PeteySödes Posted September 18, 2019 Author Share Posted September 18, 2019 Yea I gave them a bit more furs than usual trying to convey the scout role. I dig the idea of other textures for the furs. I’d have loved to explore trollhides like Harald or the like, I could prolly lay sneak some in on the WG without it being to distracting.... The bases are just cork with some fine, medium, and course ballast to fill it in. The colors are rhinox hide base, overbrushed with leather brown, then a light drybrush in a bone color. I make the leather brown a bit patchy in random spots and that’s where I’ll usually put the grass. The grass is gamers grass winter tufts. I really like their colors over stuff like army painter. It’s a pain to get but I found a ton at Adepticon this year and bought a lifetime supply haha. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dantay VI Posted September 18, 2019 Share Posted September 18, 2019 \those infiltrators are just out and out gorgeous Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeteySödes Posted September 20, 2019 Author Share Posted September 20, 2019 Got some WiPs of the Kingsgaurd going! It's going well, the challenge is keeping some squad unity despite the desire for individuality. Biggest sticking point so far is what to do with the Tartaros left pauldron. Its missing a crux which is fine but since they're in a squad with Indomitus patterns (including Logan for the event) I worried abiout the look. I'm also working against future proofing since i'll totally want to run a Void Claw unit at some point to. It's like playing 3d chess against myself sometimes i swear.... We'll see how it goes. Right now im thinking my options are mirror the CotGW badge or some sort of red/grey flourish like is on my other stuff. His saga markings will be in the yellow knee sections. Lots to do but any suggestions or C&C is welcome! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ranulf the revenant Posted September 20, 2019 Share Posted September 20, 2019 I was about to say 'just get a crux terminatus insignia thing from shapeways', then I realised that they're only available in packs of 20 ( which is probably a bit much for just one guy... I don't know, maybe you could just make a blue stuff mould of a crux terminatus you already got? Would that fit a tartaros? What do you mena by "CotGW badge" :)? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeteySödes Posted September 20, 2019 Author Share Posted September 20, 2019 I was about to say 'just get a crux terminatus insignia thing from shapeways', then I realised that they're only available in packs of 20 ( which is probably a bit much for just one guy... I don't know, maybe you could just make a blue stuff mould of a crux terminatus you already got? Would that fit a tartaros? What do you mena by "CotGW badge" ? None of the bits i have fit the Tartaros pauldrons. Im not going to sculpt anything on there though or buy from Pop goes the monkey (for reasons). It's going to be a paint solution at this stage. For future ones I may sculpt one on to make each suit unique though. His chain clasps on the front I feel rep his TDA honors anyways pretty well. The Company of the Great Wolf (CotGW) badge is the wolf that stalks stars. Its the sigil on the right pauldron of the Tartaros guy. The company badge mirroring was more or less the standard in 30k as I understand it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted September 20, 2019 Share Posted September 20, 2019 I was going to say a mold of a Crux Terminatus to attach as well, but barring that, could you do a knotwork that is in a similar shape (say a knotwork cross) with either a cut off skull set into the center or painted in? And then a gold ring set in the back of the Crux or surrounding it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kassill Posted September 21, 2019 Share Posted September 21, 2019 Infiltrators and terms looking great as always Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeteySödes Posted September 30, 2019 Author Share Posted September 30, 2019 Well the painting grind paid off! Logan and crew took home best overall at the 40k Chronicles this year. This was easily the best event I've ever gotten to do. The tables were amazing, the painting standard was insane across the board, and the mission were super unique and a blast to play. Game 1 Major Victory against tyranids. Had to control objectives progressively and end of game. Infiltrators sniped the no mans land obj straigh away and held the tide of gaunts with the help of outflanking Power Armored wolf gaurd. The infiltrators Obsec won the game in the end as they battled a maliceptor on the last turn. Logan and crew held the tide midboard and while logan was injured the kingsgaurd killed basically everything and allowed his safe withdrawal. Great game!. Game 2 Loss against Deathgaurd, This was entirely my fault haha. We essentially picked eachothers marked for death and i thought it'd be thematic for him to need to kill my characters. I maxed my narrative mission points but played super aggressive and he got my priests in the end while i only got 2/3 of his. If I had picked differently it would have been a win but where's the fun in that? Game 3 (the best table ever) Minor Victory against Tyranids. This mission was bonkers in the best way. My forces get fully deployed in the middle further than 12' from the 5 temple doors then she deployed half of hers within 6". She goes first unless i seize on a 5 or 6. So i was sweating as I had bugs in my face before the game even began. On T2 she can deploy anywhere 9" from the doors with no restrictions from me other than the 1" rule. I had to hold the 5 temple doors and sacrifice turns to search for clues about the archeotech. Luckily i went first so wasd able to clear the beachhead but it she kept coming in with genestealers on top of me so Logan and the kingsgaurd were stuck in the thick and only got out on the last turn. It was a total blood bath. I got the minor victory as i held more doors and was able to glean enough info from the ruins but i didnt hold 4/5 to get the major. Game 4 King of the hill defense against the screaming rabble and demon engined of the World Eaters. I was teamed up with the Admech for this one and it was another bloodbath. They were on us turn one, logan and crew had to counter the assault and were able to stem the tide. The last turn Logan and the company ancient dueled the Dark Apostle and his Aspiring Champion side by side 1 on 1 and utterly destroyed them breaking the rest of the heretics and scattering them. Major Victory. Game 5 Teamed up with non other than Eric Morkai for the final assault. This mission was so tough, I don't think we could have taken the mission win honestly but we scored our narrative victory at least. We had 3 objectives, one of which was the real one in secret, and had to extract it via one of 3 points in the enemy deployment zone. In order to extract you had to sit on the point for 2 turns essentially but it was against Death Guard and Alpha legion so it was really tough to clear one for obvious reasons. After properly juking them in deployment with cunning of the wolf etc. Logan and crew spearheaded one of the extractions once i got there and we held it for one turn but they were able to bring down the Iron Preist who held one of the data cores. Since that effectively reset the clock we didnt think we had time to play 2 more full turns so the ancient fell back picking it up long the way while logan held them in place long enough to bring Morkais scouts in for support to protect the ancient. in the end they were unable to secure any of the data giving us the narritive points but we didnt get it out so it was a mission loss. Truly epic finish. Finished the Kingsguard too! I apologize for the lighting, i couldn't get it to work for me last night but you get the idea though some look a bit funky. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TiguriusX Posted September 30, 2019 Share Posted September 30, 2019 so awesome man congrats Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightHowler Posted September 30, 2019 Share Posted September 30, 2019 Those sound like some truly great games. Made me happy to hear a wolf weaving such epics sagas, especially with such great looking minis!!! Congrats man! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GrFlur Posted September 30, 2019 Share Posted September 30, 2019 I'm never stop drooling... When I wolf-up I want to become a lil'bit more like Petey Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QuarterPounder Posted September 30, 2019 Share Posted September 30, 2019 Sounds like some incredible narrative missions! Do you know if they happened to publish the details on the scenarios somewhere? I'd love to play a few of those for some fun games myself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeteySödes Posted September 30, 2019 Author Share Posted September 30, 2019 I'm never stop drooling... When I wolf-up I want to become a lil'bit more like Petey Haha <3 Sounds like some incredible narrative missions! Do you know if they happened to publish the details on the scenarios somewhere? I'd love to play a few of those for some fun games myself. Yea! I felt the same way so I asked if i could take home the copies that they had at the tables for both days and they let me leave with the stack! Let me check with them to make sure theyd be cool with me posting the content and ill see what they say. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted September 30, 2019 Share Posted September 30, 2019 Excellent work on the Terminators. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chazzmos Posted October 1, 2019 Share Posted October 1, 2019 They all look so good Petey, and those games sounded like a heap of fun! Your palette is so nicely muted, the yellows, oranges, and browns just all go so nicely together. An inspiration as always! I wanted to ask, what colours do you use for your fur/pelts and painting process? Yours have got more yellow than mine and I think I like it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeteySödes Posted October 1, 2019 Author Share Posted October 1, 2019 They all look so good Petey, and those games sounded like a heap of fun! Your palette is so nicely muted, the yellows, oranges, and browns just all go so nicely together. An inspiration as always! I wanted to ask, what colours do you use for your fur/pelts and painting process? Yours have got more yellow than mine and I think I like it. Thanks! My fur recipe is Rhinox hide as a base, overbrush VGC Leather Brown, drybrush VGC Plague Brown, then sort of drybrush bone colors to taste, picking out areas of interest with an ivory color as needed. It's suuuuper unscientific. I will say i use a makeup brush though for the drybrush though, its way better than a traditional stiff or "old" drybrush. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sbarnby71 Posted October 1, 2019 Share Posted October 1, 2019 They all look so good Petey, and those games sounded like a heap of fun! Your palette is so nicely muted, the yellows, oranges, and browns just all go so nicely together. An inspiration as always! I wanted to ask, what colours do you use for your fur/pelts and painting process? Yours have got more yellow than mine and I think I like it. Thanks! My fur recipe is Rhinox hide as a base, overbrush VGC Leather Brown, drybrush VGC Plague Brown, then sort of drybrush bone colors to taste, picking out areas of interest with an ivory color as needed. It's suuuuper unscientific. I will say i use a makeup brush though for the drybrush though, its way better than a traditional stiff or "old" drybrush. A makeup brush? Now I see why you are so into giving your Wolves such well styled eyebrows! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeteySödes Posted October 1, 2019 Author Share Posted October 1, 2019 They all look so good Petey, and those games sounded like a heap of fun! Your palette is so nicely muted, the yellows, oranges, and browns just all go so nicely together. An inspiration as always! I wanted to ask, what colours do you use for your fur/pelts and painting process? Yours have got more yellow than mine and I think I like it. Thanks! My fur recipe is Rhinox hide as a base, overbrush VGC Leather Brown, drybrush VGC Plague Brown, then sort of drybrush bone colors to taste, picking out areas of interest with an ivory color as needed. It's suuuuper unscientific. I will say i use a makeup brush though for the drybrush though, its way better than a traditional stiff or "old" drybrush. A makeup brush? Now I see why you are so into giving your Wolves such well styled eyebrows! Yea we're a bit extra. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QuarterPounder Posted October 1, 2019 Share Posted October 1, 2019 Yea! I felt the same way so I asked if i could take home the copies that they had at the tables for both days and they let me leave with the stack! Let me check with them to make sure theyd be cool with me posting the content and ill see what they say. Thanks, Petey! I always feel that (for me at least) the best of 40k comes out in those narrative, saga-worthy moments. Good Narrative missions just set those moments up nicely. But, it's hard to find good Narrative missions! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeteySödes Posted October 4, 2019 Author Share Posted October 4, 2019 A bit of play here on CalgArjak: Not a ton of work on the surfaces since the last pic, but i'm trying to find an interesting pose. I like the idea of sort of mimicking the throw of the OG model but when i do it it just seems like lazy hammer shield pose #2 of 3. We'll see how it goes. Im bummed that Tor Garadon still has no release date as I think he would have made a better basis for the concept. I'll keep grinding at it though! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TiguriusX Posted October 4, 2019 Share Posted October 4, 2019 You could scratch build a terminator using mostly green stuff couldn't you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeteySödes Posted October 4, 2019 Author Share Posted October 4, 2019 You could scratch build a terminator using mostly green stuff couldn't you Im certainly going to try! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightHowler Posted October 4, 2019 Share Posted October 4, 2019 You could scratch build a terminator using mostly green stuff couldn't youI was going to say “don’t dare him, he’ll do it” but then I realized I’d really like to see that and chances are it would turn out looking incredible. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wispy Posted October 4, 2019 Share Posted October 4, 2019 have him holding the hammer by the strap when in doubt, take inspiration not from your inspiration, but the inspiration the inspired your inspiration ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeteySödes Posted October 4, 2019 Author Share Posted October 4, 2019 Oh :cuss, yeaaaaa I can work with that..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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