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Next evolution: basically I wanted a bit more power to the list whilst retaining the theme. Not used at the time of typing...


Blood Angels Battalion




~ Master-crafted boltgun, power axe

~ Veritas Vitae

~ Warlord - Artisan of War



~ Master-crafted boltgun, chainsword



Scouts (8)

~ Camo cloak, combi-flamer, chainsword

~ Camo cloak, missile launcher

~ Camo cloak, sniper rifles (6)


Scouts (5)

~ Combi-grav, chainsword

~ Heavy bolter

~ Boltgun (3)


Scouts (5)

~ Boltgun, chainsword

~ Bolt pistol, combat blade

~ Shotgun (3)


Scouts (6)

~ Boltgun, chainsword

~ Bolt pistol, combat blade (5)



Land Speeder Storm

~ Cerberus Launcher, heavy bolter



Tarantula Sentry Gun

~ Twin lascannons



Officio Assassinorum Vanguard Detachment



Callidus Assassin


Culexus Assassin


Eversor Assassin


Vindicare Assassin



  • I think I'm going to try keeping the snipers back with the lascannon and use the HQ buffs on them
  • Eversor, Cullexus, choppy and shotgun to do a refused flank/target of opportunity.
  • Vindicare to camp somewhere advantageous and out of the way (maybe appear T2). Callidus will probably do a HQ rush in T2 (damn beta rules)
  • Bolters in the LSS to go objective hunting/counter charge/target of opportunity
  • I'm probably a bit light still, but I have a strong alpha potential. I also feel it remains fluffy and gives me an excuse to use my Assassins (which ticks a lot of boxes tbf)

Thoughts here?

  • 2 weeks later...

9 man choppy scouts in a basic rhino. Mephiston.


T1, rhino uses Lucifer Pattern Engines for 6" advance. Pops smoke. Mephiston uses WoS to get behind rhino for cover, moving up to 19". T2, scouts disembark 3", move 6" and charge. Rhino moves 12" and charges to shut down a unit or eats overwatch for scouts. Mephiston gives them unleash rage for 30 attacks (29 if sarge has special cc weapon)


By turn 2 Scouts can travel between 29" and 39" and have 30 attacks.


BLOOD FOR THE B!..erm, Emperor

  • 2 years later...

9th edition revamp
Current theme interpretation is a Techmarine setting up a base of operations and the Scouts scanning the area. Often I've found this theme either too static or without enough oomph beyond the Scouts, so here's the latest version to remedy that.

Blood Angels "Scout Theme" - 1000 points




Damocles Command Tank

~ Hunter-killer missile



~ Hand flamer, chainsword

Warlord: Rites of WarAdamantine Mantle




Tactical Squad (5)

~ Missile launcher





~ Missile launcher, twin lascannon




Scout Squad (5)

~ Sniper rifle, camo cloak (4)

~ Sniper rifle, chainsword, camo cloak


Scout Squad (5)

~ Bolter (3)

~ Heavy bolter

~ Stormbolter, chainsword


Scout Squad (5)

~ Sniper rifle, camo cloak (4)

~ Sniper rifle, chainsword, camo cloak


Scout Squad (5)

~ Knife (3)

~ Shotgun (1)

~ Bolt pistol, chainsword


Scout Squad (5)

~ Knife (3)

~ Shotgun (1)

~ Bolt pistol, chainsword




Scout Bike Squad (3)

~ Stormbolter


:Troops: :Troops:


Land Speeder Storm


:HS: :HS:



~ Twin heavy bolter



~ Twin lascannon



  • Patrol Detachment with Warlord and Tacticals, Vanguard for the rest, Fortification for the Tarantulas - 3 CP at the start of the game (Damocles can boost this)
  • Techmarine warlord. Built for survival and Objective hunting if needed.
  • Home base area with the Tacticals, Dreadnought, Tarantulas receiving the Damocles' benefits. Techmarine hides inside until needed
  • Scouts go to contest. LSS burns off into enemy deployment zone with a choppy Scout squad. Bikes, boost up after or where needed. 2nd choppy squad iether deployed high or to Outflank. Snipers hold back but in no-mans land, bolters go mid-table
  • Yes, it's static and made out of biscuits. However, there's squad be enough firepower at 1k to take the heat off the Scouts for them to go for Objectives...
Edited by Jolemai
  • 2 years later...

10th Edition Refresh


Trying to keep the same theme going forward, but with what I've got available.


Sons of Sanguinius Detachment - 1000 points




~ Hand flamer, Omnissian power axe

Warlord, Artisan of War



Tactical Squad

~ Combi-weapon, power sword

~ Plasmagun

~ Plasma Cannon



Drop Pod

~ Storm bolter



Scout Sniper Squad (5)


Scout Sniper Squad (5)

~ Missile Launcher


Scout Squad (5)

~ Storm bolter, power sword

~ Bolter (3)

~ Heavy bolter


Scout Squad (5)

~ Bolt pistol, chainsword

~ Bolt pistol, combat knife (3)

~ Shotgun (1)



~ Missile Launcher, twin lascannon



Scout Bike Squad (3)

~ Combi-weapon, grenade launcher

~ Grenade launcher



Tarantula Sentry Battery

~ Twin lascannon



Damned Legionnaires (5)

~ Plasma pistol and power weapon

~ Multi-melta

~ Meltagun



Or, where to start with this mess...

  • SoS rather than a GSF because I want that extra combat power when needed
  • Lots of movement and board control for Objectives. Deep Strikes to reinforce where needed
  • Snipers with missile launcher sit neat the Dreadnought for buffs. Techmarine camps near the Dreadnought too
  • LotD is for a bit of fun, but also has to potential to be a good distraction for this list
  • Scout Bikes in Strategic Reserves and maybe one of the Scout Squads

Sadly, I never got to try the above out.

Like in 9th, it was all about movement and scoring points, so that should be the same but we'll see what happens going forward. It's likely that it will require revisions anyway and I still have a LSS in my backlog too.

  • 3 months later...

Following the changes with Codex: Space Marines, I was able to add another squad of Scouts and another Tarantula to this list. I also got three games in with it at WHW last weekend.




The games were against Tyranids, SoB, and Imperial Knights.


Game 1

This was a lost 34-75. I actually lost this from the start imo. Basically, my list is built to take advantage of tactical play, but as it was my opponent's first game with Tyranids and one of his first with tenth using the Leviathan Cards, I agreed to go with fixed - I tried to do Teleport Homer and something else (Cleanse?), but it was very hard to do. Highlights included a Carnifex having a charmed life and weathering two turns of fire even with Oath of Moment. My Tarantulas eating up CP for Overwatch and doing very little. My Techmarine flipping a Screamer Killer in combat, and my LotD landing on their home objective and not being able to do much as another Carnifex bared down upon them. Still, I learned a lot.


Game 2

This was a win 74-32. I used Tactical Objectives in this game, but it didn't really fall right for me. What won it was the Primaries which I managed brilliantly. This particular SoB force was a slow moving one and I was able to make them be reactionary to what I was doing. Wasn't a huge amount left in the end, but I had done enough.


Game 3

This was against a Knight Castellan and a Knight Errant, but it was the BRB freebie mission. I won by 1 point because they didn't managed to table me. I had two Scout Sergeants left alive on a single wound and only managed to do seventeen wounds to the Errant all game... I managed my CP well in this game with some spectacularly trolling from Smoke, Go To Ground, and Armour of Contempt - the latter of which and combined with cover, managed to see my Dreadnought save a volcano cannon shot... The LotD came into their own this game by inflicting Battle Shocks with their shooting (so no rotating ion shields, etc) which was more for fun then anything of note. Also, charge the Castellan with Tactical Marines, haha.


Some of the take homes from these games:

  • Still unsure about how to use my Scout bikes. Everyone says about how good a Scout Move is as opposed to using Outflank (arrive from SR into their Deployment zone if you wish T2), but it's tricky either way
  • The list is lacking a punch, or at least a counter rather than something to do the heavy lifting. I need to see what fits
  • Better placement with my Taratulas needed for this edition
  • Oath of Moment needs to be focused or an easier target for this list.
  • 1 year later...

Supplement Update


Blowing the dust off this list, so it's update time!


Liberator Assault Group, 1000 Points




~ Warlord



~ Bolter, power fist



Tactical Squad

~ Combi-weapon, power weapon

~ Meltagun

~ Multi-melta



Drop Pod

~ Storm bolter



Sniper Scouts (5)

~ Missile Launcher


Scouts (5)

~ Bolter, chainsword

~ Heavy bolter

~ Bolter (3)


Scouts (5)

~ Bolt pistol, chainsword

~ Shotgun (1)

~ Bolt pistol, combat blade (3)



~ Missile launcher, twin lascannon



Scout Bikes (3)

~ Combi-weapon, grenade launcher

~ Grenade launcher (2)


Attack Bike (1)

~ Multi-melta



Tarantula Sentry Battery

~ Twin lascannon



Damned Legionnaires (5)

~ Plasma pistol, power weapon

~ Multi-melta

~ Meltagun



  • The list retains the same theme as always, whilst becoming more mobile since the previous incarnation (Attack Bike), and potentially able to do more damage (Lieutenant)
  • Plays the same as I normally do. Lieutenant and special weapon Tacticals in the Pod for some Oath fun and Lethal Hits with the melta weapons. Bolter half into Strategic Reserves. Dreadnought near snipers for Wisdom of the Ancients. Bikes to make use of Scout (hopefully) or "Outflank", with the Attack Bike having a free role if it can't keep up. Other Scouts doing Scout shenanigans
  • If I stay with the Liberator Assault Group, then Rage Fuelled Warrior will go on the Techmarine and he'll arrive with the Pod as that's hilarious to me. Boosted Oath should be fun too
  • However, Firestorm Assault Force is appealing. Boosted gun strength at close range and gaining [ASSAULT], a stratagem for the squad out of the Pod and an enhancement for the Lieutenant to better proc Lethal Hits... Techmarine will still be in the Pod with an enhancement for extra attacks...
  • It's a toss up there really. Angelic Inheritors isn't suitable as even if I dropped the Attack Bike for a Character, there's nowhere to put it (and I don't thin the list benefits really. Haven't considered the Gladius Strike Force either.
  • I should have fun with this, so I'll report back later!


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