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Anotherius and Omegon


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Hey guys and gals. I've been lurking on here for a while and finally decided I'd post the Alpha Legion army I've been working on. It's my second legion project and I'm enjoying it immensely. My other legion is Blood Angels and it's nice to have both a traitor and loyalist force. I seem to paint pretty slowly as I'm in my second to last semester of a nursing program but hopefully in a week when finals are over I can make some significant headway. Anyway, enjoy the progress!


My most recent model is going to be used as a saboteur. 




Dynat seems to be a prerequisite. 








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Thanks guys, I appreciate the comments!  Found some time to chip away at my Lernean terminators. I was initially planning to do 10 of these because I love overkill. But after these five are mostly complete I need a change of pace. The next batch might go faster as I tried to some new stuff and had to change techniques/colors several times to find something I was happy with on these. I'm mostly happy with them, but ready to switch to another dreadnought next. 



With finals over I'm finding time to get moving on other part of the army. Here is the plasma gun toting support squad. I plan to deep strike them using Dynat or eventually I want to fly them on in a Caestus assault ram because, well, because I want to.





  • 2 weeks later...



The glow effect on the plasma guns is great! How did you do it?!


It's a pretty simple process if you airbrush accurately. I based coated the black and silver parts of the gun off of the model. Then I put down white around the power coil (vent?, energy conductor?). Then it's simply a three color process.  Vallejo orange over previous coated white, the minitaire mustard gas inside through most of the middle of the coil. Then you finish it off with some white in the middle to create the center of the heat. 

The three guys here represent the final version of the unit minus weathering and some resin bases to arrive. You can see a little bit of the three color process on the guy on the right. 






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