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I swear I have the worst luck with this army.  Four times I have built this force up, only to forcibly have it part ways.  I swore the last time that I would never again buy another 40K army.  So I haven't.  I started 30K.  Like most people I purchased the Betrayal boxed set, and promptly drooled over the models contained there-in ...well, maybe not so much for the wonky looking Captain, or the Contemptor with a stick up its rear, but I'm getting off subject.  With that, I am using some of those to make my first vow.  So with that, I am using:


Iron Father (Praetor)


5 Cataphracti Terminators; 3 w Lightning Claws, 1 Heavy Flamer n Chainsift, and a Sergeant with a Combi-Melta, and Grenade Harness


12 Legionaires w Power Fist wielding Sergeant


Contemptor (really REALLY modified one) w Kheres Ass. Cannon, and Fist



While its probably not the most optimal options for models load-outs for I still have more to build.  As for paint, I will be departing the usual black, in favor of a closer loot to Iron Hand Fanatic's artwork.  I will be retaining the Vurgaan Clave, but I like the look of his work.



....And, hopefully, this time I get to keep it

Edited by Corton

Got some serious progress done on the Contemptor.  Its not finished, but at least the light allowed for the 'oiled' effect to shine through.  And I have made some progress on the Terminators.






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