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Lots and lots of tanks - 2000 points Mechanicum


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Here is my Ordo Reductor list. Feedback would be great. Thanks.




+++ Reductor (2000pts) +++


++ Mechanicum: Taghmata Army List (Matrix of Ruin) (2000pts) ++


+ HQ (505pts) +


Magos Reductor (270pts) [Abeyant, Archmagos Reductor, Cyber-familiar, Djinn-skein, Machinator Array, Phased Plasma Fusil]


Magos Reductor Calleb Decima (235pts) [Cyber-familiar, Decima Invictus]


+ Troops (350pts) +


Thallax Cohort (175pts) [Destructor, Melta bombs, Phase Plasma-fusil, 3x Thallax]


Thallax Cohort (175pts) [Destructor, Melta bombs, Phase Plasma-fusil, 3x Thallax]


+ Elites (100pts) +


Tech-Priest Auxillia (100pts) [4x Servo-automata]

····Adept [Cyber-familiar, Magos Auxilia, Nuncio-vox, Reductor]


+ Heavy Support (910pts) +


Krios Battle Tank Squadron (155pts)

····Krios Venator Tank Destroyer [Extra Armour]


Myrmidon Destructors (240pts) [2x Conversion Beamer, 2x Myrmidon Destructor]

····Myrmidon Lord [Conversion Beamer]


Ordo Reductor Minotaur Battery (215pts)

····Ordo Reductor Minotaur [Armoured Ceramite]


Thanatar Class Siege-automata Maniple (300pts) [Enhanced Targeting Array, Paragon of Metal, Thanatar Class Siege-automata]


+ Fast Attack (135pts) +


Tarantula Sentry Gun Battery (135pts) [Forward Deployment, 3x Tarantula Sentry Gun, 3x Twin-linked Mauler Bolt Cannon]


+ Legion +


Legio [Ordo Reductor]


Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)



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You can only have one Archmagos, and Decima Invictus counts as an Archmagos. Even if you could run both, that's way too many points in HQ, especially at 2000 points.


Also, for a list that promises "lots and lots of tanks", you're pretty light on tanks. Matrix of Ruin makes your vehicles scoring, so you want more than just an artillery piece and a Krios. I would run Myrmidons in Triaros transports, and fill the heavy support choices with Krios tanks and artillery batteries (and Land Raider when it comes out).


Finally, for whatever it's worth, I've found it hard to bring Matrix of Ruin to most events, since it's an alternate FOC chart (rather than a Rite of War-esque organization like Cybernetica or standard Reductor), and I've yet to find an event that allows alternate FOC charts.

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