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Hypothesising a BA Start Collecting! Set


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I'll have a go at going second tho it's more about the value of the units themselves than the actual formation.


Why not invest in them for the future as at some point when we get our battle company and formations we will probably need 3 tactical squads and have access to a formation that uses 3 Baal predators.


As for karlean he could be converted to be a fewof things, th/ss captain or Sargent. Or just stay as karlean the special character.


Also I actually went out and bought 2 tac squads and 2 baals for this very purpose about 2 months ago. So I'm a silly sausage lol

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Right folks, it's simple. Keep the snide comments off the forum and keep the debate constructive. If you want to be negative then fine there's nothing wrong with that, but it should be done in a constructive and respectable manner as per our forum rules.

People will have different views. These should be respected at all times and if you don't agree, then debate it. People have a reason for developing these viewpoints so listen and try to understand how and why they came to that conclusion rather than hoping on a soapbox and telling people how it goes.

This is the only time I'm going to mention this.

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Posted · Hidden by Jolemai, July 1, 2016 - Off topic
Hidden by Jolemai, July 1, 2016 - Off topic

People need to stop taking this so personally. Some people are upset with recent events, maybe somewhat justifiably... Why are you guys getting personally offended over whether someone wants to vent or not over some recent crappy news? If it's that annoying stop coming to the thread. Some people obviously want to vent so just let them and if the thread gets closed, so be it. Just stop taking his so personally, it's getting very close to personal attacks against each other which is unacceptable, to me, regardless of how you feel about the situation. Just agree to disagree and let Jol lock the thread when he wants.


not saying we shouldn't try to make this positive, we should move away from the negativity, but just should not get so offended when someone doesn't share the same positive attitude.


We have two extremes here, one is negative and one positive. Let's find the mediocre middle ground where we actually are without being mean to each other please!


Edit: sorry I didn't see your post jolemai before I posted this!

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Posted · Hidden by Jolemai, July 1, 2016 - Off topic
Hidden by Jolemai, July 1, 2016 - Off topic

It's less taking it personally and more that if we perpetuate the whining it just brings the section down as a whole.

There is debate and then there is stubborn doom and gloom talk ;)

Personally, once we get our Battle-Company I'm going to presumably need a hell of a lot of Rhino Chassis and Tacs... (even if they ARE overly blinged up ermm.gif) so i'll grab this then.

Also probably take the Karlean body and put a load of different arms/ heads on him for squads.

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Let's all think of cool ways to use this force, be it for game terms or fluff or whatever...




10 man tactical, drop pod, choice of weapons

captain, TDA, Storm shield



1x fast attack pod with Cassor

1x pod with 8x DC or Meltacide assault marines (captain goes with these).


The three pods is key here in bringing the formation tacticals and captain down together.

The tacs go in their pod, the captain goes with either the meltacide or DC, to keep them alive with the multiple saves.

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I think Charlo brings up a good point. We could use the formation as a forward shield t1 to allow our troops to advance. Hopefully they don't have too much str 8+ shots/attacks but who knows I would have liked to see more fluffy rules to recruit a few more ba commanders into our ranks. We are the most beautiful space marine chapter
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Formation 1 (460)

Captain TDA combi melta, power sword

Tactical Squad, heavy flamer, flamer, combi flamer, drop pod

Baal Predator, assault cannons, heavy bolters


Formation2 (460)

Captain TDA combi melta, power sword

Tactical Squad, heavy flamer, flamer, combi flamer, drop pod

Baal Predator, assault cannons, heavy bolters


FTSF 455



Assault Squad, 2melta, combi melta, pod

Assault Squad, 2melta, combi melta, pod

Drop pod


Total 1375pts


5 pods, 2 with 4x melta, 2 with 3x flamer, 1 with cassor.


2 Baals as back up.

Tactical Squad, heavy flamer, flamer, combi flamer, drop pod

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Drop pods def seem the way to go. Would be nice if the fnp bubble applied to tacs or units outside the formation, but that maybe would be too much.


So it sounds like get a couple other drop pods, drop them down with the Capt tanking wounds for one squad and providing fnp to the tacs within 12inch, while the Baal pred zooms forward to get the IWND benefit while unloading assault cannon shots into the enemy? Doesn't sound bad to me, but I'm not especially experienced either...


By using the fnp/iwnd bubble on the first turn are we assuming the enemy will have already taken a Hp or wound off the Capt? That's my only nit pick I guess, that the iwnd might be better for a later round, but the fnp could be huge during the alpha strike. Maybe just having iwnd/fnp will discourage people from even targeting them that turn, which still seems worth it to me even though you may not need the iwnd rolls per say.



Xenith: that actually looks like a really cool and fun list to me!

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I think the IWND is best ignored. By using the FNP early it means we keep the squad of marines at maximum efficiency for the longest time.


Giving that up for a 1/3 chance of regenerating a wound on the captain isn't worth it methinks.


I like the idea of expanding it to put the captain in a smaller squad that doesn't need to be 10 men strong to unlock weapons.


Hell - I might start fielding this as that is how I roll anyway!

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I get ignoring IWND on the Tacticals, they can't come back from the dead. The Baal can get a hull point back from it though; if we're talking about effective uses of this Formation's rules it's very much worth keeping the Baal within 12" of the Captain as well.


That's about all I got on this Formation though. My Deathwing need a Chaplain in TDA so ol' Karl will be chopped up before he comes close to being blessed by the Emperor's super glue. I've never really felt that Terminators are at home in a BA list despite how absolutely integral they are to the background of the Chapter.

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I do quite like our terms, if only because hitting like a Lascannon on the charge is just so Damn good.


Ans don't feel bad, my Karlaen model is going to be Belial half the time :p


Regaining a HP on the Baal is good! But pretty hard to use without sacrificing FNP effectiveness on the Tacs.


If the Baals had scout maybe we could have gotten away with using it all second turn lol

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Well - there is a two completly different path - using this as stand alone formation, or using as a part of something else.

I hope we all agree that being part of something else is counterproductive as this formations fixs with priest.


So stand-alone  formation we go.

First of all - do beginner will have an option to dedicated transport? Would someone advise him to buy a box with rhino-drop-pod?

If so - I would take a razorback.


+ HQ +
Captain (Terminator) [storm bolter, Thunder hammer ]
+ Troops+
Tactical Squad  [Plasma gun , 9x Tactical Marine ]
····Razorback  [Lascannon & Twin Linked Plasma Gun ]
····Tactical Sergeant  [Combi-Plasma]
+ Heavy Support +
Baal Predator  [Twin-linked Assault Cannon]
And that's how i would roll - so tacs combat squaded - 5 man with bolters in razor - slowly moving - it's our hammer - it threat range with lascannon is good so we don't need to rush - we can slowly walk.
Another 5 man with plasma/combi-plasma and captain - walks behind the baal so we have two groups - one that can be a decoy and shoot from the range - but can ride pretty fast to our main group and second (warlord) group walking to the enemy waiting for a 24 inch range - so when enemy units will approach that range - we use this specual rule for FNP - and start shooting with plasma.
Due to range I can assume that enemy will backfire so we using this FNP at full scale - overheating plasma and enemy fire
Main thought behind this - cautious approach - with hammer and anvil-like strategy - Lasplasma on one hand and 2 plasma and assault cannon on the other softing our targets before close combat.
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@Charlo, with a 24" range of movement T1 and a 12" range for IWND that's a good chunk of coverage. Just seems...well, even more lackluster than the Formation itself to simply ignore half the benefit offered by our one use only rule. I would be more inclined to play it like a Resurrection Orb where I keep all affected parties together for the moment they're in the thick and need it. If we're really only going for FnP out of the one use rules it seems like there's...better ways of playing the models from the kit.


I like our Terminators aesthetically (griping about the static assault kit aside) but will take ten jump pack DC instead of five hammernators every day of the week. Eventually I'll get some BA specific Terminators for the collection but I'm slow to snap up 'project' boxes like the one we have for Terminators (and, given my opinion of Karl, the new SC box).

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I adore our Terminator box.


Oh? That's disappointing. I've not got round to getting a box yet. So the heads are moulded with the torsos? How easy would it be to customise them?

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Last comments from me in this thread. 1. They've removed the battle force on the website so no more 10 marines +Dread +captain (about to go buy one of these boxes from the FLGS) 2. going to pick up my start collecting box as I want 20 more marines and a new baal pred. 

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I adore our Terminator box.


Oh? That's disappointing. I've not got round to getting a box yet. So the heads are moulded with the torsos? How easy would it be to customise them?

The backs of the bodies are attached to the legs as well. The sprues are on the site though for further analysis.

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I got my box, i opened it, i saw the rules.........look like, in Games Workshop eyes, Blood Angels are failled Iron Hands.....


Hopefully, the box is still a very good saving.




About the Blood Angels Assault Terminators box, i will just say ====> Compare. Let's compare the BA Terminators box with the DA Terminators box....By doing this, we know that GW trow us a Wood Stick instead of a Bones.

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Everything else about the box is awesome. It's just the heads.



Well box looks to be made in hurry - obviously it was produced on Space Hulk basis, but oh well - SH terminators are dope.

But I wonder - why they left shooty terminators. I thought it's quite logical in age when GW making dual-kits.


I would bought that box if I haven't already had a 30+ terminators of different versions :/

But i want that banner of first company sooo much

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