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2500pts Raven Guard - Corax Recon Company


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Hi everyone!


I've finally found the time to start painting my RG. I'm making quite the progress and nearly have the core of my army finished (30 tacticals, 10 Dark Furies, Corax). So now it's time to buy the rest of the list, but before that I'd like to have some opinions and suggestions for some possible changes to the list. 


I'm running Recon Company ROW in this list.




+ HQ + 

1 Legion Champion (150pts) - Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Refractor Field, Jump Pack, Thunder Hammer




6 Legion Recon Squad (180pts) - 6x Sniper Rifle


10 Legion Tactical Squad (165) - Melta Bombs, Artificer Armour


10 Legion Tactical Squad (165) - Melta Bombs, Artificer Armour




2 Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (150pts) - Grav Cannon


10 Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (270pts) - Sniper, 2x Missile Launcher, Vexilla, Artificer Armour


9 Mor Deythan (295) - Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, 6x Combi Weapon (plasma?), 3x Missile Launcher 




10 Dark Fury Assault Squad - Melta Bombs


1 Javelin Attack Speeder (95) - Multi Melta, 2x HKM, TL Cyclone Missile Launcher


1 Javelin Attack Speeder (95) - Multi Melta, 2x HKM, TL Cyclone Missile Launcher




1 Corvus Corax - Recon Company ROW

- Changed the Praetor to a Champion because with Master-crafted and Shred the Furies don't need too much help and it saves points.
- I added a Missile launcher to the Mor Deythan (noticed I had 2 where I can have 3) and gave them combi weapons (plasma?) instead of snipers. 
- Removed Melta Bombs from veterans and switched the heavy bolters to missile launchers
- Removed the lone Rapier Grav cannon
I hope this is a solid enough core, and it leaves 133pts left to spend on something. 
Options I'm considering at the moment:
A)  Add an extra squad with 2 Rapier Laser Destroyers 
B ) Add an extra Speeder to a squad and toss in 3 extra tactical marines or vexilla/nuncio vox
C)  Remove 1 Recon, and create 2x 6 man Mor Deythan with 2x Missile and 4x Combi Weapons (reducing the current squad)
D)  Remove 1 Recon and add an extra squad with 2 Grav Rapiers
Everything will most likely infiltrate.
Corax will go solo or start with the Furies initially. 
Speeders will most likely outflank to get side armour shots, hopefully the grav cannons will have softened up the targets before they arrive.
I've been trying to avoid the 'standard' choices like Leviathan in a pod and Mor Deythan in a Rhino (1 Rhino looks stupid). Trying to go as much infantry as I can and trying to avoid Pods cause they tend to make the army always play the same. 
Let me know what you think, especially would like to hear about experiences playing an armour-light list like this.
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Remember the changes to grenades in the FAQ could hurt, personally I think MD are wasted as snipers, I'd go for combis and missiles/plasma. Some people might say list is illegal because of various ways you can interpret the recon squad ruling, but if your friends are cool with it run with it. I personally think the intention is to remove support rule from recon units, and I only use one unit too.
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Remember the changes to grenades in the FAQ could hurt, personally I think MD are wasted as snipers, I'd go for combis and missiles/plasma. Some people might say list is illegal because of various ways you can interpret the recon squad ruling, but if your friends are cool with it run with it. I personally think the intention is to remove support rule from recon units, and I only use one unit too.

Thanks for the reply, I'll look into the grenade changes cause I'm not sure what you mean at the moment.


Do you have any experience running Mor Deythan with plasma/combi/flamers without transport? I'm trying to avoid Rhino's and Eagles, which is how I got to using them as snipers and using the special rule for that moment you really need to finish off a certain model or left-over squad.. capturing an objective in the mean time. 

I'd like to use them more aggressive, but I don't want them to be the suicide squad in a Rhino T1.


Rules as written, and Rules as make most sense to me: You must have 3 compulsory troops choices, one of which MUST be Recons, the other two CAN be recons since they are compulsory troop choices but since Tacticals are so too.. you're free to fill the other slots with them. I'd love to get the definite answer on this one, but I'm not intentionally trying to cheese.. I think it makes sense. I would not even have problems taking 3 Recon squads, were it not that the BAC box doesn't make that logic route to take (and let's face it, it's what we all use as the core of our legions).



Yes, that FAQ does make a huge difference. Need to revise my EC list too now, which relies on 3 MB squads to take out vehicles.

Back on topic, I'll revise my list above. Look forward to your opinions on non-transported Mor Deythan.


EDIT 2: 

Edited the list in the original post. 

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Yeah I agree with your interpretation, seems what was intended.


Army seems good, I reckon two units of 6 MDs mate, maybe one with combi plas and two plas, and the other with combi flam/melta and missiles?


I do think two rhinos with dozers shrouded could be better but heh.. I see what you are going for.

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Yeah I agree with your interpretation, seems what was intended.


Army seems good, I reckon two units of 6 MDs mate, maybe one with combi plas and two plas, and the other with combi flam/melta and missiles?


I do think two rhinos with dozers shrouded could be better but heh.. I see what you are going for.


I guess I should let rhino's slip in for this list to play well. Still going to stay away from heavier tanks, but I guess I rhino would still be able to fill the stealthy/sneaky theme.


So how about this:


+ HQ + 

1 Legion Vigilator (140pts) - Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Refractor Field, Jump Pack, Power Weapon




6 Legion Recon Squad (180pts) - 6x Sniper Rifle


10 Legion Tactical Squad (165) - Melta Bombs, Artificer Armour


10 Legion Tactical Squad (165) - Melta Bombs, Artificer Armour




2 Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (150pts) - Grav Cannon


6 Mor Deythan (268pts) - Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, 4x Combi Weapon (plasma?), 2x Plasma Gun?

1 Rhino


6 Mor Deythan (295pts) - Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, 4x Combi Weapon (Melta?), 2x Missile Launcher?

1 Rhino




10 Dark Fury Assault Squad - Melta Bombs


1 Javelin Attack Speeder (95) - Multi Melta, 2x HKM, TL Cyclone Missile Launcher


1 Javelin Attack Speeder (95) - Multi Melta, 2x HKM, TL Cyclone Missile Launcher




1 Corvus Corax - Recon Company ROW

So I create 2 Mor Deythan and gave them Rhino's. Not sure about their weapons yet. 1 with all plasmas seems like a good idea.
Changed the consul to a vigilator to give the Furies Shrouded T1 like the rest of the list.
I don't have any anti-air in this list. Which I think is only a problem when you face a Raptor. With the leftover points I could add an extra rapier squad with any guns, or perhaps a Mortis Contemptor with Autocannons. 
What would be a good addition? I think I'm light on anti-tank and for sure anti air.. but I'm not sure about that first one. Don't have experience with the gravguns and speeders.
The 2nd Mor Deythan could be tooled for anti infantry with flamers, or anti vehicle with Combi Melta + Meltagun or Missile Launchers.
Do the Mor Deythan in Rhino usually end up being a 1 turn suicide squad? Or how do people use them?
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Good list mate, what about a dark angels flyer used as a lightning for 2.5k fits theme, RG should be used as alpha or beta strike tbh, so not as suicide squad but definitely target hardest unit in opposing force with them, say if you cover 4 middle with flamers, that's 20 dice from 4 combis twin linked rending.. Against t4 3+ thats 4-5 ap2, and 11 normal wounds, so 8-9 dead, and even 6-7 dead 2+ saves. Use the rhino to screen them from then main force as they are still a useful scoring unit after especially with the left over special or heavy weapon.
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The flyer is a good Anti-Air option (especially if played as the Xiphon I think) and could look quite cool (though I like the real Xiphon model too). But I really like taking the 2 Javelins. Don't want to go 2 in a squad cause that goes against the theme I'm going for so that means I don't have the FA slot for the flyer.


I think for the points left that means I'll have to go for the Autocannon Contemptor Mortis if I want any Anti Air option in the list.


So you are suggestion one squad Mor Deythan with all plasma's and the other one with 4 combi flamers and 2 missile launchers? Missile launchers for when not in Flamer range yet, and for when the flamers are done. From your calculation it seems 4 flamers and 2 TL missile should be enough to take out most squads. And 6 flamers will not be able to cover more models most often.


I'll try and magnetise the combi weapons and the underslug missile launchers should be interchangable with other special weapons too I think?

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yup.. magnetise is the way to go, i glued mine but may rip them off and magnetise at a later date, the only annoyance is the new models and plastics are easy to magnetise as you can use 1mm magnets in the arms rather than more difficult hands like MD squads.


problem with one dread as if your opponent has flyers he will die 1st turn, and he has to go into skyfire mode in your turn.


what about a deredeo?

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I had that problem before with my Emperor's Children (magnetising hands), I ended up glueing them in the end cause they kept falling off and I was using bolters 99% of the time anyways.

I think with the Mor Dethan I will magnetise the wrist, allows for a bigger magnet.


I guess you are right about the dread, but the same scenario will be the case for a deredeo (and let's face it, against kraken missiles both are doomed the same). I don't like the look of the deredeo either and it's bulkiness goes against everything I'm trying my RG to be. 

I will come done to tactically positioning the Contemptor, making sure it can skyfire T2 or deny a part of the table to the incoming flyer(s).


I could try to somehow get in a flyer of my own, but that has the same outcome as a contemptor. If his flyer comes in first I can shoot it down with mine, if mine comes in first he will shoot me down when his comes in (that's how it goes 90% of the time in my experience).


List normally counter this by having spartans/landraiders/sicarans etc that can lay down quite some twin-linked firepower that can also semi-reliably take down flyers. None of those options are things I consider getting in this list, and a heavy support squad is way too many pts and doesn't work with the 'recon company' ROW.


Now that I think about it, Corax can be some threat to a flyer, even if it's just a psychological threat. 



I think this is that list that it will be, it has everything in it that I want and very few of what I don't want. Can't really shift points around other than the points that the current list has left and will most likely be filled by the contemptor. 

I'm looking forward to next weeks payday and ordering the whole lot, glueing it together and give it a go (hate playing with unpainted models but sometimes you need to play in order to find the motivation to paint :) )

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Inspiring, both the paint job and the list you seem to be building. No vehicles either huh? (not counting walkers)

This is my log: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/302424-emperors-children-raven-guard-wip/page-4


Thank you for your help in getting me to this list. I will buy the contemptor to fill the points. If it doesn't work out, he will just be part of my 3000pts list and I'll try and rebuilt the 2500 list.. But I think it should be fine (though I've never played RG yet so it's going to be a learning curve, but I'm used to that by playing EC as my other army).


On a side note; imagine being ready to paint your primarch, and while glueing it together you realise you've cut of the attachment tubes off the wings cause I guess I thought they were part of the mould entries :( :( :(. I 'cleaned' the model months ago so not sure what I was thinking. Trying to do my best greenstuff job now to fix it, otherwise I'll have to buy a new one :(. Don't think green stuff will give the same strength and durability on a piece like that, and I'm not going to have the Primarch of my legion look anything less than my best possible effort (if the greenstuff job looks even a little obvious).

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maybe pin them on, i cant actually remember how they attached and at work atm, im sure you wont need to buy another one though..


just seen ya raven Guard, #amazeballs, I was originally going to go with the battle damaged Rg and glad I didnt as yours would shown mine right up. Congratz dud, and the best thing is its so different from your EC, be a great looking themed army when complete.

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I cut it right there:

Not going to show the repair WIP until I'm happy with it or decided to buy a new one tongue.png. But yeah, it needs to be durable and somebody who doesn't know what I did, shouldn't be able to spot it up close when painted. Need to remake that 'tube' and the small pointy feather.

It looks like a large attachment area, but its very narrow as the 'tube' reaches the wing.

When you get home; Can you tell me if the 'pointy feather' that I also cut off (so left-top of the red line) is also touching corax? Or is the tube the only part thats supporting the wing?


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oh god, you butchered it... lol,




will do ill have a look in the morning after watching Game of Thrones, I think the actual jump pack is quite tight together with the exhausts anyway so you could pin/glue it off the backpack ok

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oh god, you butchered it... lol,

will do ill have a look in the morning after watching Game of Thrones, I think the actual jump pack is quite tight together with the exhausts anyway so you could pin/glue it off the backpack ok

Yes I did unsure.png .

Thanks for the effort, and good to know you've got your priorities in order (no sarcasm).

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Payday today :)


I had another look at my list and decided the Contemptor did not fit the theme and thus opted to go for a fireraptor (removed 1 Mor Deythan and 1 Recon too to achieve this)


+ HQ + 

1 Legion Vigilator (140pts) - Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Refractor Field, Jump Pack, Power Weapon




5 Legion Recon Squad (160pts) - 5x Sniper Rifle, Artificer Armour


10 Legion Tactical Squad (165) - Melta Bombs, Artificer Armour


10 Legion Tactical Squad (165) - Melta Bombs, Artificer Armour




2 Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (150pts) - Grav Cannon


6 Mor Deythan (268pts) - Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, 4x Combi Weapon (plasma?), 2x Plasma Gun?

1 Rhino - Dozer Blade


6 Mor Deythan (268pts) - Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, 4x Combi Weapon (Flamer), 2x Missile Launcher?

1 Rhino - Dozer Blade




10 Dark Fury Assault Squad - Melta Bombs


1 Javelin Attack Speeder (95pts) - Multi Melta, 2x HKM, TL Cyclone Missile Launcher


1 Javelin Attack Speeder (95pts) - Multi Melta, 2x HKM, TL Cyclone Missile Launcher




1 Legion Fire Raptor Gunship (230pts) - Four Hellstrike Missiles, Reaper Autocannon Battery



1 Corvus Corax (450pts) - Recon Company ROW

This is a silly 1 point over, so I guess I'll have to drop a meltabomb or sniper somewhere.
Unless I made a big mistake or illegal choice by changing it this way, I think I'll be ordering the lot tomorrow :)
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looking good, yeah get it legal and split up the gravs into 2 seperate and its a good all round force i reckon

Good tip, didn't realise yet that without veterans and not opting for the contemptor, I have the Elite slot available for that. Thanks


Time to spend some money.

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