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DuskRaider's Word Bearers

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A bit of an update here... I've pieced together the Veterans. I may add more to them, I'm still waiting for some bits, mainly the "Galactic Space Vampire" kits in eBay as seen here:



I'm not sure if I'm going to use the upgrades on these guys. I think it would add more character to them, but at the same time I worry it would be too much. As of now, they have a bit of an elegant feel to them in their ornate armour. Perhaps I'll save those bits for another Veteran squad, something more primal. Opinions would be quite welcome both on this idea and that of the models themselves. If I skip the flayed flesh, I'll probably go with ammo pouches and whatnot instead.

I've modeled the Veterans to show they have the Marksman USA, with their artificed Bolters and scopes, along with a much more baroque appearance to show their importance and rank within the Chapter. I'm planning on painting their helms black with gold faceplates, to give the impression of Veteran status and also a bit of arrogance. The Sergeant, with his ornate helm crafted in the visage of a Bloodletter, will have an all-gold helm to help him stand out (as if the helm itself doesn't accomplish that task).


So again, any comments, criticism, advice or ideals would be greatly appreciated.









Thank you! I've been looking forward to assembling and painting these guys for a while now, but they'll have to wait. I want to have my first vow done before I move on to the Veterans, and I'm struggling with getting much done as it is. I should have another update on my progress with the Vindicator on Sunday, so stay tuned.

Yet again, no paint update, but another assembly. I finally picked up the last 5 Tartaros Terminators to round out the squad to 10. They're pretty much built like the others, perhaps a little less trophies bit I've added Anvil Industry parchments and seals... which now I'll also have to do for the first 5. These seals are great, I'd recommend them to anyone.









So a few weeks ago I found myself searching the Googles for images of Conversion Beamers. I wanted to get a better idea of what I wanted to do with the Predator Executioner... I came across this post in particular that really grabbed my attention:




Sweet baby Jeebus, that guy's a bad ass! It was then that I knew I had to do it... I had to make a Forgelord for my Word Bearers army. Now... I don't know if I'll actually use him in a list due to being forced to take two HQs right off the bat. But screw it, I did it anyhow. Although the idea of fielding Thallax or Castellax does tickle my fancy...








This bad dude is armed with a Conversion Beamer, Rad(ical) Grenades, a counts-as Graviton Gun and is ready to either fix the next update or destroy your local planet... either way...








Not a huge update, but I finished the black and the steel as well, so it's coming closer to the end in some respect. Just hasn't been much time to paint :(


Oh well.. hopefully I'll have this sucker done soon and then move on to the next part of my vow.

Added a little to my Veterans to hit home the Marksman USR... sniper barrels! or suppressors... either way, it's pretty nondescript, but helps further the image of these guys being a crack shot. I got the idea from Brother Phedias, made from the antennae off of Grey Knight power plants. I didn't add them to the Heavy Bolters, I figured that would just be ridiculous. In any case, these guys are ready for paint and will eventually be part of my second vow for Loyalty and Treachery.


In other news, the Vindicator is almost done... but I won't be posting pictures until Sunday for my weekly update.







Thank you, both of you. It means a lot.


The Forgelord has to be my favorite character conversion I've done, especially for my Word Bearers.


I try to make the most of my time with my models, although as I said my patience for tanks isn't the best, I love doing infantry. I guess I have my second vow all lined up now... Veterans and Forgelord. I may do the Predator Executioner as a third, but the way I see it, it took me three weeks to do one Vindicator so I don't want to push my luck, hah.

Update already... I decided myself that those spikes were just way too outlandish, especially on a dedeicated-ranged Leviathan. I've gone with the same idea I had used on Leviathan #1, but this time they're a lot more uniform and clean.







Thanks man... yeah, the larger ones, especially on the lower extremities of the model, just don't work. My second Leviathan (second as in order I started working on them, which will be finished third...?) will probably have a bit more extreme spikes, only because he's CC only. I'll probably plan his out tonight even though I won't be working on him for the event, considering I started painting him like a week before it lainched.

Here's something I've been piecing together while I wait for more bits...


It's always disappointed me that the 30K community hasn't taken advantage of the modelling opportunities for the Legion Apothecary. They can join a plethora of various squads that all have different roles on the battlefield, but every time I see an Apothecary in someone's force, it's the bog standard model, maybe with a Legion pauldron or something.


It never made sense to me that an Apothecary in a Breacher Squad would be standing around while the Astartes he's tending to are carrying these massive slabs of steel. How's he supposed to protect himself? Dude's gonna get blown to pieces. Now, while the Apothecarion cannot technically take a Breacher shield, wouldn't that make an awesome "Artificer Armour" counts-as? I think so.


How would a Seeker Apothecary look? Or a Veteran? Or Destroyer? Would a Tactical or Heavy Support Apothecary look unique? That's what I intend to do. I've got the standard Apothecaries for my Tactical Marines, albeit with different weaponry that show their path to corruption. However, I want to explore more design ideas for these medics to better fit in with their designated squad.


So with that I've pieced together the first of (hopefully) many... a Mk. III Breacher Apothecary. I utilized the Mk. II Apothecary bits along with a Death Guard torso and Breacher shield to represent one of my Breacher Squad's dedicated medics. The shield represents his Artificer Armour and he's armed with a Power Sword. The head is currently just a stand in until my Iron Hands heads arrive, as I want to capture the multi-lensed specialist helms that Apothecarion don. His shield is obviously decorated to match my Breachers and will have a white stripe going down the middle to help differentiate him from the rest.


As I said, I'll be exploring this untapped modeling potential more as I go along.







Weekly update time!


I'm still working on the Breachers, although I'm close to finished with the squad. The armour is complete and I'm now working on the details, so by next week these guys will definitely be finished and I'll have moved onto the Leviathan. Not too much to say, really... I've tried a different recipe for the Ultramarines helm on on of the Graviton Gunner's shields. It's metallic, so it goes pretty well with my Word Bearers. Anyhow, picture dump ahoy!









Update time, take two:


Last week I won a lot of used Death Guard models and bits on eBay for a wicked hot deal. The lot included 30 Marines with full Death Guard upgrade bits along with an Apothecary. Now, I didn't get these for my Death Guard since I've decided they're going full Terminator. No, I got these because I'm assembling my second Veterans Squad, and these guys are going to be much more brutal than the Sniper Squad.

Some of the bits look to be blatant really recasts, but for $45 what do you expect? Oh well... since I received another Apothecary in the lot, I figured now would be a good time to assemble my second Breacher Apothecary. He's similar to the first one (there's only so much you can do with this idea), but distinct enough to help tell them apart. Again, the heads are temporary until the Iron Hands ones come in. So here he / they are:









Well look what arrived!


I heard some mixed reviews of Creature Caster's models, mainly with teeth gnashing over the delays from funding the Kickstarter to actual delivery... thankfully, I refuse to back Kickstarters.


I wanted to get a picture of the scale of these models compared to my Word Bearers. They're big. Really big. I would guess the Keeper of Secrets is around the same size as the FW model, but the Nurgle uhhh... Daemon Prince? I would have liked about emaciated Great Unclean One in this design, but I think the wings bar him from that usage.


So yeah, they're pretty damn big. The details are really nice, a little soft in some areas, but not too bad. I'm still awaiting the arrival of the Lord of Change and Bloodthirster from Creature Caster, so I'll get pics of them when they arrive as well. Unfortunately, their actual Great Unclean One hasn't been released yet, so the wait continues.


I can grab more detailed pics if anyone is interested, just let me know.



Another day, another conversion...


I just can't help myself. This time it's a Word Bearers Delegatus. I wanted him to look relatively normal, especially compared to the rest of my heretical filth. I can see this guy as arrogant, constantly having his servants polish his armour. First impressions are the most important, so he has an air of regalia about him with his highly artificed and modified Mk. III panoply.


Other than the Daemon Skull icon on his cingulum, there is no outward appearance of any corruption. Despite being a Diplomat, I still imagine he's a skilled swordsman and considering any time he would be used would be in the midst of battle, he's in an action pose.


I wanted him to otherwise appear disarming. He's unhelmed and as you can see other than the usual Colchisian tattoos, is rather normal looking. His armour is decorated in various seals and a pair of tabbards which announce his official representation of the Chapter Master. On his back (and not too noticeable) is a scroll, which may contain an edict or declaration from the Master.


In contrast to all of this is his weapon. It's a cruel and evil looking blade with serrated teeth and a horned deathshead as the guard. The armour is the illusion and the weapon is the true intention, it would seem.


Other than simply wanting to make another HQ / conversion, I built this guy for ZM, smaller games and any narrative we may play. He's a great character for the precursor of the arrival of the Master and also frees up desperately needed points in a Word Bearers army.


So here you are, comments and suggestions blah blah blah...









A package came today in the form of two more Greater Daemons...


My Creature Caster Lord of Change and Bloodthirster arrived and I quickly assembled them to show the size of these beasts along with a group shot of the four I currently own. Unfortunately, it seems the Plague Angel is the odd man out, not being an actual Greater Daemon... not really sure what he is. Oversized Daemon Prince? I'll enjoy painting him nonetheless. Really wish they'd release their Great Unclean One. Anyhow, here we go... and tomorrow will be my weekly update which will be the second completed Breacher Squad.









Sigh... well, I finished the Leviathan, but after sitting here looking at it is just couldn't stand the brass icon. It looked like garbage. Unfortunately, the brass was so thin that there wasn't much distinction between the pages and so it looked like a big dirty white blob. So I ripped it off, like a bandaid on an open wound. While I was at it, I decided the first Leviathan's looked like trash too so... away it went. I smoothed it out the best I could and I've finally got the motivation to use the FW decals. So that's the current news. I took a picture pre-icon removal and while I usually wait until Sunday for my weekly update, I'm going to just post it because I'm miserable right now.



Wow, amazing thread, you're super productive! So many cool conversions in here, your breachers and terminators are awesome, the more "spiky" look that your WB army has really makes it stand out! Also this greater demons look very interesting, had never seen them before but I'm surely impressed. At last the FW decals look good but when put on black surfaces they're too shiny, I don't know if that can be fixed? The details on them are surely awesome though, I've always been a fan of colchisian glyphs.


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