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Night Lords Terror Assault 2000 points with new points costs

Sentinel Guy

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Greetings brothers,


I'm seeking some feedback on the following 2000 point list for use in games.  My main opponents are Word Bearers with plenty of psychic powers and daemons, World Eaters with heaps of chain axe wielding troops in Spartans and Emperor's Children elites.


I want a list that's both fun to play with and against that shows off the differences that Night Lords have over the other legions.  I don't know about you guys, but playing veteran spam and leviathans sounds really boring to me.  The thing I'm really concerned about is lots of 2+ armour saves and Spartans, but I think I've got it covered.  2000 points is quite hard to trim down to with all the big tasty stuff available :D



1 Praetor, refractor field, trophies of judgement, bolter, melta bombs, paragon blade (joins Command Squad).

Command Squad - 3 chosen with charnabal sabres and 1 banner bearer with power fist in a Rhino.


1 Navigator (joins Quad Mortars or Seekers).



1 Apothecary, artificer armour (joins Command Squad).


2 Quad Mortars, shatter shells.



Terror Squad - 8 executioners with 7 bolters and 1 flamer. 1 Headsman with artificer armour, chain glaive and melta bombs.


Terror Squad - 8 executioners with 7 bolters and 1 flamer. 1 Headsman with artificer armour, chain glaive and melta bombs.


Terror Squad - 8 executioners with 8 volkite chargers. 1 Headsman with artificer armour, chain glaive and melta bombs in a Drop Pod.



5 Seekers.


1 Land Speeder, multi melta and 2 hunter killer missiles.


1 Land Speeder, multi melta and 2 hunter killer missiles.



1 Deredeo, ailos misslie launcher and autocannons.



Sub-orbital Strike Wing - 1 Avenger Strike Fighter with battle servitor control and missile launchers.



Total = 2000 points exactly.


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OK plenty of feedback to offer since this is my bread and butter (I play Terror Assault about 85% of the time) If it sounds blunt and condescending be reassured it's not. 


Praetor - Iron Halos are mandatory. A 4++ is fairly rare so never turn down the opportunity to have it on hand. Also get rid of the bolter. You want a weapon you can shoot before assaulting with because let's face it, if a Praetor totting a Paragon Blade isn't in combat he's being wasted. The command squad is OK but a Rhino as a transport isn't the best, you don't want a turn of standing in the open after disembarking. Not sure where the points could come from but a dreadclaw would do the job nicely.


Navigator - Not sure what he/she is bringing to the table but I'd drop it all the same.


Apothecary - bump them up to 3 and attach a couple to the Terror Squads - they'll love you for the survivability.


Quad Mortars - Good choice. I'd take 3 though, maximize the slot if the points are available.


Terror Squads - OK the good - Volkites, AA, Chainglaives, Melta Bombs, Drop pod. The bad - bolters, flamers, squads <10. You need to max out the numbers because these guys are your troops. And they're good. Against any non-terminator infantry, unparalleled. Simply put, bolters are a waste because you can't fury of the legion with them. And they prevent you assaulting. Volkites not only have 2 shots standard, with better strength, deflagrate and most importantly, they go choom but they are assault weapons. Terror Squads are exceptional at shooting but they're also damn good in assault with 2 attacks base and retaining preferred enemy infantry and all the bonuses for LA:Night Lords. Oh and if it's still night fighting (reasonable expectation) they have +1 Initiative. These guys are not a tax for the RoW, utilize them.


Seekers - Combi weapons are needed for them, the special issue ammunition provides utility but seeing as Terror Assault traditionally struggles against mech heavy lists you want some punch in there.


Land speeders - Awesome with the update. Can't knock these boys


Deredeo - Pretty solid pick. Covers both ground and air and both mech and infantry. From a personal preference I'd take something with a squadron because they're fine beasts these days and you get exponential growth through them but hey if you like Eddys they're a sound option.


Avenger - nothing much to add here, I prefer to use the LoW for Konrad but again that's personal preference



Hope that helps :)

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My normal 2500pt list has a termiantor blob teleporting so I usually run him there or if I'm running Konrad I'll downgrade him to a Legion champion and either keep him with the terminators or give him a jump pack and go with the Night Raptors looking after the Primarch

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