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DuskRaider's Word Bearers

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The weapons of the Faithful never tire...


Greetings! I've got a decent update here for you to feast your eyes upon. I can officially call the Specialist Squads complete and resplendent in the Crimson of the True Path. This is going to be a hell of a pic dump... so here we go!














A preview of how I'll be painting up my Mk. III Word Bearers...












And finally a full army shot...













Just kidding! We're getting REALLY close though to a fully completed army. Stay tuned...

Thanks guys!


@Psycho: Funny thing is... I loathe the Word Bearers as well. That's what makes this army so much fun! I can play the unrepentant villain and not feel so bad if they are defeated, especially because the XIVth is my first love.


@Andvarr: My goal is to utilize the most exotic weaponry... the kind of stuff that would not stand up to the rigors of trench warfare that my Death Guard would put it through (Volkite Chargers notwithstanding). I intend to fill their Heavy slots with advanced weaponry.


@Magos: Thanks bud... these guys are modeled to be post-Calth, so they're at this point balls deep in Chaos. At this point I don't think they're Unspeaking anymore, so maybe they'll be a Successor Chapter of sorts, made up of survivors from various Chapters that made it off planet with the help of Zardu Layak.


I'm finishing up the last 16 Despoilers, hopefully they'll be completed tonight and I'll take a group shot of the Tactical Marines. Thus has also made me realize that I have as many Support Troops as I do Tactical Marines, which is a bit of a problem. I may have to expand... I intend to make most of the Mk. III from the Prospero box into Breachers, with perhaps an exception of a Lascannon squad (I sorely lack anti-tank). I'm thinking of hitting up eBay and picking up more B@C Mk. IV Marines for Despoilers, though.

Thank you, brother! When I was assembling the Despoilers, I decided I wanted to make them all unique... honestly, I only thought I'd have 4 squads of 10, a few other additions and run a ZM force, but it's gone way out of control and taken on a life of it's own. Some of them I'm not too happy with pose-wise, but they will the gaps and provide the army with meat for the grinder.


You're in luck on the Dreadnought front... I've already completed two coats of BftBG, so only one more and then I'll be moving on to the details. The unfortunate part is there are so many details, I'm not sure where I'll start...

Here's a little update just to show how quickly I've gotten these guys to where they are. Granted, the black isn't dry on any of them and the wash on the Dreadnoughts is still a bit damp and they still look like a bit of a mess due to the trim not being picked out (amongst other things), but I've finished the red and done the first coat of black... so they're coming along. I'm sure things will stall once I start getting into the details on the Castraferrum, as there's a lot and I don't want to skimp out on them.




Thank you, Heathens... it's an honor to hear that from you, bud. I was a bit skeptical about the silver helms myself, but I remembered the scheme FW had on their site some time ago and figured I'd go for it to represent Weapons Specialists. The only problem now is I have as many Specialists as I do Tactical Marines... something I wish to remedy ASAP.


I'm actually just going to use the GW scenic bases. They're a hell of a bargain for what you get, but I'm going to theme them as well as I can for void warfare, as that was the army's original intention (ZM). I spent the big bucks on trench bases for my Death Guard (which I still haven't done more than prime), so I'm going a bit more frugal with the Word Bearers.

So I figured I would take some shots of the Allies I have for my Word Bearers. These are what's left of my old Renegade Militia and Chaos Daemons armies from many years ago... as you can see, it's a lot of warm bodies (perhaps with the exception of the Nurgle Daemons).


Missing from the pictures are my FW Bloodthirster, FW Great Unclean One, and FW Plague Hulk which is still unassembled, as I was customizing the Defiler parts to match the corruption of the Plague Hulk kit. Even if I ever decide to stop buying models for the Word Bearers, I'll still have years of painting ahead of me with these suckers...










As you can see, the years haven't been kind to some of them. Some are simply missing bases, others arms, and still some are uhh... maybe past the point of return.

Blessed are those who receive the embrace of the Eightfold Path...


Here they are... the Castraferrum Dreadnoughts are finished. I'm really REALLY disappointed in how the pictures came out. So much detail was lost in the filter. I spent a whole day blending the flesh and adding splashes of color to it and none of it can even be seen... not to mention the green from the Plasma Cannon and engine furnaces looks chunky in the pics for some reason... oh well.










And finally, an update on the final Cataphractii... they're pretty far along, so it should only be a couple days until they're completed. At that point, I will take a group photo of everything completed so far. I still have another Mhara Gal that needs to be painted up and I'm awaiting a Deredeo, but they'll be part of the next group whenever I expand the army enough. Until then...



The Blessed Assemble...

At long last, here we are... the Word Bearers are complete as I have them now. I finished the last five Cataphractii Terminators today and at long last put everything together. I had avoided even doing this for myself until it was all done.

But of course they're never really complete. I've got my second Mhara Gal primed, based, and ready for The Reddening.

So let me know what you think!
















The Cursed walk...


I'm sad. This is sad. Here we are, the final Word Bearers model I currently have to paint... finished.

I wanted to make this Mhara Gal slightly different from the first one. Other than the weapon arms on opposite sides, I also modified the head to face the other way, cut off that annoying hoof jutting from the left leg, and painted him slightly different. Even the verdigris and armour corruption has been muted much more, a further departure from the first Mhara Gal.

So here we are... I'm not taking another army shot, so just look at the old picture and look at these, then squint REALLY hard and you should be able to see him in the background if you use your imagination...











I'm actually going to use GW Scenic Bases... they're not the best out there, but they're cheap and plentiful. I've already dropped a mint on Trench bases for my Death Guard and I don't even have half of what I need, so I'm not going down that path again. I already have 60 32mm bases primed and ready, just trying to figure out how I want to paint them...


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