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Slaanbull's Chaos warband - Slaanesh counts as Kharne


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Hey everybody, I've been very quiet on the hobby side for a while, working on non 40k stuff and things that doesn't fit on this Forum.

Couldn't find my old topic and revive that, so this thread will be the home of my Slaanesh Warband from now on. I call it the Cult of the Twin Tailed and I would love to put some of the fluff I've thought up for them on paper some time.

For now, though! It is still a painting+converting and gaming project, and today I'm here to share pictures of my work in progress not!Kharnethebetrayer. I hope to have him finished in the next couple of days. :)

Apologies in advance if the pictures are large, I'm on vacation and I don't have access to a computer with simple editing programs!




Please give me some criticism on the colourscheme, only thing really done is the standard tone and highlighting of the skin. I plan on the loincloth to be a very light pink, and for the skin to receive some purple and red glazes to make it look irritated in places, around the spine which will hold his backpack for example. :)

I have no idea for the axes though! I plan on making them quite simple with dark metal and sharp white highlights, but I'm not convinced that it will work.

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Both the conversion and paintjob are lovely -- especially the way you have painted the skin! Please don't go overboard with the blood, as there's a very real danger of messing up the beautifully subtle painting you have so far.


What's going on with the spine, btw? Is that a blob of GS between his shoulders (probably to mask where you cut off those silly horns)...?

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@KrautScientist; Thank you, and for the advice on the blood as well! It is a danger to add the blood yeah, I usually go with very dark blood with purple and black tones. A strong red often clashes with the other colours too much for my painting style I think. :)


The GS blob is where the backpack connects, I've used an older metal backpack that I got with a bunch of the cities of death era possessed, very small with long exhausts, makes him look even bigger, while also adding to his silhouette.

I'm not sure if I can explain it better, so I hope you know which one I am speaking of, otherwise the piece will soon be done! ;)

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Hmm, I see what you mean, and Kierdale's beastmen are extremely cool! Piercings and tattoos.

I like the chest, and I wanted to add some body harm on the scars where the necklace is on the original model. I don't dare to do anything more to the model conversion wise, as that would mean repainting some of the skin, which I'm pretty happy with as of now. :)


Tattoos though, maybe up the side and front of the abdomen and up along the right arm? I'm thinking that biel-tan style thorns would be cool. And it might provoke some eldar players!


Second thought: I think the pose suggest some sort of showoff, vain Adonis type. Maybe a tattoo would go a long way to add to that story, he's clearly showing off something, a given with that little armour it's wearing, a mark on that might even "spoil" it a bit and lend more to the whole downwards spiral thing most if not all of our chaos guys possess. Am I just rambling? :-P

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Yes, but so what?


Do you mean scars like Angron's? The more I think about it, the less I like the idea of nipple clamps or a chain; I really don't see notKharn being a submissive type, do you?


Piercings and tattoos, yes. Very yes. Much yes. And if if it annoys Eldar players you have a duty on behalf of the community to annoy those cheesy gits.

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Excellent work, and it's great to see you back, Slaanbull. :tu:


I think some tattoos would be great. I don't know if something tribal would be best or something more like fine art.


Either way, I want to see more!

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He's looking awesome. The color scheme is very fitting and well done. I'm glad to read there's going to be a backpack of some sort. I personally don't think the spine is fitting the model as it is very well and it'd be good to have it somewhat obscured by a backpack. Again, he's looking awesome! 

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Hmm, I'll have to go against the grain a bit here and advise caution RE: tattoos on his torso: The painting you have on there right now is wonderful, and - just like the blood effect, incidentally - covering that in tacky tribal tattoos could end up looking cheap really easily. Maybe maintaining his skin in perfectly pristine form is part of this guy's particular sort of vanity?


What about going for some subtle patterns on the armour plates instead? Nothing garish, but painted in a slightly darker tone than the one you have right now, so the pattern is only visible if one were to look closely?


Anyway, my two cents.


And thanks for clarifying that part about the spine -- makes much more sense now ;)

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Now I'm conflicted again, tattoo or not! Guess I'll have to practice on some models to see if I'm good enough before deciding whether to add it on notKharne or not. :) Thanks for the feedback though, everybody!

thedarkprincesnun; I've used the glorious Slaughterpriest as the base, needed the head for a sorcerer conversion. ;)

This is the one I'm talking of: https://www.games-workshop.com/en-DK/Khorne-Bloodbound-Slaughterpriest

Tamika; actually, the trim is so far just a single layer of leadbelcher with a shade of agrax earthshade and then a nuln oil shade to give it a darker hue and some more definition between that and the white armour plates.

I've gone a little further with the model, but since I have no pictures of the progress I'll try to win you over with this meltabomb wielding Slaanesh marine I've finished recently.




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I really love your counts as Khârn. I'm with KrautScientist myself. Preserve the perfection of his flesh and add some light patterning to his armour plates instead.


I really love that mini and have been wondering whether I could make a Slaaneshi cult leader from him. Yours is an inspiration.


The melta bomb marine looks like he's in the throes of a transformation to spawndom or some such. Feels like there's a lot untold story in his pose!

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Wow, thank you all for the nice feedback, that is quite overwhelming! smile.png
Thanks to all the feedback on tattoo/no tattoo I've now decided on doing absolutely nothing, and not choosing a course of action until the rest of the model is complete. tongue.png

As for the melta-bomb wielding madman, I'm really happy with the pose as well, I always imagined him having a surge of concentrated combat drugs being released just before throwing himself into thick combat. And your interpretations are so cool that I've grown more fond of him, too bad one in ten marines can't grab a meltabomb, as I'm really fond of power mauls on my champions for gaming.
..Maybe an un-primed meltabomb can counts as a power maul? rolleyes.gif

I'll return soon with progress on notKharne, and some questions regarding a trio of Soul Grinders I'm building as allies to my marines. Have a good one!

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  • 1 month later...

wow! I really like your idea of making Slaanesh maniacs out of Khorne maniacs. I might copy this for some champion... Great work! Inspiring. 


Edit: That meltabomb guy is so good. Twisted and mad, like he's about to enjoy blowing himself up.


Second edit: A suggestion, try and add some cybernetics and cables here and there, because he isn't wearing much plating and the backpack should be there to power something right? Just an idea!

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Thanks for the kind words Nelzon! With all the rumours detailing more(..!) Khorne specific stuff I guess I'll have to continue making Slaaneshi and Noise marines from other models!
I definitely need to add some more cybernetics to the guys some places, grabbed myself a Dark Eldar Wracks kit for the exact purpose. :)

And sorry everybody for the continued silence, I haven't progressed on my notKharn since last showing. My AoS Slaanesh host of chasers have taken up all of my time!

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