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1st attempt at playing 30K, Imperial Fists 2000 pts from BaC


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Hello 30K guys.  I've decided to bite the bullet and start working on building a 30K force.  I'm going with the Imperial Fists, because I love the Black Templars.  The Fists are pretty cool, but mostly I am a Templar at heart.


Anyway, I'm going to start with a Betrayal at Calth set and then expand it.  Here's what I'm looking to do with this army.

- I want to use Sigismund

- I want to use some Templar brethren

- I want it to be competitive.  It doesn't have to be amazing but if I'm going to invest the time and money on this I want to have a decent shot at winning and not just get stomped. 


After doing a lot of research, here is what I have come up with.

Rite of War: Pride of the Legion

HQ: Sigismund

TR: 10 Legion Veterans (2x Heavy Bolters)

TR: 10 Legion Veterans (2x Heavy Bolters)

TR: 5 Templar Brethren

TR: 5 Cataphractii Terminators (Teleportation, 1x Assault Cannon/Power Weapon, 2 Storm Shields/Power Weapons, 1x Combibolter/Power Weapon, 1x Combibolter/Solarite Power Gauntlet)

EL: Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought (2x Kheres)

HS: Deredo Dreadnought (Autocannon Batteries, Heavy Bolter)

HS: 2x Rapier Laser Destroyers

HS: 2x Rapier Laser Destroyers

FA: Storm Eagle (Multimelta)

Fort: Aegis Defense Line, Comms Relay

Total: 2000 Points


From what I've read/thought about, this gives me a core force to sit behind my ADL and use the Comms Relay.  I would outflank the Vets, Deep Strike the terminators, and bring Sig and the Templars in on the Storm Eagle.


I recognize one of the strengths of the Fists is tank hunting heavy support squads.  It seems like way too many points for every dude to carry a heavy weapon, so I went with laser destroyers to take out heavy armor.  


What do you guys think?  Any and all feedback much appreciated for this big project.  Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rapiers are elite choices instead of heavy support.


Have you considered putting Sigismund and TB, with an apothecary in a Dreadclaw drop pod instead of a storm eagle?


The majority of the time it would guarantee a turn 2 assault with a decent chance of targeting the unit you want due to internal guidnence systems and the ability to move after it 'lands'.


If you have the points you could upgrade the apothecary to a Primus medicae with a solarite power gauntlet to give the squad some much needed extra AP2 punch.

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With the terminators you can't take a power gauntlet, put a mix of power axes/ chain fists ( or all chain fists) is a good option!


If you want to take heavy weapons squad the protection of a bunker will see them last a bit longer

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