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The Ironfire - 2500


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Hey guys,


How does this look for an Ironfire list? I think it has most of what it needs, most of all the Lord of Iron himself!


Siege Breaker - Cataphractii TDA with Power Fist


Tacticals x10 - Rhino, Nuncio-Vox

Tacticals x10 - Rhino, Nuncio-Vox


Contemptor-Mortis - 2x Twin-linked Lascannons

1x Quad Launcher - Phosphex & Shatter Shells

1x Quad Launcher - Phosphex & Shatter Shells

1x Quad Launcher - Phosphex & Shatter Shells


Artillery Squadron - 2x Medusa

Sicaran Battle Tank - Lascannons

Tyrants x10


Perturabo - After Istvaan, The Ironfire


2500 on the nose. My main concern is that 10 Tyrants aren't NEEDED (though certainly DESIRED!) at this points level, especially with Perty and a Siege Breaker in tow. Dropping them down to maybe 5 or 6 and removing the Sicaran would probably allow me to sneak a Leviathan in. Tyrants, Perty and a Leviathan rampaging through the enemies back lines sounds nasty as hell.


What do you think?

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