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+++E Tenebrae Lux V - Astra Militarum Strategium+++

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As promised. A preview of what's to come. I shall built two more. What would a steel legion be without Chimeras? Stay tuned.

@ CoffeeGrunt: Congratulations on your completion - that Aegis looks like serious business! And another vow to boot with a weird-looking devil-dog! :woot: ! Good luck Coffee - look forward to see those done to your great standards! Uriah Jacobus FTW!!!!


@ steellegionnaire85: That's how the Steel Legion travels! :lol: That's a lot of vehicles there steellegionnaire85, I sure hope you manage to complete them on time! BTW can you edit this "before" pic in the post of your original vow too? Cheers!


So... GO GUARD? :lol:



Got the Commander more-or-less sorted. Annoying that my phone camera blurs a lot of the painting, but c'est la vie:



Treating these guys like character minis and doing them one-at-a-time has been quite fun, though. Gunna aim to batch paint the meltagunners, then get the Devildog done. :)

I've got an Avenger Strike fighter that might make the cut for Vow 5, depending on time. There's a Vendetta, too, but it'll be one or the other, (so the Avenger.) Sadly I own nothing bigger than that which didn't get painted last year. :P

probably the most efficient thing to vow would be a horde of demolishers...170 points a pop (they don't really need or merit upgrades), and 1/3 the effort of painting a ten man squad...

I've got an Avenger Strike fighter that might make the cut for Vow 5, depending on time. There's a Vendetta, too, but it'll be one or the other, (so the Avenger.) Sadly I own nothing bigger than that which didn't get painted last year. tongue.png

Mine's 190 points with the missile upgrade. The cost of the missile launchers was well-balanced before AP3 became a negative selling point...now it's horribly overcosted, especially since it's clearly going to be snap-shooting all those delicious weapons at other aircraft under DftS rules...dont' get me wrong, it's entirely appropriate for an A-10 no longer to beat the pants off of an F-15 in air-to-air combat!

We're over half way through the ETL, so there's time to get another couple of vows in depending on what you do. I won't get time for a second vow sadly, but that gives me more time to work on my Knight :)

I made some more progress, I'm still fixing spots on the troopers. Backpacks are almost done. The shiny effects are the new GW gem paints. I tried red/green/blue by themselves and also tried red on top of green. The paints look cool for buttons and screens, but I think I will do the goggles the normal painted lens style.


Got my tracks and MoO primed, with a trial run on some earlier vehicles I had started painting before this began. I'd like to get my pledged vehicles base-coated and start on their camouflage scheme by week's end. The MoO should only take me a few minutes, just need to scrape out some time.

The Jabberwockey:, in orbit above the ETL.  :

"Sire they request more participants for the ETL." the messenger reported.  Prince Zac mulled it over and a wicked grin comes across his face. "Send them Sgt Yurivof and his Hellhound crew." he ordered.  "And tell Sgt Yurivof he can BBQ any heretics he wishes.  That ought to make his day." he finished.  "Right away my lord"  The messenger said as he hurried to his station to send the message.

1 x Hellhound:  125pts
w/ dozer blade 5 pts


              total :  130pts




I don't have any update photos because my ADL is more or less done, so done that I can in fact pass my vow. But I'm picky so it will take the whole week at worst. But I do now have a third vow waiting. Yesterday I bought an unopened(still wrapped in plastic) Storm trooper box(the ones that serve the good Emperormsn-wink.gif ). Nostalgia set in rather quickly. And when I opened it there was a little booklet telling me about GWs "new" 40K modelsbiggrin.png , very charming.


@Our_baz That is a amazing urban pattern I wish I had the know-how to put such a camo pattern together.

@CoffeeGrunt I like how the sand coloured Sentinels look like they been through many warzones, the great shading not to mention the wings. Is the Master of Ordnance from Victoria minis?

@Steellegionnaire Wow that is a tidal wave of Chimeras, I can see that someone has bribed the priests of Marsmsn-wink.gif.

@WarriorFish Great progress, it's looking fantastic.

@Ldorte I like the rust and the wear and tear effects, looks great. How did you do the barrels?

Like I said before If I forgot anyone, sorry I really should be sleeping now and not sit by my computer.

If you get time that'd be great Ldorte, small vows are all part of the greater scheme smile.png

Speaking of which, looks like we have another cool vow to look forward to from Sviar. How did you dig up such a gem, and how much did it set you back? Get your vow finished off so you can get to work on them! biggrin.png


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