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Hypothesising a BA Start Collecting! Set


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... yeah. Ignoring the fact that the baal flamer 'should' be torrent anyway (along with redeemer flamers imo)

The description definitely precludes that...


Speaking of descriptions, I guess this thread title should have been updated.

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I think we're all focused on combat over shooting because..well...Blood Angels, but also because the SM box has a marine shooting bonus covered pretty well. Actually now that I've looked at the SW one blends shooting and combat prowess, I'm now legitimately curious as to what BA will get.


Still ain't holding my breath though.


In other news I went abouts the interwebz looking for Karl conversions and it led me back to B&C, to a gent that made the model into an awesome looking Chaplain. Basically just a weapon and head swap. Glorious.

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Right here pal. Glorious lookin' piece, now I want to de-bling him and make him into the Deathwing Chaplain I've been thinking about. I've converted so many swords into blood drops on armour it's only fair that I do the reverse for at least one model.

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Hum seriously people, you complain over such Money Saving ?


No, really, 65 € VS 106 € (26+34+46). 106-65 = 41 € saved ! You got a Baal Predator for 5 € ! Wake Up !


Plus, i think, that this start collecting will be very usefull as a base for the next BA codex formations.


The Baal Predator is, by its weapons and the overpowered engines, THE assault tank.


Personally, i project to pick from 1 to 3 Get Started boxes. (I wasn't ready to spend 46*3=138 € for 3 Baal Predator, but now, i will buy it blindly. And 3 Baal Predator will allow me to benefits of the 3 Predator benefits that will certainly be found within the next BA codex.)


(And for the Karlaen spared models, i will used them to do 1 Sanguinary Priest TDA with some spared Grey Knights bit, and 1 Captain with Stormshield using spare bits of the BA Assault Terminator Squad. And of course 1 pure Karlaen model.)

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Sorry for sounding negative, I definitely agree with you Antodeniel, just is bad timing for me based on recent purchases.


Also I need to save up to buy a ton of FW stuff once the currency drops lol. Sorry brothers from across the pond, but I'm hoping to benefit from the current events....

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If I didn't already have loads to paint I'd consider this... I already have one converted Karlaen (so he can also be Belial ph34r.png ) so could always make another into... Something...

Though I already have a Terminator Chaplain and two Terminator Librarians and a Captain...

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Being Blood Angels I think the Carmine Host formation could have any one of these rules/abilities as a bonus:


1. Copy the Baal Strike Force detachment where the entire formation gains "The Red Thirst" rule (i.e. +1 Initiative on the charge.)

2. Copy the Flesh Tearers Strike Force where the entire formation gains the "Rage" special rule after roll 10' or more for rolling for charge distance.

3. Copy the "Start Collecting: Space Marines" formation and have them forgo movement to have 2 shooting phases. 



If I can indulge in a bit of wish making here I would like to see GW bring back an old apocalypse rule that would be good for the formation. The old formation required 3 Baal Predators but would only require the one here. The special rule was that the Baal Predator could forgo shooting all its weapons to instead focus it's assault cannon fire along a straight horizontal line (I think it was 6'-12' in length) essentially creating an area of denial/wall of bullets. The Baal Predator would not stop firing until it's next shooting phase or if it (or it's turret weapon) was destroyed. Furthermore any unit that crossed that line suffered four Str6/AP4/Rending attacks. 


I figured this rule could have its uses since the start collecting box is a very shooty formation and to prevent enemies from coming closer to your guys for a turn longer can be beneficial. especially if you were not in a position to charge yourself.


Still I look forward to seeing the actual rules and I might just pick it up too since over here in Oz it is by far the best deal I've seen. Why pay $207 for each of those things separately when I could buy them in one box for $140.  The prices for models here in Australia is insanely wrong.

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One interresting Meta should be :


"After Fire come Blade" : At the begining of your shooting phase, your Captain, can order your Baal Predator and Tactical Squad to concentrate their firepower against one enemy unit. During this turn Assault phase, your Tactical Squad benefit of the Relentless special rule when charging at the focused enemy unit.


The wording may be "difficult" (I'm french after all), yet it unlock the idea that the Baal Predator and Tactical Squad perform a concentrate fire to allow the Tactical Squad+Captain to charge the enemy unit that was under fire.


Cool, fluffy and not broken (The enemy unit can still fire overwatch).

(Reminder : Captain in TDA already benefit of the Relentless special rule, thanks to the TDA.)

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