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+++E Tenebrae Lux V - Astra Militarum Strategium+++

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@CoffeeGrunt I like how the sand coloured Sentinels look like they been through many warzones, the great shading not to mention the wings. Is the Master of Ordnance from Victoria minis?


Nope, she's a Raging Heroes mini, (one of the more tasteful ones.) :)

As you can see, just an autocannon and the missile rack remain:



After this vow, I'll drop from sight for a week or so...I got involved in a painting contest at my local store, and I need to finish a unit of hexwraiths before returning to my ETL labors...probably my third vow will be 2x5 stormtroopers, when I get to it.

@our_baz, I took some inspiration from your vehicle camouflage pattern. I'm doing a three-color scheme instead of your four-color scheme, and using tan instead of white. It's also a lot easier to paint than my previous scheme had been, so that helps too.

Vow completesmile.png . The camera doesn't show the weathering effects nor the highligts or the scorch marks, but it is all there. Picture in the original post.

Get your vow finished off so you can get to work on them! biggrin.png

This was the boot in the a** that I needed to sit down and finish the vowbiggrin.png.

Since you asked how the box came into my possesion: In my new LGC there is a guy who once in while stops by and demo the 15 mm game Black Powder. Let just say that he is now a member and we all paint different Black Powder minis. He has some gaming buddies in a secret FB group. we talked for a while a couple a months ago, and the same day I got added into that group. After a while in FB group he started to sell some 2:nd and 3:rd edition IG minis he had bought a long trime ago, so I was the first one to ask for Stormtroppers, and I was in luck because he had an unopened box. The cost was the same as a regular Scions box.

@ CoffeeGrunt Thanks for the tip, I did not know about that sitesmile.png.

@March10K That is some really good looking Tauroxes, was it hard fitting the whels instead of the tracks? Thinking of doing the same.

@ UltraRich Great start, looking forward to ses the progress.

@Our_baz I said it before and I gladly say it again that is an impressive camo.

@Cracklingvoice Looking forward to see what camo scheme you have come up with.

My next vow will be announced as soon as I have taken a starting picturesmile.png.

Baz what do you use to keep your lines so straight?? I'm having issues keeping clean lines on my chevrons and have tried multiple ways

Sharp pencil, flexible ruler. I Usea small army painter brush (sorry can't remember exact size) to line in the a med /large base coat brush for the rest.

First update for a week. Nearly done with the main hull, got approx 3-4 blocks of colour to do. 2 nights max I reckon.

Thanks for all the positive comments and encouragement guys its appreciated.


Looks as awesome on a chimera as it did on early 20th century warships!

@March10K That is some really good looking Tauroxes, was it hard fitting the whels instead of the tracks? Thinking of doing the same.

I definitely don't want to discourage you from using this conversion kit (it's the one from Victoria Miniatures), but it's far from user-friendly. No instructions, you have to figure it out from photos on their site and a little intuition. They supply too many of the wishbone pieces, it took trial and error to figure out that you're supposed to use two of each, the longer ones go ground-side, the shorter ones hull-side...the steering rack (if you know about car suspensions, you'll know the piece) bits are too long, and the rear axle half-shafts are too short. It's also got more flash to clean up than any of the ancient forgeworld nightmares. I ended up drilling the rear suspension and extending it the needed 3-4mm per side with a brass rod...in spite of all the headaches, it's the most complete, best looking finished product available as an alternative to GW's idiotic four sets of tracks...so in spite of all of my complaining, I'm happy to be making four wheeled primes, and knowing what I now know about how un-user-friendly the conversion kit is, I'd buy four of them all over again, without hesitation!

Got the Officer of the Fleet finished last night, just the 4 Meltagunners to go and that's the Company Command Squad + Priest finished. Then I'll be hittin' dat Devildog! smile.png


Here he is:


Congratulations to Ldorte for completing and to the rest of the guys for the solid progress! Actually, at this point, first vow completions are very important, so the more the merrier! I'll give a better overview in the Weekly report. 



Aboard the Jabberwockey :   

"Has Sgt Yurivof and his crew left yet?" Trade prince Zac asked  impatiently.  "The tech priests are applying the sacred paint now Sire"  the young messenger relayed.   "Tell those Cog-boys to hurry up.  I can only contain Sgt Yurivof's crew for so long before they start cooking my crew."

Construction is finished now on to painting


I have a starting picture for my third vow, but since Captain Semper has not approved my second vow I'm grinded to a halt. The good Captain will have to tell me what he needs from me. Is it pictures? I can get more of them.

@ Daemonifugue That is a very good looking army whith a great wintercamo. I like the walls and the metal scrap on the HWT bases that is just awesome.

@CoffeeGrunt That is great looking officer of the fleet!

@CommissarZac I really like the old school models. I'm eagerly awaiting to see it painted.

@March10K A WIP thread would not be a bad idea. If you feel that you have the time, the whole community will benefit from thatsmile.png. As for me I've carefully read all of your post and studied your pictures. I think I have a grasp of the hard work ahead of mebiggrin.png

@March10K A WIP thread would not be a bad idea. If you feel that you have the time, the whole community will benefit from thatsmile.png. As for me I've carefully read all of your post and studied your pictures. I think I have a grasp of the hard work ahead of mebiggrin.png

Then I'll surely take good pics of the conversion kit as I do the third truck...the second one was a lot easier to do, after all of the "discovery learning" involved in the first one!

On the planet of the ETL:  

"Oi is she done yet?"  Private Crankshiv asked.   "Of course not you git she's still moving"  Sgt Yurivof replied.  "I don't mind em a little on the rare side" Corporal Shifero chimed in.    "Hey there...you're supposed to shoot the heretics not cook them"  one of the local PDF troopers intruded.  He was given a dark look from all of them as Sgt Yurivof stepped up to him.  "Mate we were told we could BBQ any heretic we wished.  So we chose this one.  Now unless you want to take her place, I suggest you turn around and find some looters or something to shoot."  The frightened trooper turned tail and ran from these freaks and their meal.  "Some folks just can't appreciate fine cooking"  Yurivof commented.

I declare this vow completed



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