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The Laughing Mongrels, Night Lords 2500pts


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Hello Bolterietes!

You have helped me before with a Mechanicum-list and a theoretical Sons of Horus-list, so now if it pleases you I would love your advice on a 2500pts Night Lord-list!

It was kinda hard to decide what Rite of War I wanted to go with, and first went for Pride of the Legion (making sense for my fluff) but eventually I found myself as I've seen many other Night Lord-players before looking at the Terror Assault-rite. It ment that Veteran-models I'd all ready glued would have to stand on the shelf a little while longer, but hey... 

I didn't want to go ALL POWERFUL with this list, especially not after playing Mechanicum and my opponent found their units tiring and overpowered, and if you find it too hard please tell me!



Praetor "Smiling Jack" the Clown Prince

Jump Pack, Iron Halo, Paragon Blade


Librarian Xola the Black

Lvl 2 psyker (Telepathy), Combat shield, Force Sword, Jump Pack



5 Cataphractii Terminators, 3 lightning claws, 1 power fist, 1 chain fist, 4 combi-weapons, teleportation transponder

5 Cataphractii Terminators, 3 lightning claws, 1 power fist, 1 chain fist, 4 combi-weapons, teleportation transponder

10 Veterans, Tank Hunters, drop pod, 2 meltaguns, power weapon, sergeant with artificer armour and power fist



Terror Squad (10), 9 volkite chargers, headsman with chain glaive and artificer armour

Terror Squad (10), 9 volkite chargers, headsman with chain glaive and artificer armour, drop pod

Terror Squad (5)



10 Night Raptors, 2 chain glaives, Sergeant with artificer armour and chain glaive



Leviathan Siege Dreadnought, siege drill, volkites, dreadnought drop pod



Many eggs in Raptor-basket?




EDIT - Fixed the troop choices, and gave a drop pod to a terror squad.


Oh, and now I have 4pts to play around with.


Thanks in advance, and happy summer!

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You need 3 Terror Squads if youre going to run Terror Assault; Tactical Squads, alongside assault and breachers, cant be used to fill your 3 Compulsory Troops Slots in this RoW.


Additionally, unless your Libby has Infiltrate, he cannot deploy with a Unit that had the Infiltrate Rule due to how that whole debacle works out. Same for any other HQ, really.

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I would give the drop pod to the 5 man terror unit, they might not turn up till latter in the game (I cant ever roll 3+ reserve rolls)


Give melta bombs to the two terror squad leaders.


No Phosphex on the Levie? Can be useful in taking out Terminators

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