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Blood Angel Tactical Squad Loadout


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Your Las-Plas Razorbacks are AV12 (AT BEST!) tincans with very pricy upgrades, and once that thing is busted the Tactical Squad you are left with is basically a sitting duck.


There is something to be said about AV12 spam sure, but that works for Assault Squads, not Tactical Squads where they cost an arm, especially with such a pricy turret upgrade.

Razorbacks are av11.


*shrug* it works for me. This way I can make my troops contribute to the game in a meaningful way, and if my opponent is shooting my tac squads he's not shooting my DC.


It's not necessarily about how individual units perform but about the list and the objectives. I like my transports to have teeth and the tac squads synchronize with that. I'm not winning grand tournaments or anything, I find the loadout works for me.



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I don't use the Multi-Melta as an assault weapon, I never INTEND to use it as such so I never lack the option. 


The Multi-Melta is a great weapon to hold a spot after you take it.  That is why my Tactical Squads come in pods to support stronger units.  Tactical Squads drop next to ongoing engagements to assist and cover for units in jeopardy and continue to hold that portion of the map, presumably an objective.  In that regard, a 24" Melta weapon is a GREAT deterrent for a lot of ugly things.  Combined with the Plasmagun and a Grav Pistol, the unit has enough firepower to create a 24" kill zone that will make the supported unit's life a lot easier.


With that clarification I agree with you. A tactical squad holding an objective sporting a multi-melta and a plasma gun can definitely scare stuff off.

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I use the Combi plas, plas, MM load out as well. Rush the unit up with a rhino to mid field and use it as an aera denial bunker. If the rhino somehow lives you've got a 24" range on your MM, and a plas.


You also have the option to jump out and unload your plasmas/bolters on heavy troops. Having a mid field threat to armor is nice to have in a pinch.

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  • 3 weeks later...

hey guys,


sorry if this is slight necromancy but I just bought two more tactical boxes in the hope of getting myself ready for the Baal demi company (when ever it comes out). I currently have run a tactical squad of either 10 men with heavy flamer, melta, combi melta and combat squad in pods or the same units as two 5 mans in razor backs.


the other two squads I just bought will both be 10 man units with a heavy flamer,flamer, x? where x will either be a combi flamer, a single hand flamer or two hand flamers and I was wonder what people thought was the best load out for the Sargent out of the three.


thanks for any help 


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Two hand flamers! Do it! Guaranteed the most fun you will have when you delete a unit of daemons! True Story!


[but anyone on the forum who knows me knew I was going to suggest that]


Power weapon and hand flamer is a nice one too - can get a really strong charge off with that.

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I've decided to go two tactical squads with combi-flamer, heavy flamer, and flamer, and my third squad as a more shooty squad running combi-plasma, plasma, and plasma cannon. We will see how squad #3 performs?


The triple plasma is my go-to tactical squad, the ability to ignore power armour at range is a crucial thing in the game, and why Eldar are so powerful

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I've decided to go two tactical squads with combi-flamer, heavy flamer, and flamer, and my third squad as a more shooty squad running combi-plasma, plasma, and plasma cannon. We will see how squad #3 performs?

I feel the first two squads have been overly specialized.. A melee Walker or Av13 tank would really ruin their day. It depends on the rest of your army I guess.. As said I use tacs as flexible support units and they are more than capable of mopping up any leftovers from a HF template and hail of boltgun fire in melee.. three templates are cool but kinda overkill IMO..

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I've decided to go two tactical squads with combi-flamer, heavy flamer, and flamer, and my third squad as a more shooty squad running combi-plasma, plasma, and plasma cannon. We will see how squad #3 performs?

I feel the first two squads have been overly specialized.. A melee Walker or Av13 tank would really ruin their day. It depends on the rest of your army I guess.. As said I use tacs as flexible support units and they are more than capable of mopping up any leftovers from a HF template and hail of boltgun fire in melee.. three templates are cool but kinda overkill IMO..



See I have the opposite opinion.


Sure you can give tacs melta/ anti tank weaponry but then you are wasting all of thier bolt gun fire to get a pot shot at a tank. Our Tacs (more-so than any other) have insanely good anti infantry prowess, we should utilise it. Also because of how template weapons are fired you can really maximise wounds from them.


Sure a tank would ruin day, but our dex has meltacide, attack bikes, furioso meltaguns, other dreads with S10 AP2, Assault Cannon Preds etc to deal with those.


Take a melta bomb on the sarge by all means for that oh :cuss moment, but otherwise I feel you should maximise your units role on the field and when you go a turn without firing your bolters at a suitable target all those marines are wasted.


Also - I've used this squad (well, two hand flamers instead of a combi) and anything with T3 will get straight up murdered by them. Even T4 will succumb to the sheer amount of hits. It excels against daemons for sure, as they deep strike in bunched up.


Plus its a unique tactic to our codex and I like to think we should make sure anything unique to us is cherished :D


Of course - other side of the coin is that you take the heavy flamer and then a meltagun/ combi melta and combat squad, then you're only "wasting" 3 dudes with bolters.



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I always want at least one thing that can threaten armour beyond Kraks - at a minimum Meltabombs on the Sergeant if you can't spare more points. As you say Charlo our Tacticals are potent anti-infantry units but I find I want to at least give some kind of AT as backup in-case you get caught out.

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I'm a fan of the gunslinger hand flamers more on Assault sergeants, who will invariably be closer to the enemy at all times thanks to a jump pack. On Tactical sergeants I feel like the hand flamer outperforms its combi-weapon counterpart in its multiple uses in-game for the same number of points. Plus it offers you the choice of taking gunslinger hand flamer/bolt pistol or keeping your sergeant effective at range and in tune with his unit by taking the hand flamer/bolter combo.

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I went for one dual wield hand flamers, with melta bomb and one hand flamer with the left arm magnetised with hand flamer power fist option as the power fist looks awesome, may do a power sword also but meh :).


thanks for the advice guys 

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I've usually avoided combi-weapons because of their one-use nature. However in my tactical squad load-out, I'd go with a combi-flamer, flamer and heavy flamer, and here's why.

If the rules haven't changed since I last peeked in here(which might very well be!), you solve wound groups by stats now, so weapons with template go seperate, different strength and ap value and so forth. So you'd go with bolters, "roll one up, homie". Next are the melta-weapons, "roll one up, homie", and, and, and.

You take the combi-flamer and the flamer, they have the same weapon profile for their template weapon. You're allowed to fire them simultaneously, which means you double the amount of models under the template and therefore the amount of hits. Should you first shoot the heavy flamer, then the regular flamer and then the hand flamer, which you kinda want to do in that order, you have to resolve all the wounds inflicted from the heavy flamer first, then the flamer, then the hand flamer. After each weapon is fired, there's a good chance you'll get a few hit less for the next.

The bolters are just there to mop up what's left standing.

My loadout would be ten marines with the three flame-weapons, a drop-pod and locator beacon just for fun. First turn fun, to be precise. Watch those heretics burn in the rightful flames of the Emperor's Will as you laugh and cackle and get removed from the gaming table!laugh.png

Well, so, uh, yeah. That's how I kitted out my Tactical Marines. ermm.gif


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I don't often use meltabombs, but 50% of the times I want to, I don't have them. So I always pack them.


I'm sure there's a meme in there somewhere...



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