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Getting to grips with an Imperial Knight...


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First off, apologies for the terrible pun (what this is in reference to will become clear).


I'm in the process of assembling the first of 2 Imperial Knights I recently picked up and looking at the Thunderfist I couldn't help but think the fingers could be hinged (at the knuckles), and as it turns out they can.




Enjoy. Comments welcomed.


Edit - To properly embed the video.

Edited by MadDoc
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Am I the only one that immediately thought of having my IK flipping the bird? :tongue.:


Great modification, in either case!

I know someone who's done that (and devil horns) with a Titan power fist...

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Am I the only one that immediately thought of having my IK flipping the bird?  :tongue.:


Great modification, in either case!


Nope, definitely not the only one. That almost made it into the video...  :sweat: :whistling: :thumbsup:


My better angels won out though.

Edited by MadDoc
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