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The Grand Guignol: The Emperor's Children

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Greetings one and all to my humble little WIP hideout! After futzing around and several false starts, I've decided to start documenting the build up of my Emperor's Children's force. This will likely also eventually include some corrupted Imperial Guard forces as well, but the Children will be the main narrative force.

​Now, I'll fully admit that my new drive to complete this was kick started by stumbling across KrautScientist's blog. The fluff first style appealed to me, so here I am. And off we go!


The Grand Guignol was a French theater which specialized in shows showcasing amoral horror, insanity, and hugely realistic effects for the time. Perfect for followers of Slaanesh right? Right!

So with that, I've started my very own Grand Guidnol! A dark theatre built on a remote world by a warband of Emperor's Children to pay tribute to the Lord/Lady of Excess. The macabre performances encompass every depravity taken to their extreme, but carefully curated by the warband's commander.
I've wanted to go with something a little less Hellraiser/BDSM with my Slaanesh crew, going with something that will hopefully end up with a terrible/horrible elegance to it. Seductively alluring, but repulsive at the same time. I'm going to be blending in a bunch of Dark Eldar bits because they do have that element to them and I think it will go a long way to separate them from the generic Chaos stuff. This will hopefully start to merge with the characters I'm working on for INQ28 as well. The Emperor's Children overseeing a planet who, for the most part, has given into the influence of Slaanesh.  
Here's my basic mock up for my as of yet unnamed Commander. A Dark Eldar Homunculus head with a Sanguinary Priest body and some elements from the Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor for some extra detail. I'm still in the progress of cutting off/altering the Blood Angel imagery, but I'm rather happy with how he's coming. Welcoming his guests to watch and indulge in the performances they're about to see.

New Chaos Lord


Here's the current army I have for him to lead. It's a big old batch of rescued metal Chaos terminators, some half painted cultists, some fully painted and primed standard marines, and partially painted possessed.


The old guard





This is my favorite so far though. He's the most recent fellow that I've finished and I learned a lot leading up to him. While I'm still deciding if I'm going to go with the purple/white/gold scheme for my guys going forward (it's a pretty regal palate although I'm open to feedback!), I'm really happy with the pink and blue here.


Chaos Lord

Cape back detail

So! Next step is to finish up my new commander and see where things go from there. Any suggestions on how he looks so far or if I should go with the pink/black/gold or purple/white/black/gold are certainly welcome and thank you for swinging by!


Very nice! The Sanguinary Priest conversion is simple, but effective. One thing I would suggest (and that you may have already thought of) is using a bare hand in place of the grail, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it takes the model a bit further away from the original BA aesthetics, and secondly, an open hand is an invitation, and would be far more conducive to creating the welcoming character you briefly described.


Nice to see someone focusing on an aspect of Slaanesh beyond, as you called it, Hellraiser and BDSM. I look forward to what you have in store. :tu:

I like the colours, not just because there're a bit similar to mine (also not into the "usual" Slaaneshi tricks). Psycho has a good idea, along with the de-BAing it should make him look very different from the source model. I think the gold is good, maybe you could spice it up a bit with some bronze decorations?

I agree with my brethren that the chalice should go; it looks rather comical and strays into Blood Angels territory a bit too much, in my opinion.

The use of the Haemonculus head is a good one though and adds some welcome variety. :)


The colour scheme looks good, but could do with some variation with the addition of some cream/black/purple armour panels/details here and there to break up the pink and really give a taste of Slaanesh's characteristic flashiness. :)


The cape looks really good, with good strong highlights and smooth transitions.


All in all, solid start! I look forward to seeing more. :tu:

Fist of, thank you to everyone for the feedback! It's very much appreciated!
@Dosjetka: Can't tell you how pleased I was with that cape. biggrin.png I'm playing with the idea of mixing up the pink and purple schemes. I'm leaning towards the "performers" like Noise Marines have the brighter pink/blue/whatever scheme to show off that they want people looking at them as they display their talents. The more reserved characters who prefer other vices will have the more royal purple/white/gold look. ​
@The Pyscho/Warrior Fish: Thanks for the feedback on the chalice. Going for a 'toast to our guests' kinda think, but it is rather comically sized isn't it? I looked through my bits, but didn't have an open right hand (had plenty of left ones, go fig). What I did have was a Loyalist Marine who had an open handed right power fist to donate. What a nice guy!

Lord Commander WIP

Lord Commander WIP II

So there's obviously some clean up and green stuffing to do for a proper fit, but what do you think? Movement in the right direction? Most of the BA iconography has been cleaned off, just needs smoothing out. I'm actually really digging the fist, bit more of a commanding presence.

The arm seems a bit long but that might just be the angle of the model.

I personally don't really like the power fist either and would suggest you try and find a way to get a right open hand; most bitz vendors should have them as they come with the most recent Devastator Squad kit. Just keep in mind that there's only one per set so it might require a bit of patience before you're able to get one.

Then again, if you're happy with the power fist, disregard what I've said and keep it. :)


Glad to hear that you already had a plan to "spice up" the colour schemes. :tu:

Mini update! Got myself an open right hand from the Devastator Squad to try out. I'd still need to shave down or play with the old apothecary arm it's attached to, but I think some decorative touches could easily do that.


IMG 1623

IMG 1624

I've also added a bit of decoration to his right shoulder to merge the double wings without having to shave everything down/replace the shoulder armor altogether.
I'm also starting the second addition, a pack of Warp Talons. I'm going to be seeing if I can blend their jetpacks with the bio/organic wings of some Dark Eldar Scourges since their write up in the codex describes them as being more animalistic than the Raptors. A mass of hunting falcons in a way, unleashed on the unrespecting like a falconry display for nobles.

IMG 1627

IMG 1625


  • 3 weeks later...

Alright, after having a wonderfully heactic last few weeks, it's time for an update! I'm still focusing on my Chaos Commander and he's just about done. Main robes painted, head painted and bast for the armor down with just a little bit of lightening to do.


IMG 1780

IMG 1779

IMG 1781


I'm really happy that I went with the dark elder head for this guy. The skin stretched over his own pale face is exactly the look I wanted and while I need to touch up the stiches holding it on, it's more or less finished.


IMG 1775

I've cut off the apothecary saw and added a few tubes of greenstuff around it. The idea once it's done will to have several vials of powerful drugs that he continually has pumping into his system. Base golds are down, so now I just need to highlight the gold and paint the vials themselves.

IMG 1774

IMG 1771

IMG 1768


Base of purple down for his armor with some gold trim. I'm probably going to paint the front 'collar' gold as well so the detail on there can be seen. The part I'm most happy with is the robe though. I did greenstuff a seam which turned out a tad rough, but I still like it for my first time using the stuff. I am extremely happy with the pain job though. I used Palid Witch Flesh with a bit of gold mixed in as a base which gives it a nice rich look which I don't think quite comes across in cell phone pictures. Added a wash to the recesses and then brightened up the raised parts with a few different whites.


I'm hoping to have him finished by the end of next weekend and then it'll be on to the Warp Talons! 

That head is freakish but totally appropriate. I really like the blue streak that you've added to his hair!


The robe looks really nice and smooth. Quality work there. :tu:


The greenstuff does look a bit rough. I'd suggest getting your hands on some clay/colour shapers. Even if you're not doing much in the way of sculpting, they can really help getting a smooth finish and removing excess greenstuff. I'd recommend getting a size 2 firm flat chisel shaper. Since the different colours of the heads indicate different levels of firmness (?), I'd suggest going with black.


Anyway, looking forward to seeing him finished. :)


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