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Hey there,


this is my first post in here and as I'm currently extremely tired, I'll just post this scene I had in mind today. This thread will serve as a collection of scenes, quotes, stories and so on. All of them are connected to my current project: The Dominion of Storms, a vast region within the Ultima Segmentum which is constantly haunted by storms, unnatural phenomenons and the like.


By now, I've written down to Space Marine chapters, the Storm Riders and the Phantom Blades. Furthermore, I will flesh out this region with planets, xenos, other heroic imperial forces and so on.


If you need further informations about the characters, the setting and so on, please tell me. I'll answer your questions today / tomorrow.


I hope you enjoy reading it.






The Phantom Blades



Part 1: The Haunter




So where was I?


Oh yes!


We are heading to yet another palace of yet another renegade king of yet another distant, unknown world to end his rebellion before it might get too powerful. I am missing the old times. When Primarchs walked amongst us, the Emperor was no nearly dead psyker zombie on his golden chair and it was us as the Imperium against everyone else. Those were the good-


“Haunter? Stay focused! We’re getting closer. Prepare yourself for the final assault.”


Kalios was speaking. Though I am enjoying his company, he can be a really nitpicker. Criticize here, nagging there. Unbelievable that he is one of us Argonauts, the independent elite of the chapter. Sometimes I believe that the Leonad transferred him to us or especially to my squad to have an eye on me. This Leonad is anything but a paradigm of our chapter, being too convinced of our doctrines. Too static. Too slow. Too codex like. He could join the blue guys and no one would notice any difference between them.


“Haunter?! Are you even listening? Or are you in your own little world again?” “No, I’m fine, thank you. I really appreciate your care. But to be honest, I’ve checked everything the seventh time until your disturbance. If you don’t mind, I would finish my check. In the meantime, please repeat our orders to stay focused, Sergeant.” “You know that our chapter uses other names for our ranks. Why are you using the dictated ones?” “Well, I can call you whatever I want to, right? I’m in charge here. Not only for this ambush but all Argonauts are of my responsibility and believe me, Sergeant is the most pleasant name I currently got for you.” “You got me, sir.”


He bows his head. It is his way of excusing himself and showing his respect to me. Younglings.

Everything is covered in silences again. The Thunderhawk brings us down, to yet another battlefield. To yet another prey to hunt upon.




“By the holy Emperor on Terra and the might of the Imperium, I condemn you for being guilty of treason, Lord Gulvias!”


Kalios is pointing his bolt pistol at the scum’s head. The battle was way too short. Eleven Astartes of our chapter against 1532 – oh wait – that one over there is still alive. My stalker pattern bolter barks. - 1533 traitorous soldiers, all of them were being dedicated to some unknown daemon. As long as this Dal'Gun does not show up, I am currently not interested in him or it. But as usual, knowledge is power. That is the reason, why Kalios had interrogated the higher ranks of the kings’ advisors, leaving only the king himself behind. And that was the moment, when it got a bit more interesting. His body guard consisted of possessed monsters, nearly deadly like us. Brother Ilyan was badly injured by them but was avenged when I sliced open the possessed cultist, breaking the bonds of the daemon and banishing it back to where it had come from.


“The great Dal’Gun will soon emerge! The Twilight Crusade is about to begin! You will all kneel before his glory or be crushed by his armies! The black empire will rise until everything is either destroyed or conquered. There will be no place to hide for you. In the future, there is only death waiting for-“


The traitors head explodes. My bolter is still belching smoke.


“I could not hear that nonsense any longer.” I said. “And before you will nag again; he was just a mere pawn. Nothing special. But he must have had an advisor. Someone, who brought this heresy with him. He must be close.” “And you know this, because-?“ “Because I’m fighting this war way longer than you can even imagine. I’ve build this Imperium with my own hands. Accept this or be condemned to listen to all of my stories back home!”


He bows again. Younglings. Wait, that is strange. Though the smell of blood and smoke of fired bolters still dominates the throne room, there is one decisive smell I am way too familiar with: ozone. Before me and my squad can react, five persons are teleporting into the throne room. First of all, these are all women. Second of all – Sistes of battle. Great, and I thought the day could not get any worse.


“Drop your weapons and deliver us the king. By the holy Emperor on Earth and saint Marthradia of the Burning Sword, I order you to stand down!”


Before answering her, I contacted Kalios.


“Kalios, my little nagger? What is the situation? Was there a ship in orbit, we may have overlooked?” “No, Haunter. There was none. Seems like they were stationed here and used some Mechanicum devices to get in here.” “Good. Prepare the squad to leave. We got other things to do.” “What about the sisters?” “ “Leave them to me.”


I focused on the sisters’ leader, an old woman carrying countless scars of past deeds.


“You want the mad king? Sure, you can have him. I’m convinced that he will not be able to resist your charm, my dear.”


While my squad returns into the shadows to hunt down the escaping advisor, I am throwing the corpse of the king right before their feet.


“Watch out of what you are saying, Astartes. Though I may look old, I’m not defenceless and I still got some influence which could be hard to deal with for you and your begotten chapter.” “You are threatening my brothers, right?”


Four shots, four times a bull’s eye, four body guards drop dead, leaving the old one behind.


“What have you done?! Are you mad? Have you lost your mind? You will pay for that, you traitero-“ Two seconds to draw my ancient daggers, one second to activate their force fields, a blink of an eye to cut her in half. 


Her countenance, priceless.


The old lady collapses, trying to hold everything together but futile. Her innards keep flooding out of her bisected torso. She gathered all of her remaining strengths to ask but one question:




I, Khal Ryddek, also known as the Haunter, clad in black and dark grey power armor, lord of the Argonauts, proud member of the secret defenders of the Dominion of Storms, tried everything to not sound amused because of her naive question. I am kneeling down, losing the seals of my helmet and pulling it off. Long black hair is bordering my face, which is as pale as snow. Eyes without lens, entirely black are watching the old lady’s death like I did so many times when I was a kid. I refused to join one of the many gangs of my homeworld of Nostramo, rather trying to bring justice like my future gene father Konrad Curze once had done. To be compared with someone like him, unthinkable. I am kneeling, right before a dying member of the incarnate stupidity of the so called Imperial Truth, a pervert version of the Emperors true vision and I do not even mind.


“Because this is none of your business. It is our sworn task to protect the people of the Imperium, including hunting down such mere pawns like this fool. And you have called me a traitor. If you would know of what I had to endure because I tried to protect loyalists against treachery like these, you would not even dare to think of such an insult. Now, if you don’t mind, I got a true enemy to hunt down.”


I am standing up, grasping for my helmet when suddenly an incredible pain erupts from the back of my head. It feels like someone is trying to cut through my brain. It explodes. Everything turns black. My very last thought is:


“Did I miscounted? I used four bullets for four-“



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Interlude: Passing Memories


What happens when you have died? That is a question countless scholars and philosophers discussed for nearly an eternity. Some are saying that you will be reborn. Some are saying that there is nothing. Some of the more depressive guys are saying that your soul will be devoured by the horrors of the warp. And then there are some saying that before descending into abyss, you undergo your life and memories.


Well, I cannot tell about the rest but undergoing your life again is true. And it is getting tedious after the third time!


So there I was again. Dropping dead, right before hitting the ground. And the memories came.




My childhood on Nostramo; My father was impaled by a terrorizing gang. He died while defending us. My mother was subjected and taken away as sex slave. My sister, my beloved sister, sold into slavery. The last thing I can remember was her cry for help. She cried my name. I have never seen here again. I, an eight-year-old boy, tried everything to stop them. I was nearly beaten to death, left behind in the filth of our alley to die next to my impaled father. But I survived. I was saved by my uncle. Though he was everything else but a good man, he cared for me until I was taken away again. To become a warrior. The son of a god. The Night Haunter needed me.




My first mission as a member of the VIIIth Legion. We were called the Night Lords. The frightful sons of Konrad Curze, the Night Haunter. We fought against an ancient xenos race called Eldar. It was upon a beautiful world of flourishing forests, deep seas and wonderful landscapes. The exact opposite of Nostramo. I hated it. We delivered them to our blades. Scourched their villages. Purged their existence. I never felt more alive than during these days, when we did the work for the Emperor to unify our race.




Istvaan V. The place where treachery was unfolded. The place where a god was slain. The place of our demise. We were ready to strike at our own brothers. This was insane! That must not be! Us fighting other Astartes! I had some ties to the other Legions like the Raven Guard. Nothing comparable to the bond of our claw of course, but still it was wrong to charge upon them! I remember us covering behind a provisional wall. I tried to contact our father. I needed clarity.


"Cy? This is madness! Those over there are our brothers!" "Shut up, Khal. You know that it is too late for remorse. Would you like to go over there and die as well? Trust me, it would not be worth it. If you don't want to do this, don't shoot but bear the consequences. Maybe the Ware Sage has a good day and let you live?" "Sons of the night! The time has come! Prepare yourself and embrace the carnage we are about to set today! For the Night Haunter! Ave Dominus Nox!"


That was the War Sage. Our captain. The men I had looked upon. And he gave the order to unleash hell. No, no, no, no, no, NOOOOOO!




I awoke. I was still alive. How was that even possible? Where was I? A dark room, enlighten by a couple of candles around me, seemingly placed in a specific order. I was not alone in there. I could sense others in there. Sometimes it has its advantages to be born on a world covered in eternal night. With every elapsing minute, more senses returned. I laid on the ground, bounded, stripped of my armor. Three huge persons, definitely Astartes, stood around me. Their livery identified them as members of the XVIIth Legion, Word Bearers. The damned wannabe warriors. All of them were nothing more than priests in clad in armor they did not deserve. They had something in their hands. One was holding a book, the other a long, curved knife and the last of them something like a scepter. What was going on here? I tried to speak but my mouth was sewn up. The one with the book kneeled down, I saw his face in the candlelight. I would never forget this face.


"You can be proud of yourself. You were elected to help us in achieving ascendance. Embrace your destiny and the powers of the great ones. My name is Ghol Varak and I will help you to fulfill your purpose. It will be glorious. You will walk in the realm of beyond. You will embrace its beauty, dive in its power and when you will return, others will follow you."




Finally, the throne room of king Gulvias. Now it is getting interesting. So where did this bastard hide himself? Kallios interrogating. Me shooting soldier number 1533. Me shooting Gulvias. Me telling Kalios how awesome I am. Smell of ozone. The light of something being telepo- There! Sneaky crud! Now I got you!


Prepare yourself, because I am coming for you!

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Part 2: Resurrection



By the cursed bones of Angron, that hurts! So much for getting used to the pain. The good thing is: pain indicates that I am alive. Of what I remember, the bullet hit me in my head. If I am lucky, I still got some senses left to work with.


"Yes my lord. Gulvias is dead."


Ah. I still got at least one ear. And my head starts to prickle as well. That is a good sign. It means that my flesh is already healing itself. Though it may take some time, I will regain the rest of my senses soon enough. I am opening my right eye as the left one is still a mess. I can see the throne room, the corpses of the body guard, the bisected old one. Hell, even in death she looks furious. As if it would matter now she is dead. What did she expected how I would react after slicing her in half? Oh please! Stop looking at me like this! I can't stand it. This angry, wrinkled, fossil face will haunt me for the rest of my life.


Pfft, Sisters.


"No, no, no, no. You can trust me. Everything is still just as planned. He was just a mere pawn."


I knew it. Guess who will get a copy of my audio files as a prove that I was right? The advisor is standing averted right before me, holding a bolt pistol in one and something like a glowing orb in his other hand. I can smell - hey, I can smell again - a slight note of sulfur, indicating something demonical nearby. It seems that this orb is a tool for communication. Is he speaking with this mysterious Dal'Gun or yet another heretic?


"It will be done. By my life, it will be done. The Astartes will not interfere any further. I already killed their leader. The rest will be easy. You, you will grant me this gift? I, I don't know what to say. Thank you my lord. Everything will be done as you wish! Verios Secundus will fall, now that we have cut them off of supplies. You will be pleased. The Era of Twilight will soon begin. I'll get in touch with you when the Astartes are dead."


I have heard enough. I am standing up while the pain in my head is suppress by the prickle of healing. Picking up my bolter, targeting the heretic, it is about time.


"I would recommend you to finish me first before you are going after my brothers."


My voice sounds unfamiliar. Like I do not have enough of my tongue left to articulate words. The advisor turns around, his faced mirroring his shock but when he sees me and especially my face, he nearly gets as pale as I am and was on the brink of vomiting. See, if a bolter round hits your head and explodes, it does not make you more beautiful. Though my flesh is healing fast and it is getting better with each elapsing second, my face is still a shocking ruin of broken bones, torn flesh and some wisps of hair. Furthermore, he had seen it explode. I should be dead. Not even an Astartes can survive an exploding head. It is a shame that I am no ordinary Astartes anymore. I am the Haunter.


"How is this possible?"


He stutters and tries to lift his pistol. A bark of my bolter cuts off his arm right above the elbow. Instead of using his pistol, he raised the orb. With his face contorted with pain he is screaming.


"Do you think that this can stop be?! I was gifted by the prophet himself and you will be the first to witness my new power!"


The orb was glowing stronger, little thunderbolts coiled themselves round it. His eyes adapted the orbs' glow. It gets stronger, ending in a crescendo of unholy sorcery. All of a sudden, a beam of unnatural power, capable to tear reality itself apart, was fired at my direction. I am able to avoid it and answer him with my bolter. Two rounds hit his chest, one his left knee but he shackled it off as if it was nothing.


Damn sorcery.


"Foolish Astartes! I am invincible now! Chaos is running through my veins! Embrace an eternity of suffer-"


His head explodes like that of the mad king before. Bulls-eye. It is a satisfying noise. The unchained powers devour his headless body until they dissolve as nothing was left to feast upon.


"Maniacs. They are always talking too long before they get something done."


I put on my helmet again, sealing it from my surrounding. My head is still prickling as it is getting restored. It will soon be over. I connect to the squads vox network. As usual, they were professional, silent and focused. Did they even miss me?


"Kalios. I've met the advisor. He tried to be intimidating. Didn't help him. Examine the palace and leave no trace of heresy behind. After that, we'll go home. I know where to strike next."

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