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+++E Tenebrae Lux V - Astra Militarum Strategium+++

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Some very nice things are incoming in this thread... Looking forward to seeing more progress on those projects!


My inquisitor is not coming along, he just wont turn out right. It's as if the model is actively resisting against me painting it. I suspect priming him white instead of black as i usually do kind of screws with my perception of the colours on the model, it's giving me the creeps. Before i fall totally into the hobby-blues, i guess he will get a good stripping bath an a fesh start. Finishing him will therefor be postponed for an indefinite time... Which on the bright side now leaves me free to do a vow for the ETL!


I, TimmiABC rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete one Militarum Tempestus Command Squad (w/ 4 Meltaguns, Tempestor Prime w/ Plasma Pistol and Powerfist) and one Militarum Tempestus Squad (7Scions w/ 2 Plasma Guns, Tempestor w/ Plasma Pistol) from Codex: Astra Militarum of total value 304 points on or before August 15th, 2016. Success will bring eternal glory to the 1st Vidarian, the "Hammerheads", and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.


WIP shot:



Let's do this!


Welcome to the ETL V Timmi! Good luck with your vow! :tu:




Hull Number 58 complete: (76, in the background, is a previously completed squadron mate, not part of this ETL)


And a WIP pic of the first member of the squad that will complete the first vow:


He doesn't look like much now, but eventually, he'll be done to this standard (along with four squad mates):



...and then I can move on to vowing a pair of primes...

I, Vampyrerodent, vow to complete a Stormlord of 530pts for the fifth E TENEBRAE LUX! May this unit strike fear into the hearts of the enemies of the legions of the Kanak SKulltakers! Should I fail to complete this challenge by Aug 15th, burden me with the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the years end!


did a bit more work on the ogryns and all of a sudden they were done


group shot


more pics in my plogs

now just the small matter of the baneblade :)

Geez, I must really want to get cracking on some MRAPs...


3/5 are done, the other two are done from the waist down (far less than half of the effort), and have some work done on their backpacks...perhaps tomorrow, we'll declare victory..perhaps.

I, Vampyrerodent, vow to complete a Stormlord of 530pts for the fifth E TENEBRAE LUX! May this unit strike fear into the hearts of the enemies of the legions of the Kanak SKulltakers! Should I fail to complete this challenge by Aug 15th, burden me with the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the years end!

Great to see you back Vampyrerodent! Go Super Heavies!

did a bit more work on the ogryns and all of a sudden they were done
group shot
more pics in my plogs
now just the small matter of the baneblade smile.png

Great looking Ogryn stand-ins! Good job there RADU!


Not long left in the recruitment phase, it's now or never comrades! Today I have finished the lighting on my Knight:


I've never even touched lighting before - this is what the ETL is made of... vow! Paint! Glory is yours for the taking, and you can clear your deck of unfinished projects. What more could you ask for?

you can clear your deck of unfinished projects

Well...for one army, at any rate tongue.png

I have three morghast archai, six spirit hosts, ten hexwraiths (and I'm so meticulous with my undead, my first archai took two weeks...the ghostly skulls bits take six layers of paint and ink, the bones take five...and the bits that have bones over skulls, well, that would be an even eleven, wouldn't it? Oh, and four layers for ethereal stuff...don't ask how long 100 sword'n'board skellies took me!), five alpha legion recon marines, and 20 assorted Dark Angels in my queue...not to mention an open-ended number of conscripts (not suitable for ETL, I'll find something else to vow when I finish my kasrkin, their trucks, and their bunker)

I finished a fourth member of my vowed squad, and the sergeant is further along than in the last photo. Almost certainly going to be moving on to the next vow today...so I gave in to the urge and began putting together some sub-assemblies (no paint but the primer that was applied to the sprue, it hasn't been vowed yet msn-wink.gif ) for the first truck...it's EFFIN' AWESOME! Already getting ideas (besides the victoria wheel-kits, which are fantastic, but complex) to make them "mine." Frinstance, there is some bling that's supposed to set the taurox prime apart from the taurox...not using the bit for the front, it has "scions" (barf) written on it and it obscures the verrah, verrah, late-20th-century vintage front end of the truck! There are also inserts for both sides of the cab with rampant lions on them...I'll use just one, and put the shoulder pad markings in the recess (it's designed to look right without the inserts, as if you were building a basic taurox) on the opposite side. This is going to be BOSS...


Oh, yeah...AMAZING lenses, WF. If that's your first effort, I'm ashamed of my own more practiced results!

/edit again/

Oh, you mean the light from the lenses reflecting off of nearby surfaces...that's pretty good, very subtle, and appears to be in the right places.

V-I-C-T-O-R-Y! I declare my first oath of moment fulfilled and offer the following image as evidence:


I also take on a new obligation, to paint two Taurox Primes with missiles (200 point vow). Here is an initial pic of the first truck, showing the addition of front and rear transfer cases for the victoria miniatures 4x4 kit:


Oh, my aching back...I think I got a little too enthusiastic about the taurox...anyway, I'm done for the night, here are a couple of proper WIP pics:

First, one side of the hull is done (the other side just needs the door done, back is just basecoated) with the external bits mocked into place:


I'm a bit bummed that the highlighting on the green doesn't show up in this photo...now...the next question is whether or not to chrome the brush guard and the exhaust headers...j/k!

And here's a shot of the drilled out exhaust tips:


I'm really eager to get the wheels on, but from a project management perspective, it doesn't make sense to do that until everything else (except the missiles) is done, I want the hull to be easy to wrap my fist around as I paint the details.

Excellent work, and a completion too! Keep up the good work comrades thumbsup.gif

Oh, and I meant fibre optic lighting that wasn't exactly clear upon re-reading smile.png Today I will finally start the real painting (metallics only ever feels like the build up) so I hope to get some progress shots to match the above biggrin.png

My progress felt slow for the day, plus there were a few other things to keep me busy (and I spent 10 minutes saving a bee...) but on reflection it was good:


Most of the basing for the gold/bronze is done which is nice, Baneblade Brown makes for a great base for lighter metallics I've found. Once that's done I pretty much only need to do the main carapace colours which isn't as much as you may think smile.png I do have a few more things to look into though, so still enough to keep me busy!

Keep up the good work comrades, and don't forget that time is running out if you want to join in but haven't vowed yet. By the ETL's own rules there are vows too big, but none too small msn-wink.gif

Progress on the Aegis Line and Quad Gun. Didn't manage to get as much time for painting as I'd like this weekend, but oh well. Aegis Line is pretty much done, just a few touch-ups and tweaks here-and-there. Quad Gun still needs some work, the paint I used on the missiles has peeled off, annoyingly, but the new Gemstone paints seem to do a nice job. Just a white specular highlight to finish the lenses. :)







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