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+++E Tenebrae Lux V - Realm of Chaos Strategium+++

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As promised the first part of my vow is complete. The Helbrute may take a little while longer as I left the front plate and foot on my table (I'm sure a lot of you have experienced this) and they have magically disappeared. I asked if they had been moved but no, nobody touched them. Must be magic plastic with a mind of it's own that can choose to bugger off of it's own accord (I'm not bitter about it...). Still, replacement parts ordered and when they arrive I'll try and get the vow finished ASAP!




C&C welcome



Good to see more updates!

I managed to get some more work with the Nurgle knight, making good progress. Not sure what I am doing about the base just yet... but other than the base I should have it done in the next two knights.


Told you all I"d finish my current lot before the weekend. First up is the missile Havocs. I had fun tweaking a couple of them to be reloading.



In addition, I present my first painted character piece. And in a stunning turn of events, it's not a shade of blue! So yeah, here's Huron.



Good times. I'm nearly there, all. All that's left is the Helbrute. And all of the weapon variations for it. This vow will be finished before you know it.

@ Uveron: That is some excellent progress on the Knight, by the look of it! Stay strong! ;)



So this is hardly playing it safe, but with six weeks to go, I just cannot resist the temptation, so here goes:



For the glory of He who hunts at the head of the pack and in order to atone for previous failures, I, KrautScientist, supreme overlord of Khorne's Eternal Hunt, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete the following unit from Codex Khorne Daemonkin on or before August 15th, 2016:


  • 1 Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury: 250 pts.


Success will bring eternal glory to the World Eaters' 4th assault company and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.



Before picture:




As usual, wish me luck! :)

After a not so great month.  Along side my lap top I've had since 2010 now join the Machine gods & a mobile phone that seem to not been working as of today...................


Here some models I've been painting during that time.


The 2nd ed era Plastic Khorne Berzerker unit, 16 models - 15 plastic, 1 metal w/Icon.  Are now finish.  I just wanted to build & paint these models as they where, beside given them 32mm base as I can not see past useing them on Power Armour models.




So there complete for my ETL vow.

Then the Black Legion.  There almost there.  Pretty much ether Sunday or Monday they will be complete for ETL reason.  Just the sort mind set?  I go into while painting models/armies for other.  It just get them all painted to a set stage.  Then once everything there & near the end.  Try go back, tidy up anything & add further detail.  So for this Black Legion force, it'll be the Battle Damage for exsample that will be painted once everything done.


Just want to push & get my second ETL vow done.  I think I've got two week left to paint what left of this Black Legion force, with another week just to get all that finial work done.




Just started painting both of them this week.  I'm aim to have both models finish on Sunday or Monday latest.




Abaddon & Be'lakor.  Again just started painting them this week.  They will be finish on Sunday or Monday.




Before photos of Abaddon & Be'lakor as I'm not sure if I've added them before my lap top broke :(




The before photo of Abaddon for ETL reason




Plasma unit of Chosen




Melta unit of Chosen








The current models, 2x 6 Chosen units, 1x 10 Warp Talons & the 1x 20 Chaos Marine unit.




So as said vow 1 almost complete.  I'll be going back to the Black Legion models once the whole force is done just to add any finial stuff & allow me just check that everything ready.  There first tournament in August.


Once a few things have been sorted I've got a few plans on what I want to add for vow 2.  I'd like to try get a unit of Chosen with Dreadclaw for my Iron Warriors, few more Dreadnoughts.  If I can lock on a idea for Iron Warrior possessed (mini Obliterator type theme/first stage of the Obliterator virus) I'd like to add them.


Also really great seen all these cool models.

Seem to notice a fair few Kytan :D

Knights are done!


Chaos Knight Errant:


Some details:


  Reveal hidden contents



Great work everyone! You guys are really helping to motivate me! I'm spending today painting typhus and any nick nacks I've missed so far, hopefully I will have my vow finished in time for the cut off. But I've really raised my standard with this army so I don't want to rush it now I'm at the end.


Just commenced Star Wars OT marathon, it's going to be a good day of painting :D

  On 7/1/2016 at 2:06 PM, KrautScientist said:

@ Uveron: That is some excellent progress on the Knight, by the look of it! Stay strong! msn-wink.gif

So this is hardly playing it safe, but with six weeks to go, I just cannot resist the temptation, so here goes:

For the glory of He who hunts at the head of the pack and in order to atone for previous failures, I, KrautScientist, supreme overlord of Khorne's Eternal Hunt, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete the following unit from Codex Khorne Daemonkin on or before August 15th, 2016:

  • 1 Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury: 250 pts.

Success will bring eternal glory to the World Eaters' 4th assault company and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

Before picture:

Hidden Content


As usual, wish me luck! smile.png

Way to go KrautScientist! You realise expectations are very high? :P

  On 7/1/2016 at 2:12 PM, Res Ipsa Loquitur said:

What does an 'out of competition' vow mean, exactly?

Am I too late to enter properly?

The deadline for new participants was on June 15th. However there are plenty o-o-c vows and they have the exact same treatment with the in-competition vows (you can show your progress in the Strategium threads and you're eligible for all the relevant badges. It's just that the points will not be added to your Faction's total...

  On 7/1/2016 at 9:32 PM, Insane Psychopath said:

After a not so great month. Along side my lap top I've had since 2010 now join the Machine gods & a mobile phone that seem to not been working as of today...................

Here some models I've been painting during that time.

The 2nd ed era Plastic Khorne Berzerker unit, 16 models - 15 plastic, 1 metal w/Icon. Are now finish. I just wanted to build & paint these models as they where, beside given them 32mm base as I can not see past useing them on Power Armour models.

Hidden Content


So there complete for my ETL vow.

Then the Black Legion. There almost there. Pretty much ether Sunday or Monday they will be complete for ETL reason. Just the sort mind set? I go into while painting models/armies for other. It just get them all painted to a set stage. Then once everything there & near the end. Try go back, tidy up anything & add further detail. So for this Black Legion force, it'll be the Battle Damage for exsample that will be painted once everything done.

Just want to push & get my second ETL vow done. I think I've got two week left to paint what left of this Black Legion force, with another week just to get all that finial work done.


Just started painting both of them this week. I'm aim to have both models finish on Sunday or Monday latest.


Abaddon & Be'lakor. Again just started painting them this week. They will be finish on Sunday or Monday.


Before photos of Abaddon & Be'lakor as I'm not sure if I've added them before my lap top broke sad.png


The before photo of Abaddon for ETL reason


Plasma unit of Chosen


Melta unit of Chosen



The current models, 2x 6 Chosen units, 1x 10 Warp Talons & the 1x 20 Chaos Marine unit.


So as said vow 1 almost complete. I'll be going back to the Black Legion models once the whole force is done just to add any finial stuff & allow me just check that everything ready. There first tournament in August.

Once a few things have been sorted I've got a few plans on what I want to add for vow 2. I'd like to try get a unit of Chosen with Dreadclaw for my Iron Warriors, few more Dreadnoughts. If I can lock on a idea for Iron Warrior possessed (mini Obliterator type theme/first stage of the Obliterator virus) I'd like to add them.

Also really great seen all these cool models.

Seem to notice a fair few Kytan biggrin.png


Wow man! That's an enormous amount of output IP! I'm not talking points here, I'm talking raw number of minis! Keep going mate, you're an inspiration for all of us!

  On 7/1/2016 at 11:42 PM, gaurdian31 said:

Knights are done!

Chaos Knight Errant:

Some details:

  Reveal hidden contents

Excellent Guardian, excellent! Just remember to make a clear statement of completion - not just for the units but for the vow! ;)

OK, so let's see what the Weekly update holds for you guys...


  On 5/17/2016 at 6:01 AM, BrotherJim said:

I BrotherJim, Warlord of the Black Legion Warband known as The Shattered Heart, rise to the challenge of the E TENEBRAE LUX.

For the Glory of Chaos i vow to complete the following,



Typhus 230

Plague Sorcerer with Sigil of Corruption 100


6 cultist 64

5 plaguemarine, plasma, rhino 185


6 plaguemarine, melta, rhino 199

Dread 125


Total points 903


On or before 15th of August 2016. Success will bring the Blessings of Chaos to the Warband and the Forum, failure with compel me to wear the badge of Oathbreaker until years end.






Greetings! I am very pleased to announce the completion of my vow! Really happy with the finished product. I wanted to thank everyone, if not for participating in the ETL, and receiving some fraterly advice and support along the way, I don't think I would have been able to complete the army. Even just checking in on everyone's progress has really helped me stay on target. Not to mention the last set of WIP shots I posted, during my darkest hour of defeat, I think I got 16 likes! That's awesome! Really helped to spur me on! It's been great but quite a stretch for me to stay focused on one thing for so long.


So now I can proudly present to you The Plague Force Virulent Malador, The Creeping Death, The Scourge of The Imperium, and my finest work.














As ever I reserved the right to finish it more later. But it's done for now. The beast is dead.

Thanks Augustus! Such a high praise! Your Khorne Demon Kin are what dreams are made of. It would be a spectacular sight to see our two armies clash on the battle fields of the 41st Millennium. I'm planning a trip to Europe next year, so I'll let you know. :D

Actually I would lose quite badly, I need more cultist and some bikers and some spawn, so that's what's next on the list!


Keep going everyone! Push! PUSH!!!!

Thanks, BrotherJim! How about the FW Plague Ogres for Nurgle Spawn?


I finished the Khornate Contemptor. More pics HERE in my WiP log.



Excellent work all around, brothers and sisters! Truly inspiring stuff! :)

@ BrotherJim: Mate, let me take a moment to complement you on that finished Nurglite army: That is an amazing achievement and easily one of the best things to come out of this ETL so far! You'v really created a force where the quality of the conversions and highly effective paintjobs combine to create something truly spectacular! Wonderful work!

Regarding your comment RE: a Khornate Contemptor, it would be incredible indeed to see you apply your talent to a Khornate model - or detachment, for that matter ;)

  On 7/2/2016 at 9:02 AM, Captain Semper said:

Way to go KrautScientist! You realise expectations are very high? tongue.png

Haha, well, no pressure then ;)

That being said, I have made some pretty good progress with the skin yesterday:


More pictures can be found here in my WIP thread.

Thanks matey you are too kind, I'm really chuffed with the force, I've been going along adding more finishing touches, just really wanted to get my vow complete tonight.


Your bloodthirster is really coming along, that was fast!


You know I've been thinking about some World Eaters terminators, not sure which way to go... And some Khorne raptors would be fun too...


Hmm a whole detachment could be fun but I would still have to paint them Black. :D

Plus I wana do one of the other gods for a bit ;)

  On 7/2/2016 at 11:46 AM, BrotherJim said:

I really want to build some Nurgle spawn, anybody got any tips on what kits might fit the bill?

I might start with the spawn kit, but I'm not sure what else might fit in?

I'd use Crypt Ghouls crossed with Plague Bearer bitz.

I used Ghouls to make my own spawn (combining two or three into each spawn) and they came out pretty freaky. Throw in some Plague Bearer heads, hands, feet here and there and they'd look great.


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