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Whohitjohn makes some shiny

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"The ground hissed, as it smouldered beneath the ramp of the drop pod. Bolter rounds sung past on their way to their targets. All around them was a sea of purple and white, crashing on to them like rocks at a beach. Sergeant Braytec stepped forth, 3rd squad at his heels, orange energy spitting from his power sword as they charged into the mouths of traitorous guns....thus was the start of the 522nd's assault on Istvaan 5.....thus was the end"


Rememberancer Idris Ranox attached to the 522nd Expedition Fleet


I hope writing helps me keep this project going as I am easily distracted by shiny things. My aim brothers and Sisters is to create a pre Istvaan 5/ Istvaan 5 Iron Hands army. I'd like to have the bulk done in the next 2 months.


Firstly is my test model, to which the main colour scheme I must credit to OMG. His own Iron Hands struck a cord with me as I too am not the biggest fan of monochrome paint jobs, find them very dull to paint on mass.


Anyway here is my test model, Sergeant Braytec


The orange line is a squad marking placed on the 522nd when they were attached with Mechanicum forces, who travelled to Istvaan 5 out of kinship with the 522nd








C&C welcome


Thank you

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Been a while since I've posted here, due to personal reasons however I've been slowly working away on the first tactical, so far I have finish 5 of the 10 man 3rd squad.



And am still working on the other 5



After this I have my first ETL V vow to do which I'll be posting in here.




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