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Deathwatch Fan-made 2nd Ed.: To Recover the Past, Sign Ups

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Hello; this is the game in which I would like to see if anyone is interested in using the other thread's work on hashing out a full blown DW aptitude compliant system.


Deathwatch, with Aptitudes; how does it sound? Well, this is the game where the idea might be able to be put to the test and tried out.


No, sadly, I do not work for FFG; that said, maybe what they see here will help them come up with a 2nd Ed. for DW.


Six character slots, go.


- 1 - Black Cohort

- 2 - Skinrider

- 3 - Boudan

- 4 - Slipstreams

- 5 - Lord Heremes

- 6


More if needed, six is about right for now; please review the other thread, the one about the DW Adaptation into 2nd Ed. DW for further character generation details; players will most likely have around 3,000 xp to spend once the rest of the character sheet to start feedback is generated and will likely be tested in this game here.


3,000 1,500 xp to spend, 10,000 xp in terms of Astartes abilities on the sheet, and the Only War Character Sheet will be needed.


Use full SM Stats, 30 + 2d10, and each Chapter retains its +5 to two stats as normal from DW 1st. Ed.


Any interest thus far? If not, that's fine; just an idea I'd like to see actually allow for truly unique and fun RP characters with abilities wherever the players want to focus, not limited to just what the book allows them to become.


Thread in question: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322122-gm-lfg-dw-into-dh-2nd-edow-adaptation/


Please do note, any home-brew or not listed in that thread Chapter Aptitudes to consider are going to take some time. Any and all feedback welcome therein.


Edit: Changing the Thread Title to a Sign-Ups style note.



I like Deathwatch, but the limitations of the system are astounding, I agree with you on the aptitudes, I think it does a great job in Only War.


The system itself we can work together and tweak, if something we choose is too overpowered you scale us down, if it's too weak you scale us up. I like roleplaying more than rollplaying, I can get get faster feedback in a videogame if I'm just looking for a mechanical system to exploit.


I'd love to make an Assault Marine from the Wraiths Chapter (home grown chapter)


The Wraiths are a fleet-based chapter focused around the Ghoul Stars. They are from the 23rd founding, their parent chapter is unknown, and recruits were drawn from worlds that had been terrorized by the Dark Eldar and were initially trained up by Astartes drawn from the Carcharodons (Space Sharks) and Raven Guard. They specialize in terror tactics similar to old-school Space Wolves, Carcharodons, old-shcool Night Lords etc.  The recruits were used to quite brutal tactics from the Dark Eldar and as such are quite immune to the horrors of the brutality they inflict, they simply realize that shredding an enemy in front of his comrades is demoralizing to the enemy, the brutality is calculated. They are involved in large-scale wars with Ordo Xenos in the Ghoul Stars where their brutality is useful against unspeakably horrible xenos. In their large-scale war with the Ordo Xenos the ordo has many imperial knights at their disposal, so The Wraiths have abandoned the use of devastators and instead focus on short-range, surprise and lightning-fast warfare, favoring jump packs, bikes and melee. Their colors are dark red with dark yellow details, their chapter symbol is a skull with one bat wing, they frequently wear helmets with skull faces and adorn themselves with skulls. They don't use a warcry but rather a pre-recorded blood-curdling primal scream they play on maximum volume on their helmets' speakers.


Let me know if you like the idea. I'll get a character together in the next 24 hours using the modified rules you talked about.

SKinrider, thanks for the interest and the Chapter info.


Black Cohort, you're more than welcome as well.


The only real problem is sorting all the Aptitudes for a home-brew Chapter, or, one not listed in the thread I should likely link into the OP, and will do so shortly.


After some further review, I may be adjusting the Aptitudes; all combat seems great on paper, not so sure about in general across all Chapters, however.

  On 5/12/2016 at 6:20 PM, Karack Blackstone said:

SKinrider, thanks for the interest and the Chapter info.


Black Cohort, you're more than welcome as well.


The only real problem is sorting all the Aptitudes for a home-brew Chapter, or, one not listed in the thread I should likely link into the OP, and will do so shortly.


After some further review, I may be adjusting the Aptitudes; all combat seems great on paper, not so sure about in general across all Chapters, however.

The Immortal Guard should be fine just using the iron hands rules.

  On 5/12/2016 at 6:43 PM, Black Cohort said:


  On 5/12/2016 at 6:20 PM, Karack Blackstone said:

SKinrider, thanks for the interest and the Chapter info.


Black Cohort, you're more than welcome as well.


The only real problem is sorting all the Aptitudes for a home-brew Chapter, or, one not listed in the thread I should likely link into the OP, and will do so shortly.


After some further review, I may be adjusting the Aptitudes; all combat seems great on paper, not so sure about in general across all Chapters, however.

The Immortal Guard should be fine just using the iron hands rules.



That works too. Thanks for the info; if you happen to stop by the OOC / Rules thread, and come up with a set of Only War Aptitudes that might better fit your Chapter, that's fine. If not, that works too, and just stick with the Iron Hands rules in that thread. Please choose two of the three, limited to your Chapter selection in that area; your Specialty is also pick two of those three, as well.

Hey, yeah I think it might be best if I just choose a chapter that's already existent and choose aptitudes from there. I don't mind that. It's a bit of work banging the character together (Space marines have so many skills and talents) but I'll try to finish asap

I would be interested in this, although I am only familiar with Rogue Trader and Dark Heresy rules. Would there be a great deal homework to catch up on the systems in use? Also: could my character be a space marine from a successor chapter? (Specifically: the Lamenters, a Blood Angels successor, whom I love a lot.)
  On 5/20/2016 at 12:03 AM, Boudan said:

I would be interested in this, although I am only familiar with Rogue Trader and Dark Heresy rules. Would there be a great deal homework to catch up on the systems in use? Also: could my character be a space marine from a successor chapter? (Specifically: the Lamenters, a Blood Angels successor, whom I love a lot.)


I will look at the rules hopefully over the weekend, and get back to you on what they have; as far as things now, the Lamenters we can roll up.


The thread that specifies what is being used is linked in the OP; to reiterate, it's Only War RPG core rules, with a Deathwatch veneer. This is to introduce Aptitudes and a Tiered Character Advancement system. There's still some work to get done, however, thanks for the interest. I have secured a spot for each of the three of you at this time.

Hello Boudan, the thread in which the rules are being hashed out will be asked for the four Aptitudes that the Lamenters get.


Please bear with me; I had a busy weekend, and need to get this done ASAP for you. I apologize, but, my guess may not be accurate, so I will let you know once I know more.




Boudan, I have now determined you get a three option, choose any one, situation:


1. Lamenters Chapter Aptitudes, per a guess of mine:


- Offense

- Defense


- Willpower


2. Blood Angels Chapter Aptitudes, which are "parented" in, due to being a successor (Not quite my cup of tea, thus...)


3. You and I discuss fluff of the Lamenters, and we can together create a four Aptitude list; after that, one picks any two Aptitudes from the four, and includes all the rest as choices, per the thread linked in the OP.


Please choose wisely; I am not trying to lead you astray, so, please, let me know at your time and leisure.

  On 5/23/2016 at 10:39 PM, Black Cohort said:

Still 3000 xp to spend?


How do want us to handle dice rolling for character generation?


Sorry, 1,500; now corrected.


Honor system, call 'em as they fall.


I can try to recover my roll20.com stuff, in case dice rolls are needed.

Dice rolls for Irad Farsight  Magi of the Immortal Guard


WS 36

BS 40 +5 Iron hands =45

S 40

T 47 +5 Iron Hands = 52

Ag 41

Per 39

Int 47

Wil 43

Fel 43


Wounds 18+5=23 wounds


Fate Points 1 = 3 fate points


For armour does everyone get Mk7 or should we generate from the expanded table in rites of battle?

  On 5/23/2016 at 10:50 PM, Black Cohort said:

Dice rolls for Irad Farsight  Magi of the Immortal Guard


WS 36

BS 40 +5 Iron hands =45

S 40

T 47 +5 Iron Hands = 52

Ag 41

Per 39

Int 47

Wil 43

Fel 43


Wounds 18+5=23 wounds


Fate Points 1 = 3 fate points


For armour does everyone get Mk7 or should we generate from the expanded table in rites of battle?


I leave it to you; I have Deathwatch, Only War, Rites of Battle, First Founding, Honor the Chapter, and some other books.


If I don't have to haul them all around, that'd be great; as it is, yes, if you so prefer.


I will adjust as needed.

With Karack's consent, I'll just use the Blood Angels aptitudes for my Lamenter.  If not, I'll PM him regarding the proposed attiributes.




Dice rolls for Brother Gallan, Lamenters Chapter Assault Marine


WS 49

BS 41

S 42

T 43

Ag 47

Int 38 (+5 BA Successor) = 43

Per 40

Wil 41

Fel 38 (+5 BA Successor) = 43


Fate Points Rolled '2': 3 Fate Points


Wounds Rolled '3'+18 = 21


raw attribute rolls:













Oh Boudan! I was planning an assault marine, I'll roll a tactical then. 


One question Karack:


  On 5/5/2016 at 6:18 PM, Karack Blackstone said:


For +5 purposes for XP spent:
One +5 of player choice to place
Two +5's for Chapter benefits (already mentioned in DW 1E book)
Further +5's will be earned every 10,000 XP.


So we get a +5 for an ability of our choice?



Brother Igorot

Tactical Marine

The Wraiths Chapter (uses White Scars)


Ws 44 
Bs 38
S 49 
T 41 
Ag 36 (+5 chapter) 41
Per 37 
Int 36 
Wil 43 (+5 chapter) 48
Fel 39


Wounds: 22

Fate: 4



If you prefer to just use chapters in the books can just make him a White Scar, otherwise I'd just like to play him as from The Wraiths Chapter using White Scars in all aspects (also for chapter specific gear etc.)

Brother Igorot

Tactical Marine

The Wraiths Chapter (uses White Scars)

Ws 49 (54 with Heroes Shame)
Bs 48 (53 with Heroes Shame)
S 54
T 42
Ag 41
Per 37
Int 41
Wil 48
Fel 39 (34 with +5 Mk.5 elements, -10 A Heroes Shame)

Wounds: 22

Fate: 4

Special Ability:

Bolter Mastery (+10 BS and +2 dmg when using bolt weapons)


Weapon Skill

Ballistic Skill











Mighty Shot

Whirlwind of Death

Hatred (Necrons)

Chapter Trappings:

Chieftain Trophy Rack (Fear 1) -also works as Back Banner

MAXIMUS Armor (7/9)

+15 Fel with Space Marines


1) Skill of the Artificer (Mk.5 elements) Mk.5 Right shoulder AP8, +5 Fel

2) DW Core book (To forget is to forgive) Gain Hatred (Necrons)

3) Legends of War (A Heroes Shame) +5WS, +5BS, -10 Command


Right Gear for the Job (Signature Wargear - Astartes Combat Shield) (400 xp)

XP expenditure:

Mighty Shot (400 xp)

Whirlwind of Death (300 xp)

WS advancement (simple) (100 xp)

BS advancement (simple) (100 xp)

S advancement (simple) (100 xp)

-100xp in the bank


He's fully fleshed out! Only need to choose whom he has the Hatred talent vs.

@Karack do you want to give me advice about the Hatred, or decide that?

@Boudan Don't worry, I like this guy. I'm gonna requisition the White Scars Power Lance for most missions anyway (doesn't need any renown), so he's good in melee too biggrin.png

Brother Gallan

Assault Marine

Lamenters Chapter (Blood Angel Successor)


WS 59

BS 46

S 47 (57 with Thy Strength Be Legend)

T  43

Ag 57 (67 with Corvus Armor)

Int 43

Per 40

Wil  41

Fel 43


Wounds: 21

Fate: 3









Weapon Skill

Ballistic Skill



Chapter Trappings:

Golden Icon - Wings of Wrath: +1 Damage if character hits with attack during Charge action.


CORVUS Armor (8/9)

+10 Agility


  1. DW Core Book (Thy Strength Be Legend) +10 Strength

  2. DW Core Book (Terror Be Thy Friend) Fear (1) Trait in Melee


Right Place, Right Time (+2 Initiative if using Jump Pack on first round of combat; +10 Pilot (Personal) skill (400xp)


XP expenditure:

Talent: Flesh Render (200xp)

AG advancements (simple, intermediate) (350xp)

WS advancement (simple) (100xp)

BS advancement (simple) (100xp)

S advancement (simple) (100xp)

250xp banked


Brother Igorot, please give me some fluff as to whatever Hatred you feel is appropriate.


All factions, types, etc., are available.


Examples include:


- Mutants

- Psykers

- Orks

- Eldar

- Necrons

- Etc.


I can also figure something out, such as Necrons; they will in time be making an appearance, now and again.

  On 5/26/2016 at 9:37 PM, Slipstreams said:

Ok, so I might join in on this if not only for playtesting purposes. Ill try and roll up a character when I get home.


You hooked me when you mentioned pre/heresy gear.


Thanks, and you are more than welcome to have fun, Slipstreams!


Please keep that in mind first and foremost; fun is what we are all here to have, and I will do my best to try and have truly evil, vile, scheming, conniving vil- I mean, ahem. What?


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