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Baal Predator; tactics and which version works best?


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3 Flamestorm Baal Preds sitting on terrain with a 'Shifting Worldscape' shenanigan move would be pretty awesome, ridiculous and silly, but awesome.


Fixed that for you.


Gimmicky, but fun.


Now you're talking! ...even if they can't get perfectly into template position they are threatening, which is more than I can usually say about them sadly.

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Well yeah -it would be awesome if Flame-Bal moved on terrain, flamed poor eldar bikes... if only he could charge after that :/


So it's those times when everything in BA codex wants to ride that ruin into enemies ranks. While charging tanks it's hillarious but absolutely pointless.


Thinking about BA the 5-th codex I think GW forgot the initial thought when BA is  an Alfa-strike army. It's that kind of army that  either smash you onfirst-second turn, or be runnin/hiding the  rest of the battle.

But the point is - current BA units are not able to deliver that punch  - moreover there is almost no punch at all.


Flame-bal can't cause that much damage to justify the fatal proximity with the enemy - I can compare thiswith the other "edge"- fast vindicator. It's so much sinergetic being fast and deadly - no one jokes around with that thing - and riding that monster in ruin causes awe not the laughs.

But even this monster crippled - invis, rerollable 2+ covers, heck! rerollable 2+ invuln.


Recently there was a rumor that GW game-design team don't know what to do with orks, because game shifted alot and orks losing their concept. I feel the BA losing that too.

The tricks that were great 20-15-10 years ago now obsolete. Moving 12, having deep strike, 2+armour, ap2 or melta-like weapons -in 2016 is dust-old. Hitting on 6,moving across the board, reroling 2++ and everything else , buckets of dice with high-strengh long-ranged weapons,  removing obects on 6.


I am sorry that it sounds so depressing but it's just the hard times for BA until new dex or new edition.

And untill then


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Didn't Servant of Dante do that for us?

He jumped the shark a tad tongue.png

Yeah . . . I didn't look at how the song started. I honestly thought it had been done in large chunks by a couple people till after I finished. As I've said before, please finish the song a different way, I'll throw in a couple more appropriately sized contributions.

That being said, I am pretty proud of myself for that. It tickles me to see someone mention it.

Oh, and my on-topic contribution:

I don't own any Baal predators, and I understand the superiority of the dakka variant, but I love the idea of a tripple flamer pred. I might be convinced to do a AC/2x HF Baal since that would be more in keeping with the oringinal 3E options.

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Well lads, this thread has inspired me to dust off my Baals

Got some Red Scopions and then an Eldar/ Dark Eldar to tear into. Been using a Sicaran but I'm going mech heavy wth a Baal TLAC/HF and Razorbacks with Chaplain and Tacs with flamers tucked inside. I want to show the Eldar what Wall of Dealth is when he charges the Baal and Razorbacks. Scorched ears

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I think our unique trait of fast vehicles lends itself very well to our inherently fast aggressive play style.


Sure we can't have squadrons, but with duo of any of a BSF/FTSF/CAD we get six heavy support.


6 AV13 fast tanks are no joke. Especially when 3 are vindicators and 3 are flamestorm Baals that cross half the table turn one and then unleash all manner of templates.


Combine this with dread pods and jump infantry and we really bring the Turn 2 pain. Give them a load of threats and they can't deal with it all, and I'd be willing to wager all of our units can cause way more damage than thier equivalent in points than the crap vanilla codex gets ;)

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I like the weight of fire the TLAC/HB sponson variant offers (the Dakka Baal). The weapon strength isn't brilliant but it is supposed to be an anti-infantry tank and the number of shots it puts out is great - I've cut through Terminator squads with mine just by forcing too many saves...
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I like the weight of fire the TLAC/HB sponson variant offers (the Dakka Baal). The weapon strength isn't brilliant but it is supposed to be an anti-infantry tank and the number of shots it puts out is great - I've cut through Terminator squads with mine just by forcing too many saves...

I just want some flamers. My philosophy is always to make the best unit I can, while keeping the coolness that makes me want to run said unit. dakka Baal just isn't rule of cool enough to me. Besides, assault cannons kill things just fine at any range!

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There are more benefits to taking a Baal Predator

Unlike most vehicles a Baal with flamers can fire Overwatch at a charging opponent. So says RAW.

While the BRB says that "Unless specified otherwise, vehicles cannot make Overwatch fire as it takes too long to bring their guns to bear". Good news is that the BA Codex confirms that Flamers on our Baals is a "Template weapon with Wall of Death special rule that can fire Overwatch".

So, I'm gonna try a TLAC/HF fit out and see how successful it is

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There are more benefits to taking a Baal Predator

Unlike most vehicles a Baal with flamers can fire Overwatch at a charging opponent. So says RAW.

While the BRB says that "Unless specified otherwise, vehicles cannot make Overwatch fire as it takes too long to bring their guns to bear". Good news is that the BA Codex confirms that Flamers on our Baals is a "Template weapon with Wall of Death special rule that can fire Overwatch".

So, I'm gonna try a TLAC/HF fit out and see how successful it is

I don't think the fact a HF is a template weapon allows the Baal to fire overwatch. Wall of death is just how you resolve templates firing overwatch, it doesn't give vehicles with template weapons special permission to make an overwatch attack.



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I like the weight of fire the TLAC/HB sponson variant offers (the Dakka Baal). The weapon strength isn't brilliant but it is supposed to be an anti-infantry tank and the number of shots it puts out is great - I've cut through Terminator squads with mine just by forcing too many saves...

The weight of fire the Baal puts out, is it's saving grace. However the problem is it's very inconsistent; for every story of it decimating a termie squad there's one where it's failure to do any casualties to a Tac Squad.



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There are more benefits to taking a Baal Predator

Unlike most vehicles a Baal with flamers can fire Overwatch at a charging opponent. So says RAW.

While the BRB says that "Unless specified otherwise, vehicles cannot make Overwatch fire as it takes too long to bring their guns to bear". Good news is that the BA Codex confirms that Flamers on our Baals is a "Template weapon with Wall of Death special rule that can fire Overwatch".

So, I'm gonna try a TLAC/HF fit out and see how successful it is


There are more benefits to taking a Baal Predator

Unlike most vehicles a Baal with flamers can fire Overwatch at a charging opponent. So says RAW.

While the BRB says that "Unless specified otherwise, vehicles cannot make Overwatch fire as it takes too long to bring their guns to bear". Good news is that the BA Codex confirms that Flamers on our Baals is a "Template weapon with Wall of Death special rule that can fire Overwatch".

So, I'm gonna try a TLAC/HF fit out and see how successful it is


Where in the BA codex does it say this? All I can find is the weapon profile in the back as well as the entry in ranged weapons telling me I can find the profile in the BRB.

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I like the weight of fire the TLAC/HB sponson variant offers (the Dakka Baal). The weapon strength isn't brilliant but it is supposed to be an anti-infantry tank and the number of shots it puts out is great - I've cut through Terminator squads with mine just by forcing too many saves...

The weight of fire the Baal puts out, is it's saving grace. However the problem is it's very inconsistent; for every story of it decimating a termie squad there's one where it's failure to do any casualties to a Tac Squad.





This is not an issue with the Baal Predator, it's an issue with 40K mechanics overall.  Any gun that isn't AP3 or lower is terribly inconsistent and overall terrible, unless they can be fielded in droves.  As a funny example of how fundamentally stupid the game is, two Tactical squads armed with only bolters firing at each other for the whole length of a 40K game would be hard pressed to wipe out one or the other.


My long time proposal: The whole AP vs Armor Save thing really needs to go.  AP should only affect what a gun does against armored vehicles, and unit armor should simply decrease weapon strength (By 6-Save), not completely negate wounds.  That would all of a sudden make every gun in the game useful, fix the :cuss unkillable 2+/2++/2+++ units problems, useless terminators, and what have you, all in one easy fix.

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