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Imperial Fists Leviathan Dred and Infantry Support

Capt Carl

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So these are part of my ETL vow. I was too eager to post them to wait until the whole vow was done
Here's a Leviathan Dred. The Emblem on the yellow shoulder is my coat of arms and will be showing up on a lot of my models from now on

Decal dred

Dred arms off

Here's a little tac squad

Tac2 a

Tac2 b

and here they are together






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You can click on the images for a bigger image. For some reason the comp I'm using right now wont copy and paste the pic addresses so I can only include pictures with the media button.



Don't be afraid of yellow. Its easier than people think. Well, the bright sunflower yellow is harder but a nice smooth amber (like what I have) is pretty easy with the right paints. White primer (but I've even had good results on black for smaller areas), a couple coats of slightly thinned averland sunset (I rarely need more than 2 or 3) then a coat or 2 of Lamenters yellow glaze turns out really nice.

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Don't be afraid of yellow. Its easier than people think. Well, the bright sunflower yellow is harder but a nice smooth amber (like what I have) is pretty easy with the right paints. White primer (but I've even had good results on black for smaller areas), a couple coats of slightly thinned averland sunset (I rarely need more than 2 or 3) then a coat or 2 of Lamenters yellow glaze turns out really nice.



Thanks for the advice! I was using a really dark undercoat and no matter how many coats I applied it looked awful. 

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Capt Carl - great stuff, always love seeing fists painted well thumbsup.gif cool.png i really dig the split scheme on the big guy, a very well done idea!

i love the tac squad black face plates, they look very menacing devil.gif

@ DavianCool - using a white undercoat then a base layer of ushabti bone,then blacklining with agrax earth then an all over wash of Casandora yellow glaze makes a really nice yellow very similar to below -


@Capt Carl(apologies for the pic,no intent to hijack your thread,if you don't want it here just let me know and i'll remove it no problems thumbsup.gif )


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