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2000pts Sons of Horus

Smooth Wolf

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Hey guys just looking for some feedback on my Sons of Horus list, given how expensive this stuff is and that my painting is at a snail's pace I was hoping to build a rounded list that can take on most 'normal' lists (ie. ones that don't spam units). In terms of themes, I just wanted to include stuff I associate with Horus Heresy games like large units and jetbikes.


My main questions revolve around the terminator squad, it seems like a lot of points and I'm not sure what to give them, I've just gone for a medley of stuff but would it stop a Primarch for example? I also hadn't planned on taking their Rite of War but I'm open to advice on that. Doesn't seem worth the price of a Master of Signals.



Legion Praetor

cataphractii terminator armour

paragon blade

= 155



10 Legion Terminators

2 pairs of lightning claws

2 power fists

2 chain fists

(rest will have power axes)

= 375


Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought

pair of kheres assault cannons

= 180



20 Legionaries

power fist


= 275


20 Legionaries

power fist


= 275


Fast Attack

4 Legion Jetbikes


melta bomb



Heavy Support

Legion Spartan Assault Tank

armoured ceramite

flare shield


= 350


Legion Sicaran Battle Tank

armoured ceramite

lascannon sponsons

= 195


Total 2000 Points




Edit: I looked below and noticed another Sons of Horus list suggested Justaerin instead of normal Terminators. For 10 points more I could swap my 10 Cataphractii for 7 Justaerin if people think this is a good idea?

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Justaerin hit like a ton of bricks now (not to mention their models are gorgeous wub.png).

Your list has a fast moving armoured list vibe going on (termies in a spartan, jetbikes, sicaran), and then you have 2 footslogging tactical squads and a contemptor (both rather slow moving). I'd stick to 10 men tac squads in rhinos (I think it looks cooler as well).

Also, if your don't plan on taking a RoW, stick with a chaplain as your HQ, he'll give your termies fearless and hatred, meaning they'll never break morale and will hit even harder in cc. Or take Maloghurst the twisted so you can take reavers as troops choices, plus he has a legions standard (6" fearless bubble). With Maloghurst you could also take the long march RoW, which is really neat.

I assume you have the updated rules/rites of war for Sons of Horus?

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Yeah I managed to have a look at the updated rules last night and the extra wound to Justaerin looks brutal, they still seem pretty expensive though.


Well I've taken your advice on board and made a few changes.



Legion Centurion


cataphractii terminator armour

power axe

= 120



10 Justaerin Terminators

2 chainfists

2 power fists

2 pairs of lightning claws

4 power axes

= 505


Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought

pair of Kheres assault cannons

= 180



10 Legionaries




= 205


10 Legionaries




= 205


Fast Attack

4 Legion Jetbikes


melta bomb

= 185


Heavy Support

Legion Spartan Assault Tank

armoured ceramite

flare shield


= 350


Legion Sicaran Battle Tank

armoured ceramite

lascannon sponsons

= 195


Total 1955


So after making the adjustments I've saved 45 points but my Chaplin is a bit bare. I was just thinking of giving him a power axe and keeping him cheap but I'm not sure what to spend the extra points on?

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Just what I would do


Drop the Multi Meltas, in 30k everyone has Armoured Ceramite and it's just not worth taking them.


The Sargents in your Tactical Squads would do better with AA and a Power Axe/Fist, one Plasma Gun shot isn't going to cut it.


Personally I would run a Forge Lord with the Justaerin and drop the Fists instead of a Chaplain, all the Power Axe attacks on the Charge would then cause instant death and ignore FnP.


Hopefully with the points saved you could pick up more Jetbikes.

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