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Space hulk terminator formation - Homebrew


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Since gw published a formation for every release lately including the death watch board game, what would a formation for the terminators from the space hulk game look like.

Obviously I would think they would keep it exact to their in box load out.

Squad Lorenzo
Sgt Lorenzo - powers sword, stormbolter
Brother zael - heavy flamer
Brother Valencio - chain fist
2 terminators (brothers goriel and deino)

Squad Gideon
Sgt Gideon - thunder hammer, storm shield
Brother Leonardo - assault Cannon
3 terminators (brothers noctis, omnio, scipio)

Lexicanum Calistarius - librarian -terminator armor, force axe, storm bolter

Brother claudio - dual lightning claws.

Special rules?

Brother claudio has the independent character special rule (possibly only allowed to join the squads in this formation or squad joined by the librarian)

Sgt lorenzo has the special rule "parry" - any model making a close combat attack roll against Lorenzo must reroll successful to hit dice and accept the second result.

What do you think as a starting point?

I was thinking for the formation rule, perhaps deep strike into cover without mishap due to experience boarding congested space hulks...

Also arriving from deep strike reserve collectively as a formation.

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The special rule should be you roll 1 dice for all units in the formation to see if it deep strikes this turn. Another more pro active rule would be needed too. re-roll of to hit dice on turn they come from deep strike. run+shot ability on they turn. some sort of buff to units near the "not yet mefisto" or something like that.

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Formation rules:


Instead of normal D6, you use the Space Hulk 'to hit' dice for models in this unit, counting sustained fire as a hit if the unit did not move in the preceding movement phase.


Every model in this formation is a scoring unit.

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Nice idea, and I just thought of few a special rules:


Coordinated decimation - Experiences of working in tandem about the claustrophobic spaces of Space Hulks have formed these warriors into a cohesive force that act and react as one.

If one unit from this formation has Line of Sight to an enemy unit, all friendly models in this formation may charge this unit even if they themselves do not have Line of Sight. (Could also gain the Supporting Fire rule from Tau to be able to Overwatch for other units?)


Situational, but fluffy and effective in things like Zone Mortalis.


Suppressive fire - Such units are adept at holding key convergence points amongst the narrow passageways aboard ships, laying down a punishing hail of fire at all who dare come close.

If a unit from this formation has not moved in the movement phase then they may fire an additional shot from all ranged weapons. This includes Overwatch (count Wall of Flame Overwatch as D3+1)


Also, I'd give them Preferred Enemy: Tyranids. Just because...


I like the idea of more accurate Deepstrike. Maybe gain Counter Attack the turn they deepstrike to represent their preparations and readiness to launch straight into battle?

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Added a tag and a modified the title slightly to avoid any potential confusion.

Thanks, good call.


I'd also give them objective secured, not just a scoring unit. That would be cool.


Additionally: Calistarius may not be used in an army that contains Mephiston.

Slipped my mind thanks... I don't know meph''s current rules. Anything that could be borrowed to make him into meph lite?

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Slipped my mind thanks... I don't know meph''s current rules. Anything that could be borrowed to make him into meph lite?



No, nothing at all, other than being a psyker. He was a normal, but talented librarian, nothing more.


Unless you want to give him a "fated" rule, like may reroll one failed invun save per game to represent him being marker to survive.

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Slipped my mind thanks... I don't know meph''s current rules. Anything that could be borrowed to make him into meph lite?


No, nothing at all, other than being a psyker. He was a normal, but talented librarian, nothing more.


Unless you want to give him a "fated" rule, like may reroll one failed invun save per game to represent him being marker to survive.

Yeah I just read them a minute ago, his post metamorphosis stand outs are a strength 10 ap3 force sword potentially hitting on a 2+ and having mastery level 3 and adamantium will.


So let's give him ML 2 for now, and adamantium will describes how he survived perhaps.

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Yeah I just read them a minute ago, his post metamorphosis stand outs are a strength 10 ap3 force sword potentially hitting on a 2+ and having mastery level 3 and adamantium will.


So let's give him ML 2 for now, and adamantium will describes how he survived perhaps.



As well as S5 T5?


 But yes, that seems a cool idea!

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