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Sons of Horus/Luna Wolves Angels Wrath (2500pts)


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I've been working on a Sons of Horus list for a few days now. I was inspired by the reaver and justearin squads, and feeling like I wanted to play something more visceral (close combaty) than my 40k or mechanicum army.


I've also been lusting after a fire raptor and some choom for a long time.


The general premise is to take advantage of merciless fighters, death dealers, and hit and run with the reaver squads. The fire raptor takes out large blobs, dedicated cc units, and light transports/flyers, the skyhunters look for tough infantry and artillery units, the primaris lightning cracks any heavy armour, and Mal and the justearins drop in using the  Kharybdis on turn one and go looking for trouble.


I have flip flopped between the Kharybdis or a storm eagle a few times, the storm eagle adds more AT but the Khrybdis will come in turn one and should be fairly disruptive in the enemy lines with heat blast and storm launchers.


I am nervous about the amount of points sunk into so few squads, but hopefully this list would be fun to play and play against.



Sons of Horus/Luna Wolves Angels Wrath (2500pts)


Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2499pts)


HQ (140pts)


Maloghurst the Twisted

     Master of the Legion

          Angel's Wrath


Troops (854pts)


Reaver Attack Squad (427pts)

Chief: Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs

14x Reavers: 12x Chainaxe, Jump Packs, 2x Meltagun, Power Fist, 2x Power Weapon


Reaver Attack Squad (427pts)

Chief: Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs

14x Reavers: 12x Chainaxe, Jump Packs, 2x Meltagun, Power Fist, 2x Power Weapon




Justaerin Terminator Squad (545pts)

Chainfist, 5x Combi-Plasma, Heavy Flamer, 9x Justaerin Terminators, 3x Pair of Lightning Claws, 5 Power Axes


Fast Attack (490pts)


Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron (280pts)

6x Space Marine Sky Hunters, 2x Volkite Culverin

Sky Hunter Sergeant: Melta Bombs


Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter (210pts)

Battle Servitor Control, Ground-tracking Auguries, 2x Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles


Heavy Support (470pts)


Legion Fire Raptor Gunship (210pts)

Reaper Autocannon battery


Legion Kharybdis Assault Claw



To go to 3000pts I would take Horus and attach the Justearins to him for deepstriking, give Mal a command squad and dreadclaw, and drop the Kharybdis, 



Thanks for looking, please let me know what you think.


*edited to add tags*

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I'm a big fan of jump infantry heavy lists so I think this looks great, you're just going to have some trouble with certain lists, especially anything heavily mechanized given you're a bit lacking in anti tank options. Lightning definitely helps, but I think you could use a few more options. I'd start with throwing melta bombs on the jetbikes, with their speed they can easily chase down anti tanks, and 6 melta bombs will take out most armored targets. To get points maybe drop the chain axes, don't think you really need them since anything with +4 armor can easily be dealt with by reavers anyway. Also with those points the reaver chieftans could definitely use fists or power axes for fighting challenges against other artificer armor sergeants. 


As far as the storm eagle vs kharydbdis argument goes, I'd say definitely go for the khardybdis. A unit of justerian that big you want coming in asap, and a turn one drop pod assault in means you can easily set yourself up for a charge turn two. 

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I have some experience using Reavers and Jetbikes and I would change a couple of things.


The Sargent upgrade on the Jetbikes is pretty useless, you would be better not taking it and freeing up 10pts to give everyone in the squad Melta Bombs.


Your Reavers should only be kitted out for one job, the Melta Guns don't really work with the set up you have. I get you're trying to utilise Hit and Run but you're spending a lot of points which would be better on power weapons so they can chew through squads.


I definitely agree that you should take another Power Fist and give it the Chieftains, however I would keep the Chain Axes. Solar Auxiliar are more common now and being able to stomp them and not attack back which helps Reavers which are a bit squishy.

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