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What Are These Guys (from 5th ed codex cover)?

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I was looking at my 5th edition codex last night, and these guys on the front cover caught my eye:


Anyone know what these guys are supposed to be? Chapter serfs? Servitors? Their poses make them seem a bit too lively and mobile to be servitors, although the do have some grimdark wiring going on ... servitors Blood Angels style? Something else?

I got to thinking about how I could incorporate some guys looking like this into my army. Get some robed minis (WFB flagellants come to mind, maybe Empire wizard if I'm feeling spendy) and put SG death mask heads on them (with the halos cut off) would pretty much do the trick model-wise. I thought these guys might be a good and fluffy excuse to include an inquisitor with some servo skulls and acolytes to represent these dudes. Could be done for 46 points having 3 servo skulls (handy to stop scouting shenanigans and my deep-striking jump pack troops), and three acolytes for the robed guys.

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They remind me of me of those pseudo-monk figures you sometimes see in the BRB or other 40k art writing something down or operating some sort of equipment that is connected to knowledge and information, only these guys are wearing masks. It seems to be that those are indeed serfs that have come along to assist or just record things, monk-style.
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I also want those guys. No self-respecting army should ever take the board without an army of monks :D


I was thinking as Servo-Skulls, objective markers, wound/hull-point markers, maybe as banner carriers for the foot sergeants. Anything, really, but probably as a non-combat role so that the army comp will not be disrupted. Maybe anyone has further ideas?

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Objective markers sound like a good way to go about it. I imagine they'd be serfs, perhaps charged with collecting dropped wargear. Maybe something along the lines of orderlies for the sanguinary priests. Whatever their role on the battlefield may be I'm sure they've got something objective worthy going on.


As for a combat role other than inquisition, it could be fun to field them as ministorum priests in a small allied guard detachment modeled as a kind of recruitment world defense force.

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Yeah, chapter serfs for sure. Probably sanctifying the body to kill off the nurgliness and get rid of the chaos taint.


There is a serf character in the Rynn's World novel whose body rejects the organ implantation part of becoming a marine, after passing the necessary selection tests. Kantor admires the dude's spirit and offer to make him a serf, something apparently seen as a great honour among regular imperial citizens. You basically get a gilded cage, sure you're a cyborg monster with no freedom, but you're protected by godlike warriors, fed and clothed until you are no longer useful. Not to mention how chuffed Big E will be with you once you've shuffled off the mortal coil.

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Thanks brothers. Sounds like objective markers is probably the way to go. Sure beats using coins or dice. I'll keep that for a future project when I'm done with my actual marines.


Are there any models you can think of to use other than empire flagellants? Not only has that box set been discontinued but when I looked at them they'd need way too much green stuff to the point you might as well build a model from scratch.

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