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Melta bombs and armoured ceramite


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Hey guys i have a question for you and to me its kind of a silly debate but its one of things. If i use melta bombs on a land raider achiles and it has an immunity to the melta special rule do mekta bombs still work? I had somebody argue this point with me yesterday because melta bombs
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Yeah they do still work.


Armoured Ceramite counters the 'Melta' Special Rule, which Meltaguns, Multi-Meltas etc have.


Melta Bombs however, do not have that rule. They have Armourbane (essentially the close combat equivalent but that's not really relevant), which is a different rule.

Therefore, Armoured Ceramite does nothing against Melta Bombs.


Hopefully that clarifies things for you :)

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I understand that clearly a person i played yesterday got super salty when my thallax waisted his land raider in 1 go akd he wasnt fond of that rules as written sotuation because he wamted it to be like the melta rule because a melta bomb has the word melta in its name.
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Haha. Yeah, I can kind of see the confusion, as it does have Melta in the name.

But it's just not the rules. It always surprises me what rules people actually try and argue (See the Void Shield Harness thread - it's not even an argument, he just didn't want the guy to use it against his shooting attacks)!

In 'real-world' terms I would explain it as Armoured Ceramite protecting against shots on the hull, but once you get up close a squad can plant bombs in a vehicles weak points to bypass the armour.

Now, just a quick word of warning though. The new 7th Edition FAQ is coming soon, and from the first draft if seems as though (at least in 40k, not sure how this will carry over to 30k with whole squads armed with Melta Bombs - such as your Thallax) they will now be treated like grenades, and so only 1 Thallax can use 1 Melta Bomb in a round of combat - don't know if this is true though, only seen a few posts about this and I don't know the core rules that well, been a while since I last played, so it is possible that it is a misunderstanding and having not read up on it I have missed this.
But if it is true, this would therefore suggest that you can no longer have a whole unit attack a land raider with all their melta bombs (anywhere between 3 and 9 attacks depending on how big the squad is), meaning that he no longer has to worry about his vehicles being turned to slag in one round - I would assume all your a Thallax used their Melta bombs, otherwise that was one very lucky attack to destroy it in one.

Not in effect yet, but when the FAQ is out that should even things up a bit and stop another argument.

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Damn! Nice job!


Well then there is no argument on his part then. Armoured Ceramite does nothing and if that FAQ thing is true, your one Melta Bomb won't be affected so it's all good.


Yeah, 2d6 armour pen and +1 on the damage table (AP1) does make it seem easy, but that's what they are designed to do. That and Armoured Ceramite makes Vehicles much harder to destroy in 30k as you have to get close and risk the unit it was carrying destroying you after (and Thallax aren't cheap) - so I reality, you got his Land Raider, but if the unit inside was a strong Close Combat unit, he could have at least wiped your Thallax in return. Maybe he should try moving it/protecting it better next time...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah, the 1 grenade thing will change matters considerably. It affects Breachers and Thallax the most from what I can tell (in 40k it actually affects eldar most!)


It does mean that breaking your IC off from the unit to charge in as a separate unit is worth doing so you get the extra grenade as its 1 grenade per unit

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