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Alpha Legion 2,000 Tournament List


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Would anyone mind giving me a bit of feedback on a 2,000pts tournament list?


  • HQ (555pts)

Autilon Skorr (125pts)

Rite of Command: Master of the Legion [Chosen Duty]


Legion Centurion (430pts) Consul [Praevian] [Artificer Armour , Power Fist]

Castellax Class Battle-Automata Maniple [3x Castellax]

  • Troops (560pts)

Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (280pts) [2x Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Sniper] Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Dagger, Power Fist]


Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (280pts) [2x Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Sniper] Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Dagger, Power Fist]

  • Elites (320pts)

Apothecarion Detachment (110pts)

Legion Apothecary [Artificer Armour]

Legion Apothecary [Artificer Armour]


Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery (210pts) [3x Legion Rapier, Shatter Shell]

  • Heavy Support (565pts)

Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought (220pts) [Aiolos Missile Launcher]


Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (195pts) [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons ]


Legion Vindicator Tank (150pts) [Armoured Ceramite, Laser Destroyer Array]


Basic gist is use Infiltrating vets to tie down objectives, the Castellax maniple to soak up fire that would ordinarily go to the vets, the Vindicator to take out Spartans, and the Deredeo to be there for fire support against flyers or whatever needs it. Thoughts?

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To me it looks like a quite solid list regarding Anti-tank, anti-air, anti-infantry and all that.

The one thing that I'd be worried about, is the troops. You have 2 squads or 3+ armour vets (with apothecary) without protection of a transport. You say you will infiltrate them, so at least the don't have to walk too much to an objective. I don't know what gametypes you'll be playing, but what if you need scoring units somewhere else in T2? 


In any case, as your opponent my priority would be to kill of those 2 squads and you'd be left without scoring units. 

Personally I'd look to give them a Rhino, or just take 2 big blobs of 20 normal tacticals with an apothecary each. The first option gives protection and mobility and the 2nd one really adds staying power.


If you say the vets will never be in a position where they can be targeted (something you can't really control) then I'd say the points are wasted on vets and might as well take normal tacticals and spend the saved points on more support :).


I hope you'll do good, when is this tournament?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I prefer missile launchers for Alpha Legion veterans, because they can easily have both tank hunter and sniper USRs.


Anyway, the list I feel has a glaring weakness.  If those two veteran squads are killed, you're already 1 VP down for Martial Pride, another VP down for Pride of the Legion, and are left with no ability to gain more.  Your only hope at that point is to table everything.

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Thanks for the feedback guys! 




The tournie is in October, so plenty of time to adapt this. 




I did get some success out of missile launchers recently, it's true, but I figured that with Heavy Bolters they'd be better mincing troops or Mechanicum bots, leaving tank hunting to the dedicated anti-armour units. 


To address you both, the Vets are indeed the biggest pain point on this. The ideas seem to be Rhinos vs Tac blobs. My problem with the two big 20 man tac blobs would be worrying if the list would lack punch after that, blunting the core infantry element too much? Any thoughts?

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Sicaran (with lascannons), Deredeo (with missiles), Vindicator and 3 Quad launchers.. I think thats enough punch ;). My 2500pts list arguably has less punch than that and works fine.


The troops in this list should be that, troops. They are not there for the punch, they are there to win you the game. 100% of their job is scoring, let the rest of your army worry about the killing. If your troops get sidetracked too much, you'll lose eye for the real objectives and lose the game (even though you might have killed more that otherwise).

A blob of 20 tacticals has quite the staying power (unless facing lots of plasma/quad launchers. But also don't underestimate the pain that 15-20 marines using furry of the legion can cause against their counterparts (or opponents veterans etc).


The most go-to options are indeed tacticals/verterans in Rhino or a blob with apothecary. Of course you don't have to go with these options, but then you'll need to make sure you are compensating this less obvious choice in another way (add more troops or even units that can contest like jetbikes).

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I did get some success out of missile launchers recently, it's true, but I figured that with Heavy Bolters they'd be better mincing troops or Mechanicum bots, leaving tank hunting to the dedicated anti-armour units. 


To address you both, the Vets are indeed the biggest pain point on this. The ideas seem to be Rhinos vs Tac blobs. My problem with the two big 20 man tac blobs would be worrying if the list would lack punch after that, blunting the core infantry element too much? Any thoughts?

Just noticed you're not fielding Pride of the Legion but rather Chosen Duty, so at least you won't lose an extra VP when both go.  I frankly believe that you're much better off with a pair of Rhinos rather than the Apothecaries for their survival. You could also shave non-essentials here and there and add a third unit.  For example, vexillas, armoured ceramite, and a Castellax buys you a 5-man plasma or melta support squad. Dropping the apothecaries buys you three rhinos for the three troops.  If you drop the vindicator entirely, instead of a support squad you could bring a 3rd veteran squad.

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