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Base Sizes in Games


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I am fundamentally aware that base size in 40K is fairly liberal, the query is fairly obvious with regards the Character Series, can you use either base? I see little reason why not...
Then there's the less obvious point. I plan to stick my 10 Deathshroud on 50mm bases as it is more tactically sound in most situations (both in the old rules and new) - but how do the rules stand on it? I haven't seen anything against it...

For those unaware; Terminators are usually on 40mm bases, Centurions on 50mm.

This is somewhat akin to GW putting MEQs on 32mm bases from 25mm's...

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AFAIK both those rules are gone from 7th edition. While HH is based on 5th or 6th, 7th is the only 40K rulebook that is still printed and you need a rulebook to play HH. The book has this to say:


The rules in this book assume that models are mounted on the base they are supplied with. Sometimes, a player may have models in his collection on unusually modelled bases. Some models aren’t supplied with a base at all. In
these cases (which are, in all fairness, relatively few and far between), you should always feel free to mount the model on a base of appropriate size if you wish, using models of a similar type as guidance.
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AFAIK both those rules are gone from 7th edition. While HH is based on 5th or 6th, 7th is the only 40K rulebook that is still printed and you need a rulebook to play HH. The book has this to say:


The rules in this book assume that models are mounted on the base they are supplied with. Sometimes, a player may have models in his collection on unusually modelled bases. Some models aren’t supplied with a base at all. In

these cases (which are, in all fairness, relatively few and far between), you should always feel free to mount the model on a base of appropriate size if you wish, using models of a similar type as guidance.



"you should always feel free to mount the model on a base of appropriate size if you wish, using models of a similar type as guidance."


That right there would imply that a terminator model should be put on a base that's terminator sized, and it only talks about models that aren't supplied with bases for that. All the rules are based off of the assumption that your models are based on the same size they're supplied with.


Putting deathshroud on larger bases for tactical reasons doesn't sit well with me that's for sure.

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Lol, should have known there'd be fallout from that comment.


All jokes aside, 30k is considerably more relaxed a game than 40k. Competitive play is still a thing, but WAAC is generally discouraged.


GW decided to start making their MEQs with 32mm bases for aesthetic reasons - they genuinely look and fit better on 32mm than they did on 25mm. Some units still have 25mm bases, but if you were to up them to 32mm to have it uniform across the army, that would be entirely appropriate.


Terminators used to come on 25mm bases too (a long time ago). They upped them to 40mm for much the same reason as above. Deliberately putting Deathshroud onto 50mm bases to take advantage of the power scythe rules would NOT be appropriate at all.


Quixus' quote from the rulebook is pretty clear that it doesn't allow free reign when it comes to basing.

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When I built my Khârn model I thought about putting him on a 32mm base, but his smaller base + the overhang from the rock is nearly the same size so I intend to use that in games...I probably would not use the full size scenic base though add it is a little on the super large side.
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Theres actually nothing in the 7th ed Brb against modelling for advantage; it doesnt mean you should which is pretty much what you're asking.


It would be acceptable if you were trying to convert something truly badass like custom mini dioramas for each miniature and the 40mm was just slightly too small for you to pull if off.


Like, say, youre modelling your Deathshroud (each one uber customized and personalized) as cleaving through mortals with a swing (with the bodies of the victims being present) while the other arm is outstretched burning another target with his chem hand-flamer; said target flaling on the ground on said base with some material being used and painted as flames washing over thr guy.


If its just "i want to make more use of this rule so I wont use the supplied and intended base because thats not as efficient"....don't.


If you want to use a bigger base than is supplied, your minis have to earn it.

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Well said slips, couldn't have said it better myself!

Having bigger or smaller bases is situational, with 25s you might be able to avoid terrain for instance, 32s less so (I'm thinking I particular, large squads here)

But I think they defo look cooler and more modelling potential.

I considered sticking my Fabius onto a bigger one for modelling purposes, then thought I'd just chop

The casualties legs off, problem solved

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To throw my oar in; I ordered 10 marines from Forge World recently; 5 mkV assault and 5 mk IV tactical and the former came with 32mm bases and the latter 25mm bases. These guys are all to go in one squad, and as it happens, I'm rebasing them all onto scenic basis that are 25mm anyway; but if you follow the "use the base they come with" rule then I'd have had a pretty mis-matched squad!!


I'm pretty liberal TBH as long as it's "in the spirit" and agree with Slipstream.

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I don't think could handle a squad with different base sizes, it'd just look.. Wrong.

I recently switched out 120 completed 25mm bases to scratch built 32s because they 'look better'

In fact I'm almost worse off because when I use them they take up my entire deployment edge!!

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My friends and I usually mount characters on a base size up. So nowadays, power armour characters go on Terminator sized based. Terminators are usually fine as they are really so it's just power armour.


That being said j wouldn't use Polux on his massive base.

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The more i think about this the more i think that the pro/cons of larger/smaller base size are largely a wash.


With a bigger base you could conceivably spread guys out more for table control or to sustain fewer hits from template weapons.  You could possibly get more favorable charge distances...maybe.  You are also going to have a harder time piling guys in to base contact and a harder time squeezing a unit through tight areas or in ruins/cover.  The disadvantages are probably more pronounced on larger units.  For example, i dont think a unit of 10 or more flesh hounds on 50mm bases in my KDK army would be very easy to actually use on the table top, but several units of 5 is far less unwieldy.


I could also be overlooking or underplaying the advantages of larger bases, but i think its probably something that wouldn't have a great impact either way.  With the deathshroud the larger bases might give you more hits with the reaping blow (or whatever that rule is called for their sythes) but i think you would end up with fewer of them in base contact, so i think it would be a wash.

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