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Welcome aboard Highlander, a painted model is always a good introduction :wink: Bullgryns will serve you well on the table top as well as being great models to paint. Do you have your Guardsmen ready to start and a colour scheme? Before you do, you might want to consider Victoria's help for some proper Highlanders :thumbsup:

Hey, thanks! My core force is a mix of GW's torsos and arms mixed with Victoria's heads and kilts. It's been a grand salvage job from my first plastic guard that are, scarily, over a decade and a half old!

Jimmy is the only ogryn in the platoon. He's the sole survivor of his squad and was found on the battlefield by the men of the 21st platoon. Since then Lt MacAra, appreciating the utility of half a ton of ogryn has been employing Jimmy as a bodyguard, whilst finding reasons to refuse requests from the 4275th Abhuman Auxiliary for the return of their property

Edited by Morvani Highlander
The Glorious Cadian 7th held back the blue tide of Tau from overtaking another city quadrant. The shots were many and the death toll high on both sides. The Imperial Truth held strong and the Tau were not able to sieze all 6 objectives. The sun set on the battlefield early as I rolled a 2, ending the game after turn 5.

Well been nearly a month since I got some painting done due to work and other commitments


Had some spare time this evening to paint a few more guardsmen


Passed the half way point for painting the blue on the uniforms! :D

Greetings Comrades My Cadian Regiment the 420Th Siege Army has been rescently founded. I played a lot in 4th edition and am just getting back into the game. I bought about 2k points all in one go and have been assembling and learning rules like a mad man. My first few games will be this weekend so wish me luck! As for painting i was never particularly good and i can tell im rusty but heres Commissar Faldar let me know what you guys think.

Commissar Faldrak

MIXED NEWS BROTHERS! So my order isnt comming in till wednesday so no bullgryns or mortar teams for nearly a week. Good news how ever is apparently someone just donated a massive imperial gaurd army to my local hobby store. Its been well picked through already as they descided the best way to sell 10k points of gaurds was on a model to model basis. How ever after sifting through what felt like a small mountain of gaurdsmen I found 4 of the cadian with plasma gun metal models all painted poorly but in one piece! Picked them up for 2.50 each which i feel is a deal blessed by the emperor himself. Now I can drop the one odd gernade launcher in my veterans and even run a second squad of veterans with plasma guns. Now to look up how to strip  models with out destroying them :D 

I just figured out how to get pictures reliably on my computer so heres what i painted up today waiting around in the shop for pick up games. I did a Leman Russ to try my hands at Tank Cammo and 4 Gaurdsmen with Las gun to test out some painting technicques and figure out my process.

IMG 1768

IMG 1767

IMG 1766

IMG 1765

IMG 1764

IMG 1762

IMG 1761

IMG 1760

IMG 1759

Yesterday I finally got around to 'finishing' my guard army:




(Still have 1000 points of spare troops for if I want to go full human wave)


Haven't had time for my guard of late, or the B&C in general so it's nice to be back at it :)

Welcome back JMF


The commissariat has noted your absence and will be following up on that shortly...


Fortunately your well presented army may soften the commissars resolve meanwhile working on the next 1000pts is well advised. ;)


Looks great Balor!

You have a decent collection going. The commissariat will expect your own dedicated wip thread shortly where you can proudly display your painted army and progress and detail the many grand victories that is expected of an imperial guard commander! :tu:

Today my IG fought 2k points of orks. We lost a mere ten men and only one ogryn made it out alive but the rest of my units stood their ground. In return we killed over a hundred boys, a brick of lootas and a brick of tank bustas and at the end only a single Mek boy was seen fleeing the battle field. I had a ton of fun playing the ork player was a good sport about the whole thing. I seized the iniative and then on his first turn he rolled a 1 for nearly every unit to advance. After that it was just a matter of point the guns at the right target and sure enough the empeor protects! 

Ill be starting a WIP post for my self probably monday as i have two more games scheduled for tomorrow.

Edited by Inquisitor Balor

Today I've kitbashed myself another company commander and made a start on painting him:




The torso is from the Vendetta kit,arms and head from heavy weapons team/tank kits I believe.


The base is from a bit of terrain I had laying about

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