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+++The Fate of Gilgamesh+++

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An ETL V-linked campaign


What is Gilgamesh?

Gilgamesh is a long term painting event, themed around a Chaos attack on an Imperial hive city. We are currently playing the 3rd episode.

Episode 1 : The hive city suffered a vicious assault by the Ruinous Powers. As so often happens in this situation, the invaders quickly began to fight amongst themselves to decide whose Patron would rule this newly conquered world.

Episode 2 : The Dark Angels manage to deploy to the devastated surface, attracted by rumours of their Fallen brothers present on this planet. The fight was intense, as the Unforgiven found that many of the surviving PDF regiments had also been corrupted by Chaos. Nevertheless, they managed to secure many sectors allowing reinforcements to arrive.

Episode 3 : Unexpectedly, the first reinforcements to arrive were the mysterious Eldar. A gathering of Craftworlds and Dark Eldar emerge through a webway portal once buried deep beneath the planet's surface, but now revealed as a result of the brutal surface bombardment. This portal and numerous others, each one long hidden in the haunted depths of the hive city, appears to be of such strategic importance that it has brought both the Eldar and their dark kin together to fight for their common goals.

Whilst the forces of Chaos continue to expand like an plague across the various sectors, the Dark Angels managed to secure a foothold in the lower levels of the hive. The Eldar, however, have managed to assume control of the upper Spires.

The call for support was finally heard and the Ninth Legion have answered, reforming the ancient alliance of the Angels of Death. The discovery of ancient xenos technology has also drawn the interest of the adepts of Mars... But the deviant tech priests of the Dark Mechanicus are also desperate to obtain these precious artifacts.

And this is where we currently are... The ultimate act of episode 3! After a skirmish-sized opposition, we run apocalypse by calling our allies from the B&C forum....

Do you want to take part in this story and help decide of the fate of Gilgamesh?

How does it works?

Gilgamesh is a painting event that works mostly like the ETL. You have to paint models during a period of time, and if you succeed, you add the value of the models to your team's pool of points. The difference are as follow :

- your initial pic must be taken either with the session password, either with the clock of the forum to proove that you play with unpainted models
- your base must be done. Wether it's simple painted sand or resin work, it has to be ready for battle.
- the most important : you pledge your models on sectors which represent the different sectors of the hive city. Those sectors have limitation that allow/prevent some type of models to be pledge on them. Of course some models can be allowed on several sectors hence giving strategical options to the different factions.

The Sectors:

The Lava River. Loyalists 790 Chaos 1285 Eldar 0 Necrons 0
As a consequence of the initial assault by the Ruinous Powers, breaches were detected in the very infrastructure of the geo-thermal furnaces. Repeated bombardments by the heaviest Chaos war engines have resulted in huge rivers of lava and molten metal, which have overflowed into an entire sector, completely destroying everything in their path and rendering all ground movement impossible.

Authorized units:
- Flyers and Flying Creatures only.

Super Heavies: Flying Super Heavies and Gargantuan Flying Creatures only

The plasma reactor. Loyalist 3320 Chaos 100 Eldar 839 Necrons 0
At first, the Sons of the Lion ruled the sky… until swarms of airbourne deamons and squadrons of Heldrakes managed to push back the First Legion’s Air Forces. As a result, the Inner Circle decided to teleport reinforcements directly onto the surface of Gilgamesh. But first, they need to deactivate the primary plasma reactor which powered the surviving void shields…

Authorized units:
- All kind of units except flyers.

Super Heavies: None

Special Rules: the faction controlling this sector can deploy any unit with the deepstrike USR (with the exception of drop pods and units deployed by drop pod) in any sector, regardless of any sector specific limitations.
Special Rules: This sector cannot be locked.

The Arbites Strongholds. Loyalists 8408 Chaos 10658 Necrons 200 Eldar1885
A formidable line of strongholds, bunkers and defence posts separates the Spire from the Hive’s lowest levels. Due to some of the most violent battles that have raged anywhere across Gilgamesh, this sector has become a symbol of tactical supremacy and ultimate victory, and has therefore been dominated by every faction at various times! The enemy shall not prevail!

Authorized units:
- Any unit at maximum strength joined by a Character (named or unnamed).
- Any unit with at least one AP2, or better, weapon
- Fortifications, buildings and sceneries

Super Heavies: No restrictions

Special Rules: This sector cannot be locked.

Fort Nox Loyalists 2160 Chaos 3819 Necrons 0 Eldar 0
In the deepest zones of the Underhive, in a sector where light itself flees in the face of the dreadful Night, the Ruin Host has made its fortress. These are the Headquarters of the Warmaster of the Chaos Forces. The Iron Warriors fortified it and have set psychic seals to ward against any unwanted daemoniac incursion. Because of the narrow corridors and the deadly firepower of a powerful defense grid, this zone is deemed impassable to almost all vehicles and heavy support units, whilst light infantry are doomed to face complete destruction. Only the might of the Adeptus Astartes can prevail in this hellish terrain. As the loyalist forces march against their former brothers, each side prepares themselves to relive the war that first began during the Horus Heresy.

Authorized units:
- Eldars and Necrons: units from the HQ and Elite slots only;
- Angels of Death: units from the HQ and Elite slots from the BA/DA/IA2 Codices only;
- Chaos: units from the HQ and Elite slots of the CSM/BL/CS/KDK/IA13 (Astartes only) Codices only;
- Daemons from the CD Codex forbidden
- All factions: No vehicles apart from walkers provided they are no bigger than a Decimator or a Contemptor Dreadnought

Super Heavies: None

Special Rules: This sector cannot be locked.

The Hive Dockyards. Loyalists 2682 Chaos 938 Necrons 0 Eldar 3686
Before the invasion, Gilgamesh was permanently linked to an orbital star port and dockyards, allowing a constant stream of supplies and munitions to be brought from off-world by a fleet of specially designed shuttles. The forces of Chaos destroyed this orbital station during the initial stages of the invasion, and now only the Hive's own dockyards still remain. A kilometer-long maze of corridors constructed from shipping containers make this zone too difficult to fully control, but it can still be patrolled to deny the enemy access to the supplies that remain stockpiled here.

Authorized units:
- Any unit (excluding vehicles) with a capability to move 12’’ (like cavalry or beasts);
- Any Infantry unit deployed with an Aegis Defence Line.

Super Heavies: None

Special Rules: This sector cannot be locked.

The Librarium Loyalists 0 Chaos 0 Necrons 0 Eldar 0
For the Imperial servants of the Administratum is the Librarium the holiest of places. Within its walls are registered and transcripted all the administrative data or, in other terms, the memory of both the Hive, the planet and the system. Destroying this place could send a whole system back to Stone Age. For the Imperial servants of the Administratum is the Librarium the holiest of places. Within its walls are registered and transcripted all the administrative data or, in other terms, the memory of both the Hive, the planet and the system. Destroying this place could send a whole system back to Stone Age.

Authorized Units
Any Infantry unit or walker with at least one weapon using the flamer template
- No Transports allowed.
- No Super Heavies

Special Rules
Lockable sector

The Psychic Reliquary Loyalists 1555 Chaos 6840 Necrons 0 Eldar 6275
The massive wave of raw psychic energy unleashed by the Chaos assault has awakened a powerful Xenos psychic relic whose origins are still unknown. Any non-psyker creature will be utterly destroyed.

Authorized units:
- Any Psyker;
- Thousand Sons’ Rubricae;
- Any unit with psychic or anti-psychic rules;
- Deamons limited to Tzeentch ones only;
- Eldars Wraith Units (excluding the Wraithknight);
- No flyers;
- Vehicles limited to walkers provided any of the criteria described above is met.

Super Heavies: None

The Cathedral of Saint-Aspirine Loyalists 570 Chaos 7032 Necrons 0 Eldar 5962
Saint Aspirine’s Cathedral was once the headquarters of the planet’s diocesan lords. The Ecclesiarchy stockpiled many relics and treasuries here that would have sated the curiosity of an Inquisitor for decades to come. Rumous also suggest that a specific relic from one of the long lost Primarchs may even be hidden somewhere within the great ruined columns of the cathedral. Which Primarch? No one knows… or even if it is true at all! You will have to occupy this entire sector or find another way to solve this enigma to learn more…

Authorized units:
- Any non-Psyker Character with a leadership value of 10;
- Any unit from the Elite slot.

Super Heavies: None

Special Rules: This sector cannot be locked

The Bea Aquila’s Chapel. Loyalists 2285 Chaos 1753 Necrons 0 Eldar 1782
The Cathedral used to be one of the most iconic symbols of the conflict on Gilgamesh. It is now little more than dust and rubble, but even so, no faction is ready to quit the fight in this area. The Bea Aquila’s Chapel remains the only surviving structure, a testimony to the power of the Ecclesiarchy, a preserved and still pure jewel in a desolate environment. Whilst exploring chambers that had been sealed for nearly 10,000 years, ancient frescoes and reliquaries were discovered, artwork and relics that illustrated the dark tale of the conquest of this star system by Horus Lupercal during the Great Crusade…

Authorized units:
- Two units in the same subject (excluding Characters) with a total of at least three heavy weapons (that can be split betweent the two units).

Super Heavies: None

Special Rules: This sector cannot be locked.

The Imperial Governor’s Palace Loyalists 1898 Chaos 10191 Necrons 0 Eldar 9250
At the highest point of the Spire, the Imperial Governor’s Palace is the marvel of the planet. Incredibly well armed and armoured, this labyrinthine complex is virtually impregnable... at least from below! The launch bays and hangers surrounding the central compound would prove to be a weakness that both Heretics and Loyalists have exploited to great effect, transforming the parks and basins of Clearwater into charnel houses. Nevertheless, the Palace remains the symbol of Imperial Rule. It shall not fall!

Authorized units:
- Any unit with the Deepstrike USR;
- Any unit deployed with a drop pod or a flyer;
- Flyers and antigrav vehicles.

Super Heavies: None

Special Rules: This sector cannot be locked.

The Eldar Warp Gate Loyalists 770 Chaos784 Necrons 0 Eldar 2524
A mysterious Xenos construction, unearthed in the once tranquil setting of the Noble House's parkland by the devastating Chaos assault. It is actually a webway portal, used by the ancient Eldar as their principle means of travel when they ruled this world long ago. When they abandoned the planet to escape from the onslaught of the Yngirs, the Eldar sealed the Gate behind them. But the immense Warp energies recently unleashed across Gilgamesh have broken those seals, linking the planet to the Webway once more.

Authorized units:
- Infantry units with 2 CCW (including pistols) or no ranged weapons;
- Daemons are limited to Slaanesh ones only;
- No ground vehicles;
- Flyers and antigrav vehicles authorized.

Super Heavies: None

Special Rules: This sector cannot be locked.

On june 1st, the session's password will be revealed

Make a post indicating
  • Faction
  • Unit
  • Wargear Must be clearly represented
  • Point value
  • Sector of your choice
  • Pic of the unpainted/undercoated models with the password INVICTUS
Example :

Master Avoghai - Loyalist
Squad of 5 devastator with 4 grav cannons. Sgt with combi-grav in a RZB with TLlascannons and pintle mounted storm bolter
Sector : the bastion

The post will be implented by your servitor and his chaotic collegue in the battle zone (provided it is a valid pledge).

You can follow the battle here : http://gilgamesh3.forumactif.org/f111-zone-de-guerre-episode-3

You can also register here : http://gilgamesh3.forumactif.org and participate to gilgamesh' fate by posting your pledges yourself.
This latest solution can also be a possibility for those willing to participate to Gilgamesh with a different faction (for example : you paint Chaos for ETL but you also have eldar waiting to be painted : go register on Gilgamesh)
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've added the temporary scores for each sectors. The loyalists are referenced as "DA" this will be corrected soon ;)


Also I've posted the way to participate and the link ps to the battle zones


Keep in mind that the password on the sample pic IS NOT the password to participate. The real one will be revealed on June 1st.

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CaptainHelion - Loyalist
Squad of 5 Scouts, camo cloaks, Bolt Pistols and Close Combat weapons, Veteran Sgt with Power Fist and Shotgun
Sectors : Plasma Reactor, Eldar Warp Gate


Commander Dante


Sectors : Plasma Reactor, Arbites Stronghold, Fort Nox, Hive Dockyards, The Cathedral, Governor's Palace, Eldar Warpgate







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