvaan survivors some of whom will be from the iron tenth and some will be sons of deliverance. Anywho that's enough rambling for now it's time for pictures which I will try to post regularly as progress is made any C&C is always appreciated http://s33.postimg.org/ibzc1uzf3/20160605_150824.jpg how to take a screen shot http://s33.postimg.org/5ixpzvyof/20160605_160035.jpg imageupload
  19. While playing 40k today, we were discussing the new fluff. I wasn't havin' the new stuff w/ grandpa smurf waking up, Cawl working in secret to just show up and save the day. Anyways it moved on to my chapter and how they saw it. Our conversation inspired the following fan fict. How are your IH's responding to 8th. fluffwise? That is if you a have been at odds with GW's version of IH's since last edition's supplement like myself. If you love Dark Imperium I'm still curious about "codex" IH's reaction. ++Council Chambers. Star-base Herat. Mawarannahr sub sector.++ An astropath and a servitor arrive in the chamber. "My Lords, I bear a disturbing message." The servitor shuffles towards the Council's dais and connects itself into the banks of cogitators. No voices are heard, only the whirring and clicking of the cogitator banks increase, and the hiss of mechanical respirators beat a quick and steady rhythm. The Council speaker, Ironfather Miranshah, reply's: "Inform Mawarannahr fleet command all vessels originating from Ultramar will be quarantined and examined for the influence of Chaos. Any vessels that fail to follow instructions will be destroyed." "Tell Sardar Jahangir to plan with chapter staff officers both the defense of Mawarannahr from the direction of Ultrimar, and for strike operations on the Ultramar sub sector if it becomes necessary." "He or staff is to brief us as soon as possible." "Send a courier ship with an equerry and complement of astropaths to Mars and Holy Terra for an official query." "Inform Forge world Bukhara to assemble a survey team to examine this tech of Cawl's for scrapcode." "Forgemaster?" asks Miranshah. "Tell techmarine Jubei to report to Bukhara to liaise with the survey team, replies the Forgemaster. Ironfather Miranshah, "Who is the highest ranking Inquisitor on the starbase at this time?" "Inquisitor Harbin, Ordos Xenos, sir;" replies a staff orderly. "Very well" adds Miranshah, "Summon him before this Council, We have many questions." Link to Gathering Clans o' Medusa post for more info http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/298622-gathering-the-clans-of-medusa/
  20. EDIT: Up to date background log: The Unmakers: Clan Brannsar Background Article (WIP) Up to date miniatures log: The Unmakers: Clan Brannsar Miniatures Log At the urging of our very own esteemed Urza, here's all the [current] content for my HH DIY Clan [note: to see what the feth I'm talking about when it comes to Golem Heavy Assault Squads, go here] At some point I'll be making a new thread detailing all we know form FW's stuff on the 10th Legion's organisation, and detailing my own system for organising Brannsar [although this would likely vary between Clans, each being effectively a pocket-Legion] on the off chance anyone [other than Urza :P ] wanted to have a template they could base their own system off]. Brannsar's stuff is regularly updated, so expect much, much more
  21. Many, many moons ago, in the dying days of 3rd Ed I posted my first B&C minis - a battle squad of Brazen Claws. Many years (and I mean years) later I completed that squad: I also wrote an Index Astartes for the Brazen Claws in those early years (link in the sig for the interested) but, beyond adding a Dreadnought and a few test minis I never did much more with the BC. It was much the same story with my other armies - a new DA army, Wolves and more - I dabbled but never committed until my recent Raven Guard army Shadow Force Dragomir. I burnt out on painting about a year ago and SFD remains incomplete, though still almost 1600 points strong (again, a link in the sig for the interested). The itch to paint has returned, as it always does, and this time I've decided to scratch it with a new, more GrimDark Brazen Claw army in line with the new fluff GW and BL have put out for the BC - their homeworld destroyed, reduced to a mere 400 battered Marines in their self-imposed penitent crusade into the Eye of Terror and with at least one Company turned to Nurgle. With that new reality in mind the 2013 SCC Brazen Claw is darker, dirtier and more damaged than the bright, clean early 2000's model. Below is my first test model: The red is a few shades darker and considerably less highlighted whilst the blue is completely transformed from the earlier models. I've also added some chips and scratches and tried to use some pigment powders to add dirt to the Marine. In general I'm pretty happy with the colours, including the 'ceramite grey' chips instead of the more usual metallic silver, although I clearly need to work on skin tones and robes and tone down the purity seal red a bit too. I've also ditched some of my old quartering gimmicks such as highlighting and blacklining delineations and just let the colours meet more naturally. Recipes (for me as much as anyone) - Everything over a black basecoat naturally. Red: Vallejo reds worked up to approx. Red Gore highlights, green wash for shading plus a Blood letter glaze for surfaces exposed to the light to give them a little more vibrancy. Blue: Necron Abyss base worked up to Mordian blue highlights. Druchii Violet and Asurmen Blue used to shade the blue and give it depth, I'm going to try a glaze next time too I think. Chips: Black base, Mechanicus Standard Grey main colour with Eshin Grey for depth and Codex Grey for highlights. I haven't trompe l'oiel'd (spelling) the chips because I haven't quite got my head around the process for that despite several tries with EC and SW. The base is a simple test right now, I'm still leaning towards a desert/sand base (I think it needs a full brown/yellow colour without the black shading I've used here) but I'm also considering a proper mud base - I've got some MIG mud and some water effects stuff I'd like to try out for bases too. C&C welcome as is advice on weathering powder - I've really not got the hang of it, I tried it on some pre-Heresy EC too (with and without fixer) and the end effect, post varnish, is always too muted and/or muddy.
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