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1000pt First Legion ZM List.

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Got the core of a 1000 pts First Legion list for ZM. Any feedback on how to get more bang for my buck would be appreciated:


Praetor PotL ROW - 177 pts.

- Tartaros Terminator armour.

- Volkite charger.

- Paragon blade.

- Digital lasers.


Contemptor-Cortus Talon - 340 pts.

- 2 x Dreadnoughts, each with:

- Twin-linked Volkite culverin.

- DCCW with plasma blaster.


Terminator Squad - 238 pts.

- 5 x Tartaros Terminators.

- Sgt with grenade harness.

- Sgt with Calibanite war blade.

- 4 x Volkite chargers.

- 1 x Plasma blaster.

- 3 x Power swords.

- 1 x Chainfist.


Terminator Squad - 238 pts.

- 5 x Tartaros Terminators.

- Sgt with grenade harness.

- Sgt with Calibanite war blade.

- 4 x Volkite chargers.

- 1 x Plasma blaster.

- 3 x Power swords.

- 1 x Chainfist.


Total: 993 pts.


The way I see it working is the the terminators squads will deal with MEQs and the Contemptor-Cortus deal with TEQs. I'll use the dreadnoughts to shield the terminators on the advance and do the heavy lifting. I think the main weakness will be heavy armour due to the lack of high strength weapons.



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Ok so from my experience in ZM I would say this. I swear by Combi Plasma on my termies. I would also take and assault cannons on the Dreadnought instead as they are evil! Seriously


Judging by the amount of Volkite you have though I'm assuming you are a loyal member of the Choom club and wont change naff all in that regards

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Cheers for the feedback. Not going to be lie: I went for Volkite and Tartaros for the aesthetic. Bought the models before considering the rules!


In your experience, how do larger squads of terminators perform in ZM? I kept the squads minimum size to try and remain flexible but if they are too easily wiped out, I might drop the Contemptors for more men.

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Thats the best reason to use something so I'm not going to argue. If you like them thats all that matters. Always remember you can sweep and run with that armour. In ZM running will be great as the corridors won't always give you targets.


I use a 5 man terminator squad with a Praetor and a Navigator. 3 games now with that build and I like it. The larger the squad the harder it is to move around. So I stick with 5.


Good luck and let us know how you get on.

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