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Tallarn Commander's Chaos (Defiler & Dark Apostle Done)

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continued from above...




On Turn 2

-on my right: I outflanked my Renegades and Heretics Mutant Rabble squad, Zeva's 7th Squad, on my left to support the sentinel and spawn. Kholek and his Mauler Hounds sat back on the objective.

-In the center: I shuffled my Russ forward so as to tarpit his Skitarii. 5th Squad sat back on my objective. In retrospect, I should have abandoned my objective in the center and sent 5th Squad up to help Wrath's Wraiths in their fight with the Infiltrators and kept Renegade Commander Dneghra back on the objective. They would have done more good there. 

-On my left: I moved everything (my Malefic Lord WarpRend, 4th Squad, and Gaur's Guerillas Hound Squad) up to tackle the horsies. 


The board after my movement phase



The thin blue line shuffles forward



Reaver gets closer to the Skitarii


Someone should probably tell him he's not really an assault unit.



My left flank eyes the Admech right flank and readies a chargegallery_88062_14499_260144.jpeg





Brrrrble the Chaos Spawn tries to catch up to the Scout Sentinel with the outflanking Mutant Rabble behind him





Chaos Militia Squad, 5th Squad, chills in my backfield





My psychic phase was uneventful as I fail to smite. But at least I don't perils. During my shooting phase 4th Squad and Reaver chip off some horsie and Skitarii. I forget that my Scout Sentinel can shoot his lascannon in melee. 



My left flank rips apart his horsies. WarpRend, in her mini-daemon prince mode, performs admirably. As do the Mauler Hounds and Chaos Militia.




In the center his Infiltrators finished off my Mauler Hounds.


Reaver also charges the Skitarii in the center.


This tank vs infantry melee would pretty much drag on til the bottom of Turn 4 when the Skitarii finally put enough wounds on the poor Leman Russ and killed it.



On my right flank my Mutant Rabble and Spawn fail the charge against the horsies. D'oh! This is because the cavalry has a nifty stratagem that allows them a move when they are charged. They wisely moved back. By the way, I just remembered that at the bottom of Turn 1 the cavalry killed off my scout sentinel. They probably would not have been able to use this "jump away" stratagem if they had been locked in combat with Hound of Chaos.




To be continued...

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Continued from above...


Turn 2 found the forces of the Admech on the back foot on the Chaos left flank, having just lost their horsie squad. and strong on the Chaos right flank.



On the R&H right flank, the horsies move up to threaten the Mutant Rabble and Spawn



During shooting the Admech plinked off a few wounds here and there. The cavalry snipers on the Chaos right/center, managed to chop two wounds off of my warlord, Renegade Commander Dneghra, with rifle fire. The tank blew away Brrrble the Spawn.

Then the Admech readied charges. On the Chaos left the horsies push into the Mutant Rabble.


Mutant vs horsie


In the center the Infiltrators, having killed off the Mauler Hound Squad last turn, charge into Fifth Squad in the center of my backfield.



Renegade Commander Dnegrah decides to heroically intervene. She does have a powerfist which might turn the tide of this melee.


Fifth Squad Trooper Ghoulmoney, the Nostroman 9th's black market "fixer," takes aim at a robot buckethead.


And the Leman Russ vs Skitarii slapfest continues in the AdMech center


In the end, the most consequential event of the fight phase was that the Infiltrators took out Renegade Commander Dnegrah before she could swing her fist. Luckily, it was only a glancing blow and she was merely knocked unconscious. She will be back! Elsewhere, the Chaos Militia Squad and the Mutant Rabble Squad had their numbers dwindle but they otherwise held.

With the forces of the Chaos Militia and the forces of the AdMech pretty much tied on primaries and secondaries we went into Turn 3.

To be continued...

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Continued from above...


The Nostroman 9th were dominating their left flank but on the backfoot in the center and right. I pushed forward on my left with Gaur and his Mauler Hounds and with "Daemon Princess" WarpRend. On the right, Kholek and Mauler Hounds moved up to help out 7th Squad, the Mutant Rabble.

Meanwhile 4th Squad chilled back in their deployment zone.


During the psychic phase, WarpRend actually got off a successful Smite against the tank. During the shooting phase 4th Squad whiffed with their lascannons. Then the charges.

WarpRend, Gaur, and Hound charge the tank, stripping some wounds off




In the center, the Infiltrators continue to slice and dice away at 5th Squad.


Here you can see Trooper Anak attempt to parry an Admech electric prod blow using his sword

The Marshall and Skitarii continue to whittle away at Reaver, the Renegades and Heretics Leman Russ


Kholek and his Mauler Hounds charge in and grind up some horsies


With 4 continuing melees across the board, we go into the bottom of Turn 3.

The board at the bottom of Turn 3, before Admech movement



During the Admech Turn 3 the tank on the Chaos left flank jumps out of melee


The horsies on the left also jumped out of melee. The tank on the Chaos right flank promptly gunned down the remaining Mutant Rabble troopers and whittled away the hounds


During the melee phase, the Infiltrators finished off 5th Squad on the objective.


Champion Cthulu's last moments. Luckily it was just a flesh wound, he wandered into the Nostroman 9th's basecamp the next day.

The Infiltrators nab the objective


Turn 3 ends with the forces of Chaos in a much worse situation then the end of Turn 2. Our left is still strong, our center has crumbled, and our right is down to an Ogryn and a Mauler Hound. Admech pulls ahead on points.


Kholek and Hound move up ready to charge the horsies


WarpRend moves up ready to charge the tank


Meanwhile Gaur and Nharax begin ransacking the Admech objective


Fourth Squad whittles away 6 wounds off the enemy tank with a lucky lascannon shot


On the Chaos right, Kholek, who is reminded that the horsies can just run 12 inches away from a charge, opts to charge the Admech tank, buzzsawing a few wounds off of it




The rest of the game was pretty much a mopping up action on the part of the forces of the Admech. In the end, only 4th Squad survived.

The board at the middle of Turn 5


The last action of the game, the Skitarii, having finally killed the Russ, shoot the Mauler Hound and Ogryn off of the objective


On a sidenote, the orange D20 seen in the picture is quite old. I got it in 1983 when I started playing 1st edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons! It's a 38-year old die!

While the game ended with an Admech victory, the league is structured so that my losing points will still contribute to Chaos' overall points for the league. Huzzah!

More importantly, both of us had a blast spending the last few hours of spring pushing toy soldiers around on a board. 40K at its finest!

This game reinforced my belief that this is probably the best edition since 3rd in terms of gameplay mechanics. This ruleset is very fluid, well conceived, and reward manuever and tactics.

While Renegades and Heretics has long been an underdog army (outside of elites our units are pretty subpar, we lack strategems, we have no warlord traits, and there is nary a relic to be had), it sure is more effective this edition than the last edition. This is because our troops finally have obsec, morale no longer causes units to immediately dissolve, and many secondaries favor hordes. I really enjoy using the R&H more this edition than I did in 8th.

I hope you enjoyed this battle report. Take care!

Nostroman 9th, "Hell's Horde"

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I gather AdMech have a good codex currently, so I think you did well. They seemed to get quite a few models in compared to yours too, leaving you with less of a numbers advantage. Unfortunately the squishy cultists can only hang on so long :P It says a lot for the militia forces when this is the best they've been in a while :ermm:

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Hello everyone,

I've finally finished 2 desert ruins terrain pieces! Technically this is an "IG" project rather than a Chaos project. These terrain pieces match my IG army and not my Chaos army. But since these 2 terrain pieces mark the completion of all of my painting projects, I figured they still merit some attention in my Chaos blog. Especially since 4 of my 5 Warhammer 40K armies are Chaos armies. :happy.:

Here are some photos:

Pegasus Ruins on the left and Sector Imperialist Ruins on the right


Pegasus Ruins





Sector Imperialis terrain



Pegasus Ruins being patrolled by 3rd Squad, Nostroman 9th Renegades and Heretics Chaos Militia


Chaos Renegades and Heretics Militia lascannon peeks out at its victims


Members of 3rd Squad await orders to move out


Sector Imperialis Ruins occupied by 3rd Squad, Nostroman 9th Renegades and Heretics Chaos Militia


The Nostroman 9th hordes move through the rubble on an attack vector


The Nostroman 9th's sniper cadre spots their targets



Trooper Forsaken prepares to wash the Corpse-Worshippers in unholy fire!


With the completion of these 2 terrain pieces, all of my miniatures are painted! This includes all 5 WH40K armies, 1 Warhammer Fantasy army, 1 Battlefleet Gothic Fleet, and 1 Confrontation army for a total of about 700 or so miniatures. All done! From now on I'll just work on a single project at a time, finish that project, and move onto the next one. About 10 years ago I had a backlog of maybe 200 unpainted models. But over time I stuck to a policy of "complete 2 projects and then I can buy 1 new project." Over time this policy has finally paid off with a 100% completion rate. Dropping my plans for an ork army also helped!

Here is a list of my 40K projects along with the approximate completion year:

Total Completed Projects: 141 (100%)
Total Uncompleted Projects: 0 (0%)
Pending Projects: none
Completed Projects: 58 Projects
• officers, 5 troopers (1 project) (completed 2000 through 2008)
• priests, 3 troopers (1 project) (completed 2002)
• Commissars, 7 troopers (1 project) (completed 2000 through 2009)
• Cypher, 1 project (completed 2001)
• 3 Red Platoon Squads, 30 troopers (3 projects) (completed 2000 through 2001)
• 3 Blue Platoon Squads, 30 troopers (3 projects) (completed 2000 through 2001)
• 3 Gold Platoon Squads, 30 troopers (3 projects) (completed 2001 through 2008)
• 2 Jade Platoon Squads, 20 troopers (3 projects) (completed 2008)
• Praetorian Squad (completed 2017)
• 7 other infantry Squads, 70 troopers (7 projects) (completed 2001 to 2011)
• Miscellaneous special weapons troopers (1 project) (completed 2000 through 2008)
• Heavy Bolter Heavy Weapons Squad, 6 troopers (1 project) (completed 2000 through 2018)
• 3 Bazooka Heavy Weapons Squads, 6 troopers (1 project) completed 2001)
• 2 Mortar Heavy Weapons Squads, 12 troopers (2 projects) (completed 2001 through 2011)
• 4 full Stormtroooper Squads (4 projects) (completed 2001 through 2017)
• Ogryn Squad (1 project) (completed 2001)
• Ratling Squad (1 project) (completed 2001)
• Rough Rider Squad (1 project) (completed 2001)
• 5 Scout Sentinel Squadrons (5 projects) (completed 2001 through 2002)
• Armored Sentinel Squadron (1 project) (completed 2013 through 2018)
• 5 Leman Russes (5 projects) (completed 2001 through 2013)
• 1 Valkyrie (1 project) (completed 2012)
• 6 Chimeras (6 projects) (completed 2001 to 2011)
• 2 Basilisks (2 projects) (completed 2001 to 2003)
• 1 Manticore (1 project) (completed 2011)
• 1 Hellhound (1 project (completed 2001)
• 6 IG objective markers (1 project (completed 2013)
Pending Projects: None
Completed: 66 Projects
• Chaos Lord Evita and Sorcerer Resk (1 project) (completed 2002 to 2016)
• 2 full DG CSM Squads, 10 troopers each (2 projects) (completed 2002 through 2003) (converted to WE CSM in 2018)
• 4 squads 7 Plague Marines, 7 troopers ea (4 projects) (completed 2002 to 2003)
• DG Chaos Terminator Squad (1 project) (completed 2002)
• DG autocannon Havoc Squad (1 project) (completed 2004)
• Dave the Dreadnought (1 project) (completed 2004)
• Chamorro, Duvalier, NightGaunt, & Bolivar (1 project) (completed 2003 through 2017)
• 3 full NL CSM Squads, 10 troopers each (3 projects) (completed 2003 to 2007)
• 2 NL autocannon Havoc Squads (2 projects) (completed 2017)
• Missile Launcher NL Havoc Squad (1 project) (completed 2015)
• 2 Raptor Squads, 8 troopers each (2 projects) (completed 2003 through 2017)
• 2 Chaos Biker Squads, 5 troopers each (2 projects) (completed 2007)
• Harry the Helbrute (1 project) (completed 2013)
• 1 Maulerfiend (1 project) (completed 2016)
• Constantine & Barnabas (1 project) (completed 2018)
• 3 squads of Bezerkers, 24 troopers (3 projects) (completed 2018)
• Azrath, Daemon Prince of Khorne (1 project) (completed 2018)
• Pair of Blood Slaughterers (1 project) (completed 2018)
• WE icons (1 project) (completed 2018)
• Squad of Plaguebearers, 14 troopers (1 project) (completed 2003)
• 1 Plaguerider Squad (1 project) (completed 2003)
• Batch of 9 Plaguebearers (1 project) (completed 2019)
• 1 Fury Squad (1 project) (completed 2003 through 2019)
• 14 batches of 10 Renegades and Heretics infantry, 140 troopers (14 projects) (completed 2016 through 2019)
• Trio of Earthshaker Carriages (1 project) (completed 2018)
• Pair of Renegades & Heretics Armored Sentinels (1 project) (completed 2019)
• 20 Disciples and 2 Enforcers, including 2 lascannon teams (1 project) (completed 2019)
• Pair of Renegades & Heretics Leman Russes (1 project) (completed 2019)
• 12 Renegade greatcoats infantry (1 project) (completed 2019)
• 3 Houndmasters & 15 Chaos Hounds (1 project) (completed 2020)
• 10 Possessed Marines, Greater Possessed,, Talos, and Valkia (1 project) (completed 2020)
• Deffy the Defiler (1 project) (completed 2020)
• 6 Chaos objective markers (1 project) (completed 2018)
• Various and Sundry: 4 NL Chaos Terminators, 2 NL Furies, Valkia, Annika, & Renegade heavy bolter team (1 project) (completed 2020)
• 6 Chaos Spawn (1 project) (completed 2016)
• 6 Chaos Rhinos (6 projects) (completed 2003 through 2018)
• 2 Chaos Predators: Gramps and Old Faithful (1 project) (completed 2004)
Completed: 17 projects
• 3 small ruins (1 project) (completed 2012)
• large ruin (1 project) (completed 2014)
• landing pad (1 project) (completed 2013)
• craters, 3 (1 project) (completed 2012)
• small bridge (1 project) (completed 2016)
• sandbag strips, 6 (1 project) (completed 2011)
• Chimera emplacement (1 project) (completed 2005)
• Vehicle emplacement (1 project) (completed 2002)
• Small emplacement (1 project) (completed 2002)
• Concrete emplacement (1 project) (completed 2014)
• small bunker system (1 project) (completed 2016)
• 9 Plasticard Test Panels (1 project) (completed 2019)
• Pegasus Techbridge (1 project) (completed 2021)
• Forgeworld emplacement (1 project) (completed 2021)
• Necromunda Tower (1 project) (completed 2021)
• Pegasus Ruins (1 project) (2021)
GW Ruins (1 project) (2021)
Pending: none
Completion Rate Over Time
• April 2018: 75%
• May 2018: 73%
• June 2018: 76%
• December 2018: 91% (I sold off my Orks)
• May 2019: 93% (I completed some R&H infantry)
• July 2019: 94% (I completed 2 sentinels and 28 R&H infantry)
• September 2019: 96%
• May 2020: 96%
• September 2020: 97% (I completed all my Chaos!)
• April 2021: 99% (only 2 models remaining)
• June 2021: 100%!
I'm not sure what's next. Possible next projects include:
-some more terrain--especially some nice desert rocks/mesas
-More IG--perhaps a 30-trooper platoon of female troopers using Victoria Miniatures models
-More Night Lords raptorkin, perhaps a half dozen more raptors and a squad of 10 Warp Talons
-Perhaps a small patrol detachment of 20 or so Sisters of Battle to support my IG
-More Possessed for my WarpBorn homebrew CSM army
-Expand on my small force of daemons
The possibilities are numerous....
I hope you enjoyed the pics!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

I decided upon my next hobbying project: a batch of Night Lords raptorkin.

In this project I'll be painting up:

-1 Chaos Sorcerer with jumppack

-10 Chaos Warp Talons

-6 Chaos Raptors (using counts as kitbashed Harpies on order from Raging Heroes in France)

Here are some WIP photos

Ruven, Night Lords Sorcerer (at some point I'll add a book to his hand)



Overall shots of the Warp Talons (kitbashed with wings from Reaper Minis Succubi out of Texas and helmets and NL shoulderpads from Pop Goes the Monkey out of Brooklyn)



And individual shots of each of the Warp Talons


This chap is probably my favorite, I'm not sure why







In the spirit of 40K memes, one of my Warp Talons is dabbing




Enjoy the photos!

The Night Lords, "The quick and the dead."

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  • 1 month later...

Hello fellow Chaos worshippers,

Work slowly proceeds on my current "Project Raptorkin." This project involves painting up 10 Warp Talons, 6 Raptors, and a Chaos Sorcerer.

Here are some pics!

Chaos Sorcerer Ruven WIP Shots



Ruven is now basecoated. Next I'll add washes to him once I buy some black oil paint. I need to buy a Chaos tome and add it to his open hand at some point. Right now it looks like he's trying to read his palm.

Warp Talon with Blue Metallic Wings


This chap was an experiment. I wanted to see if blue metallic wings would look neat. The answer is no. So I'll be repainting the wings my traditional red. But at least now I know.

Warp Talon with Blue Basecoat


I've added the blue basecoat over liquid chipping fluid and then I chipped off some of the basecoat to reveal the metal beneath. Curze's sons apparently aren't big on maintaining their armor's paint job.

This weekend I kitbashed Chaos Raptors with Harpies from a French company called Raging Heroes. This was the first time I've bought stuff from them and I really like their miniatures! Here are the results of the kitbash.

All 5 Raptors


Raptor landing on wall


Raptor flying through the air


Raptor vaulting over obstacle


The tan tank bits seen in this photo are from the 2nd WH40K vehicle I ever painted way back in 2000. Boy did it ever look bad. I've since stripped and repainted it and ripped off the the bitz you see here. You get a gold (Chaos) star if you can identify what vehicle these bitz come from. :happy.:

Raptor waving bolt pistol


Raptor raising sword


I merged a 25 mm model with bits from 32 mm models. The overall result looks a bit bizarre (large heads and arms and tinier bodies) but not too much for me to get too concerned about.

While I didn't really showcase the incredibly well-sculpted Raging Heroes models as much as I could have because I chopped up the Harpy models and only used the legs and bodies, I was really impressed with the Raging Heroes quality. I'll definitely be buying from them again.

This batch of 5 Raptors, er Raptoress', has a bit of a Slaanesh feel to them, eh?

I hope you enjoyed the photos!

Night Lords, "The quick and the dead."

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Hello everyone,

My forces of Chaos played a game vs the Tyranids recently. It was a fierce battle against two armies that lack 9th edition Codexes and, as a result, are rather bottom-tier armies. But hey since we are both bottom tier it balances out. :smile.: In the end I lost but it was a very fun game and my opponent was very nice. Here are some photos and commentary.

This is not a batrep per se, just a bunch of photos and comments....

Hive Fleet Leviathan Tyranid Army (1,000 points) [this is from memory so it's not entirely accurate]





-30 Hormagaunts

-20 Hormagaunts


-Unit of 4 or 5 Zoanthropes


-2 Biovores

Here is a photo of my opponent's gorgeously-painted army


It's been 3 years since I played against Tyranids but it seems like their 8th edition codex, while dated, is a good ruleset that allows for fun and fluffy lists that are balanced. Hopefully they will get a Codex soon as they definitely need one.

1,000 Point Warpborn Chaos Space Marines List (counts as Creations of Bile)
The Warpborn were all vatborn within the warp itself. Made from Geneseed that was made wholly within the warp. They were a project of the Dark Mechanicus, intended to be slaves and cannon fodder in the Dark Techpriests' forces. They were also intended to prove that a Chaos Marine force need not consist of fallen Astartes. But the Warpborn had other ideas. They didn't want to be anyone's playthings. After decades of servitude to the Dark Mechanicus they finally achieved freedom in a glorious slave uprising. The small band of rebels stole a Dark Mechanicus ship, kidnapped a navigator, and took to the stars. They now wander the verse pillaging, burning, and liberating anyone they perceive to be enslaved.
HQ [185]
• Talos Slaughtercall, counts as Fabius Bile with Surgeon Acolyte, Rod of Torment, the Chirugeon, Xyclos Needler
• Ruven, Chaos Sorcerer, bolt pistol, force sword
Talos is the Warpborn's warlord. It is he who liberated the warband from its Dark Mechanicus creators deep within the Warp. While a slave, he acquired a great deal of knowledge of all things biological and mechanical. He apllies this knowledge towards enhancing his followers' physical attributes. Ruven is the Warband's Sorcerer. He is a miscreant who is distrusted by all.
TROOPS [530]
• Warpborn Squad, 15 Chaos Marines, 13 bolt pistols, 14 Astartes Chainswords, Mark of Khorne, power fist, Icon of Wrath, 2 plasma pistols
• Harbingers Squad, 15 Chaos Marines, 1÷ bolt pistols, 14 Astartes Chainswords, Mark of Khorne, power fist, Icon of Wrath, 2 plasma pistols
• 5th Squad, 10 Cultists
ELITES [285]
• The Nameless, 8 Possessed, Mark of Khorne, Icon of Wrath
• Dave the Dreadnought, Chaos Helbrute, multimelta, powerfist
Total=1,000 points
52 models, 6 CP
And the Warpborn (Counts as Creations of Bile) Chaos Space Marines army
I've never used the Creations of Bile rules before. They are very fun indeed. I often play Helbrute and Daemon Engine-heavy melee lists with some supporting assault infantry. But the Creations of Bile, with their emphasis on assault infantry buffs, allowed me to play a melee infantry heavy list with a walker in support. A refreshing and fun change.
Beautifully-Painted Hormagaunts
-Hormagaunts: I've always likes Hormagaunts both in terms of fluff, playstyle, and the models. If I were to ever do a Nid army I'd have a token single Termagaunt Squad, a couple of Genestealer Squads, and the rest of my troops would be 3 or 4 Hormagaunt Squads. My opponent had some fun gaunt strats to use, such as acid blood. For 1 CP for every gaunt I killed I took a mortal wound. Fun indeed and I pictured my Possessed charging in, hacking up a bunch of Nids, and then they exploded on my Possessed in a horrific fashion. Very flavorful!
Possessed Scrum with Hormagaunts
-Possessed: Possessed really stand out in a Creations of Bile list. Movement 8 is seriously fast and, while I didn't have any support from Greater Posssessed or Daemon Heralds, if I had enjoyed such support then my strength would have been off the charts. In this game I was STR 6 vs T3 Hormagaunts so I was wounding on 2s anyway.
My HQ Talos Slaughtercall (Counts as Fabius Bile)
-Fabius Bile: Fabius Bile's buffs are really fun indeed. I gave an extra attack to a CSM Squad and to the Possessed Squad. Also the stratagem "The Master is Watching" is rather good. It grants re-rolls in a phase to an infantry squad within line of sight to Talos and within 12" of Talos. The magnetized bizarre-looking backpack on Talos back is my interpretation of his Chirugeon device.
Chaos Marines
Chaos Space Marines: the Creations of Bile army-wide rule of +1 strength and +1 movement combined with the relatively new -1 AP rule on our chainswords makes Chaos Marines decent againt. They felt like they did back in 3rd edition when they packed more of a punch. Plus with buffs from Sorcerers, Bile, and Stratagems they can start to put some serious hurt on the enemy when taken in large squads.
Continued in next post....
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Continued from Previous Post....

Biovores and Zoanthropes




-Biovores and Zoanthropes: Biovores put out a respectable amount of damage now. Not over-powered but way better than the days of Biovore blast templates doing next to nothing all game, a respectable improvement. And Zoanthropes now feel like Zoes always should have felt, dominating the the Pyschic phase with piercing lance-like blasts of energy (smite).

Harry the Helbrute



-Helbrutes: I continue to be impressed with Helbrutes this edition. In 1,000 point games they can often survive long enough to put some serious hurt on the enemy. And in 2,000 point games they form a crucial part of my second wave since my opponent often lets them reach the enemy (they are usually too busy stopping my Daemon Engines and Rhinos). And in a Creations of Bile army Helbrutes, with their 9 inch movement, are quite speedy. They feel a lot like my IG and Renegade and Heretics scout sentinels in terms of fluidity on the battlefield.

Cultists Bloodhand, Pater, and Nunchaku Ned




-Cultists: Cultists don't get any of the Creations of Bile buffs or strats, but they are a cheap objective camping unit. I have to admit I have a lot more fun bringing them in my Renegades and Heretics armies where they can be accompanied by 100 to 200 of their comrades. :)

Chaos Sorcerer Ruven




Chaos Sorcerer Ruven was freshly painted (I finished him hours before the game). Oddly enough, he did not suffer New Model Syndrome. He successfully dispelled two very potent Nid spells and he got off some key Warptimes and Presciences. Yay Ruven! He died in a hilarious slapfest between himself and the Neuranthrope. The Hormagaunts had to say, "Uh boss, how's about we take out the Psyker for ya?"




-Lictors: Lictors still seem very, well, Lictory. Fun and sneaky infiltrators that keep you on your toes. I just wish I could flush them out with flamers or auspexes like you could in 3rd edition, that sure was fun!

All in all a very enjoyable casual game with a very sporting opponent. Many laughs were had on a great evening of gaming! I definitely will be trying the Creations of Bile again.

The Warpborn, "Freedom for everyone!"

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I think nids are in a better place yes, and with a large squad of Zoanthropes definitely so! You gave them a good showing though, you'll need to share your secret to avoiding New Model Syndrome :lol: Creations of Bile passed me by as I have been burned by small armies before - GW gives some attention then drops like a hot potato :( Good if you can get something from them though, they sound like something that works well for what it does at least? Even if that is limited in scope.

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Heh, usually my models do suffer New Model Syndrome, so this was an exception.


Yes, given GW's track record of not supporting smaller armies, we might not see Creations of Bile in the new CSM Codex. They removed the rules for my beloved Regiments of Reknown back in the 2010s. :(


Luckily since the Warpborn are a custom CSM warband I can run them as any Legion. I'm particularly interested in Word Bearers (since I will eventually have 2 to 3 Possessed squads in the army) and Iron Warriors (since I will eventually have a Disco Lord, Defiler, and Maulerfiend). So if GW does sunset the Creations of Bile I have options. :)

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Hi everyone (and for you Yanks out there "Happy Labor Day!"),

I have finished painting up four Night Lords Raptorkin, 1 Sorcerer with Jump Pack and 3 Warp Talons. Here are some photos.

Shots of All Four, in Midnight Clad




Warp Talon Helbrass, seen here beseeching the Dark Gods



Sorcerer Ruven, suspected of worshipping Tzeench



Urzak the UnHinged, seen here ripping a hole in realspace with his claws



Doomseeker, much like a Dwarven Slayer in Warhammer Fantasy, he seeks a glorious death



Next up on the painting table, a couple more Warp Talons (oil washes are drying). In the foreground is a Renegades and Heretics heavy weapons rebasing project.


In the back you can see a small magnetization project consisting of some melee and shooting weapons.

Enjoy the photos!

Edited by Tallarn Commander
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Nicely done, I think the claws came out particularly well :tu: I was pleased with my Raptor's performance, albeit only a meagre experience - more will definitely do better :) I am still leery of Warptalons as the glass hammers they are, but I reckon the new codex and two Wounds should help here so perhaps I should instead be thinking about getting ahead? So little time, so many things to do - guess I'm living vicariously through others until then :P

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Yes, I too am skeptical of Warp Talons. I have yet to use them in a game.

On the other hand, the Warp Talons points drop down to 23 points was nice as was the extra attack from lightning claws. My theory is that Warp Talons might be a bit more effective in a Night Lords list because the stratagems act as force multipliers. With the the "Raptorstrike" stratagem we are charging out of deepstrike on 3D6. With the "Hit and Run" stratagem we are able to jump out of combat and charge again. With the "Prey on the Weak" strat we effectively have Prescience for 1 CP.

My Raptors have really been enjoying all three stratagems in games so I suspect these strats will improve my Warp Talons' performance as well.

I managed to finish 2 more Warp Talons this weekend.

Hate Machine and Bloodied Wanderer


Hate Machine, he likes long walks on the beach and flaying the enemy whilst they are still alive


Bloodied Wanderer, he travels the verse hopping from warband to warband spreading fear and instilling terror



And I completed a small side project. I finally gave bases to the rest of my Renegades and Heretics heavy weapons teams

Slaughterborn and Golesh


Urlock and Uexkull


Poxmaw and Moonsoul


Cram, at some point I'll add more R&H troopers to the army, at which time Cram will get a loader


Til then, he's certainly big enough to have 2 wounds by himself! :happy.:

I have now completed 6 models as part of my ongoing "Project Host Raptorial," Ruven the Sorcerer with jumppack and 5 Warp Talons


And I have 10 more "Host Raptorial" models to paint, 5 Warp Talons and 5 Raptors


Til next time...

Night Lords, "The quick and the dead"

Nostroman 9th Renegades and Heretics Chaos Militia, "Hell's horde"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you for the kind words Wulf Vengis!

I managed to get in another game of 40K this weekend, my 5th game of the year. The forces of the Night Lords went head to head against the foul Dark Angels in a 2,000 point game.

Here are the army lists (I'm a bit fuzzy on Space Marine units so the DA list is probably somewhat incorrect)

Dark Angels Army (2,000 points)


-Lazarus (Special Character)

-Chief Librarian

-Deathwing Chaplain on a Bike


-5 Intercessors

-5 Intercessors

-5 Intercessors?


-Redemptor Dreadnought with Macro Plasma Incinerator

-Deathwing Ancient on Bike, Plasma Talon

-Deathwing Apothecary on Bike, Plasma Talon


-3 Inceptors with Plasma Exterminators

-3 Inceptors with Plasma Exterminators

-3 Inceptors with Plasma Exterminators


-5 Hellblasters with Assault Plasma Incinerators

-5 Hellblasters with Assault Plasma Incinerators

-5 Hellblasters with Assault Plasma Incinerators

Whew! That's a lot of plasma! I was a wee bit concerned about that.

This was my first game against Dark Angels since 7th Edition, way back in 2017. That was a fun game from back in the days when Space Marines could take all those free transports. Here is a link if you are interested in that game: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-night-lords-vs-dark-angels/?p=4708568

My list was...

Lord Duvalier's Night Lords 2nd Claw with 25 Raptorkin (2,000 points Chaos Space Marines)
Long ago there was a noble family, the house of Nightfall. They lived in an age of peace and stability established by their world's ruler. Their ruler was Konrad Curze, the fair and just lord of the garden planet Nostramo. And then one day, a corrupt and weak emperor sent an assassin to slay the Lord Curze. The vile assassin succeeded. The emperor then destroyed the paradise that was Nostramo. House Nightfall managed to escape. But since that day they have never forgotten. Vengeance upon the emperor will be theirs!
HQ [230]
☆ Duvalier Nightfall, Chaos Lord, jumppack, Claws of the Black Hunt , Warlord [One Piece at a Time Warlord Trait]
☆ Sorcerer Ruven, jumppack, bolt pistol, force sword, Vox Daemonicus
Duvalier Nightfall is member of the ancient House of Nightfall. House Nightfall has appointed Duvalier as leader of this Chaos Marines warband, 2nd Claw. For millenia he has faithfully helped his house achieve its goals. First and foremost, he and his Night Lords prey upon the Imperium and, in so doing, avenge Nighthaunter's death. Second, Duvalier's warband is one of House Nightfall's premier mercenary units. They hire out 2nd Claw's services to any non-Imperium client. Ruven is the warband's sorcerer. he believes his powers stem from a force sword he ripped from the hands of a dead Inquisitor. In reality his powers flow from the Tzeench. Duvalier and the other Night Lords suspect Ruven is being tricked by Tzeench. They, like most Night Lords, hold a deep skepticism about worshipping the Chaos gods. But, because Ruven's warpcraft gets results, House Nightfall has ordered Duvalier to keep the spellcaster in the warband.
TROOPS [655]
• Jarvak's Jackals, 10 Chaos Marines, 9 Astartes Chainswords, 10 bolt pistols, power fist
• Hatred's Harbingers, 10 Chaos Marines, 9 Astartes Chainswords, 9 bolt pistols, powerfist, plasma pistol
• Rosas' Reavers, 10 Chaos Marines (140), 1 Asartes Chainsword, 7 bolters, 8 bolt pistols, 2 lascannons, powerfist
• Batista's Bastards, 10 Chaos Marines, 1 Astartes Chainsword, 7 bolters, 8 bolt pistols, 2 heavy bolters, powerfist
The Chaos Marine squads skulk around the battlefield, grabbing objectives and peppering the enemy with plasma, bolt, and lascannon shots. They excel in terror tactics, slipping behind enemy lines to slit throats and to demoralize the foe.
○ Dragonne, Chaos Rhino, combi-bolter
These ancient transports manuever the Night Lords around the battlefield.
ELITES [280]
♤ Harry the Helbrute, Chaos Helbrute, Helbrute Fist, multimelta
♤ 5 Chaos Terminators, 3 pairs of lightning claws, Icon of Vengeance, 2 combi-meltas, 2 chainfists
Once an elder of House Nightfall, the Helbrute is now Duvalier's personal bodyguard. The Atramentar are the warband's elite vanguard. They enforce the will of House Nightfall and ensure that Duvalier stays true to their orders.
◇ Champion Diaz's Bats out of Hell, 13 Chaos Raptors, 12 Astartes Chainswords, 11 bolt pistols, 2 plasma pistols, powerfist, Icon of Vengeance
◇ WarpNight, 10 Warp Talons, Mark of Khorne
The Chaos Raptors epitomize the Night Lords way of war. They prowl near the foe's flanks terrorizing the most vulnerable enemy units and avoiding a fair fight. The Warp Talons are more akin to Blood Hounds than Chaos Marines. They hunt the foe with vicious zeal.
□ Deffy the Defiler with Defiler Claws and Battlecannon, Reaper Autocannon, Mark of Tzeench, Defiler Scourge
□ Mary the Maulerfiend, Maulerfiend fist, set of lasher tendrils
Deffy is Valkia's pet. He loves getting his belly scratched by her almost as much as he loves tearing the enemy limb from limb. Mary always aspires to be the first Night Lord to reach the enemy lines.
Total=2,000 points
• 72 infantry, 2 tanks, 3 walkers=75 models
• After a centuries-long search, Lord Duvalier found the ancient Nostraman relic, the Claws of the Black Hunt.
• House Nightfall has loaned the Vox Daemonicus to Ruven.
Starting CP=11
This is similar to the list I used earlier this year with the following changes:
-Dropped a Possessed Squad and replaced 'em with the Atramentar, a Chaos Termie Squad. This gave me the ability to drop down and potentially clear/occupy objectives as needed.
-Dropped a Rhino and a Biker Squad and used the points gained to add a few more Raptors to the Raptor Squad and to add a Warp Talon Squad (which I almost have finished painting!). I did this to up my armies' melee potential.
The mission was from the 9th Edition Rulebook, Vital Intelligence. A standard objectives game with a possible secondary of getting points for doing a "Data Intercerpt" action on objectives.
This was a bit of an "old school game" because we used a 4x6 board. We also didn't have that new booklet with the new Chapter Approved secondaries so we just used the secondaries in the 9th Edition rulebook.
Dark Angels secondaries:
-Stubborn Defiance (basically get points for Obsec units on objectives)
Night Lords secondaries
-Data Intercept (the mission special secondary)
-Engage on all Fronts
-Raise the Banners
Here are some photos of the board before the game
As you can see the Dark Angels deployed on the back right and the Night Lords deployed on the front left
The DA battle line
View from the NL left flank
View from the Night Lords right flank
And here are some closeups for aesthetic purposes...
Ravenwing Ancient on a Bike
Deffy the Defiler
Deffy had a bit of a wardrobe malfunction so his top half is missing and so I slapped his battlecannon where his top half goes. Rest assure he will be repaired soon. On a funny note I couldn't find his magnetized Reaper Chaincannon. Turns out the Reaper was under him all the time, stuck on a chain on the bottom.
Hellblasters, Lazarus, and Intercessors
Harry and the Nightshades (they sound like a 1980s pop band)
Hatred's Harbingers
Night Lords CSM Squads: Harbingers on the left, Reapers in the Building
The Dark Angels put all three plasma Inceptor Squads in deep-strike reserve. The Night Lords put the Warp Talons, Raptors, and Chaos Terminators in deep-strike reserve.
The Dark Angels got to go first...
To be continued.....
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Continued from above...

Top of Turn 1

The game began with the biker chaplain chanting +1 to hit aura buff. Then during the movement phase, almost all of the DA forces advanced up.

Here you can see the Biker Chaplain, an Intercessor Squad, and the Librarian move up to the left of the ruin. To the right you can see Hellblasters, a Redemptor Dread, and Intercessors shuffling forward.



Lazarus: "This is MY storage container. Go get your own."


The psychic phase saw a wound stripped off of Deffie and he was forced to fight last, if he should find himself in melee. Shooting stripped Dragonne the Rhino down to 1 wound. Whew! I was lucky there. On my right, Hellblasters blew away the bulk of my CSM Squad, the Nightshades. They would have been dead if it weren't for the good old "In Midnight Clad" stratagem. Hellblasters also blew away chunks of Harry the Helbrute, leaving him smoking but alive.

There were no assaults on the top of Turn 1.

Bottom of Turn

I surged everything forward on my left: 2 CSM Squads, Ruven the Sorcerer, Duvalier the Chaos Lord, Deffy the Defiler, and Mary the Maulerfiend. In my rear, the Reavers CSM Squad remained on an objective in their building. My right was mostly blown away, but 3 remaining CSM from Nightshades Squad and Harry the Helbrute scuttled forward in an effort to get behind a building.

Hatred's Harbingers run up next to a building in the center


During my psychic phase I successfully Warptimed Deffy forward although his Librarian stopped my efforts to Death Hex his Chaplain on a Bike.

Shooting was uneventful. The Reavers blew away a Hellblaster with a lucky lascannon shot.


Terrorclaw the lascannon trooper shouts, "I got one!"

During the assault phase, my left flank surged forward!

Here you can see, from left to right, Deffy charged the Intercessors, Mary and the Jackals CSM Squad charged the Chaplain.


Lord Duvalier failed his charge against the Librarian, so he sat back and shouted advice, "Good hit Talos! Move more to the left Crowsoul!" Thereby granting nearby units re-rolls of 1. :smile.:

My opponent then intervened with his Chief Librarian and went into melee against Deffy. He stripped a couple of wounds off of Deffy and then Deffy promptly turned him into a smear on the ground. My opponent declared that he should probably not have heroically intervened against a Defiler and I agreed. This is the same lesson that my Chaos Lord Chamorro learned a few years ago, except it was an Avatar I consolidated into rather than a Defiler. Live and learn.

I buffed the Mary with Daemonforge and she promptly slaughtered the Biker Chaplain.


But he pulled a trick out of the Noise Marines book and did some damage AFTER he had died. That was pretty cool.

Ruven failed his charge and was left hanging back with the Rhino. Since enemy deepstrikers were coming in soon, this had me a bit concerned.


Sorcerer Ruven wonders where everybody went.

The melee ended with Mary grabbing an objective and the Jackals consolidating into the Intercessors. At the end of Turn 1, points were pretty low for both sides.

Here is what the board looked like at the bottom of Turn 1


Top of Turn 2

During the top of Turn 2, I used the "We Have Come for You" stratagem to lock the Intercessors in melee. This meant that they could not fall back and that the Jackals and Deffy could not be shot at. The Dark Angels biker Ancient, Apothecary, and Hellblasters continued moving up the board. The Redemptor made a beeline for the Defiler and the melee on his right flank. Lazarus and the Intercessors stayed a bit back to cover objectives.

The board after DA top of Turn 2 movement


View from the Chaos left flank. You can see the Redemptor approaching the melee.


At the end of the movement phase, 3 squads of plasma Inceptors dropped down on the Night Lords left flank. You can see 2 squads at the bottom left of the photo above.

During the shooting phase the Hellblasters finished off the Nightshades CSM Squadgallery_88062_14499_495596.jpg


Champion Noriega's last moments.

Luckily Harry the Helbrute survived with 3 wounds (my opponent rolled really poorly). I repaid the favor and promptly forgot about Harry during my turn. D'oh!

Hellblasters also blew away all of the Harbingers CSM Squad except for Champion Hatred, who promptly failed his morale check and fled


The Harbingers looking all fierce before they are turned into a fine mist


The Redemptor Dread stripped some wounds off of Mary in the shooting phase. In the assault phase, the only charge was by the Redemptor who easily made it into contact with Deffy.

The Plasma Inceptors blew away Sorcerer Ruven and they also deleted the Reavers CSM Squad from their roost in the building. Ouch!

The Redemptor sizes up Deffy (on the right) before charging. You can also see the Jackals CSM Squad on the left and Intercessors in the middle.


During the melee phase the Redemptor and Deffy stripped some wounds off of each other.

When it came time to activate my Jackals CSM Squad, I buffed 'em with "Veterans of the Long War" and "Prey on the Weak" stratagems.

gallery_88062_14499_147460.jpg"Prey on the Weak" is a nifty strat that gives a Night Lords infantry unit +1 to hit in the shooting or melee phase if they have a higher leadership than their target. And since 2 NL infantry units were within 6 inches of the Intercessors they were at leadership 6. The CSM were able to remove the Intercessors from the board!

Chaos Lord Duvalier congratulates the Jackals on their victory


With that the top half of Turn 2 ended.

Continued below....

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Continued from above....

Bottom Half of Turn 2

During the movement phase I promptly forgot that I had an intact Helbrute on the my right flank. Had I remembered him he could have multi-melta'd and then charged a Hellblaster squad. Sigh.

On the left Mary shuffled over towards the Redemptor dread so as to jump into the Defiler vs. Redemptor melee. Mary the Maulerfiend said to herself, "It's not fair that Deffy has all the fun." Chaos Lord Duvalier jumped towards the Inceptors, readying to charge them. And my only surviving squads of Chaos Marines, Jarvak's Jackals, settled onto an objective and began raising a banner.

At the end of my movement phase I brought on my three deep-striking units. I brought the Atramentar, my Chaos Termies, down in the enemy deployment zone with the goal of clearing a squad of Intercessors off of an objective. I brought the Bats out of Hell, my large squad of Raptors down in my deployment zone with the intent of charging the nearby squad of Inceptors. I then brought down Warpnight, my squad of Warp Talons, down near Duvalier. This was the first time I've ever used Warp Talons and I was excited. Their job would be to charge the two squads of Inceptors in the corner.

Warpnight warps in


Since Ruven the Sorcerer was dead I no longer had a psychic phase. My shooting phase involved Deffy's Reaper Chaincannon stripping a wound off of the Redemptor Dread. And the Atramentar Termies combi-melta'd a couple of Intercessors to death.

Then came charges. The Chaos Gods were shining on me (not that the Night Lords follow any of the Chaos Gods) and I made most of my charges.

Mary made it in against the Redemptor. Making a nice Daemon Engine Sandwich with a Redemptor filling.


The Bats out of Hell Raptors hit the Inceptors. The Raptors only had a 7-inch charge because they had landed in some ruins and I then used the nifty "From the Night" stratagem that grants +2 to charge rolls for a unit that is entirely in a terrain feature. And both Duvalier and Warpnight leapt into the two squads of Inceptors in the corner. The Warpnight Warp Talons easily made their charge out of deep-strike because I used the "Raptor Strike" stratagem giving them a 3D6 charge. Also, the Atramentar Termies made a 9-inch charge against the Intercessors. On a lark I remembered that Harry the Helbrute was still alive and charged him too. But he failed a re-rolled 7 inch charge against Hellblasters.

Here is the board after all the charges are made but before the melees took place.


You can barely make out the Termie vs Intercessor action at the top left.

In this image you can more clearly make out the Termie vs Intercessor fight at the bottom left


During the melee phase, Mary took a chunk out of the Redemptor, who responded by killing poor Deffy.

The Atramentar Terminators cleared the Intercessors off of the objective. Sorry for the blurry photo.


The Bats out of Hell Raptors chipped away at the Inceptors and then blocked off any retreat by surrounding them


The Warp Talons and Duvalier killed off one of the Inceptor Squads and chipped away at the other


All in all, a fairly successful melee phase. 1 unit of Intercessors and 1 unit of Inceptors destroyed and 2 more Inceptor squads and a Redemptor locked in melee. Turn 2 ended with both of our points in the teens, with a slight DA lead.

Top of Turn 3

During Turn 3 the DA had 6 units that were not locked in combat. The Hellblasters and both biker characters headed further into my deployment zone, securing Linebreaker. They gunned down the Helbrute with ease.

A remaining Intercessor Squad and Lazarus headed back to resecure the objective that had been so rudely taken from them by the Chaos Terminators.


They easily gunned down the squad of Chaos Terminators. My opponent was surprised that my Termies didn't have 3 wounds like his.

Here is a picture of the board at the end of the DA movement phase on Turn 3


During the melee phase, Mary and the Redemptor Dread continued beating each other up.


The Warp Talons and Chaos Lord took out one Inceptor Squad, and the Raptors took out the other Inceptor Squad.

Night Lords Turn 3

During the movement phase, the Jackals occupied and began raising a banner on another objective.

Meanwhile Chaos Lord Duvalier and Warpnight headed for the Maulerfiend vs Redemptor Dreadnought fight.





I've almost finished painting up this squad of Warp Talons!

And meanwhile the Bats out of Hell Raptor Squad headed for the biker characters, with murder in their hearts.



Shooting was uneventful as bolt pistol shots bounced off of the Ravenwing characters.

Raptors then charged in against the Ravenwing, both sides chipped away at each other but remained locked in combat


Duvalier and Warpnight both made their charge against the Redemptor. I used "Veterans of the Long War" on the Warp Talons and they ripped apart the Dark Angels dread.


The board at the end of Turn 3. The Raptor vs Ravenwing melee is behind the building on the bottom.


Turn 3 ended with both sides still very close on points, the Night Lords had 20 and the Dark Angels had 30.

Continued below......

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Continued from above....

Turn 4

During the DA movement phase, Lazarus and the Intercessors occupied an objective. The Hellblasters moved to get Linebreaker.

Not much happened during the shooting phase.

During the melee phase the Raptors took out the Ravenwing Apothecary. But the Ancient remained.


Bottom of Turn 4

Mary and Raptorkin before movement phase


During Turn 4 I shuffled Mary onto an objective. I kept the Jackals on their objective.

I moved Duvalier and the Warpnight towards Lazarus and the Intercessors.

During the charge phase, Duvalier and the Warp Talons both got in.


The Warp Talons and Duvalier wiped out the Intercessors but Lazarus took 3 wounds off of poor Chaos Lord Duvalier.

The board on the bottom of Turn 4 after charges but before melee


The fight between the Ancient and the Raptors was a draw.



The board at the bottom of Turn 4


Turn 4 ended with the Night Lords pulling into the lead, 34 points to 27 points.

Top of Turn 5

On Turn 5, the Hellblasters milled around with no targets. The Ancient and Lazarus were locked in combat.

During the combat phase, Lazarus activated first and promptly killed Chaos Lord Duvalier.

The Warp Talons avenged Duvalier and promptly slaughtered Lazarus


The Raptors took out the Ancient and consolidated into the Hellblasters


I'm not sure why I did this as it was the last turn of the game. Apparently my subconscious has not got the memo that variable game length is no longer a thing.

Turn 5 ended with a Night Lords victory!

I have to admit that my opponent's dice rolls were pretty bad and mine were pretty hot. He also had 540 points invested in the 3 plasma Inceptor squads. And, with Night Lords being really good at getting the charge out of deep-strike I was able to shut them down fairly easily. My other Chaos forces such as Death Guard, World Eaters, or Renegades and Heretics would have had more difficulty.

I cannot wait til I can get two wound Chaos Marines. My opponent was surprised that his Tacticals have two wounds and my CSM don't. Hopefully our codex drops soon.

What a fun, close game against a very nice opponent. He was sporting and gracious and this was a mellow, casual game with plenty of go-backs. Plus, you can't get more classic then Dark Angels vs Chaos Space Marines. When Lazarus killed Duvalier he really didn't kill him. Instead Lazarus knocked out the Chaos Lord and stuck a teleporter beacon on him. He was whisked away to a Dark Angels Battlebarge where he would undergo interrogation about the Fallen. Before the game my opponent and I agreed that if he took out Duvalier he would gain 1 VP because Duvalier probably knows some secrets about the Fallen. Don't worry about Lord Duvalier though, he's crafty and I'm sure House Nightfall will organize a covert operation to rescue him from the Inner Circle of the Dark Angels.

I've never gone up against a Redemptor Dreadnought. Those things are darn good. If I hadn't had a pair of Daemon Engines I don't know how I would have handled it. More importantly it was a very lovely model. I wonder if I could Chaosify a Redemptor and use it as a counts-as Leviathan Dreadnought someday?

My MVP unit would definitely have to be Warpnight, the Warp Talon Squad. They pretty much took out 2 Inceptor Squads, an Intercessor Squad, Lazarus, and they finished off a (very damaged) Redemptor. This was their first outing and I really enjoyed their mobility and melee punch. I still have 2 more of the squad to finish up and then they are done!

Thanks for reading this rather lengthy battle report!

Here is a parting image of the Jackals camping on an objective at the end of the game


Night Lords, "The quick and the dead."

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Hello fellow Chaos Worshippers,

After 3 months I finally finished up my squad of 10 Night Lords Warp Talons! The squad is called "The Warpnight" by the rest of the warband. Who knows what the Warp Talons call themselves.

Here are pictures of the whole squad




And a picture of the squad with their nemesis, Simon


After 21 years of cats batting my miniatures around, Simon is the first cat who picks them up in his mouth and carries them around. I am a wee concerned. :verymad:

And here are individual photos of the last 5 Night Lords I painted up (scroll up to see photos of the first 5 I painted)

Decimus, who has a fascination with strange beasts found in the warp



Xerxeth, who likes to dance and bop to the music in his head (is the music only in his head?)


Reaver, it is he who swayed his brothers away from the Cult of the Raptor to become Warp Talons




Anrathi, he ripped one of his lightning claws from a Crimson Fists champion




Valza, seen by members of the warband as the most sane and untainted of the Warp Talons, although that's not saying much





Enjoy the pics!

Night Lords, "The quick and the dead"

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