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Iron Hands 2500pt - Company of Bitter Iron


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Hey guys,


Given how expensive Immortals are, I've had trouble making a 2500 point list that I'm happy with. I think I am fairly close to finalizing a list though and it contains most of what I want to get out of this RoW. Tell me what you think:



Autek Mor - Cyber-familiar, Company of Bitter Iron

Goes with the Immortals in their Spartan.

Castrmen Orth

Goes in the Sicaran Battle Tank.



Immortals x15 - 3x Graviton Guns, Sgt with AA, Power Fist, Melta Bombs, 12x Volkite Chargers

Go in the Spartan with Mor.

Legion Spartan (DT) - Ceramite, Flare Shield

Tactical Squad x15 - Sgt with AA, Melta Bombs, Power Fist, Extra CCW, Vexilla

Apothecary goes here. These dudes can hold the home objective. Should they just be 10 + Apothecary if they're camping at home?



Gorgon Terminators x10 - 2x Chainfists, 2x Grav Guns, Sgt with Cyber Familiar

March up the field and soak fire. Couldn't find the points for a Spartan for ten. I could drop them down to 5 and maybe afford a Land Raider...

Apothecary - Augury Scanner, AA

Goes with the Tacs.



Sicaran - Lascannons

Orth goes here.

Sicaran Venator

Vindicator Squadron - 2x LDA


Plenty of anti-tank and anti-infantry. My meta doesn't really have fliers, so if they appear I will just ignore them. My main issues were:

1. No Contemptor :( I love the IH one, and a Mortis with 2x LC or Volkite Culverins would be sweet.

2. Tacs - cut them back to 10 for objective camping on my side? If they have to they can just go to ground to survive.

3. Transport for the Gorgons - I guess they need one if they have grav, but where do I find the points? Are 10 overkill? Drop 5 Tacs and 5 Gorgons and go for a Land Raider?


Thanks for looking!



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A few thoughts for you exsanguis...


The Gorgons don't need to be 10-strong. You could get away with 5, I reckon, and take a Land Raider DT... Mor fits with them more than the Immortals, but then you'll need another Spartan.


The Immortals are cool, but they're not Relentless, so I'd drop the graviton guns and take more Volkite. I assume either way, the Gorgons and Immortals get Mor's Preferred Enemy?


Dozer blades are a must for any mobile vehicles, so I'd find points for them on the Sicarans & Spartan(s).

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