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  1. Ramiel sighed as the still smouldering body of their last remaining astropath was dragged from the command centre. "Well, that settles it, we are truly alone." "Two dozen sub orbital craft, a handful of planet skippers." One of the auxilia officers read off a data slate. "We could make it to a handful of the other worlds or moons in the system." Ramiel snorted. "If any other world had the capability to carry life, we would already be there. A murmur ran through the command post, Astartes officers and the mortals of the 411th Sanguine lifeguard both showing their unease. A figure in black stepped into the corpselight of the tactical display. Chaplain Selephiel his armour painted the sable black with crimson crosses, the ancient Baalite symbol of those who have resigned themselves to death in service. Around him, his followers too wore the black, his great executioners axe glinted in the darkness. "Our hand is forced then, no more thoughts of withdrawal or survival. Only death, ours and theirs." "I see you have already dressed for the occasion." Asbeel the moritat chuckled. "Your levity is unwanted." The chaplain banged the pommle of his axe, the cave floor. "I am not dying on this dustball!" Growled the crimson clad moritat. Two black clad veterans stepped between the moritat and the chaplain, their lightening claws crackled a sickly green. The moritat turned to face them slowly. Ramiels metallic hand pressed against the moritat's breastplate. "Leave them holstered, we have too few brothers remaining to waste on petty infighting." He glared back at the chaplain. "The Night Lords have taken more than enough of our brothers. It is time we repaid the debt." The chaplain turned and left his retinue in tow. "You know the men are starting to see things his way." Asbeel warned, the Praetor nodded. "Deploy the lifeguard, we need to secure a water source as soon as possible." The praetor ordered. "And....find me some of that damned black paint."
  2. Hello everyone! So I have been lurking here for sometime, rarely posting anything. I visit B&C mostly for HH fluff and to see some magnificent work of many of you! Finally I have decided to start my own plog. Its main goal is to force me into somewhat regular painting and to get some C&C from you guys! For start I have some WiPs of my first space marine ever painted and some early conversions of my gorgon terminators: For the Iron Tenth! (If anyone likes to follow people on instagram feel free to follow https://www.instagram.com/companyofthebitteriron )
  3. Hey everyone, welcome to my hobby thread! If you're looking for one of the colour scheme tutorials from my 'March of the Legions' project or one of the basing tutorials, please check the bottom of this post for all of the relevant links. If you can't find what you're looking for or if you have a question that's not answered in the relevant post, please feel free to send me a private message. Regards, Kizzdougs. For more regular updates check out my Instagram account @raptorimperialis I've recently been feeling the urge to start a new 40K project. After much musing and many false starts, i've decided on the Thousand Sons, Pre-heresy. They aren't my favourite legion or chapter but the TS have always be a legion full of character, imagery and conversion opportunities. A perfect combination in my opinion. This project has been at least two years in the planning process. It all started when i converted a PH TS sorcerer for a conversion competition at my local GW (which i was lucky enough to win). After building the Sorcerer i knew i had to make some more TS, they are just so fun and different. Unfortunately it has taken me over two years to finally get here. The Sorcerer who started it all. He is a relatively simple kit bash with minimal GS work. I took inspiration from the Thousand Sons art in 'Collected Vissions', especially that of Ahriman and Uthizarr. http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l522/kizzdougs/photo-3.jpg The test mini. I used bits from several kits to build this terminator, the majority are from the GK terminator kit and the Tomb Guard kit (WHFB). http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l522/kizzdougs/DSCN0290.jpg?t=1313302289 With crest added. I can't decide whether to give all the terminators these crests or just keep them for the squad leaders. Any opinions and suggestions are welcome. http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l522/kizzdougs/DSCN0291.jpg?t=1313302233 http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l522/kizzdougs/DSCN0292.jpg?t=1313302169 A close up of the force weapon. Such a simple conversion but i'm fairly happy with how it turned out. Sorry about the bad lighting. http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l522/kizzdougs/DSCN0289.jpg?t=1313302359 Hopefully this project will develop and progress at a not too slow pace (fingers crossed). I plan on adding some Sisters of Silence and maybe even some Custodes at a later stage. I'm certainly feeling the necessary inspiration at the moment. Any and all suggestions and advice are more than welcome, as are questions and queries. Thanks for looking EDIT: March of the Legions Painting Tutorials: Space Marine eye lenses Legions without tutorials: World Eaters Iron Warriors Sons of Horus The Rout Imperial Fists Night Lords Thousand Sons White Scars Legions with tutorials: Blood Angels Death Guard Emperor's Children - Palatine Breachers tutorial Emperor's Children Metallic (airbrush) Salamanders Ultramarines Raven Guard Word Bearers Alpha Legion (no airbrush) - Alpha Legion (airbrush) Effrit Stealth Scheme Dark Angels Iron Hands Thousand Sons World Eaters Hobby tutorials: Basing - ZM/industrial Greenstuff tutorial Desert/rocky base building Desert/rocky base painting Eye Lens Tutorial
  4. Hello fellow princeps! Having finally gotten an account in this vibrant community, I guess it's only appropriate to start by showing off some miniature goodness. I have a personal compulsion to convert everything to make it unique, even if only slightly, and a Titan Legio would be no exception. Legio Favilla, the Ashen Gods, are not a frontline battle Legio as such, originally developed for more sombre purposes of acting as final arbitrators of imperial justice for civilizations that resisted too vehemently. Theirs was an unenviable lot, from a sane point of view, to descend in flames to wipe whole worlds' inhabitants from existence until no shred of memory remained. "Imperator Domine, in cinere dona eis requiem" - Lord Emperor, grant peace for their ashes. They've often marched alongside the XIV legion Astartes, with whom they share a grim and humorless attitude towards advancing the great efforts of the Imperium. Currently I'm up at 2 Warlords, 3 Reavers, 4 Warhounds and 10 Knights of some varieties built with some more in boxes or being eyed on the shelves. AT hits just the right buttons, plastic crack train has no brakes Paintingwise, trying out NMM for the first time in any seriousness was a spur of the moment decision that came about as I was starting the first Warlord. Using metallic paints just didn't feel right on this scale, so I went with a more expressive and less realistic style to try and capture some of that sweet, heavy atmosphere of baroque paintings, stepping out of their frames and striding into the furious, mad symphony of war. I apologize for phone pictures, future updates should have an actual system camera behind them from now on. The grand smurf of the order, Iudex Ultionis - The Judge of Vengeance, first to fall from the heavens horns blaring. Here he is, guiding the little lambs to slaughter like a good shepherd. I'll eventually get around to take proper pics of them too. The second lord, Memento Mori - reminder for the opposition of their own mortal frailty. His base will have a despairing soldier staring up, gun fallen from slack fingers. Reavers underway: Aurora Terribilis - the Terrifying Dawn, last gasp of regret the enemy has before their doom and Damnatio Memoriae - fate of those destined to be swept off from the collective memory of the galaxy. First Reaver to get ready: Ruina Superborum - the Ruin of the Haughty, that which inevitably follows for the fools who dared to resist the bearers of the Aquila. What is a Legio without its loyal Hounds of war? Let them run and dance in the ashes. Edax Rerum - (like Time) Who Devours All. Echo Dolorum - the Echo of Sorrows. Occisor Spesi - Murderer of Hope. Cineres Immensi - the Vast Ashes. And some Cerastus waiting their turn. Acherons' flamers were converted from Warhound's Inferno Cannons, fits nicely I find. Cor aut mors, brethren!
  5. Hi all, It has been years since I started a new forum topic, and I must say I am quite excited to get back into this side of the community again. For those who used to follow my work I have in no way been idle, I have been very busy but have focused a lot more on painting competitions and between that, a dog, my girlfriend and a job I just did not find the time for forums as well. But then Adeptus Titanicus came out, and even though there is a nice Facebook community that I enjoy a lot, I really missed having a more complete log of my progress, so here I am On to the fun part... Legio Ignatum has always been quite an obsession of mine, and returning to it now it really feels right, although I had a lot of doubts. Mainly I had to distance myself from my last endevor, where I scratchbuilt a lucius pattern reaver titan and redesigned the legio insignia as at that time there had not yet been an update... in fact there still fully haven't been. In the almost 10 years since that project I have seen my old redesigned legio logo used by a LOT of people, which makes me very happy, but I have at the same time no desire to reuse that design what so ever. My skills have progressed a great deal since then, and I am therefore going to do a new take on my beloved legio, and this time around I am taking inspiration from some of the great Ignatum engines painted by others, along with the very sparse official artwork that have been made. I am currently designing decals for my engines, and banners, all of which will be free for use by others as well once I am finished. Modelling wise I have some fun things in the works as well, mainly things that focus on enhancing the scale feel of the engines, to make up for some of the limitations in the production of these wonderful new kits by GW. I hope you will all follow and comments and criticism is always welcome!
  6. Hi all, I'm getting close to completing my 2500pts Emperor's Children army, and I thought it was time for me to post up some pics, and get some opinions. I have bought 99% of the models I need for my army, and all but Fulgrim are base-coated, but I'll just post pics of the finished models. Please just speak your mind, no need to hold back . FYI, I know the 'gold' doesn't look like gold all the time, but that's because I'm still learning this 'NMM' technique. To be honest, I don't think I'll change it no matter what people say, because even though it might not seem like gold all the time, I still like the unique look it's bringing to my army . I can't post this without mentioning our member 'Whitescar', who's EC army has been my inspiration. The shield on my champion is a copy of his design, and you might notice more elements that match his army (though I don't dare to think my army gets any where near his it looks). So here we go: http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j146/MorgothNL/IMG_1639_zpskxzqm1i8.jpg http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j146/MorgothNL/IMG_1631_zpsld3ry1lh.jpghttp://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j146/MorgothNL/IMG_1630_zpsyy917chf.jpghttp://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j146/MorgothNL/IMG_1629_zpslfeop6lz.jpghttp://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j146/MorgothNL/IMG_1627_zpsvewrzobz.jpghttp://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j146/MorgothNL/IMG_1626_zpshhggrlih.jpghttp://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j146/MorgothNL/IMG_1625_zpsp8vdmwhv.jpghttp://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j146/MorgothNL/IMG_1624_zpsxaugcfdr.jpghttp://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j146/MorgothNL/IMG_1628_zpsusgpgu3d.jpghttp://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j146/MorgothNL/IMG_1622_zpsycvgmuuj.jpg
  7. Well after a long period of inactivity, and my partner in crime on here pursuing XIII madness, I thought it was time I had my own Heresy WIP thread. Some of the things shown at the beginning are not new, but I promise if you keep going there is some new content! This thread will primarily chronicle my build progress of the 7th Chapter, 3rd Great Company, XIV Legion, along with any other heresy stuff I get up to. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y264/Madoktopus/W30k/imagejpg1_zps6c9d476e.jpg 'There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter' - ancient Terran proverb. 'In war, there are only two kinds of people. The quick, and the dead' - Unknown "The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppose. Unlucky for him, we are the XIV legion and we shall never falter" - Tamadas Dion, Legion Praetor 7th Chapter, 3rd Great Company, XIV Legion on the eve of the Sapathadis reclamation. "For to be poised against fatality, to meet adverse conditions gracefully, is more than simple endurance; it is an act of aggression, a positive triumph" - Remembrancer Cataro Flande, aboard 'Echo of Barbarus' (Sentinel Class). "Confront them with annihilation, and they will then survive; plunge them into a deadly situation, and they will then live. Indeed there is nothing I fear more in this galaxy than the wrath of the immortal XIV Legion" - Remembrancer Cataro Flande, aboard 'Echo of Barbarus' (Sentinel Class). http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y264/Madoktopus/W30k/imagejpg14_zps00f7ba3f.jpg
  8. Find any remnants of the new betrayers that remain in the system. Use whatever and whoever you need. Take them or destroy them as you must. Do it now, my son.” -Rogal Dorn, upon learning of the Massacre at Isstvan V +++ Though Yartsev wore armor that bore markings of the 317th Grand Battalion of Iron Warriors, he only ever referred to his battalion as "The Gravel Eaters." They bore the name as both compliment and insult in equal measure. It had come from a particularly grueling campaign on some forgotten world at the edge of the Ghoul Stars, where they had dug their emplacements in the rough earth so fast that their allies remarked that they must have consumed the gravel beneath them rather than shoveling it. Yartsev had responded with a remark about excreting bricks, which earned him the favor of everyone in the 317th who heard it. But the siege ended and so did whatever good humor the Gravel Eaters possessed about their lot in the universe. They certainly hadn’t expected reassignment to the Sol Sector. Fortifying what few cities existed beneath Pluto's artificial atmosphere seemed like a thankless task and the Gravel Eaters hadn’t exactly relished rearguard duty. He remembered brawl after brawl between squads (the luster of Olympian discipline on full display). Better fighting lay well beyond the bounds of the Sol Sector. Proximity to the throne world meant nothing, either. What had the Emperor ever cared for them? When they received new orders from Perturabo himself though, then things had gotten interesting. Suddenly the Gravel Eaters became the vanguard, tasked with establishing a foothold in the domain of the Emperor Himself. Treachery had proved kind to them. No more nagging from useless Engiseers who didn’t understand the importance of a sound bunker versus yet another edifice in praise of the Machine God. Even better, they had killed the few Imperial Fists who Rogal Dorn had insisted oversee their work on Pluto. The arrogance of him. The swill-swallowing coward. They had dug themselves in for months, arrayed themselves for war in a way that might even make their temperamental primarch proud, and drilled until their post-human bodies sang in exhaustion. So the fact that Sigismund had broken their lines within the first minutes of engagement came as something of a surprise. They had assurances from Perturabo this would not happen. Their primarch said that any retribution coming for them would stay soundly on Terra after he crushed the Imperial Fists force bound for the Isstvan system. All that had fallen to shambles. Sigismund had come and brought the wrath of his father with him. Worse, he had brought a group of Imperial Fists that seemed as zealous as himself. Not just the idiots who stood in front of their damnable Temple of Oaths (Temple of Arse, more like), but every single legionnaire seemed a cut apart from the famous stoniness of the Imperial Fists. They roared their hate at the Iron Warriors for the oaths they had broken to the Emperor and then they bellowed their own dedication to the Iron Warriors’ eradication. Before Yartsev could even reload his bolter for the first time in the fight, he took a kick to the head that sent his empty weapon flying and his form sprawling against the opposite side of the tench he had occupied. He felt a massive blade crash his ribcage and pin him to the wall of the trench. The Black Sword gleamed with light from nearby fires, its ebony surface as dark as the sky above. “You will tell me where your Warsmith is, Iron Warrior.” Yartsev tried to spit at the First Captain of the Imperial Fists, but the saliva didn’t leave his MK II helm. He simply shook his head in protest, the pain of his impalement driving the words from his mouth. Sigismund tore his sword free and with a single swift stroke, split the Iron Warrior’s helm vertically. “Damn traitors. Can’t even follow the orders of a superior officer now.” +++ And thus it begins. With the all-but-confirmed plastic Heresy set coming at us in the fall, I took the plunge. More accurately I put my foot in the water to gage the the temperature, but yeah. I'm in there. So the idea for the force is to represent Sigismund and his brethren in the Age of Darkness, before the siege of Terra. These Fists are striking out across the Sol Sector on Dorn's orders and eliminating the remaining traitor legionnaires, like the Iron Warriors on Pluto (deployment I made up, happily accepting feedback on my Iron Warriors portrayal). I have some strong ideas about where Sigismund's character is at this point and how he starts thinking about the legions during this time. He isn't the first High Marshal yet. He isn't even the Emperor's Champion yet. But and that changes how he thinks. Anyway, expect some construction in the future and maybe some paint in late August/early September (when I'm back in school).
  9. I figured I start this thread since no one else has, granted these are mostly my observations since my 30k experience is limited. So please, if you have suggestions post it. I'm still fully building my SOH army is I am by no means the authority on SOH Tactics. First Discussion: Troops Choice Reavers vs Tactical Marines It seems better to take Maloghurst than ROW Black Reaving to have Reavers as troops but are Reavers as Troops better than the 20 man blob of Tacticals with apothecary ? 20 tactical marines w. Vox and sergeant w. PW (maximize merciless fighter) and artificer armor for 280 The best tactical load out can be discussed in length but I am just looking for a baseline to compare Reavers Vs 15 Reavers w Banestrike Bolters Cheiften w. PW and artificer armor runs 380 So for 100 more points you get five less marines, lose the ability to re-roll failed morale but gain outflank and AP 3 Bolters with precision shot. It seems as if instead of replacing Tacticals for Reavers as the troops backbone they do a better job complementing each other on the battlefield. As the Tacticals slogg upfield towards an objective the Reavers come in on what seems to be Turn 2 with the ability to re roll 1 on reserves, to claim a midfield or backfield obj and support your army by getting in their shorter range ap 3 precision shots. What do you guys think? Have you ran purely footslogging Reavers or have you paired Tacticals and Reavers or do you find it better to give them rhinos or assault packs? (This post is in pieces because my iPad likes to time out before I post)
  10. https://youtu.be/iI9G1-h8QV8 Skimask Mohawk's Talons of the Emperor vs Stricken1's Night Lords. http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e86/bulimic_possum/2017%20playerunkowns%20battlegrounds%20pubg%20screenshots/d-1_zpsrohiqs9j.jpg http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e86/bulimic_possum/2017%20playerunkowns%20battlegrounds%20pubg%20screenshots/d-2_zpselfn8dek.jpg
  11. I need quite a few phased plasma fusils, and I was wondering has anyone converted these? Any suggestions how to do this? I'm tempted to be lazy and simply use plasma guns, but it doesn't feel right. http://www.beastsofwar.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Forge-World-Thallanx-Cohorts.jpg Any advice or ideas are very much welcome!
  12. Guess what, Heralds of Ruin Kill Team has their new edition out...8th Edition!!! Right now it's a working copy and army lists are soon to follow, but feedback would be much appreciated. Come and see what it's all about. Links below for the FB Group and website. We have many of the factions in 30k, 40k, and the fluff represented, more in the works, so check it out! I'll answer any questions you may have...thanks! Website http://heralds-of-ruin.blogspot.co.uk/p/kill-team-rules.html FB Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/481345801919687
  13. “My Lord, we have… a report.” “... Lord Hale? Are you well?” “... Icran?” Icran Hale turned from the armourglass window where he had been standing, immobile. His Master of Ships, a slender, hard-faced woman, was staring up at his vast form, concern in her eyes. Her brown hair was slipping out of its usually well-kept bun, and she looked exhausted. “My Lord, my apologies if I was over-familiar. It is just… you haven’t left your quarters for a significant period of time. Lord Knos was on the verge of shuttling over to us to see what was wrong. The crew have been unable to sleep due to...” Icran furrowed his brow. “Knos need not concern himself, Persephone. I recognise I have been... withdrawn, of late. There has been much to consider in light of, well -” he swept one massive, armoured hand towards the window. “I need not elaborate further.” Persephone swallowed, trying not to look out of the window into the void. The storm unnerved her. It unnerved the entire crew, and seemingly affected even the transhuman Astartes aboard. Baseline humans had suffered terrible dreams since the warp-miasma had howled into existence just days previously. Icran continued, his voice a rumbling bass. “My understanding is that none of the fleet Astropaths have been able to pierce this storm. It is as though the Five Hundred Worlds have been entirely consumed by the Immaterium. I can only assume some vile process unleashed by Lorgar’s witchspeakers. We have entirely lost the trail of the Red Angel's beasts.” He strode across his quarters, his yellow Terminator armour clanking across the deck. Persephone’s neck craned back further as he approached. “Give me your assessment, Shipmaster.” “My Lord, I cannot recommend the fleet making any attempt to traverse the warp-storm. It is larger than any storm recorded in our databanks. What is worse, the Navigators report that the light of the Astronomicon cannot pierce the storm. If we entered it, we would be entirely blind.” She handed him a dataslate, which looked to be the size of a playing card in Hale’s vast gauntlets. He read it, digesting the complex information in a glance. Hale frowned further, looking back out of the window into the heart of the Ruinstorm. The stars outside of the ship were stained a bruised purple, with flickering lights dancing across the void. Here and there, strange and unsettling shapes manifested in swirls of teeth and eyes. Across the other side of the ship was a clear, glittering view of realspace, standing in stark contrast. Hale sighed. “Please hail Lord Knos.” Persephone nodded, moving across the modest chambers of the Household Commander to manipulate a small console set by the door. She spoke softly into a grille, before turning to nod at Hale. “Lord Knos?” Hale’s voice boomed across his living chambers, as he moved into view of a pict-camera mounted on the ceiling. “Lord Hale,” a voice crackled from recessed speakers. Hale gestured for Persephone to stand beside him, as a pict-image flashed up on a pictscreen in the living chambers. It was grainy, but clearly showed a tall figure armoured in brilliant cobalt blue plate, trimmed in burnished gold. “Lord Knos, I assume you have seen the reports from the Astropaths and Navigators?” “I have. It makes for grim reading. The Five Hundred Worlds are sealed behind this storm. It appears to be larger and more intense than anything seen since Old Night. The Emperor’s Light cannot pierce the sorcerous murk. My men would have us plunge into its heart, to defend Ultramar no matter the cost...” The Ultramarine left the sentence hanging. “I do not doubt the valour of their intentions, but I must question the value of such a sacrifice. If we send the battlegroup into that storm, we will not emerge from the Immaterium. We… we do not even know if Ultramar still stands.” Knos snarled in fury, his image on the pict-screen distorting as he spat out his words. “Make no mistake, Icran. Guilliman is alive. He has not suffered the same fate as Lord Manus, or Lord Corax. He lives. Ultramar lives.” “We cannot know anything for certain while the storm persists, and it shows no sign of abating. We were sent to the fringes of Ultramar to hunt Angron’s mindless beasts, but now we may as well be becalmed.” “What are you suggesting? That we abandon Ultramar? We abandon the Five Hundred Worlds? We spit on our oaths and trample our banners? That we run?” Hale surged towards the pict-screen, startling Persephone. “Never speak like that to me again, Knos. Think about what you are saying. If I let you and your men spend your lives like worthless coin and die in the warp, then I may as well throw my lot behind the scum we once called our brothers. We need to focus on what matters.” Knos’ face softened, and he learned into the pict-camera, his face filling the screen. “And what, Household Commander Hale, is ‘what matters’?” Hale straightened, squaring his vast shoulders. “Terra. The Throneworld.” Knos said nothing for a moment. “You mean to take the fleet, set course for Terra, and what? Fight through the Warmaster’s burning front lines to enter the most secure system in the Imperium? With a handful of ships? Past tens of thousands of traitors, millions of their rabid followers and the warp-beasts that they command?” “It is still a better plan than sailing into the largest warp storm humanity has ever seen without the Astronomicon to guide us.” Hale turned to Persephone. “How long would it take?” The Shipmaster bit her lip, thinking hard. “Ordinarily, with favourable currents? Six months. We are on the western edge of Ultramar, but reaching Sol still requires passing across a vast amount of space.” Hale looked back at the pict-camera. “Six months in peacetime, so a year or more in wartime. We will still reach Terra before the Warmaster. And we will carve through any traitors we find on the way.” Knos looked off-screen, clearly conversing with some of his captains who were in the ship’s bridge with him. He sighed, in a rush of static through the comm-link. He was no fool, and knew rushing back into the warpstorm would achieve nothing. “To Terra then. But, Icran, you must promise me something.” “Anything, brother.” “If we find loyal Imperials in need, whether they be fellow Astartes, Imperial Army regiments, or non-combatants -” “We will bring the full wrath and fury of the Mountainfire Company upon any traitors in our path. And I would hope the Masalian Fifteenth would be by our side, shoulder to shoulder.” Knos nodded, with a small smile. “Well then. I believe your Shipmaster has some preparations to be making.” Icran Hale nodded, returning the smile before terminating the comm-link. Persephone snapped to attention, executing a crisp salute. Hale looked down at her, the smile still on his face. “Shipmaster. Plot course to Terra.” +++++ Hello all! Welcome to the project diary for the Mountainfire Company, a Horus Heresy Imperial Fists/Ultramarine Shattered Legion force. I’d had Imperial Fists rattling around in my head as a force to do for some time, and I finally got started recently with some Cataphractii Terminators. As I was part-way through the first squad… I read Betrayer. The scene (keeping spoilers to a minimum) involving the Ultramarine breacher wall made me almost want to drop the Imperial Fist project then and there in favour of the boys in blue, before I had a brainwave. I dreamt up the idea of a combined Fists/Ultramarines shattered legion force, crusading their way from Ultramar to Terra. The idea is that Icran Hale, the Household Commander of the Mountainfire Company, was on a cooperation assignment in Ultramar at the outbreak of the Heresy. The Dropsite Massacre occurs, followed by Calth. He buddies up with Gregor Knos, a no-nonsense Ultramarine Commander, and together they chase down some World Eaters on the edge of the Five Hundred Worlds… only to be cut off by the true eruption of the Ruinstorm as Lorgar’s Shadow Crusade reaches its zenith. Unable to re-enter Ultramar, they decide to return to Terra, killing any traitors in their path. Below is a small gallery of what I’ve done so far - two squads of Cataphractii Terminators, designed to be mixed-specialist close-combat veterans, with an assault cannon thrown in for rule-of-cool. Oh, did I mention everyone is going to have shields? Thats right, this is a Stone Gauntlet force! I’m working to build a 30k Centurion Mode army. The principles here are simple - infantry, walker and skimmers only. No tanks. Things like artillery or Leviathans are 0-1. This should mean the army is very infantry heavy, and aimed to crush other infantry heavy forces. Next on the table are two (thats right, two) Deredeo dreadnoughts, and the first of the Ultramarine breachers. Watch this space… Pictures: http://i.imgur.com/plBYZGqh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/RtC8sBLh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/TE6wsOZh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/yxErqS7h.jpg http://i.imgur.com/bT6Glzbh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ezjhOufh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/uU9yNYgh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/lkniPijh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/GYaxMXHh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/xV7645Hh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/1PFVKmBh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/SofWyTnh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/DsAgWijh.jpg
  14. I've always been inspired by the truescale marines on here and other sites. When me and a buddy started playing a campaign of Shadow War: Armageddon recently, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to have a crack at a few of my own. My friend Dan plays Grey Knights, with me as Night Lords Chaos Space Marines. I've been building up an VIIIth Legion army for the past 18 months now since properly getting back into the hobby. I decided that the models from my Kill Team could double up quite nicely as a Command Squad in 30K, provided I did a bit of magnetising here and there. I've posted a few pics here and there on Instagram under @gunnersberry but thought it was about time to start a proper log in the hopes of helping out anyone else who's looking for inspiration with making truescale marines, especially now that the Primaris marines are here! http://i.imgur.com/JCMOvst.jpgMeet Rakdul, my Kill Team Gunner, magnetised on both arms so he can be equipped with either an autocannon or power fist depending on if it's SW"A or a Heresy game. The torso is NL Forgeworld torso and the legs are from the Chaos Slaughterpriest that came with the first issue of the new White Dwarf a while back. http://i.imgur.com/NgdiYjG.jpg"Alpha", a lone Alpha Legionnaire who's attached himself to my Night Lords warband for some strange, undisclosed reason... I used a pair of Cataphractii legs with the Forgeworld AL parts. http://i.imgur.com/BKYHNGA.jpgRakdul and Alpha on the painting table. http://i.imgur.com/sJVX9GE.jpgClose up on Alpha. Need to go back and redo the sword.
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