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3000 pts - Imperial Fists - Stone Gauntlet (Now updated)


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Hi guys,


I'm in the process of building up my Imperial Fists with the core coming for the Betrayal at Calth box set. Now I have an army I'd like to expand it so that I can run Stone Gauntlet, which was one of the reasons I went with Imperial Fists.



IF - Stone Gauntlet (Space Marine Legions) 2,500 points



Praetor in Terminator armour (210)

Terminator armour (Tartaros); Vigil pattern storm shield; paragon blade (master-crafted); digital lasers; grenade harness; Rite of War (The Stone Gauntlet)

Infantry (Character); Legiones Astartes; Master of the Legion; Independent Character


5 Chosen Terminators (305)

Terminator armour( Tartaros) 4× power axes; 4× Vigil pattern storm shield

Infantry; Legiones Astartes; Chosen Warriors; Retinue

Terminator Standard Bearer

Legion Standard; thunder hammer; vigil pattern storm shield


Primus Medicae in Terminator armour (150)

narthecium; needle pistol; Terminator armour( Tartaros); Vigil pattern storm shield; chainfist;



12 Breacher Space Marines (290)

power armour; boarding shields; bolters; bolt pistols; frag and krak grenades; nuncio-vox; legion

Breacher Sergeant

artificer armour; boarding shield; bolter; power axe; frag and krak grenades


12 Breacher Space Marines (290)

power armour; boarding shields; bolters; bolt pistols; frag and krak grenades; nuncio-vox; legion

Breacher Sergeant

artificer armour; boarding shield; bolter; power axe; frag and krak grenades


8Reconnaissance Marines (205)

7× bolter; power armour; shroud bombs; bolt pistol; frag and krak grenades; nuncio-

Reconnaissance Sergeant

power fist; bolt pistol; frag and krak grenades; shroud bombs; artificer armour

Infantry (Character); Legiones Astartes; Scout; Outflank; Acute Senses; Support Squad


dozer blade



Apothecarion Detachment

2 X Apothecary (120)

artificer armour; bolt pistol; chainsword; frag grenades; krak grenades; narthecium; augury scanner


Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought (185)

smoke launchers; searchlight; 2 twin-linked lascannons


Heavy Support

Spartan Assault Tank (345)

2 quad lascannon; twin-linked heavy bolter; searchlight; smoke launchers; machine spirit; extra armour; armoured ceramite; flare shield; dozer blade



Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer (195)

searchlight; smoke launchers; heavy bolter; neutron beam laser; extra armour; dozer blade



Whirlwind Scorpius (115)

searchlight; smoke launchers; Scorpius multi-launcher; twin-linked


Detachment: Fortifications

Aegis Defence Lines (50)


Praetor/ Primus and command squad go in the Spartan and charge into the enemy lines.

Aegis Defence Line provides cover for my vehicles and probably 1 squad of breachers.

Apothercaries with the breachers.

Recon squad outflank to try and secure objectives


Comments/ feedback welcome!

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A Few points:

  • From personal Experience, while a TDA /w SS Command Squad looks pretty good on paper, I've found in practice, that having more Terminators albeit without the Fearless Aura and -1WS to be preferable for the same points costs. Additionally, in TDA, Power Fists are only +5 so you're better off taking them since they're a much more consistent weapon with a larger threat range. Also, at least take 1 Chain Fist. Additionally, using a Regular Terminator Squad lets you take the Spartan as a Dedicated Transport which Frees up 1 Heavy Support Slot which brings me to:
  • Contemptor-Mortis. If this is your only option, sure, go for it. But in pretty much every scenario, a Deredeo with Autocannons and Missiles, while marginally more expensive, will deal MUCH more damage consistently while also having the possibility of tackling up to two targets.
  • Breachers: Any reason why you're not taking a Special Weapon? Its one of their main attractions as a troops choice even more so when they are compulsory. And if you were to take Special Weapons, bump them up to 15 Men each to reach the next 1in5 breakpoint. Since you're likely going to sit at least one squad behind the ADL, spring for Graviton Guns for Haywire Shots.
  • Recon Marines aren't worth it, plain and simple. While you lose scout and outflank from switching away, if you wanted Bolters, a Standard Tac Squad gives you more bodies for cheaper and Tac Support squads give you more Punch. IF you want them, keep them, but personally, I'd rather get 5 Plasma Gun TSS in a Rhino for a bit more.
  • Ditch Extra Armour on pretty much everything that has it. Its an upgrade thats not worth its cost, imo.
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Thanks for the feedback Slipstream.


The idea of behind the recon squad is purely to secure objectives via outflank. Axes on the command squad is really an asthetic choice but you make a good point.


I'll try and move a few things around and come up with an alternative list.

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Version 2:


Praetor in Terminator armour: Terminator armour (Tartaros); Vigil pattern storm shield; paragon blade (master-crafted); digital lasers; grenade harness; Rite of War (The Stone Gauntlet) 210

Primus Medicae in Terminator armour: Vigil pattern storm shield; chainfist 150


15 Breacher Space Marines: 3× graviton gun; nuncio-vox; legion vexilla; Breacher Sergeant (artificer armour; power weapon) 365

15 Breacher Space Marines: 3× meltagun; nuncio-vox; legion vexilla; Breacher Sergeant (artificer armour; power weapon) 365


Apothecarion Detachment

• Apothecary: artificer armour; augury scanner 60

• Apothecary: artificer armour; augury scanner 60


6 Terminators: Vigil pattern storm shield; 2× chainfist; 2× thunder hammer;Terminator Sergeant (Vigil pattern storm shield; thunder hammer) 360

• Spartan Assault Tank: armoured ceramite; flare shield; dozer blade 345


Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer: dozer blade 195

Whirlwind Scorpius 115

Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought: Aiolos missile launcher 220


Aegis Defence Lines 50


2,495 points


Spartan/ Termies and characters charge into the enemy, if any survive I'll try and use the survivors to secure objectives.

Breachers (grav guns), Venator, Deredo and scorpius sit behind the aegis defence line.

Final Breacher advance into the midfield / slow down advancing enemy.

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certainly a more points efficient list, although I preferred your original one, because it was different and had a personal touch. I would disagree with Slip in regards to Recon marines, they can be hard to use but they can also be a solid defensive little objective sitter if used correctly and they are exceptionally fun to use imo.


Command Squads are indeed more expensive, but their presence on the fields if cool and a banner bearer is also pretty awesome to see running around, so many modeling opportunities.


Just be aware of the limitations of the Graviton guns on Breachers; they are heavy weapons which cannot be snap fired and they have short ranges. So the only time you are going to fire them would be if you remained stationary and more of the time enemy vehicles can close the gap easily enough in a single turn. they can provide an assault obstacle though, landing Dangerou/Difficult terrain onto Infantry units and slowing them down. Just dont expect to be killing many things with them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Version 3:


Taking on some of the points from Slips and Dono, together with the latest updates, I present list 3 for comments and criticism:


Praetor in Terminator armour: Terminator armour (Tartaros); Vigil pattern storm shield; paragon blade (master-crafted); digital lasers; grenade harness; Rite of War (The Stone Gauntlet) 210

• 4 Chosen Terminators: 4× chainfist; 4× Vigil pattern storm shields; + 1 Terminator Standard Bearer (chainfist; Vigil pattern storm shield) 305

Primus Medicae in Terminator armour: Terminator armour (Tartaros); Vigil pattern storm shield; solarite power gauntlet 165


9 Breacher Space Marines: legion vexilla; + 1 Breacher Sergeant (artificer armour; power axe) 235

• Land Raider Proteus: armoured ceramite; additional hull mounted twin-linked lascannon 230

14 Breacher Space Marines: 3× graviton gun; nuncio-vox; legion vexilla; + 1 Breacher Sergeant (artificer armour; power weapon) 365


6 Veteran Space Marines: + 1 Veteran Sergeant; Marksmen 124

• Rhino: dozer blade 40


Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer: dozer blade 195

Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought: atomantic pavaise; armoured ceramite 255

Spartan Assault Tank: armoured ceramite; flare shield; dozer blade 375


2,499 points


The Deredeo will be 'wrapped' by the 15 man Breacher squad, protecting it whilst in turn boosting their invul save, this combo would normally be put on a home objective, hopefully in cover.


The Porteus (with its 3 X TL lascannons) will provide supporting fire before putting pressure on midfield objectives (if it's still alive).


As before (and now even cheaper!) the vet squad will outflank to try and secure midfield or enemy objectives whilst still posing some danger to depleted PA units due to Marksmen.


The now cheaper command squad, upgraded to include chain fists, together with the Praetor and Primus will charge forward in the Spartan to take on the enemies greatest threat (elite units/ Primarchs/ Knights/ super heavies).


I think it lacks templates to help delete large squads but I'd struggle to find the points for quad guns/ a scorpius, etc.


Any other comments/ ideas?

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  • 2 months later...

So I'm still working on a fun but still semi- competitive SG list. This is for a future narrative event next year at 3000pts.


The WiP fluff is that following Phall the KE has found Pollux during is return to Terra and has led him to a cut-off IF force (my IF are mostly black, Polux will be the traditional yellow).



Alexis Polux 165


Chaplain in Terminator armour: Vigil pattern storm shield; thunder hammer 155



9 Breacher Space Marines: legion vexilla; + 1 Breacher Sergeant (artificer armour; power weapon; melta bombs) 240


9 Breacher Space Marines: legion vexilla; + 1 Breacher Sergeant (artificer armour; power weapon; melta bombs) 240


14 Phalanx Warders: 2× power axe; 3× meltagun; + 1 Veteran Sergeant (artificer armour; thunder hammer; melta bombs) 430

• Spartan Assault Tank: armoured ceramite; flare shield; dozer blade 375


Apothecarion Detachment

• Apothecary: artificer armour; power sword; augury scanner 70


7 Terminators: 5× Vigil pattern storm shield; 2× power fist; 2× chainfist; 2× thunder hammer; + 1 Terminator Sergeant (Vigil pattern storm shield; thunder hammer) 410


Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer: dozer blade 195

Caestus Assault Ram: 2 wing-mounted missile launchers 315


Whirlwind Scorpius 115


Knight Errant: master-crafted power weapon (axe); narthecium 140


Wall of Martyrs Imperial Bunker: Comms Relay; Gun Emplacement with Quad-gun; Barricades; Barricades 150


Polux/ Chaplain & Apoth with Warder squad.

I think at WS7 and T5 (therefore usually getting the 5+FnP) Polux will be really potent in a challenge against all but the toughest of enemies. The unit should tar-pit pretty well too...


Termies & KE in the Assault ram (should arrive T2 thanks to Comms relay


Breachers/ support tanks hunkered down around the bunker.


3,000 points


Any suggestions? Is the assault ram any good???

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Praetor in Terminator armour: Vigil pattern storm shield; Paragon blade (master-crafted); digital lasers; grenade harness; Rite of War (The Stone Gauntlet) 205

• 4 Chosen Terminators: 4× chainfist; 4 X Vigil Pattern Storm Shield;+ 1 Terminator Standard Bearer (thunder hammer; vigil pattern storm shield) 270


14 Breacher Space Marines: 3× meltagun; nuncio-vox; legion vexilla; + 1 Breacher Sergeant (artificer armour; power axe; melta bombs) 370

14 Breacher Space Marines: 3× graviton gun; nuncio-vox; legion vexilla; + 1 Breacher Sergeant (artificer armour; power axe; melta bombs) 370


Apothecarion Detachment

• Apothecary: artificer armour; augury scanner 60

• Apothecary: artificer armour; augury scanner 60


7 Seekers: 7× combi-weapon (plasma) nuncio-vox; + 1 Strike Leader (combi-weapon(plasma); power fist; melta bombs) 325

• Land Raider Proteus: hull-mounted twin-linked lascannon; dozer blade; armoured ceramite; explorator augury web 285


Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer: dozer blade 195

Whirlwind Scorpius 115

Spartan Assault Tank: armoured ceramite; flare shield; dozer blade 375


Knight Errant: Librarian Consul (Mastery Level 2); master-crafted power weapon (axe); narthecium; melta bombs 205


Wall of Martyrs Imperial Bunker: Gun Emplacement with Quad-gun; Barricades; Barricades; Barricades 135


3,000 points


Praetor, KE and command squad ride in the Spartan.

WS5, fearless, AP2/ armour bane weapons, T5, 2+/ 3++ and 5+ FnP plus buffs from the KE makes for a power unit - though I still have a low model count so need to pick combats wisely.


Breachers man the defences - grav guns + augury scanners should help with deep striking dreadnaughts!


Defences protect the breachers and tanks and provide some limited (put hopefully effective) anti air cover.


Venator to counter knights/ super heavies.

Scorpius to counter large blob squads


Seekers + LR provide anti TEQ/ Primarch potential with scout, disruption to enemy reserves and 3 x TL lascannons a bonus.



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  • 2 weeks later...

In the hope that someone, somewhere will comment at some point....


Please see below for my latest version of my SG list:


Sigismund 230 (RoW SG)

Chaplain: artificer armour; Solarite power gauntlet; refractor field 130


9 Breacher Space Marines: legion vexilla; + 1 Breacher Sergeant (artificer armour; power weapon; melta bombs) 240

9 Breacher Space Marines: legion vexilla; + 1 Breacher Sergeant (artificer armour; power weapon; melta bombs) 240


4 Templar Brethren: 4× combat shield; melta bombs; + 1 Chapter Champion (Solarite power gauntlet; combat shield) 235

• Land Raider Phobos: dozer blade; armoured ceramite 250


Apothecarion Detachment

• Apothecary: artificer armour; augury scanner 60

• Apothecary: artificer armour; augury scanner 60

• Apothecary: artificer armour; augury scanner 60


5 Terminators: 5× Vigil pattern storm shield; 3× power fist; 2× chainfist; + 1 Terminator Sergeant (Vigil pattern storm shield; thunder hammer) 340

• Spartan Assault Tank: armoured ceramite; flare shield; dozer blade 375


Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer: dozer blade 195


4 Heavy Support Marines: lascannons; + 1 Heavy Support Sergeant (artificer armour; nuncio-vox and chainsword; augury scanner) 250


Wall of Martyrs Imperial Bunker: Gun Emplacement with Quad-gun; Barricades; Barricades; Barricades; Ammo Store 150


Knight Errant: Librarian Consul; master-crafted power weapon (axe); narthecium; melta bombs 185


3,000 points





HSS in the bunker, ADL manned by breachers (I've had to cut down their upgrades to fit in the Templars). Venator will also sit behind my fortifications for some decent cover saves.



Sigi & KE support the terminators - hopefully I have enough! They target the enemies main threat.

Chaplain, apothercary and templars aim at the enemies back line.


Comments welcome (please!)

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