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Hypothesising a BA Start Collecting! Set


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You know what's cool about this box?  I actually have all the models for the formation it comes with.  Knowing GW the formation will probably suck though.  Karlaen's Deadly Toll ability and Preferred Enemy: Tyranids is my guess.

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They won't give us preferred enemy nids. They aren't THAT stupid tongue.png

They DID give it in Shield of Baal, no? (EDIT: No that was the Terminator Squad I think, the formation bonus was Deadly toll and Fearless.. Which are equally useless anyway)

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They won't give us preferred enemy nids. They aren't THAT stupid tongue.png

They DID give it in Shield of Baal, no?

A Campaign.... Focused around fighting the Tyranids... As part of a box set.... Against Tyranids :P

This is meant for more widespread use, none of the other sets have things as specific as this.

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Its always intrigued me that the Death Company have relentless, I can't quite justify it unless it's their assault specialisation. I'd love to see that included as part of chapter tactics

This was an unnecessary hangover from the 5th edition rage rules, where your DC had to charge if they were range. If they weren't relentless, you could fire the bolters and prevent them from charging, however give them relentless and they can still shoot and assault.

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Its always intrigued me that the Death Company have relentless, I can't quite justify it unless it's their assault specialisation. I'd love to see that included as part of chapter tactics

This was an unnecessary hangover from the 5th edition rage rules, where your DC had to charge if they were range. If they weren't relentless, you could fire the bolters and prevent them from charging, however give them relentless and they can still shoot and assault.

If they remove Relentless now it will seriously cripple every Boltgun DC out there. It is unthinkable.

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Its always intrigued me that the Death Company have relentless, I can't quite justify it unless it's their assault specialisation. I'd love to see that included as part of chapter tactics

This was an unnecessary hangover from the 5th edition rage rules, where your DC had to charge if they were range. If they weren't relentless, you could fire the bolters and prevent them from charging, however give them relentless and they can still shoot and assault.

If they remove Relentless now it will seriously cripple every Boltgun DC out there. It is unthinkable.



'Cuz 6th edition didn't cripple people's Razorback rush armies and 7th edition didn't crush people's jump-based armies (not that it matters to me but it mattered to a lot of people).


Everything is thinkable with GW.

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The Blood Angels get their Start Collecting set this week, and like all the others, it's a great deal.

The Terminator Captain is a great character model, while the Blood Angels Tactical Squad is one of the most customisable kits we make.

Topping it all off is a Baal Predator, signature tank of the Chapter and their successors. All you need to decide now is: Assault Cannons or Flamers?

Pre-order the new set here: https://www.games-workshop.com/Start-Collecting-Blood-Angel…

PS: If you're already a Blood Angels gamer, check out the page tomorrow, when we'll have their new draft FAQ up for feedback. We'd love to get your thoughts.



!!! !!! !!!



Here's the advertising post on the 40k Facebook page. Wonder if Angel's Blade is what the Formation is called? Also, given that Karlaen is mentioned, I guess the special rule might be Bloody Toll after all?

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Cool but unexpected? It makes little sense honestly to give fnp, is he part sanguinary priest?


Not complaining, just a little odd I think


Edit: actually kinda lame when they could have just had the hq be a priest and given us an actual unique bonus, but instead gave us a pseudo priest in tda armor that is more expensive and doesn't even buff as much as a normal priest would, though he can bash some skulls and tank more wounds

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Cool but unexpected? It makes little sense honestly to give fnp, is he part sanguinary priest?


Not complaining, just a little odd I think

little odd is the most polite way... to describe this... piece...  must.. not... fall into black rage

Someone please call the sanguinary priest - i feel so much pain right now.

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That about sums it up for me. A formation of mis-matching units, with a bonus that doesn't fit our codex and can only be used once per game to make your dudes slightly harder to kill.


When you look at that next to letting a tactical squad or dreadnaught shoot twice every turn of the game (Firespear Strikeforce) this just feels extremely lack-lustre.

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This really makes me worry about our future formation rules and updates. The sob stuff was written off as being weak because they were a "test bed" per say. This is something that has to be relatively new and still has incredibly underwhelming benefits....


I'm not getting my hopes up for our future formation benefits. Especially when the bonus titled "honor of the primarch" is the this lackluster... Really honoring sanguinius with that intense fighting Capt Karl...

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Disclaimer: I don't want to hop on the negative train here, but the below is an objective analysis of the rules as they appear in the picture above. I stress that since there is a 1% chance that the Starter kit somehow changed the base stats/Faction Rules of BA (extremely unlikely)


So.....in-and-of-itself, it's mid-level useful. Mid-level because FnP you want to keep you alive BEFORE you take damage, while IWND is used AFTER you take damage. 


A Captain in Terminator armor w/ FNP and IWND is not bad.....but for just one Turn......blech.


However, where it gets depressing is compared to other Start Collecting! Formation special rules. 


Codex: SM: Firespear Strike Force: one unit within 12" of Terminator Captain can forgo moving to their weapons in the Movement phase, than again in the Shooting phase. Note that this is reusable. 


Space Wolves: Deathpack: all units within 12" of the Wolf Lord (equipment not specified) can EITHER re-roll To-Hits of 1 in the Shooting phase OR Run AND Charge in the same Turn. This is chosen on a unit-by-unit basis. 


It's a dangerous game looking at other kids' toys, and I don't ever want to take shinies away from other kids, but I have to rule this a definitive AWFUL in terms of rules for us to have. If it was every single Turn, then there would be a shred of hope but if these three Astartes Start Collecting! boxes were to go up against each other, the Space Wolves would win hands down (Thunderwolf Cavalary--S5 T5 2W-- that can move 12", Run 6", then Charge 12"?) with the SM eking out a win in the hands of a superb general. The Carmine Host, on the other hand, has minimal synergy and very very very little hope of going up against either of those. 


Again, not to be a negative nelly here, but if this is a sign of things to come for a new Blood Angels Codex......only a risen Sanguinius can save us. 

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I too, don't understand why ours is a one turn thing - yet...












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"However, where it gets depressing is compared to other Start Collecting! Formation special rules. "


Well - it's getting depressing when you can simply take sanguinary prist and have all your fnp and +1 ws for all battle - without need to take a baal which is even more tax in this formation or captain in terminator armour.


It's not a 4th edition - captain in 7th edition can have artificier armour and sweeping advance, consider - this captain will be with tactical squad.


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"However, where it gets depressing is compared to other Start Collecting! Formation special rules. "


Well - it's getting depressing when you can simply take sanguinary prist and have all your fnp and +1 ws for all battle - without need to take a baal which is even more tax in this formation or captain in terminator armour.


It's not a 4th edition - captain in 7th edition can have artificier armour and sweeping advance, consider - this captain will be with tactical squad.


But then they can't push the tda Capt that no one has bought cuz they either got it in deathstorm, hate the pose, or don't want a tda Capt in a BA army.


The Baal probably isn't selling especially well either which would be easily rectified if we had a formation or squadron benefits or if the didn't take scout away

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"However, where it gets depressing is compared to other Start Collecting! Formation special rules. "


Well - it's getting depressing when you can simply take sanguinary prist and have all your fnp and +1 ws for all battle - without need to take a baal which is even more tax in this formation or captain in terminator armour.


It's not a 4th edition - captain in 7th edition can have artificier armour and sweeping advance, consider - this captain will be with tactical squad.

But then they can't push the tda Capt that no one has bought cuz they either got it in deathstorm, hate the pose, or don't want a tda Capt in a BA army.


The Baal probably isn't selling especially well either which would be easily rectified if we had a formation or squadron benefits or if the didn't take scout away


So maybe (i am not an expert you know) but maybe they should just make an intresting rule that would allow players to enjoy their games?))

Still will buy this box.

Miniature-wise it's a great deal

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