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  • 2 weeks later...

Finished basing the remainder of my 30 guardsmen last night :D


Annoyingly between getting them on their bases and removing the masking blutac some of the paint and primer has rubbed off so I need to brush some primer back on before continuing. :ermm:


Also with the base coat down doesn't appear to offer much contrast with the zebithal highlights. In future I'll probably just prime grey. This is why we experiment though

New Basilisk has clearly been blessed by the Emperor himself! The rest of my army stripped away the screening Gaunts leaving the Basilisk to drop a shell straight on the head of my opponents Broodlord Warlord. Left nothing but a thin layer of purple goo!


Next turn finished off a Trygon then spent the rest of the game taking out Biovores. A real star.

New Basilisk has clearly been blessed by the Emperor himself! The rest of my army stripped away the screening Gaunts leaving the Basilisk to drop a shell straight on the head of my opponents Broodlord Warlord. Left nothing but a thin layer of purple goo!


Next turn finished off a Trygon then spent the rest of the game taking out Biovores. A real star.

Truly this weapon is pure in the Emperor's light. Go forth and use this sanctified weapon to smite the Heretics and Xenos that besiege our Emperor's Imperium.

I have to say... that's the 5th game in a row I've won and only a couple have really been close. I'm not using a powerful list (neither are my opponents to be fair, it's all about the fun!) but I miss Guard being kind of weak.


It was always so satisfying winning! Now I can rock up with a fun list and still shoot the opponent off the table. No where near enough terrain in one of the games so lesson learnt there but that only helps to an extent.


Last game for instance, I took neutralized my opponents left flank and centre with heavy firepower so they couldn't get past the brave lines of Praetorians. On the other flank a scary unit of Hive Fleet Kraken Genestealers got to my lines... and were mulched by 6 Bullgryns. We seem to be good at everything at the moment even without playing a really competitive list. Maybe too good? 

I have to say... that's the 5th game in a row I've won and only a couple have really been close. I'm not using a powerful list (neither are my opponents to be fair, it's all about the fun!) but I miss Guard being kind of weak.


It was always so satisfying winning! Now I can rock up with a fun list and still shoot the opponent off the table. No where near enough terrain in one of the games so lesson learnt there but that only helps to an extent.


Last game for instance, I took neutralized my opponents left flank and centre with heavy firepower so they couldn't get past the brave lines of Praetorians. On the other flank a scary unit of Hive Fleet Kraken Genestealers got to my lines... and were mulched by 6 Bullgryns. We seem to be good at everything at the moment even without playing a really competitive list. Maybe too good? 


Yes, yes guard is very powerful. They're also such a fun army because you can go so many different ways in building your list; hordes, armor, artillery, elites... quite fun. I've slowly been building a guard force. I'll try and post some pictures when I get enough done to field a detachment of some sorts.

Guard has a decent codex currently, but don't forget that there's a big helping hand from how 8th works. 8th is a shooting and horde edition, some armies will naturally benefit more than others. If I want more of a challenge I break my Marines out :tongue.:


Keep in mind also that Guard naturally attracts the best hobbyist, due to Guard being the best army. It stands to reason that such hobby nobility would be better at the game also :wink:

Ha! Forgot about the average Guard collectors tendency to be awesome. Curse the god of gaming for these gifts!


And I would stop taking my 6 Bullgryns (another unopened box ready to go in my box of shame!) but mine wear Pith Helmets... Ogryns wearing Pith Helmets (I'm a Praetorian player of course) shouldn't be left on the shelf.

Had a few games of Killteam whilst in my home town today. Playing an all Scion list. Despite a losing on objectives (I held one, him two) I claimes the moral victory thanks to one of my Scions holding his own for three rounds of combat against a Riever combat specialist and a fourth round against the specialist and a Deathwatch sergeant.


He survived the game, including two extra rounds, with only a single flesh wound and nothing but his Hotshot Lasgun to defend himself.


He's earned a name upon his base.

I have mustered a mighty force to remove a force of traitorous 1k Sons scum in an Urban Conquest mission tonight. There is artillery, chimeras, heavy weapons galore. It shall be glorious.

May the Emperor protect you on this valiant mission.

It was a lot of fun. 2k matched play mission. -1 to hit against obscured units was a killer for me. He took the high ground and made his bolters even more effective(-2 warp bolters plus -1 for being elevated).


The mission was a little odd. You split each army into 3rds. 1/3 started on board, 3+ for each other unit on end of turn 1 movement phase(but your deployment zone and within 6" of board edge) and then everything else showed up turn 2 with same restrictions.


I lost 13-11.

Painting my second Batch of classic mordian iron Guard in batches. Still much to do. :)

Pics or it didn't happen. ;)


Mertbl I've heard frequent complaints about that 1/3 split thing sounds horrible the final score does not seem too bad though. You clearly bought enough time for the reinforcements to arrive. :tu:

It was mostly due to him rolling on with infantry and no way to really close the gap quickly. 5 bullgryn gave their lives valiantly facing down a sicaran and a demon prince.



Painting my second Batch of classic mordian iron Guard in batches. Still much to do. :)

Pics or it didn't happen. ;)


Mertbl I've heard frequent complaints about that 1/3 split thing sounds horrible the final score does not seem too bad though. You clearly bought enough time for the reinforcements to arrive. :tu:

Sounds like the vigilus missions. Every one of the vigilus missions is slanted greatly against both the defenders and the guard. I'd say that's probably the reason why the guard got the best special detachments in vigilus defiant. For the guard having 1/3 of your power level in reserve means that the guard can't do combined arms for at least the first turn. The synergy of having 90 bodies supported by tanks, artillery and mortars is how the guard are strong. Strip them of this and they will struggle more than any other faction.


Painting my second Batch of classic mordian iron Guard in batches. Still much to do. :smile.:

Pics or it didn't happen. :wink:









Doing the blue today. :smile.:



Edited by Chaoself

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