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Maloghurst's Bloody First (SoH 3000pts)


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Hello everyone!

My Zone Mortalis-list evolved into a 3000pts-list instead (partially because of friends' Heresy armies), so same old same old. Would like som input on the choices, and combinations!



Maloghurst the Twisted

Master of Signals



Apothecary, with Artificer Armour

2 Mortar Rapiers

10 Justearians, Chain Fist, Heavy Flamer



15 Reavers, with 3 power weapons and 2 meltas, Chieftain with Artificer Armour and Power Fist

10 Veterans (Snipers), 2 missle launchers, Sergeant with Artificer Armour and Combi-plasma

10 Veterans (Snipers), 2 missle launchers, Sergeant with Artificer Armour and Combi-plasma



Spartan, with flare shields and ceramite plate

Spartan, with flare shields and ceramite plate



Typhon Siege Tank, with ceramite plate


That gives me around 170pts to play with. Any suggestions? More tanks? And any advice on Rites of War? I was thinking the Long March, so that the assaulting Reavers and Justearians could benefit from the combat bonus.




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So I'm guessing Mal and your MoS each hang out with a vet squad in your deployment zone gaining relentless from Long March.


Reaver squad and Apothicary ride in one spartan.


Justearins ride in the other.


Each spartan flanks the Typhon.



What do you think about dropping the two combi plasmas and maybe a power weapon on your reavers and taking a primaris lighting with ground tracking, servitor control, and 2x kraken penetraters? This would help you crack open enemy Spartans or superheavies (like a warhound titan, since you may have to fight one at this points level).


Alternatively a Venator with Armoured Ceramite costs the same 210pts. 

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Man that list looks brutal, 2 spartans and a typhoon is a lot to deal with. The veterans feel a little out of place to me though. They are rather big units to be sitting backfield just popping off missiles, and with death dealers those close range sniper shots are going to be very effective. I'd give them rhinos so they can advance alongside or behind the spartans and unleash some close range firepower. Also the combi plas seems unnecessary on the sarg, I'd rather have a power weapon or fist so he can hold his own in challenges. Then if you have a few extra pts lying around, I do like to have an extra power weapon or two in a veteran unit for added versatility. You'll probably still have a few extra pts lying around after adding all that in, so I'd use those pts to grab a chaplain, throw him with the reavers or the justerian. Primaris medicae for the justerian is also another option. Another choice is adding some more toys for the justerian, they could really use a couple fists, possible a claw or two as well. Also not a fan of heavy flamers on them, on any terminator unit just makes it harder for you to get an assault. I'd rather have a multi melta/plasma blaster for popping transports. 

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Aq few things from me.


Immediate problem (if this is your intention) here is that Reavers can't take Apothecaries.


Heavy Bolters with Suspension Web would be a better fit on your Vets I think, the missile launcher doesn't really needed the added benefits of Sniper. I would look at some transport for them as well maybe some Rhinos?


I'm assuming the Master of Signal is getting attached to the Mortars?



Your Justaerin do need more toys, with a unit that size I would personally want 2 more chain fists and possibly 5 combi weapons (preferably Plasma Combi)


If you're going to use The Long March I think you need to consider using some Heavy Support Squads.

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I don't see how that's the case, if they are in the no man's land part of the board and are charging, they will have fleet which is handy. Sure they don't benefit from crusader, but it's not like you need every single unit to fully benefit from the long march.

They only get half the benefit from Fleet and no benefit from Crusader. So to me they are getting very little from the RoW. If the Justaerin are going in a Spartan they will never need to re roll charge distances as it will get them there.

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