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Emperor's Children 2.5k: 3rd Company RoW


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Hey guys


Here's my first attempt at a 3rd Company RoW list. It's 2,5k points and apparently I'm facing Blood Angels. I built the list without that in mind though. What do you guys think? I know from experience that I always go quite low on the anti-tank power. There's not going to be any super heavies, but tanks will still be present.


The idea is to have some sort of gun line, with the Kakophoni, dreads and my shooty tanks. The CCW on the Dreadnoughts and the Land Raider with Eidolon and Palatines will be guarding the gun line from assault units. The Outrider are there to destroy tanks or harass elite units. It's my first time using them, so I have no idea how they play.


Here's the list, rougly written down:



- Eidolon



- 10x Kakophoni, Orchestrator, Rhino

- 10x Kakophoni, Orchestrator, Rhino



- 9 Palatine Blades, 5 Phoenix Spears, sgt with melta bombs

- Contemptor Dreadnought Talon: one dread with Kheres, one with Multimelta




- 5x Outriders, sgt, Melta bombs, 5x Plasma gun on bike



- Land Raider Phobos with undecided sponsons, ceramite, possibly Flare shield if I find the points

- Sicarin Battle tank w/ ceramite plating, 2x Lascannon sponsons

- Deredeo Dreadnought: Aiolus missile launcher, ceramite plating



I hope to have sufficient shooting to hurt my opponent's forces before they reach me. When they do though, Eidolon and his boys will hopefully take care of them. Where are the flaws in this list? How would you defeat it? What would you do differently while list building something like this?



All advice welcome!




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You have the right idea, but running an army with only two 10 man squads of scoring (that have no access to FNP and gradually kill themselves over the course of the battle) is a major weakness that a sharp opponent could easily exploit - especially at 2.5K. I would strongly recommend you include either another Troops choice (more Kakophoni or Tacticals with an Apothecary would work) or include a unit of Terminators/Vets with Implacable Advance to bolster your scoring presence. Since this is 30K and not 40k (where everything scores) scoring units are something to keep a keen eye on. I've won a game because I had a single Terminator grab an important objective behind a wall.


I'd pay for these changes by dropping Armoured Ceramite off everything BUT your Land Raider (since the Sicarian & Deredeo can still be easily killed by close range melta even without the extra dice) and changing up your Contemptor Talon for a Cortus Contemptor Talon. Cortus Dreds are less forgiving when it comes to placement mistakes, but also much cheaper making them better in the hands of a skilled player.

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I Would love to use terminators, since I have some from the Bac box. Im so used to 40k though, that Im unsure on how to use them. As a small group of five without a transport, do I Just have them run up the board? Or do I hold them back?
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Played my game yesterday. It went pretty well. The kakophoni are really useful, especially when they have a Rhino. The terminators were indeed handy for capturing. I didnt really enjoy usingnthe outriders, but that May have been due to the cicumstances. Eidolon was great as usual, although the BAs special sword Would have killed him easily if my opponent hadnt made a tactical error. I really miss having some kind of extra defense on the palatines, no 2+ and no invul makes them really squishy after round one of combat.


All in all a good battle. Thanks the advice.

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