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Tallarn Commander's Chaos (Defiler & Dark Apostle Done)

Go to solution Solved by Tallarn Commander,

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Dr. Ruminahui,

I finished up my Renegades & Heretics back in 2020 (although I have since added a few infantry here and there). Here is a link to a post about the completed army: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-night-lords-vs-salamanders/?p=5503432

In other news, earlier this month I got in another league game with my Night Lords. This was a fun close game against a beautifully-painted and fluffy Salamanders army with a very nice opponent. Here is a Night Lords vs. Salamanders battle report:

Hidden Content
Salamanders Army


-Chaplain on bike

-Librarian (?) in Terminator Armor


-5 Intercessors

-5 Intercessors

-5 Heavy Intercessors

-5 Intercessors


-5 Vanguard with various and sundry

-5 Bladeguard

-5 Termies with Storm Shields and Thunder Hammers

-3 Agressors



-Big Tank (I cannot recall the name)

-Redemptor Dread

Here is a photo of my opponent's fully painted and impressive Salamanders


And I brought my standard Night Lords force with a few tweaks...

Hidden Content


-Lord Ruven, Chaos Lord, jump pack, "Toughness Veteran Skill," counts as Mark of Nurgle, combi-melta, G'Holl'ax, Fist of Decay

-Biker Sorceress Chamorro, combi-melta, force sword

-Dark Apostle Nightgaunt (and his 2 Dark Disciples)


-Hatred's Harbingers, 10 Chaos Marines, triple melta

-Jarvak's Jackals, 10 Chaos Marines, triple melta

-Evita's Eviscerators, 10 Chaos Marines, 2 lascannons, power sword

-Batista's Bastards, 10 Chaos Marines, 2 lascannons


-Harry the Helbrute, Fist, multimelta

-The Scoundrels, 7 Chosen, 6 powerfists

-The Atramentar, 5 Chaos Terminators, each with lightning claw and combi-melta


-Dragonne, Rhino

-Lightning, Rhino

-Night Masque, Rhino


-Warpnight, 10 Warp Talons


-Mary the Maulerfiend

In this force I tried a few new things:

-I dropped Deffy (this made me sad since he does Yeoman's work, but I wanted to try other things)

-I dropped the Bats Out of Hell squad of 15 Raptors (a fun unit but they have not been doing much lately, I think I shall shelve them for awhile)

-I dropped Lord Duvalier with jumppack and Claws of the Black Hunt (this also made me sad because he often does quite well in melee and buffing)

-I added an assault squad of Chosen with powerfists and I added their Rhino

-I changed my sorcerer from a jump pack sorcerer to a Legends biker sorceress with force sword and combi-melta (for added durability, for added anti-tank, and because I suspect we might be losing Legends biker characters with the new Codex)

-I added a Lord with jumppack, combi-melta, Nurgle powerfist (I wanted to try a lord who could also shoot a little, since I tend to lack ranged anti-tank in my lists)

Here is a photo of my army


And here is a shot of my warlord, Lord Ruven Godslayer. He has been promoted from being my sorc. He is toting his new power fist and multi-melta.


The Salamanders won the roll to see who went first.

I forgot to take many pictures of the armies at deployment or of the top half of Turn 1. Sorry.

But I did take this shot of the Salamanders in their table quarter before the game began.



The Salamanders moved forces forward across the board. He stripped some wounds off of Harry the Helbrute and the Chosen's Rhino. No charges.

-----NIGHT LORDS TURN 1-----

Here you can see the board after Night Lords Turn 1 movement. Salamanders in the top left, Night Lords in the bottom right.


I have moved up my forces...

-On the left: Mary, Sorceress Chamorro, the Jackals CSM, and their Rhino

You can see them in this photo


-In the center: I kept the Eviscerators CSM and the Bastards stay back on the objective

Here you can see both CSM Squads chilling on the objective


-On the right: I moved up with the Harbingers CSM, Dark Apostle Nightgaunt, Lord Ruven, Harry, the Chosen, and their Rhino

In this photo you can see Harry the Helbrute, Lord Ruven, Dark Apostle Nightgaunt and his two Dark Disciples (who look a lot like Raptors), and the Chosen Rhino all moving up


In this photo you can see the Harbingers CSM after they dismounted from their Rhino and grabbed an objective on my right


The board seen from the Night Lords left flank on Turn 1


During my psychic phase, Chamorro moved Mary up a bit on the left with Warptime. I can't recall if I got off a second spell.

During shooting phase, my lascannons sniped at a chaplain and a bike, got lucky, and took him out. I felt kind of bad about taking out his character like that but we've all lost HQs to shots that that. Not much else happened during my shooting phase. I was also too far away for any charges.


On my left flank, the Salamanders moved up an Apothecary and Intercessor Squad.


In the center, the loyalists moved up with another Intercessor Squad and an Assault Intercessor Squad. Meanwhile, a 3rd Intercessor Squad, a Termie Squad, and a Librarian (?) in Termie Armor moved up on my right. Shooting chipped wounds off of various units (including Harry the Helbrute who was dropped down to 1 wound!). Only 2 charges were made.

The first charge was by the Green Terminators on my right against the Harbingers CSM on the objective. The Termies roll poorly with their Thunder Hammers and the Harbingers survive. Whew!

The second charge was by the Green Vanguard against my Chosen Rhino. He also didn't roll very well here either but he did chip some wounds off of the Rhino.

Salamanders Termies charge the Harbingers on the top of Turn 2


-----NIGHT LORDS TURN 2-----

During my movement phase...

-on my right I hopped out of melee with my beleaguered Harbingers CSM Squad. I was lucky that they survived at all against all those Thunder Hammers.

-in the center I moved up with Harry the Helbrute, Lord Ruven, Dark Apostle Nightgaunt, and the Chosen got out of their Rhino and moved up. The Rhino then moved out of melee with the Vanguard.

-in the center I also kept the Eviscerators back on the objective, but I advanced the Bastards CSM forward and they grabbed an objective in the middle of the board

-on my left I kept moving up with Mary, the Jackals CSM, and Biker Sorceress Chamorro

At the end of my movement phase I dropped Warpnight the Warp Talons Squad down on my right to support the Harbingers CSM. The Atrementar Termies bided their time and stayed on the Night Lords Battle Barge drinking coffee and playing cards.

The board after Turn 2 Night Lords movement



Warpnight drops down


During my psychic phase I moved Mary up some more with Warp Time. I think I tried a smite with Sorceress Chamorro against the Chaplain on a bike (my opponent had remembered that he could use a strat to bring the chaplain back on 1 wound, this made me feel better about lascannon sniping him off the board on Turn 1).

During my shooting phase not much happened. Although Lord Ruven's new combi-melta did melt a Vanguard Veteran. So that's something.

During my assault phase...

-on my left Mary successfully charged the chaplain. The nearby Intercessors used a strat to intervene and support the Chaplain in the fight.

-On my right Harry and Lord Ruven successfully charged the remaining Vanguard Veterans

-On my right the Scoundrels powerfist Chosen successfully charged Intercessors and Heavy Intercessors

But in a tragedy of tragedies Warpnight the Warp Talons failed in their charge against the Terminators. Even with the 3d6 Raptor Strike strat and burning a CP for a re-roll. Sigh. They are my premier assault unit, if only they had made the charge. Oh well, that's why the game is played with dice.

Warpnight Warp Talons Squad fails their charge and stares dumbly at an angry Squad of Salamanders Terminators


Chosen prepare to charge Intercessors and Assault Intercessors


Ruven and Harry charge Vanguard


Only 1 of my 3 assaults go well. Mary manages to finish off the Chaplain while the Intercesors attacks do nothing to Mary.


Mary is sad she killed the nice man on the bike. She just wanted to hug him.

Lord Ruven's relic Nurgle powerfist swings all miss (I roll a very sad number of 1s) against the Vanguard and the Vanguard promptly intervene and kill Harry.

The Salamanders infantry have a -1 Damage Reduction ability so my Chosen powerfists kill like 2 or 3 Intercessors/Heavy Intercessors. In response my Chosen are all killed off. D'oh! The rumors are that melee Chosen will be good in the new codex. I sure hope they are.

The Scoundrels Chosen Squad meet an untimely demise


With that, Turn 2 comes to an end. My opponent has lost a chaplain and I have lost a Helbrute and a Chosen Squad. Both of us have good board position and it's anyone's game.

To be continued on Salamander Turn 3 below..........

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......Continued from above


During Turn 3 the Salamanders surged forward with everything except their tank and Redemptor, who were on the Salamander backfield objective. The Blade Guard, Aggressors, and Apothecary moved up into the middle of the board. On my right the Termies, 2 Intercessor Squads, Heavy Intercessors, and character in terminator armor moved up.

Here are some shots of the board at the end of Salamander Turn 3 movement



During the shooting phase he killed the Bastards CSM Squad in the middle of the board and Lord Ruven. He also dropped the Warp Talons down from 10 models to 2. Ouch!

My right flank right before the Terminators (and other units) gun down Warpnight the Warp Talons


Turn 3 Salamander assaults consisted of a Terminator charge against Dark Apostle Nightgaunt and his Disciples.


Until now Nightgaunt had not done much for me. But he shined in a clutch situation and I rolled a bazillion successful 4+ invulnerable saves, which tied up the Terminators. Yay!

Sadly the two Dark Disciples bit the dust.

And the Termies charged and took out a Rhino in the middle of the board. But Mary took out the squad of Intercessors on my left flank who had been tied up with her. This freed her and Sorcderess Chamorro up to cause havoc in the Salamander backfield.

-----NIGHT LORDS TURN 3-----

On my left I moved Mary the Maulerfiend and Biker Sorceress Chamorro further into the enemy deployment zone. Also on my left I moved the Jackals CSM Squad and their Rhino over to grab another objective (in this mission an obsec unit could leave an objective and it was still considerered held unless the enemy got near it). In my center the Eviscerators remained on their objective. On my right all I had left to move were the surviving members of Harbingers CSM Squad and Warpnight Warp Talon Squad, both of whom concentrated around an objective. Dark Apostle Nightgaunt remained locked in melee with the Salamander Terminators.

At the end of my movement phase I brought the Atramentar Chaos Terminators Squad out of deep-strike. They had finished up their coffee and cards on the Battle Barge and were ready to rumble.

My shooting phase was uneventful but I do remember that Chamorro successfully cast Warptime and Prescience on Mary. Huzzah!

The board after Night Lords Turn 3 movement



Harbingers CSM Squad and Warpnight the Warp Talons prepare to challenge Intercessors over the objective


During my charge phase Mary charged the Redemptor, not a great matchup (although Mary did benefit from Prescience and Daemonforge) but I had no other choice



Mary and chipped some wounds off of the Redemptor. The Salamander dreadnought was having none of that and pounded Mary into oblivion.

The Atramentar Chaos Terminators charged the Salamander tank and thus captured the Salamander backfield objective


The Atramentar took off a few wounds but didn't do too much.

And, in what is probably my favorite two photos of the match, the Harbingers CSM and Warpnight Warp Talons charged the Intercessors on my right flank


gallery_88062_14499_345685.jpegYou can feel the emotion and energy of swirling sci fi melee in these pictures. It's always fun when two fully painted armies fight each other. In the end, the Intercessors were clubbed into unconsciousness and objective belonged to the Sons of Curze.

But sadly Nightgaunt the Dark Apostle was taken out by the Terminators


And in a desperate effort to hold them up, I charged a Rhino into the Bladeguard in the middle of the board. The Bladeguard chopped poor "Lightning" to bits.


Sorry about the photo's blurriness. It's too bad that this is the only shot I have of the Blade Guard because this unit was one of my opponent's most nicely-painted units. The highlighting on the power swords was really well done.

So Turn 3 was a painful one for me: I lost 2 Rhinos, a Maulerfiend, the Bastards CSM Squad, a Dark Apostle, and my warlord, Lord Ruven Godslayer. The Salamanders lost 2 Intercessor Squads. But I had been trading models for objectives and the points were still close.

Continued below...........

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.......Continued from above


In the Salamander backfield, the Redemptor, having swatted Mary the Maulerfiend aside, shuffled a bit to draw line of sight on Biker Lord Chamorro and to better charge the Atramentar.


The Aggressors and Blade Guard kept pushing forward in the center. On my right the Heavy Intercessors, Terminator Character, and Terminators prepared to grab objectives.

The board after Turn 4 Salamander movement, as seen from the Salamander perspective. You can see Biker Sorceress Chamorro at the bottom.


Salamander shooting chipped away at some units and killed the Warp Talons.

Biker Lord Chamorro somehow survived a torrent of Redemptor shooting. The dice gods were kind to her indeed.


The Intercessors on the right dropped out of melee. Their demise was greatly exaggerated in the post above (I just remembered that I didn't kill them after all).


During the charge phase, the Redemptor charged the Chaos Terminators, killing them off because I rolled abysmally for my 5++ saves


The Terminators charged the Harbingers CSM Squad on the objective (just like they had done on Turn 2). But this time they finished off the Night Lords squad.


And the Blade Guard charged and wiped out the Jackals CSM Squad in the middle of the board.

-----NIGHT LORDS TURN 4-----

During my Turn 5 I didn't have much left. A Rhino and the Eviscerators CSM Squad in my backfield and Biker Sorceress Chamorro in my opponent's backfield.

gallery_88062_14499_150410.jpegMy only movement was to vroom Chaos Biker Sorceress Chamorro up to the Apothecary to try for a sneaky assassination

The board after Night Lords Turn 5 movement


During my psychic phase Chamorro chipped a few wounds off of the Apothecary. Then during the shooting phase Chamorro's combi-melta shot missed. But then she charged in and her force sword dropped the corpse-god-worshipping medic. On some level Chamorro felt that her act was revenge for the Nighthaunter's unjust assassination by the Empire.


-----TURN 5-----

Turn 5 was pretty much a mopping up operation. The Aggressors finished off Biker Sorceress Chamorro and the Terminators took out the last Rhino. My Eviscerators managed to survive, they had spent the entire game in the prone position on an objective doing an action. You can see the squad tipped over on its side (indicating the action) in the shot below.

The board on Turn 5


Terminator Thunder Hammers treat "Night Masque" the Chaos Rhino with extreme prejudice


We then tallied up the points and it was really close. It was a Salamanders victory by 5 points. I had earned more in primaries and my opponent had done well on secondaries. What a fun game against a very sporting opponent with a gorgeous army. It was an excellent way to spend a Saturday afternoon!

Ave Dominus Nox!

Edited by Tallarn Commander
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Sounded like a tough game, the difference in durability and often output made for a steep climb but getting the end result to be that close shows the importance of playing the mission so you did very well there :thumbsup: With GW finally announcing CSM bits hopefully it's not a long wait until the new codex is in our hands :biggrin.: Then it's really time for vengeance :lol:

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Thanks for the kind words Warrior Fish and Plague Lord. Yes, while our Chaos Marines may not be very good right now, they can cap still cap objectives.


This weekend I'll be bringing the Night Lords to a tournament. I'll swap one of the Chaos Marine Squads (The Eviscerators) out for a 20-trooper Cultist Squad so I'll have 50 cheap obsec objective holders instead of my usual 40. I'll also put the powerfist Chosen and their Rhino on the shelf for now and bring 2 Blood Slaughterers instead.

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Dr. Ruminahui,


I finished up my Renegades & Heretics back in 2020 (although I have since added a few infantry here and there). Here is a link to a post about the completed army: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-night-lords-vs-salamanders/?p=5503432  




LOL - sorry, I meant your opponents grot tanks, none of which were actually "tanks", which is why I put the work in quotation marks.  As for your renegades, they as always looked great, but having followed your posts for a while I'm well aquainted with how they look. :)


Thanks again for another set of great battle reports.  Always great to read yoru optimism and good spirits in the face of your forces almost certain demise. :)  And, as you said, its great to see you squar off against another painted army.

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Hello everyone,

In order to get ready for a tournament I went to on Saturday I finished up two Night Lords Aspiring Champions on Friday!

Here are some photos:

WIP shot of Chaos Champion Jinx, leader of the Jackals CSM Squad


A completed Jinx




And an action shot of Jinx fighting Slaaneshi daemons


WIP shot of Aspiring Champion Blacksun, leader of the Bastards CSM Squad


And a completed Aspiring Champion Blacksun




And Blacksun on display at the tournament


And Chaos Lord Duvalier kept falling off his base, so I re-did it.

The old Duvalier base


WIP shot of the new base


The new base


And I put him at the top of the pylon rather than hanging from it...


And a fun action shot from the tournament. Lord Ruven's last moments before he is brought down by an IG Captain with powerfist.


Enjoy the pics.

Night Lords, "The quick and the dead."

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Hello fellow Chaos followers,

I hope this blog update finds you all doing well.

I was able to take my Night Lords to another Rogue Trader tournament last weekend. Here is a tournament report.

The venue was "Mugu Games," an esteemed gaming store in south Everett here in Washington state (in the U.S.). Tournaments at Mugu are always quite fun. If you are interested in my last tournament report from the last time I brought Chaos Marines to a Mugu tournament, way back in 2019, here is a link: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-night-lords-go-to-a-tournament/?p=5230338

This time around I brought a casual Night Lords list (CSM can pretty much only do casual these days :biggrin.: )...here's the list:



-Lord Ruven Godslayer, Chaos Lord, jumppack, Thunder Hammer, combi-melta, Scourging Chains, Killing Fury Warlord Trait

-Lord Duvalier Nightfall, Chaos Lord, jumppack, Claws of the Black Hunt

-Sorceress Chamorro, Mark of Slaanesh, Chaos Bike, combi-melta, force sword


-Jinx's Jackals, 10 Chaos Marines, 8 chainswords, 2 meltaguns, combi-melta

-Hadrian's Harbingers, 10 Chaos Marines, 8 chainswords, 2 meltaguns, combi-melta

-Blacksuns Bastards, 10 Chaos Marines, chainsword, 7 bolters, 2 heavy bolters

-3rd Squad, 20 Cultists with autoguns


-Dragonne, Chaos Rhino

-Night Masque, Chaos Rhino


-Atramentar, 5 Chaos Terminators, each with lightning claw and combi-melta, "Alacrity Veteran Skill," counts-as Mark of Slaanesh, Icon of Excess

-Harry the Helbrute, multi-melta, Helbrute Fist


-Warpnight, 10 Warp Talons, Mark of Khorne

-BloodLady, Blood Slaughterer of Khorne, Slaughter Blade, Impaler Harpoon

-888, Blood Slaughterer of Khorne, Slaughter Blade, Impaler Harpoon


-Mary, Maulerfiend, Lasher Tendrils, Maulerfiend Fist

In this list I changed up a few things from my last game:

-I dropped the under-performing powerfist Chosen and their Rhino

-I dropped a CSM Squad with 2 lascannons (which made me sad because I love my CSM)

-I tried out a squad of 20 Cultists, it's been awhile since I tried large Cultist Squads. During this tournament they sure were good at tarpitting, screening, and performing actions like Retrieve Octarius Data

-I tossed in a couple of Blood Slaughterers for some melee fun

-I tried out a pair of heavy bolters on my back-field CSM Squad. I must say I was not impressed. They do have a higher rate of fire but I think I'm better off keeping the less consistent but more lethal pair of lascannons (it looks like we will be losing our ability to take 2 heavy weapons in our CSM Squads in the next Codex, sigh)

Here is a photo of Lord Ruven's Reavers


My display tray's Night Lords symbol


One can never have enough bats (or skulls).

My three Headquarters units: Biker Sorceress Chamorro Nightfall, Lord Duvalier Nightfall, and Lord Ruven Godslayer




The name "Godslayer" is not at all influence by the new Warhammer Total War III campaign's backstory :smile.:

Warpnight, my squad of Warp Talons, these have consistently been my heavy hitters since I started using them last fall.

gallery_88062_14499_105087.jpegThe 3d6 charge from Deepstrike with "Raptor Strike" is a wonderful thing.

Good old Harry the Helbrute


I had 3 Daemon Engines on the board so Harry was often left to his own devices by the enemy. This means he did yeoman's work.

The Bastards, 10 CSM with 2 heavy bolters


I'm pretty sure that Scoursoul's heavy bolter rounds are feeding into his gun backwards. D'oh!

The Jackals, a Rhino-mounted triple melta CSM Squad


These blokes consistently get me midfield objectives Turn 1 although they often soon die by Turn 3

888 the Blood Slaughterer, although one opponent referred to him as "Bob," which I appreciated. I'm not sure what 888 thought about it though.


-----GAME 1 VS. AD MECH-----

My first game was to be against Admech. A tough opponent these days since their 9th edition Codex made them much stronger than they were in 8th edition.

My opponent's Adeptus Mechanicus list was as follows (this is from memory and probably not too accurate). My opponent took the "Metallica" Forge World. Lately at work we've been talking about the band "Metallica" lately and their album "Ride the Lightning." So whenever he said "Metallica" I kept thinking of the band. At any rate, I guess the Metallica Forge World makes my assault units (so much of my army) very sad. It halved their strength against his units. So my Warp Talons were strength 2, my Maulerfiend was Strength 6, etc. This was a very powerful ability.


-Big techpriest

-Little techpriest

-Little techpriest

-Skitarii Marshall


-10 Rangers (mounted in a flyer with flappy wings)

-3 Kataphron Destroyers

-3 Kataphron Destroyers


-5 Infiltrators


-Big flappy flyer


-3 horsie dudes (Serberys)

-2 Ironstriders


-3 Kastelan Robots with various and sundry

-3 Kastelan Robots with various and sundry

-Onager Dunecrawler

My battle plan was to attack his with my melee units (so 8 of my 15 units) while everyone else grabbed objectives and filled support roles.

Here's a photo of the Admech line at deployment


Sadly this is the only photo I took before the game.

Luckily I won the roll off to go first. Huzzah!

-----NIGHT LORDS TURN 1-----

I roared forward with all my units. On my left I moved forward with Ruven, 3rd Cultist Squad, a Rhino full of melta CSM, and Mary.

Ruven and the Cultist grab the Cthulu objective on Turn 1


Of course the Cultists would go for the Cthulu objective.

On my right I moved up with Duvalier, Harry, the Bastards, and a Rhino full of CSM.


Way over on my far right I moved up with Biker Sorceress Chamorro, 888, and BloodLady.

The board after Turn 1 Night Lords movement. I popped smoke on both Rhinos because that is still a thing for CSM.


During my psychic phase, Chamorro successfully cast "Warptime" on BloodLady who happily hurtled towards with Admech line. I failed to cast Prescience on BloodLady though.

Shooting was pretty inconsequential.

I only had 1 charge during the charge phase. BloodLady leapt into a squad of screening Infiltrators, who suddenly began questioning their life choices.


She also tied up a Destroyer Squad for good measure.

My opponent rolled really well for the Infiltrator's invulnerable saves and the squad survived.

Admech line after the melee


-----ADMECH TURN 1-----

My opponent responded by leaping the Destroyers out of melee on my right. I also would want to run away from a giant Khornate robot spider daemon.

On my left the Admech line moved forward but he generally stayed back on my right. The big flappy thing went straight into the middle of my lines, causing jumppack-equipped Lords Duvalier and Ruven to salivate, anticipating the the Turn 2 charge against the flyer (and subsequent flaying of skin). Do Skitarii have skin?

Here are some pictures of the board after Admech movement on Turn 1



Dunecrawler and Mary have a staredown on my left flank


Admech shooting proved uneventful for a change (my opponent did not roll very well). Wounds were chipped off of various Night Lords units.

No charges for the Admech on Turn 1. BloodLady took out some more Infiltrators, but the squad still held.

With that Turn 1 drew to a close. No one had died. And both of us were jockeying for position.

..........to be continued below...........

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......Continued from above.....

-----NIGHT LORDS TURN 2-----

During my movement phase I moved up on my right with 888 the Blood Slaughter, Biker Sorceress Chamorro, Harry the Helbrute, and Hadrian's Harbingers CSM Squad.

The Night Lords right flank moves up


On my left flank Mary the Maulerfiend prowled forwards as did Chaos Lord Ruven Godslayer.

In my center I jumped Jinx's Jackals CSM Squad and Chaos Lord Duvalier next to the big flappy-winged flyer. Meanwhile 3rd Cultist Squad and the Bastards CSM Squad hung back on objectives.

Warpnight the Warp Talons Squad emerged from the aether on my left as did the Atramentar Chaos Terminator Squad.

During my magic phase Chamorro failed to shove 888 forward with Warptime but she did buff BloodLady with Prescience.

During my shooting phase the Jackal's 3 meltas managed to bring down the flyer. Yay! All other shooting proved inconsequential.

When the time came to charge all of my right flank units failed their relatively short charges against Castellan Robots, Destroyers, and Infiltrators. D'oh!

But luckily in the center Duvalier and the Jackals made their charge against the contents of the flyer, a squad of Rangers, and made short work of them.

All four of my left flank charges were successful as you can see in this photo


Warpnight made it in against the horsies in the building and the Castellan Robots. They wiped out the horsies and, thanks to Khorne allowing them to fight twice, took out a Robot.


Mary and Ruven reached the Dunecrawler, but they could only chip a few wounds off of it.

The Atrementar Terminators leapt up to assassinate the Techpriest, but only removed a few wounds


That "Metallica" trait that halved my unit's strength sure was strong! It made my premier assault unit scratch feebly at the enemies' armor.

Over on my right BloodLady dropped the Infiltrators down to one model.


Here is a photo of the board at the end of Night Lords Turn 2


-----ADMECH TURN 2-----

During the Admech movement phase my opponent shuffled forward with his Castellan Robots and Ironstriders as you can see in these photos




Since many of his units were locked in melee his shooting didn't do too much, although he did knock out the Jackals CSM Squad in the middle of the board. During melee I was able to finish off many of his left flank units and the Infiltrator on the right.

At that point we decided to call it as time was getting on. A Night Lords victory! And this win broke a seven game losing streak with my Chaos armies. Huzzah!

My opponent was very nice and was new to tournaments and Admech. It was a friendly game and I welcome my opponent into the hobby!

Onto Game 2....

My Game 2 opponent was a Slaaneshi Daemon army. I don't have too much experience going up against Slaanesh daemons. The last time I faced them was in March of 2019 in this game here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-night-lords-go-to-a-tournament/?p=5279254

My opponent's army was a mix of fun and fast big daemons and a horde of smaller daemonettes and fiends. It was an awesome army and very flavorful!

My opponent was awesome and we had a great time. Their were some running gags where I teased him that my Delightful Agonies was better than his (it gives CSM a 5+++ whereas his only grants a 6+++) and another where he said his Fiend Squad who spent the whole game chasing Cultists were just trying to convert the Cultists to Slaanesh ("Wait! Have you heard about our Lord and Savior Slaanesh?").

Slaanesh Daemons Army (probably not entirely accurate)


-Greater Daemon

-Greater Daemon

-Greater Daemon


-Large Squad of maybe 30 Daemonettes, this squad had the instrument and icon

-3 to 5 smaller squads of 10 Daemonettes, I don't think these squads had instruments but they might have had icons


-3 Fiends

-3 Fiends

-3 Fiends

The board at deployment



The Slaaneshi line, the sheer beauty of the horde was amazing!



The thin blue line


My opponent won the roll to go first. And the game began.

Continued below...........

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Continued from above.....


Speed. Speed was the theme of the day for Slaaneshi daemons. As noted above, I've only faced Slaaneshi daemons once before and that list was mostly daemonettes. In contrast, this list had a healthy dose of four Greater Daemons of Slaanesh. And those ladies were fast. I didn't think they would be able to reach me on Turn 1. I was wrong.

During the Slaaneshi movement phase my opponent moved all the daemons straight towards my lines at an incredibly fast clip. D'oh.

As you can see from this image they were able to cross more than half the board: board after Turn 1 Daemons movement


During the psychic phase some buffs were cast, I teased my opponent about my Sorceress Chamorro's Delightful Agonies being better than his Delightful Agonies.

Then came the charges.

Ladies of Slaanesh prepared to charge my left flank


And the Ladies of Slaanesh prepared to charge my right flank


And three of my opponent's charges were successful: Greater Daemon vs. Blood Slaughterer on my left, Fiends vs. Bastards CSM in my center, and Greater Daemon vs. Maulerfiend and Chaos Sorceress on my right.

The board after Turn 1 Daemon charges


After the dust settled all three targets were dead. RIP 888, Mary, and Chamorro. Ouch. In return I chipped some wounds off of the Lady on my left by interrupting with 888 before he was brought down. The Fiends vs. Bastards CSM in the middle was pretty much a slapfest.

-----NIGHT LORDS TURN 2-----

With 2 big daemons and 3 units lost the Night Lords were on their back foot. I would have to respond aggressively.

On my right Hadrian's Harbingers jumped out of their Rhino and grabbed an objective while Duvalier prepared to charge


And as you can see from this overall board photo, on my left Jinx's Jackals also moved up. They had the support of Harry the Helbrute and Ruven Godslayer, who also moved up.


There was no pyschic phase because poor Chamorro had been knocked unconscious the previous turn. Pity as her "Death Hex" and "Delightful Agonies" really could have been useful. During the shooting phase I chipped some wounds off of various Greater Daemons with melta shots.

During the charge phase I moved Harry and Ruven in against the Greater Daemon who was fighting BloodLady on my left. And on my right Duvalier cried "YOLO!" and charged the Greater Daemon on the right. The Jackals CSM charged some Fiends and the Harbingers CSM charged some Daemonettes on Steeds of Slaanesh.

I activate Duvalier first (I should have activated Ruven first) and he doesn't do much damage with his Claws of the Black Hunt.


In this photo you can see Duvalier. The Chaos Lord has been enchanted and is seen here gently stroking the arm of the Greater Daemon of Slaanesh.

My opponent interrupted and slammed Chaos Lord Ruven into the ground. Only a smear remained.

Then BloodLady and Harry managed to do quite a bit of damage in return. But she lived on a handful of wounds.


Then the Greater Daemon on the right activated and hammered Duvalier into the ground as well.

The 3 melee my CSM squads were engaged in were pretty uneventful, each side chipped away at the other side.

Jackals and Fiends chop away at each other


With that Turn 1 had come to a close. The Daemons had lost no units, although 1 Greater Daemon was low on wounds, and held a great board position. I had lost 5 units (Sorceress, Lord, Lord, Maulerfiend, and Blood Slaughterer) and had a mediocre board position. Uh oh.


During the Slaaneshi movement phase, his smaller daemons leapt across the board and readied for charges.


Daemonette horde moves into the middle of the board on Turn 2


Fiends approach 3rd Squad, "Have you heard about our Lord and Saviour Slaanesh?"


During the psychic phase various buffs were cast. Since my opponent had no shooting he went on to assault. On my left the fiends made it in against 3rd Cultist Squad.

Greater Daemon about to take out Harry the Helbrute in melee


In the middle of the board a large horde of Daemonettes made quick work of the Jackals



In the ongoing Fiends vs. Bastards CSM fight, both sides knock a few models off


The ongoing Harbingers CSM vs. Steeds of Slaanesh fight is pretty calm as well



Ninja Joe kicks some Daemons of Slaanesh!

And the Fiends distribute leaflets to the Cultists. Who try to say they are not interested, they are just mercenaries and don't worship any Chaos gods.



Only a handful of Cultists fall in this melee.

And the Slaanesh Turn 2 ends.

......CONTINUED BELOW.......

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------NIGHT LORDS TURN 2-----

I began Turn 2 with all of 4 of my units (2 CSM Squads, Blood Slaughterer, and Cultists) locked in melee. Since I didn't have any better options I left them all in melee and brought out my deep-strikers. I brought both of them on the right:

The Atramentar Terminator Squad hides behind a building.


The Warpnight Warp Talon Squad prepared to charge the Greater Daemon on the right.

Then at the end of my movement phase, I used Tide of Traitors on the Cultists to move them out of melee with the fiends. They moved into the opponent's deployment zone and ROD'd.


The Atramentar failed to make their charge in support of the Warp Talons. But luckily the Warp Talons made it into melee against a Greater Daemon.

The Warp Talons claws were aglow as they sliced the Greater Daemon of Slaanesh limb from limb. My opponent lost his first unit of the game!


A Greater Daemon finished off BloodLady


Board during Night Lords Turn 2 melee phase. You can see the Cultists have moved from the bottom left to the top left of the board.


The board after Turn 2


And Turn 2 had ended. Turn 2 was much better than Turn 1. I only lost 2 units (CSM and Blood Slaughterer) and my opponent had lost a Greater Daemon.


During my opponent's movement phase daemons moved up to get revenge upon Warpnight



Various other daemon units shuffled around.

The board after Turn 3 Daemon movement


And a small horde of Slaanesh quickly dealt with the Warp Talons


A bunch of Daemonettes charged the Harbingers, knocking them out of the game


And a Greater Daemon finally took out the Bastards CSM Squad (who had been fighting a Fiend Squad all game)


------NIGHT LORDS TURN 3------

Now I was down to only 2 units. My Termies sat in a corner and ROD'd. My Cultists bravely moved up to challenge a small squad of Daemonettes on an objective.

3rd Squad charges Daemonettes


Both sides take a few enemies' out.


My opponent manuevers to take out my 2 remaining units.

The Fiends approached the Cultists, "I don't think you heard us last time. We want to talk to you about Slaanesh!"


A Greater Daemon said hi to the Atramentar and chopped them all down


And my last two cultists are brought down


The game ended with the Night Lords being tabled. I managed to kill a Greater Daemon and a squad of Fiends. Ouch! Next time I think I'll deploy a little further back and screen my main line with Cultists and Rhinos. Lesson learned.

But the game was a blast with much hilarity and fun! The forces of the Night Lords shall have their revenge!

My next game was to be against the forces of the Imperial Guard. Yay! My main army is a Tallarn IG army and I always love playing against them. Since they are also a bottom tier army those games tend to be close.

---------TO BE CONTINUED BELOW--------------------

Edited by Tallarn Commander
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Slaaneshi daemons are very fast - they have to be as they're squishy :tongue.: Three Keepers is a strong build as they're the heavy hitters as you found out the hard way :sweat: They have a lot of multiple damage attacks to throw out so vehicles and other larger units are their primary prey. Once you're embroiled in combat they will whittle you down, though again they have to be good at this as there are barely any ranged weapons to speak of :laugh.:

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Marshall Mittens, thanks for the kind words!

Warrior Fish, you are right. My opponent was very good at target selection. He said he had learned first-hand what a buffed Maulerfiend could do. :biggrin.:

Plague Lord, I agree. The last time I faced Slaanesh Daemons (back in 2019) they only had a bunch of small gribblies and a Daemon Prince and were much slower. This time those Greater Daemons just leapt across the board. I think about 3 to 4 inches further back (plus a screen) would have done it.

.......CONTINUED FROM ABOVE..........


My opponent had a gorgeous army. I voted for it for best-painted and it won best painted. It consisted of incredibly well-painted and very well-sculpted female Guard! Yay! I've long tried to integrate female guard troopers into my forces. But, at best, I still only have a smattering of female troopers. I've slowly been adding Victoria Miniatures female guard. And since 2000 my armies' warlord has been a female, Captain Scheherazade.

My Tallarn 23rd's Captain Scheherazade (with excessively-large powerfist)


But this army was entirely female. Most impressive!

CADIAN IMPERIAL GUARD (list is from memory and probably not entirely accurate)




-Captain with Dagger of Tu'Sakh (I love this relic and always include it in my IG lists)

-Tank Commander with Gatekeeper (so doing 1 extra damage to me)


-6 bare-boned infantry squads





-Master of Ordinance (it's been awhile since I took one of these, I should dust mine off and try it again. His did yeoman's work)


-Chimera with 2 heavy flamers?

-Chimera with 2 heavy flamers?


-Scout Sentinel with heavy flamer (I love these guys, and 1 of my Tallarn army configurations used 15 back in the day. It lost a lot.)







I think that's about it.

Here is a shot of my opponent's army


The forces of the Imperium won the roll off against the foul Sons of Curze.

Here is a shot of the board at deployment


The thin green line


The thin blue line


A close-up of the awesome Bassy. Look at the work he has put in on that sucker!


During my opponent's psychic phase various buffs were handed out. During the movement phase he shuffled up and vroomed a Chimera up on each flank. The Scout Sentinel did what Scout Sentinels do and pressed my left flank. He managed to nab the objective on my right flank.

During the shooting phase he blew away both Blood Slaughterers and a Rhino. Ouch! How come my Tallarns can't shoot as well as that?

No charges.

------NIGHT LORDS TURN 1------

I moved up on my left with Harry, Jinx's Jackals, and Chaos Lord Ruven.

Jinx's Jackals RODs on an objective on Turn 1


Chamorro buffed Mary with Prescience and Warp Time. What little shooting my army has bounced off his units.

During the charge phase, Ruven charged in on the left and killed some Guardswomen. Mary charged in on the right and ripped a Chimera to shreds.

Ruven swings his Thunder Hammer


The board after Night Lords Turn 1



Things were still somewhat even at the end of Turn 1. Both of us were fighting for board position in the corners. I had lost 3 units and he had lost 1.


During Turn 2, my opponent moved Russes around (but only 5 inches of course) to gain better line of sight. On my left he moved up with his sentinel, a Chimera, an infantry squad, and a plasma vet squad. He tried to jump out of melee with Ruven but I prevented it by popping my "We Have Come for You" stratagem.

Cadians move up on the Night Lords left flank


On my right he kept his infantry squad on the objective.

Various buffs were distributed during the psychic phase. During the shooting phase he blew away Mary on the right and the Jackals on the left.

IG sentinel flames the Jackals CSM Squad!


Mary the Maulerfiend's last moments


Poor Mary. My Tallarns also usually manage to blow away Maulerfiends before they reach my lines. For some reason, IG gunners tend to target large scarey dino bots from hell.

During melee Ruven kills some more IG infantry, but he doesn't kill enough and the squad survives.

-----NIGHT LORDS TURN 2------

During the Night Lords movement phase I move Harry up on the left. It's just Harry and Ruven on the left so I deep-strike Warpnight the Warp Talons in on my left to join them.

On my right the Harbingers pile out of their Rhino and ROD. Chamorro moves up to chop up IG infantry while Lord Duvalier YOLOs and heads for the IG tank park. He is alone so I deep-strike my termies in to support him.

I cannot recall what happened during my psychic phase. During my psychic phase Harry stripped some wounds off of the sentinel. During the charge phase on my right Harry and the Atramentar Terminator Squad make it in against the IG tank park. Yay! Meanwhile on my left Harry makes it in against the sentinel for some walker on walker action. I tell my opponent he should have taken the sentinel chainsaw upgrade. :rolleyes: And on my left the Atramentar make their charge against the Chimera.

Warpnight rips apart the Chimera and Harry powerfists the sentinel to death. Ruven finishes off the IG infantry squad he's been dealing with.

The Night Lords left flank after Night Lords Turn 2


Sorceress Chamorro thins the ranks of the IG in melee


Lord Duvalier and the Atramentar have fun in an IG tank park. They scare the Cadians but cause little real damage.


The board during Night Lords Turn 2 melee


So the end of Turn 2 has us still fighting over objectives on each of the flanks. I'm down 5 units and the IG are down 4 units. Not a good tradeoff since he started with something like 22 units and I started with 14 units.

------CADIAN TURN 3------

On my left my opponent shuffles up with a captain, infantry squad, and plasma vet squad. On my right his infantry squad jumps out of melee with Sorceress Chamorro. In the center the Russes leap out of melee with the Chaos Terminators. Lord Duvalier doesn't want to get shot to bits so he pops "We have come for you" and locks the IG infantry in melee with him.

Guardswomen jump out of melee


Russ jumps out of melee


A dagger-equipped captain and infantry squad outflank and ROD in my deployment zone


The board after Turn 3 IG movement


During the shooting phase he blows away the Warp Talons and Harry the Helbrute on my left. It's up to Lord Ruven to hold his flank now.

Plasma vets take aim on my left. Look at the plasma bursts coming from their rifles!


It's an honor to be blown away by such a beautiful IG army!

On my right he blows away the Harbingers CSM Squad. Ouch!

During melee Lord Duvalier whittles away at guardsmen. And in a very dramatic effort, his captain with powerfist charges in against Lord Ruven on my left.

And in a final ignominy, the IG captain lays Lord Ruven low. D'oh!



Ouch. We don't talk about the time Ruven was taken out by an IG captain.

So Turn 3 ended with the bulk of my army dead, very little of my opponent's army harmed, and the Night Lords on their back foot.

.....to be continued below......

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------NIGHT LORDS TURN 3------

The Sons of Nostramo were on their back feet. So they scrambled back. In my deployment zone the Bastard CSM and 3rd Cultist Squad shuffled up to better deal with the IG squad that had popped up threatening their objective. On the right Chamorro prepared to charge the IG infantry (again). My left flank no longer existed. In the center the Atramentar ran around in th IG tank park. Those termies were having the time of their lives!

The Bastards and 3rd Squad thin out the IG ranks with bolter and autogun fire but the Termies' melta shots did nothing to the IG armor


During my charge phase Chamorro charged in on the right and the Termies charged in against the tank park.

Termies continue to tangle with tanks and infantry on Turn 3


Sadly during the melee phase Lord Duvalier was brought down by guardswomen.

----IG TURN 4------

Since the Night Lord only had 4 units left on the board (Chamorro, the Atramentar, the Bastards CSM Squad, and 3rd Cultist Squad) it was pretty much an IG mopping up operation at this point.

The guardswomen jumped out of melee with Chamorro on the right and the Russes promptly pounded her to dust. The IG infantry squad in my deployment zone ran away and ROD'd in my right flank quarter. The termies had popped "We have come for you" and so were locked in melee with the infantry squad.

Termies harass tanks and guardswomen on Turn 4


------NIGHT LORDS TURN 4------

During Turn 4 I used "Tide of Traitors" to redeploy 3rd Squad into my left table quarter where they ROD'd. Not much else happened. The Atramentar, now reduced to just Champion Sarran, kept harassing the IG tank park.

Outflanking rabble



Board after Turn 4 Night Lords movement


Termie Champion Sarran continues to annoy the IG


------IG TURN 5------

My opponent moves the captain and some infantry up to deal with my cultists. But not much else happens.

Lasguns vs. autoguns


The IG charge a captain and IG squad against Champion Annika's 3rd Cultist Squad.



Some guardswomen and Cultists fall and the melee is a draw.

And an IG Captain brings down Termie Champion Sarran on Turn 5


------NIGHT LORDS TURN 5-----

The cultists leapt out of melee to grab an objective and to live another day. My Atramentar Terminator Champion kept harassing the IG line.

Champion Blacksun (freshly painted) and his Bastards hold my backfield objective on Turn 5


And with that the game ended with an IG blowout in points. But what a fun, classic game. The elite assault Chaos Marines manuevering against the ranks of the humble guardwoman with lasgun. An epic tale. And my opponent's army was one of the most impressive armies I've seen in 22 years of the hobby! A great game!

I had a great time in all my games against 3 very fun opponents. Thanks to Mugu Games in Everett for hosting this event!

Ave Dominus Nox!

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It looked like a great game, your opponent's army had a lot of flavour and you could see the effort that went in :thumbsup: You're getting good use from the codex before it is retired if only we could all say the same! It'll be good to finally read batreps from the new codex; opponents watch out for revenge will be on the cards... :laugh.: With Tyranids up for pre-order this weekend I'm hoping that the CSM codex isn't far behind, but I get the feeling some other releases may rudely interrupt :tongue.:

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Warrior Fish, yes, the amount of effort that went into that IG army was truly impressive. Hopefully CSM (and IG) get new books soon!

In my hobbying I finally managed to finish 4 World Eaters Chaos Marines last weekend. This means that I have completed my first pledge for the "Anger and Arrogance" event.

Here are some photos of my four completed Khorne worshippers.

My completed pledge: Moonslaughter, Felheart, Hell's Angel, Knight of Despair, and Blacksun


And seen from the rear


Aspiring Champion Blacksun, I finished him last month but I'm including him because who doesn't like closeup photo of a Chaos Marine :)


Knight of Despair, a particularly devout follower of Khorne. When no enemies are around he will flay his back with his chain.


Knight of Despair, rear


Moonslaughter, he uses a brutal weapon weapon captured from an alien race. The weapon is called a "Flind Bar."


Moonslaughter, rear. He travels the verse defeating exotic alien warriors and seizing their weapons as trophies.


Felheart, seen in action last weekend against Sisters of Battle


It did not end well for Felheart, sadly.

Felheart, rear


Hell's Angel, in his free time he paints landscapes. Remember, there are no mistakes, only happy accidents.


He uses actual blood in some of his paintings, his own or his victim's

Hell's Angel, rear


And at a tournament last weekend I really enjoyed using Daemon Prince Azrath after a long hiatus. So I decided my Night Lords needed a Daemon Prince. Plus, if the rumors are true that Chaos Lords will lose their ability to take jump packs (I sure hope not) then it will be nice having a DP with wings in my Night Lords collection.

Meet Buzzard, Daemon Prince of the Night Lords


Buzzard's Origin Story

Daemon Prince Buzzard was already an ancient crime lord on Nostramo when Conrad Curze began his purge of criminals and the corrupt. Seeing which way the winds were blowing Buzzard wisely reined in his followers and moved his criminal operations underground so that the Nighthaunter could not sniff him out. When the call for volunteers to join the Night Lords came, Buzzard, who was at the end of his mortal life, joined up.

Normally such an elderly man would not have been transformed into a space marine. But Curze saw something of a kindred soul in Buzzard's fierceness and penchant for instilling fear. The Nighthaunter he allowed the native Nostroman into the ranks of the Night Lords. As a Night Lord, the rejuvenat processes kept Buzzard alive and, over time, thriving. He saw a great many things as the Night Lords wandered the verse converting mankind to follow the empire. He saw the purple darkness of the Lamenian Nebula. He saw the fear in those who joined the empire under threat of death. He saw Grand Cruisers burning near the Suns of Xerxes. And he saw the glorious bloody pyres of those who refused to join the empire.

As did most Night Lords, Buzzard wholeheartedly supported Horus' uprising because he believed the Emperor's persecution of the Night Lords was hypocrisy at its finest. The subsequent descent of the Night Lords into Chaos was really nothing new to this hardened criminal. He took things in stride when the Night Lords splintered following Curze's assassination. And over the millentia, through his treachery and guile, Buzzard managed to become a Daemon Prince of Chaos Undivided.

A few centuries ago, Buzzard crossed paths with House Nightfall. He was amused by this mercenary company of mortal humans with their warped memories of the Nostramo that was. He was, however, quite impressed at the fact that House Nightfall commanded 3 Night Lords Chaos Marine mercenary warbands, 9 Renegade and Heretics Mercenary Chaos Militia Companies, and even a company of Freeholder Chaos Knights. He was also astounded at the network of anti-Imperial clients and allies House Nightfall had forged. Buzzard soon allied himself with House Nightfall. A move he does not regret because he now commands House Nightfall's 2nd Claw of Night Lords Chaos Marines. He has gained a seat on the House's Ruling Council of Eight. While his faction is a lesser faction on the council, he is content to slowly let his power grow as he watches how the winds blow. He is amused at how things have and have not changed since his days as a Nostroman crime lord.

WIP shot of Buzzard


I suppose I should add a second arm. :biggrin.:

Enjoy the photos!

Night Lords, "The quick and the dead."

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Hello everyone, I've done most of the green-stuff work on Daemon Prince Buzzard. Tomorrow I'll prime him.

Here are some WIP photos

WIP Buzzard with green stuff


More Greenstuff on his Right Side, he now has a right arm


Green-Stuffing the Wings


I need to do a small amount of GS work on each wing and then I'm done

I'm considering using an old Night Lords Rhino Door as a shield. Here is a mockup.


Simon and Buzzard, as you can see Simon has his half of my hobby space. If I put anything on Simon's half he promptly pushes it onto the floor. Darn cat.



Enjoy the photos!

"In Midnight Clad"

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