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Begginings of IA: Storm Riders

Grey Hunter Ydalir

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So, after a bit of time away and some thought, I adapted two names together and started writing.


I'll freely admit I've completely forgotten any knowledge of BBCode I once had so for now, this will just have to do. Apolgies for it's lack of flash.


FYI this is once more a rough work in progress, but it's yet more progression at least. Name and all other info is subject to extreme change and rewrite, as is the norm.


What I've got below should be taken as more of an overview, something which will be broken up into the true IA sections later down the road.





Storm Riders


The Storm Riders were created during M34, the 8th founding. Having just lost a catastrophic number of Space Marine chapters in the campaign against the Pale Wasting, the Storm Riders were just one of many chapters created to fill the void. Initially posted to the far ends of the eastern fringe, the chapter was afforded no homeworld or chances for glory and foundered with a lack of purpose or direction.


With the vigil over the Ghoul Stars being undertaken by the Death Specter Chapter, the Storm Riders were unshackled from their initial duty and given licence to go where their hearts took them, to discover a world of their own.


For the next century the fledgling chapter fell in and out of various conflicts, fighting without banner or fanfare, slowly drifting to the galactic south. Eventually the chapter found itself between Atilla and Vendetta, and no closer to any sort of peace or place within the Imperium.


Only by chance did the chapter happen to find a world that called them home. A miscalculated warp jump and an exceedingly rough translation back into realspace all but stranded the chapter in a small, long forgotten solar system. Only three inhabitable worlds orbited a fiery yellow pulsar. The Storm Riders fleet was left without recourse when it's flagship, the Battle Barge Tempest had it's Navigator knocked into a coma like stupor by the sudden and violent ejection from the warp. Replacing the Navigator with another from a smaller ship was dangerous at best, and a waste of a smaller vessel whose ship would be stranded, such a young chapter could not afford such a loss, and so the Chapter Master of the time ordered the exploration on the nearby worlds while they waited for their Navigator to recover.






The mid world of the system held a surprise for the Astartes, discovering an ancient, fragmented manufacturing ring caught perilously in the worlds orbit. Further investigation lead to Adeptus Mechanicus seals and wards upon bulkheads and sections. It seemed the station had once been a trove of Archeotech, stripped and subsequently abandoned during the Great Crusade.


The people below however were almost entirely devoid of any advanced technology at all. A feudal society at best, the world was mostly covered by a cold, dark sea. Small islands made up a rough archipelago around the worlds equator, wooden ships treading the ocean between settlements, each larger island playing home to a tribal stronghold. The various tribes would raid one another for resources, certain islands seemed to hold limited resources. Some raided for wood to build more ships, while others had little space for crops and so raided for grain.


The people were brutal, grim but content with survival. Utterly pragmatic, their attitude laid guidelines that helped them survive for a good thousand years. Survival did not allow for vengeance or petty vendetta, yet living demanded gratitude for seeing another sunrise.


The people's legends told of an ancient catastrophe and the oceans suddenly overtaking the world, great cities and towers of glass sinking, never to be seen again. Apparently the Mechanicus scribes who had torn the orbital station apart so many years ago hadn't even regarded these people as important enough to take a second glance at.




Home and Hearth.


There was nothing left of value on the world but it's people. Something about this world and it's inhabitants struck a chord with the Storm Riders, the chapter council voting unanimously to adopt this world as their own. So the chapter dropped anchor above the unnamed planet. As each cycle passed, the chapter shored up its hold on the system and began the process of cultural domination of their new homeworld. Every year the chapter flew a flight of Thunderhawk Gunships across the entire chain of islands, creating fiery contrails in the pale, stormy sky above.






Each year the Storm Riders visit each tribal stronghold and select the strongest youths for the chapter, which are dragged bodily into the sea and told to swim until they sea nothing but ocean. The boys are graded on how many days they persevere for before general exhaustion and lack of sustenance drown them. Luckily for the initiates the chapter is close to hand, retrieving them at the moment of their final breath, only to revive them within the steel halls of the Tempest. Thusly they are 'reborn' into the chapter.




Trial and Tribulation.


The chapters fortunes seemed to be rising, their homeworld was producing the strongest recruits they had seen yet, while the foes of the immediate subsector surrounding them were easily dispatched. A small fleet of clueless Ork Pirates, and two Exodite worlds holding little challenge for the Astartes, yet gained them significant traction with the local lords and governors, securing supply and trade for the chapter.


This good fortune came to a swift and sudden halt however, when a fleet of Eldar Corsairs turned up to ravage and raid and enact vengeance for their erstwhile fallen kin. The sectors shipping lanes were devastated, trade all but ground to a halt. The Naval monitors and pickets could do nothing but watch as the superior arms and experience of the Xenos ran rings around them, leaving them to wallow in rage and failure.


The Storm Riders mobilized in force to meet the threat, but any attempt to draw the aliens into a protracted engagement against the more heavily armed and armoured Astartes ships proved fruitless, gaining them only an increasing stable of maimed escorts in return.



Adaptation and survival.


A change in tactics was desperately needed, the chapter council convening after a particularly disastrous engagement that left their faster escorts crippled, only for the Eldar to then turn and disengage, absconding to pick apart a nearby research station with impunity. 

Einar, Captain of the Sixth Company, a native of the chapters new homeworld and the chapters youngest senior officer suggested an old tactic from home. Each company would split it's ships and wait, situated around the pirates most frequented targets. Then when the aliens engaged one of the companies ships, they would assume they were picking off stragglers, only for reinforcements to strike from multiple other directions. With the Astartes firepower, it would catch them in a lethal crossfire.


The chapter council voted to enact the strategy, despite misgivings from some of the older, traditionally trained officers from the chapters inception. The turn in the tide was incredible. Within a month three small flotillas of xenos ships had been caught and destroyed in the net cast by the Chapter. Einar's own company operating in complete isolation, often feigning damage and injury severe enough to warrant the xenos coming in close to gloat and savour the kill, only to be hit with boarding lines fired from the ships mass drivers, the high tension towing lines holding the slippery xenos ships in place as boarding torpedoes and Thunderhawks smashed their way inside, massacring all inside.


Inside of half a cycle the Xenos were on the back foot and retreating from the subsector. The Astartes had achieved what the Imperial Navy could not, it's new recruits reveling in the ship to ship fighting.


A decade later, Captain Einar became the Storm Riders first 'reborn' Chapter Master, setting his methods as the chapters own, the Storm Riders were finally reforged into the warriors they are today.



Figures of Legend.


Einar is venerated by the chapter to this day for his vision and tactical acumen as a leader. He is seen as the spiritual father of the chapter, the one who finally brought their home into the heart of the Storm Riders. He even gave their world a name, where previously it had nothing bar a number in old recovered Mechanicus records, Storm Haven.


His was the hand of the full assimilation by the chapter of the culture of Storm Haven. Under his direction a reformed Chapter Cult unified the Storm Riders, extolling the virtues of survival, self reliance and brutal, unequivocal victory for Him.



It was by his order that the current Fortress was constructed, towing the larger pieces of the defunct station to create a larger whole. It sits now, the size of a small moon, guarding the world from orbit. The ancient construction of the various pieces was modular by it's very nature, allowing for a relatively uniform construction, yet the materials in use are sturdier than anything created in the modern Imperium, allowing more creative use of the space available, as such the docking bays are large enough to comfortably fit a Battle Barge for half of the operational companies.






Wow ok, it got a bit late while I was writing all this and I think I need to get some sleep.


Input is more than welcome and greatly appreciated. Hopefully it's not too disjointed by rambling and no-sleep-brain having too much control.



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Obviously great minds think alike Kelborn!


I can change the name if you'd prefer, it's not something I'd keep at the expense of everything else, I just haven't found a name which fits better than that, if you or anyone else has any suggestions I'd be more than happy to hear them!



I'd also greatly appreciate any constructive criticism or suggestions anyone has to offer! I know it's a long time between drinks with my updates for these guys but anything worth doing is also worth taking time in crafting.



So! Forging on, I was trying to get a grip on your more traditional section breakdowns, rather than my above more narratively driven ones.

Now, have a Storm Rider!




The Storm Riders operate in ways somewhat similar to their progenitors, the White Scars. While their forebears have their 'Brotherhoods' and independent direction of movement for the Master of the Hunt, the Storm Riders take it a step further, more closely imitating more headstrong chapters like the Black Templars or Space Wolves.

Each company of the Storm Riders is a self-contained, yet even more so than the Codex lays out. Each company operates in isolation from one another, there is little contact between most elements of the chapter, except when opportunities and extreme circumstances present themselves. They draw from the naval raiding traditions of their homeworld. They hunt their own targets, prioritizing the richest and most valuable targets that present themselves. Troop ships, munitions barges, supply depots, they prefer to deprive their enemies of resources before they get to their destination. They relish ship to ship warfare, they grow up on the sea, pushing the limits of their craft and their endurance to return home both alive and a benefit to their tribe.

They have even been known to infiltrate the shipping lanes of more organized races territories, upstarts like the Tau often scrambling to respond to their raids before the Storm Riders slip away, leaving only burning hulks and their precious cargo ripped apart in the void. The mastery of their craft is not one without risk from their erstwhile allies in the Imperium. They actively seek out xenos ship and installation schematics, offering their services to Rogue Traders and Mechanicus Explorator fleets, even though from their latter allies they are quite willing to 'claim' such information for themselves. While they must by necessity keep their discoveries to themselves when working with anyone of more stringent loyalties than the more 'ethically flexible' Rogue Traders, they take what they can and give nothing back.

Despite their habits, the Storm Riders are not so isolated as to erode the bonds of brotherhood. Each company rotates a squad of it's marines to guard Storm Haven and train the newest generation of recruits. Each cycle, where able the chapters companies return to Storm Haven to induct new recruits, rotate out their guardians and bestow any spoils of war unto Storm Haven.


I had actually included a Recruitment section as well, but the page crashed when I tried to add in an image and B&C hadn't saved far enough. Oh well. I guess I can redo it later.

Digging that colour setup, GHY.

I'd unleash some vintage, Scouring-Era-intensity, better-get-the-storm-shields-out, Old-Liber style C&C on the Storm Riders for you, but since it's a rough draft, I am hesitant, and thus I hesitate. laugh.png

Nevertheless, a couple of points to get your brain ticking over:

Each year the Storm Riders visit each tribal stronghold and select the strongest youths for the chapter, which are dragged bodily into the sea and told to swim until they sea nothing but ocean.

Sea nothing but ocean?

It's very difficult for me not to follow that with waves of bad puns. I'm shore you understand. tongue.png

They have even been known to infiltrate the shipping lanes of more organized races territories, upstarts like the Tau often scrambling to respond to their raids before the Storm Riders slip away, leaving only burning hulks and their precious cargo ripped apart in the void. The mastery of their craft is not one without risk from their erstwhile allies in the Imperium. They actively seek out xenos ship and installation schematics, offering their services to Rogue Traders and Mechanicus Explorator fleets, even though from their latter allies they are quite willing to 'claim' such information for themselves. While they must by necessity keep their discoveries to themselves when working with anyone of more stringent loyalties than the more 'ethically flexible' Rogue Traders, they take what they can and give nothing back.

I won't lie, I have absolutely no idea what the underlined information is trying to tell me. sweat.gif

Do the Storm Riders steal xeno tech for their own uses?

If so, why?

Especially if there's chance to instead curry favour with the AdMech by leaving the fate of enemy tech in their hands. Or servo-arms, as the case may be.

Digging that colour setup, GHY.

I'd unleash some vintage, Scouring-Era-intensity, better-get-the-storm-shields-out, Old-Liber style C&C on the Storm Riders for you, but since it's a rough draft, I am hesitant, and thus I hesitate. laugh.png

Nevertheless, a couple of points to get your brain ticking over:

Each year the Storm Riders visit each tribal stronghold and select the strongest youths for the chapter, which are dragged bodily into the sea and told to swim until they sea nothing but ocean.

Sea nothing but ocean?

It's very difficult for me not to follow that with waves of bad puns. I'm shore you understand. tongue.png

They have even been known to infiltrate the shipping lanes of more organized races territories, upstarts like the Tau often scrambling to respond to their raids before the Storm Riders slip away, leaving only burning hulks and their precious cargo ripped apart in the void. The mastery of their craft is not one without risk from their erstwhile allies in the Imperium. They actively seek out xenos ship and installation schematics, offering their services to Rogue Traders and Mechanicus Explorator fleets, even though from their latter allies they are quite willing to 'claim' such information for themselves. While they must by necessity keep their discoveries to themselves when working with anyone of more stringent loyalties than the more 'ethically flexible' Rogue Traders, they take what they can and give nothing back.

I won't lie, I have absolutely no idea what the underlined information is trying to tell me. sweat.gif

Do the Storm Riders steal xeno tech for their own uses?

If so, why?

Especially if there's chance to instead curry favour with the AdMech by leaving the fate of enemy tech in their hands. Or servo-arms, as the case may be.

Ok, first off, while it is a rough draft, don't be afraid to jump in both feet first. Or head first. Whatever you decide comes first.

Maybe not the head....


Secondly, I didn't notice the accidental pun.... I'm tempted to leave it in but methinks too many people would pick up on that. You sir, deserve a medal for your observation and swift de-punning, even if you had to take the hit of punning yourself. Twice. Such a hero that Ace. laugh.png

Regarding the third, I wanted them to be doing something that wouldn't be looked kindly upon by the Adeptus Mechanicus or the Ecclesiarchy, just because of the Imperiums staunchly overzealous nature. Even if the resulting blueprints and plans for enemy vessels weren't being used to memorize their layout and weak points, the mere possession of them would be damning to the eyes of both groups.

Basically I was hoping to add a side to the chapter that wasn't quite full - bore mainstream heretical, just a smidge heretical. Just something to keep them on the razors edge of what the Imperium would allow.

It was an attempt, but quite possibly a poor one. I'll take a step back and mull it over, see if I can come up with either a way to make it work, replace it or simply remove it. Any c&c regarding it would be very appreciated.


Regarding the third, I wanted them to be doing something that wouldn't be looked kindly upon by the Adeptus Mechanicus or the Ecclesiarchy, just because of the Imperiums staunchly overzealous nature. Even if the resulting blueprints and plans for enemy vessels weren't being used to memorize their layout and weak points, the mere possession of them would be damning to the eyes of both groups.

Basically I was hoping to add a side to the chapter that wasn't quite full - bore mainstream heretical, just a smidge heretical. Just something to keep them on the razors edge of what the Imperium would allow.

It was an attempt, but quite possibly a poor one. I'll take a step back and mull it over, see if I can come up with either a way to make it work, replace it or simply remove it. Any c&c regarding it would be very appreciated.



Are they stealing xeno tech for their own use? huh.png

'Cause you still haven't actually said what's going on. sweat.gif laugh.png

You've inferred the heck out of it, but I want to make sure I'm not reading too much or too little into your Chapter. wacko.png

...I suddenly wonder if I'm just being denser than usual.

No i don't think you're being dense, I just had a think about it. It seems ridiculous now to think of these shock troops raiding filing cabinets and supply cupboards for paper blueprints and plans of ships and installations. No, it's stupid. Maybe they should be stealing utility items like explosives or cutting tools? I wanted a knife edge element to the chapter but maybe I should just leave it.


I'm no longer sure it fits. Ah well, winnowing down the chapter to its core is a good thing after all!

It sort of makes sense as a know-your-enemy tactic, gathering intel on enemy ships.

I don't think it makes much sense to risk antagonising the AdMech over it, though.

Your 'seafaring' Chapter probably doesn't want to make an enemy out of the shipwrights, after all! tongue.png

That's originally what I thought myself but was rethinking it as I saidel earlier. If you can think of a way it could work give me a rundown, but the more I think about it the less sense it makes.


Peovlem is I'm not sure what else they could do in the same vein and get away with or even hide as before.


I think perhaps the chapter doesn't need it though, and rather than add controversy for it's own sake, concentrate on what makes them interesting in the first place.


Thanks Ace!

So, to carry on the IA.


I was thinking about the battle-station that serves as the chapters home base.


Alright earlier I described the somewhat cobbled-together space station that made up their chapters home proper, but I've somewhat re-thought the concept.


It's still the same basic idea, but given it's a void focused chapter, giving them what amounts to a star-fort orbiting their homeworld seemed a little bit much in the mary-sue stakes.


Therefore I've had a rethink and I'll detail it below.


(Names WIP, I am really terrible with names. Suggestions appreciated!)



Storm Haven and Tempests' Break.


With the chapters adoption of Storm Haven as it's home world, along with its looted and decaying archaeotech ring, a plan was drawn up to provide for the systems defence. Before the rise of Brother Einar to the position of Chapter Master, the previous leadership had thought to set about construction of a Fortress proper on the planets surface. Einar however, had a very different plan in mind. At his order, the surviving space-worthy modules of the ring were towed to a local asteroid field and sunk into the body of the largest rock in the field, with the smaller modules being placed in strategic positions on the edges of the field to act as listening posts for the subsector.


Einar then ordered the complete destruction of the remaining ring pieces. In his eyes, a Fortress would only draw the eyes of those who would do them harm and bring fire to what was his homeworld. To keep the people and the chapters future safe, he would make them an unlikely target, while keeping the arm of the chapter within striking distance.


From this hidden home the Chapter dispatches warriors across the Imperium. Each company pads silently through the void like an ocean predator, returning only when their tasks complete, telling stories of enemies slain and ships burned from bow to stern. From the ancient halls of the chapters veiled anchorage the brothers that make the Huskarl, or Hearth Guard keep a close eye on their home and also train those that survive their training and ascend to the rank of initiate in the chapter. One squad from each company that has seen bloody battle against the enemies of mankind undertakes this honoured position until their brothers return once again.


This is usually those marines with the most grievous of injuries and the longest recoveries, which in turn use their very real and terrible tales to warn their new brethren of those they would fight against.





I started this post last night and finished it up tonight, I feel I was extremely tired when I started, lost my focus and then finished up with a different feeling of writing. I'm afraid it might appear a bit disjointed as a result, but it's a start and a rough draft I suppose.


Any C&C is welcome!

(Names WIP, I am really terrible with names. Suggestions appreciated!)

Storm Haven and Tempests' Break.

Stormhaven as a planet name would work better as one word. happy.png

There's no mention of a 'Tempest's Break' below, so I don't know what I would suggest as alternatives for that. What's Tempest's Break supposed to be?

With the chapters adoption of Storm Haven as it's home world, along with its looted and decaying archaeotech ring, a plan was drawn up to provide for the systems defence. Before the rise of Brother Einar to the position of Chapter Master, the previous leadership had thought to set about construction of a Fortress proper on the planets surface. Einar however, had a very different plan in mind. At his order, the surviving space-worthy modules of the ring were towed to a local asteroid field and sunk into the body of the largest rock in the field, with the smaller modules being placed in strategic positions on the edges of the field to act as listening posts for the subsector.

If the space-worthy modules are sunk into the largest asteroid, does that mean they just buried junk in the other asteroids? ermm.gif

If so, how does that make them listening posts?

Einar then ordered the complete destruction of the remaining ring pieces. In his eyes, a Fortress would only draw the eyes of those who would do them harm and bring fire to what was his homeworld. To keep the people and the chapters future safe, he would make them an unlikely target, while keeping the arm of the chapter within striking distance.

...Aren't enemies more likely to prey on worlds that appear undefended?

Although I suppose that depends on the enemy in question, so I don't know how to answer that question myself. sweat.gif

Perhaps it just needs rewording somehow.happy.png

It's a bit pirate-ish having their fortress in an asteroid field. Can't remember a chapter that wanted to hide its fortress monastery.

Stick with that. It's unique. ;)


Though I can't really understand why having a starfort as base is kind of mary sue like. There are several official chapters which have star forts as their fortress monastery.

It's a bit pirate-ish having their fortress in an asteroid field. Can't remember a chapter that wanted to hide its fortress monastery.

Stick with that. It's unique. msn-wink.gif

Though I can't really understand why having a starfort as base is kind of mary sue like. There are several official chapters which have star forts as their fortress monastery.

Cheers! I like the idea, it's raiders using misdirection. They aren't centralized enough to make a large target for people to hit, but still have strong ties to one particular world as a recruitment base.

The reason I think the idea could be a bit of a 'mary sue' is basically because they are essentially a fleet-based chapter. By common consensus, unless you're a first founding chapter descended from the Legions themselves, why would your chapter hold assets it doesn't require to perform it's job? It's similar to those chapters you'd see back in the day here in the Liber, where they'd have a huge fleet, ramillies class star fort above their fortress homeworld and accompanying titan legion. This is all possessed by the chapter mind you.

The consensus was reached in a similar way to the idea of a training cadre. Whereas the training cadre is a logical progression in terms of how we understand chapters to be founded, the balancing of assets for chapters is present more to prevent those types of things spiraling out of control. A chapter is one in thousands, almost all of which are outfitted and supplied by the Adeptus Mechanicus and Imperium at large. Why would for example a chapter that specializes in siege warfare (disregard Imperial Fists due to being a former Legion) be given extra fleet assets when they could be supplied to a chapter that fights more in the void?

Unless your chapter has some serious political clout, which usually comes from being very old and having other institutions owe you many, many favours, you're not getting more than you're given.

For my guys, I wanted to strike a balance between having a strongly influential homeworld culture and being a void-focused chapter.

(Names WIP, I am really terrible with names. Suggestions appreciated!)

Storm Haven and Tempests' Break.

Stormhaven as a planet name would work better as one word. happy.png

There's no mention of a 'Tempest's Break' below, so I don't know what I would suggest as alternatives for that. What's Tempest's Break supposed to be?

With the chapters adoption of Storm Haven as it's home world, along with its looted and decaying archaeotech ring, a plan was drawn up to provide for the systems defence. Before the rise of Brother Einar to the position of Chapter Master, the previous leadership had thought to set about construction of a Fortress proper on the planets surface. Einar however, had a very different plan in mind. At his order, the surviving space-worthy modules of the ring were towed to a local asteroid field and sunk into the body of the largest rock in the field, with the smaller modules being placed in strategic positions on the edges of the field to act as listening posts for the subsector.

If the space-worthy modules are sunk into the largest asteroid, does that mean they just buried junk in the other asteroids? ermm.gif

If so, how does that make them listening posts?

Einar then ordered the complete destruction of the remaining ring pieces. In his eyes, a Fortress would only draw the eyes of those who would do them harm and bring fire to what was his homeworld. To keep the people and the chapters future safe, he would make them an unlikely target, while keeping the arm of the chapter within striking distance.

...Aren't enemies more likely to prey on worlds that appear undefended?

Although I suppose that depends on the enemy in question, so I don't know how to answer that question myself. sweat.gif

Perhaps it just needs rewording somehow.happy.png

Ok let's see...

1. Tempest Break is the name of their asteroid base, but I think my sleep addled mind didn't actually word it in the main piece.... great! wallbash.gif

2. I envision them as more like self contained modules, similar but far superior to how we'd ideally build a new space station today. Therefore even if they've been stripped by Great Crusade era, they're still functional as living spaces and you can install your own gear into them to be used. Instead of having to hollow out the 'roids and then construct a new base in place, a lot of the infrastructure required for the machines and living space is already there. By the same token the chapter wouldn't have had the machines or infrastructure themselves to be able to manufacture the pieces required to begin with, not without waiting an indeterminate amount of time to get assistance from the Imperium, and they'd owe a favor to someone.

I know I know, if I can justify it here, write it in. I was a very tired writer that night. tongue.png

3. Not if they're after anything useful. The world isn't highly populated enough to justify the expenditure of resources to get to and then harvest for slaves, nor is it technologically advanced, resource rich or strategically valuable for any other region other than being an Astartes homeworld. Remove the common knowledge of it being an Astartes world and a lot of enemies won't bother.

Given that the chapter is decentralized to begin with and prefers to ambush their enemies in space, ideally speaking from their point of view their enemies should never make planetfall to begin with. The only real threats to that would likely be the Dark Eldar.

At least, that's how I see it.

Ah ok. I see.


My Storm Riders chapter got a Ramilies Star Fort as a fortress monastery because of Jaghatai pulling the right strings.


They are tasked to guard an area known as Dominion of Storms with Waniku being their main area to guard. Because of the many warp storms over there and the difficulties to communicate with the wider Imperium, they would need something to assure their independence. Furthermore, Storm's Eye is although anchored for most of the time in Aukkajas' orbit, it is also used as a mobile defense platform or as a attack vessel like the Rock but only within the Dominion of Storms and not in the entire Imperium.



Would be interesting, if they gain their chapter serfs via raiding actions and force them into service like even the loyalists did during the HH. Would give them a little grim note. "We are the angels of death. Serve us or die." *turns around* "Ah, governor. We've dealt with the renegades. Everything is fine. No, no, don't worry. We will bring them to a labor camp. They will get what they deserve." *grin*

Ah ok. I see.


My Storm Riders chapter got a Ramilies Star Fort as a fortress monastery because of Jaghatai pulling the right strings.


They are tasked to guard an area known as Dominion of Storms with Waniku being their main area to guard. Because of the many warp storms over there and the difficulties to communicate with the wider Imperium, they would need something to assure their independence. Furthermore, Storm's Eye is although anchored for most of the time in Aukkajas' orbit, it is also used as a mobile defense platform or as a attack vessel like the Rock but only within the Dominion of Storms and not in the entire Imperium.



Would be interesting, if they gain their chapter serfs via raiding actions and force them into service like even the loyalists did during the HH. Would give them a little grim note. "We are the angels of death. Serve us or die." *turns around* "Ah, governor. We've dealt with the renegades. Everything is fine. No, no, don't worry. We will bring them to a labor camp. They will get what they deserve." *grin*


That's not a bad idea, or even traded to the local mechanicus to be made into servitors in trade for various resources? I don't see how these organizations wouldn't have an almost unlimited amount of manpower available to them, I guess, so it bears some thinking about. Problem with having forced labour working the entire infastructure of your chapter would lead to trouble. 


I like the idea of press-ganging and being forced enact penance. Maybe they're used in some method in battle? I'm going to have to think. Love the idea though.

Regarding the Chapter's name, I was going to suggest Storm Warriors, but there's already a Space Marines Chapter with that name. Stormbringers appears to be unused (Lexicanum lists it as a lascannon pattern, used on the Predator Annihilator), but if your Space Marines are loyalists, they may not appreciate being named after an instrument of Chaos.

Regarding the Chapter's name, I was going to suggest Storm Warriors, but there's already a Space Marines Chapter with that name. Stormbringers appears to be unused (Lexicanum lists it as a lascannon pattern, used on the Predator Annihilator), but if your Space Marines are loyalists, they may not appreciate being named after an instrument of Chaos.


I appreciate the effort, but I think the name's pretty much stuck now, though Storm Warriors is strong, I'll stick to Storm Riders.


Thanks for the ideas!


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