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Hypothesising a BA Start Collecting! Set


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Almost fell to the black rage when I saw Karl as the hq option...

Is that a bad thing? Genuinely curious, not trying to be jerk.


Everyone just have him already?



Going to preempt the response but basically everyone who wants him has him already and the rest can't stand him.

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Almost fell to the black rage when I saw Karl as the hq option...

Is that a bad thing? Genuinely curious, not trying to be jerk.

Oh, just have 3 I've converted already, and there's just something I don't like about the idea of his set up. Can't complain too much, was just really hoping for any other BA HQ lol

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Well this is gunna put me at 3 Baals (one defs a flame version), 20 Sternguard, and one model that may never be assembled.


Holy nuts I hate that model. Can people please sway me from my pessimism by posting glorious pictures of their converted Karls? His pose and face are just so lackluster but I'm not afraid of a bit of knife and GS work.

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I'm hoping the formation is like the SM one and it is just a captain in TDA required.


Deathstorm had karlarn able to call a bloody toll, in which they rerolled all failed to wound rolls ( useless in deathstorm, as 90% of the models were S8+) but refilling bolt guns might be nice.

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To quote the great Rick Grimes "KARLLL!!!"


The box looks decent. I can probalby convert the box into some sternguard using heresy bits. Karl I do not have at all but I think cutting his head will be a big step. Maybe add a MK 3 helmet to him? I saw it in the 6th edition Rulebook and it looks pretty cool. Failing that a regular termie head for him or a death mask!


The Baal predator I'm not sure about. At the end of the day it's rhino chassis with some blood Angels bits so I can probalby convert that into a scorpius or something.


I like the box.

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Rapid fire and charge would be pretty cool.

I bet it'll just be that they get the red thirst. Which isn't bad as such but on tacticals and a guy with an unwieldy weapon would be dull...



I could see it being something like rapid fire and charge, maybe allow the tacticals to charge what they shoot OR what the baal shot?

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Likely something suuuuper useful like Relentless.




"If you field this formation all Scouts in your army have WS/BS 4 and all Dreadnoughts get 2 Attacks added to their profile."

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This box, is :


First => A very Good Saving


Second => A possible Good First BA real Formation, The Carmine Host =) (Relentless for Tactical while being at 6-12" of the captain ? It would allow charge with rapid fire...)


Third => A very good mix (HQ - Troops - Support) that after buying it, allow you to focus on the Blood Angels FA and Elite Slots.

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