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DuskRaider's Word Bearers

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@Psycho... thanks man. I know not everyone is a fan of the Puppets War heads, but I really wanted to make sure you knew this guy was a Chaplain as soon as you laid eyes on him. And thank you, kind sir!


So... I move quick (just ask my exes). Armour is already based on the Chaplain and Deredeo.... and as a bonus, I've started on the 32mm bases for my infantry. I'm using the new Martian Ironcrust texture paint and yeah... it's pretty awesome. I picked it up because my son has decided to delve into the world of 40(30)K and has chosen Skitarii. Unfortunately, the models are pretty complex so I've decided I'm going to pick up the Get Started box for him and paint it all up for him to unwrap on Christmas Day. Obviously they'll be based on Mars, but I figure... hell, why not do my Word Bearers similarly? Perhaps one of the 500 Worlds had iron-rich soil. Whatever, it's cool and it'll allow the two forces to mesh well and make him feel like they're alike somehow.





So here we are... the first 60 bases have been completed. I wanted them to look nice and detailed while not going too far and pulling away from the minis themselves. I think I've found a good compromise, especially since I'll be painting over 100 of these suckers (closer to 200). The Chaplain is just about complete, only his weapons remain. I've also begun working on his base as well, so I hope to have another update very soon.









The Butcher of Espandor arrives...


I present to you Dark Apostle Hathus. He's an absolute behemoth of an Astartes, more resembling a Custodes or Thunder Warrior than any of his brother Legionnaires. I do have a backstory for this creature along with my other characters, maybe someday soon I'll sit down and write it all up.


Anyhow, this model was a pleasure to not only assemble but also paint. I hadn't even planned on him, so that he came out so well is a surprise to me. This model dwarfs other Terminators and literally is just as big, if not bigger than a Custodes. Due to his pose, it's deceiving. Now I'll be looking to finish the Deredeo, so stay tuned for that as well. Enjoy, and as always comments and suggestions are more than welcome.







Another update for the traitorous whoresons. The Deredeo Dreadnought is just about finished. There's a few things here and there that I want to fix or add, but otherwise the model itself is complete. I've decided to make his base share the same theme as Dark Apostle Hathus, this time with a destroyed Ultramarines Rhino and deceased occupant hanging out of the hatch. I still have to file down the edge so it's more flush with the base, but it'll have the red sands like the others so the theme carries across the entire force. Kinda funny, this army started out as a Zone Mortalis project and has branched out into a full fledged force. I'll update soon with the completed piece along with my finished Tartaros Terminators, which for some reason I never posted...










Impressive progress DuskRaider. I am impressed by Deredeo, it must have been tricky to scale up your color scheme for a model that size with so many flat surfaces.


With the bases, they look great - I like the metal plating contrasted with the red earth a lot.


However, I am not sure the blood effect on the metal came out the way you wanted. I can't tell if it was intended to be blood flowing over the metal at random or if it's meant to be symbols drawn by the Wordbearers. If it's meant to be flowing blood, I'd suggest trying to round out the corners where the flows are intersecting since it ought to be flowing, not turning sharply, if the surface is relatively flat.


This is a very minor detail - I look forward to seeing your models on the new bases!

Thanks guys... I'm working hard on all of it now. As for the blood splatters, only two have any kind of symbol (Khorne icon and a summoning circle or something, I'm not sure what I was thinking), the rest are just regular pools or something.


The Deredeo wasn't too difficult, I just wish he had actual trim on his armour so I could make him more than just red and black. I was planning on picking up another one at some point, but I'm not sure now. I may just go with tanks. I do want to get a Leviathan and do a Chaplain conversion on it.

I wanted to add this update, even though it's not Word Bearers. So I believe I had mentioned previously that I'm assembling and painting an army for my son for Christmas. I let him pick the army of his choice, and he loves Skitarii... I understand they're not a great beginner force, but I want him to really like the force he picks so hopefully he'll hold interest. Unfortunately, I had to order the Starter Box through my FLGS and it still hasn't arrived, but in the meantime I've been assembling bases for it. While I want him to get into the hobby, the Skitarii models are very detailed and quite spindly, and I don't want him to get discouraged (I'll be picking up an AoBR Dreadnought or something for him to learn to paint on). On top of the Starter Box, he's also getting a box of Rangers to bring his Troop numbers up a little bit. So here's 20 bases for his Rangers:




I used the same coloration as I had on my Word Bearers bases. In addition, I've utilized watch gears and parts to give them a more techy feel to match the force itself. I'm quite pleased with how they've turned out, and the verdigris on the gears really stands out against the red / orange of the Martian sand.


Next is the base for his Tech-Priest Dominus. While the GW model comes on a 50mm, I simply did not have one (who the hell uses a 50mm?). I've substituted it with a 60mm and I wanted this to look quite unique. I searched through my bits bins and came up with some of the Imperial Sector parts from my Cities of Death buildings. This will also have the red sands of Mars with gears on the sides to match the others.




I've got my fingers crossed that his boxes come in early next week, I've really got to get a start on them if I want them done by Christmas Day... not to mention I don't have a base for the Onager Dune Crawler to work on yet.

So another update... I actually finished these guys before I even assembled the Chaplain, I just forgot to take pics. I'll probably pick up another 5 Tartaros Terminators on eBay some time soon, as I want to run them as a full squad. In fact, I have a feeling any Terminators I build from now on will be in Tartaros armour. It just fits the theme of my force much better than Cataphractii.

I've also finished my son's bases, I just haven't taken pics yet, so I'll probably post them later tonight. Until then, may the Dark Gods bless you.






Update time! It's finally some infantry as well, which has been severely lacking as of late.


The group FW order came in today, and with it a plethora of goodies for the Word Bearers... to the tune of 4 Boarding Assault Shield kits, two Lascannon kits, and two Heavy Weapons packs. I was also lucky enough to get all of my other bits in just in time to throw it all together.


The bad news is the Maxmini Shields are very small. Too small to be Boarding Shields, unfortunately. The good news is they fit right on top of the Boarding Shields, so they still work more or less. I managed to put together the first 10 Breachers for your viewing pleasure. I may try slapping together a couple Lascannon Marines after posting this to see if my kitbash will go together properly, but it's late and I'm exhausted.


So here we are...







Quick update:


I couldn't wait... so here's the test Marine for the kitbash. It turned out well. The only thing I can say that is a pain is that you need to fully assemble the right arm with pauldron and Lascannon before attaching to the body. Also, the pauldron's lip does interfere slightly, but I can say that Mk. II and IV should have no issues. I'm sure there are some people that will whine and moan that he doesn't have Mk. III gauntlets, but I don't want to pony up the cash to purchase the FW Mk. III Heavy Support Marines or buy the derpy underslung Lascannons. This will do just fine.



Yet another update... better get used to these because there will be many more.


The Lascannon Marines are assembled. I didn't realize it, but the Heavy Weapons pack only comes with four pairs of arms each, so I had an odd man out. Thankfully I still have some Master Crafted Miniatures hands left and was able to cobble up the last Marine and here we are now. I just have my last ten Breachers to assemble and I'm done! Then on to the painting...






So here we are... the second Breacher Squad. They're assembled sans their Spiked Pauldrons, which I ordered up last night from Master Crafted Miniatures. I also went with Graviton Guns for these guys due to not having anymore Meltas and wanting to try something new. We'll see how they do eventually. Also, I received my son's Skitarii Starter Box so that will be my main focus. In other words, don't expect any paint on the Word Bearers until after the holidays.


With that being said, here's the second squad along with a group shot of both together. Comments welcome, your traitorus scumdogs!
















  • 2 weeks later...

Update time, kids.


I've been cracking away at these Skitarii, and while they're quite far along I'm still not satisfied. I need to go pick up some paints tomorrow, I want to do a teal OSL for the weaponry, lenses, etc. I'm a little disappointed as well, the Get Started box comes with the amazing Tech Priest Dominus model, yet he's not even technically legal in a Skitarii force. What the hell, GW? In any case, here's some up to date photos... hopefully they'll be done soon.





Another update... and what an update it is. I've completed a good portion of the Skitarii force. At this point, only the Snipers and one Ranger Regular need to be finished, along with the bases for Snipers and Dunecrawler. Fingers crossed, I should have it all completed this weekend or early next week. For now, enjoy pics of the completions. I'm really happy with the Dominus, particularly.















And the WIP Onager base




I have officially completed my son's Skitarii... and with time to spare! The bases were completed this afternoon and after waiting what seemed like forever before he went to bed, everything was glued down and I can call this a success. I'm a little disappointed with the Martian Ironcrust on the larger base, it seems to chip and crumble very easily unfortunately. I have a bad feeling it will be requiring a lot of repair...


My FLGS is coincidentally doing a contest for painting the Get Started box the beginning of January, so I'll probably enter these for the hell of it. Why not, right? All I really care about is that my little buddy loves them and is excited to delve into the grim darkness of the far future.


Since these are finished, I'll probably jump back to my Word Bearers now. I've added base coats to the Lascannon Squad and one Breacher Squad (MCM sent the other spiked pauldrons out, once they arrive I'll add them to the second squad and prime them). So keep an eye out for more updates soon. In the meantime, enjoy the photo dump and Happy Holidays, frater!














Thank you! I'm really pleased how they turned out as well, despite the Ironcrust peeling off of the large base in areas. I have a bad feeling  I'll be doing touch ups on that for a long time...


I am now officially back to the Word Bearers, although with the holidays and my buddy's Genestealer Cult I'm not sure how much I'll get done at this time. I'm also hopefully doing a trade with one of my friends... I have a Hordes Trollblood army that I will NEVER use again and he wants it. Looking to exchange for bits to finally make my Veterans... a squad I've envisioned for a while. Looking to get the following:





... along with a box of Rubricae (for the awesome Mk. IV Chaos bits), Word Bearers Mk. IV torsos, Mk. IV helms (some of the ones in that kit are uhh... derpy), and Mk. IV pauldrons. The premise would be akin to Skinwalker and they will be Snipers.

Thank you! I'm really pleased how they turned out as well, despite the Ironcrust peeling off of the large base in areas. I have a bad feeling  I'll be doing touch ups on that for a long time...


I am now officially back to the Word Bearers, although with the holidays and my buddy's Genestealer Cult I'm not sure how much I'll get done at this time. I'm also hopefully doing a trade with one of my friends... I have a Hordes Trollblood army that I will NEVER use again and he wants it. Looking to exchange for bits to finally make my Veterans... a squad I've envisioned for a while. Looking to get the following:





... along with a box of Rubricae (for the awesome Mk. IV Chaos bits), Word Bearers Mk. IV torsos, Mk. IV helms (some of the ones in that kit are uhh... derpy), and Mk. IV pauldrons. The premise would be akin to Skinwalker and they will be Snipers.

Ooh, where are they from?


Ooh, where are they from?






@helter: thanks, bud! I'm quite proud of him, although I think he makes my Praetor look weak in comparison, lol. I may have to remedy that...

Just as a sign of goodwill, here's some WIP shots of my Breachers and Lascannon Marines. The red has been completed, now it's onto the black. Stay tuned...






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